HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 10acy vtlefs Drug Store 4 P0131314; PrestOttiOn4 ACcumteb compounded. :litre Drava ant Chemicals a specialty. • —Mud Ilseo To4et Artteleet Itettnece, sponses,-, .—Spectuiales, etc, ttiw4ye in vett(— ' BELL : TELEPHONE ; CENTAAL OFFICE, of the; &et este Journalism. It emits auly e$ tier plat, aid Ar pataanage were 4)104% ll'otimi3d in aeeerdarme with merit , - ft would he itt every Canadian. household 100aat (facet, tiim, r(grente who wish their growing, hey $ arid atria te be AnfiRenoeti in 1 -right. Welei slugthi not overlook thie powerful slowly, Satlelriptione eau be sent (trent to Grip, Toronto. re for We have our store full of all kinds of pirmegois. CI Xastar Pere/il1 was visiting fiend in Toronto bat weak. .i' Frank Brad - win spent a few days with his patents last week—Miss Nellie Pauth. is visiting Meads jalt Wiligham this week:,Mr S. Snail; wife and fatudy, of Toronto,speut a few days with friends in Wingham dining tie week—INTr., .A.lbert Bra4vin, irwal.SIIIP end alkiel,ID TItt,44 7OW$1101(E,T iet the: Toronto: Telegram, is spending a (ex days with his parents.. Master Geo, Sills spent,.. Christame with friends la Searort,142fr- Tho a Agnew, of the Toronto 'University, spent a few days with. his unole, in Wingbam Mr. Ob.as. Baldwin, of Harriston, span Christmas I with hiaparents..21r.Frank 21eLaughlin, ' ed Great Astractian Goats „ OtTICE. bantam, • . • Ont, c caingani film FRI.DAY, JANUARY 2. :891. LOCAL NEW.1.1- -1000 lbs ConversatitIn Lozenges at It Rill's to be sold tt,t 20 •6 cents per le, —The first carnival of the season will be held in the rink on :New Year'snight. —Just arrived for the Christmas trade at It Hill's, 1000 the of mixed (study at 1.2 anti 14 ceutb mr Ib. —The St Paul's Sabbath School en- tertainment, on. Tuesday evening was atd success In every rospect. The. cantata was well rendered and highly' appreciated. —Frt)sh oranges, leinolis,fige, nuts. sugar raistue, Malaga grapes, and everythiog to be found itt liras. class 12uit store ap -,- alarm -et. tire on Saturday evert- ing betlik.sht out the fire brigade, but luokily their „ servleas wore not re- quized, on --)-4f the cairnneys of Patersoo's hotelbeing on Are. Iteecre purchasing your r4ilte a look htougtii Abtati and to4OGY ght.g$. .0 '61,, will he etn Led.,•‘1Y unias • Pres. eu'ite stock ina. Yea YATE4. • , —r� IL, Williams is; now s.ble to be out again, after the severe injury he snots:toed 'sone of ugf shoat lees last week. Ta be Atta404 tQ .tbo louse at any thea is baa ..eurouttla;',1afteit seems touch worse digital; altoliviteasetni. a.nd*atild prizes in the SUy. coin L the Winitharn fedi% were both s Smith & Co, of tiles, •'Tits A. (line & Co are aole liktrja,le in WinOnto, ;jig ofAe-; jTurnberry • wjt1V bekia ]or. )l1 Knatiday, Jan 'tick p.m., for the election 44 directorsist':•-41`tiot!rs for the ensuing lea„rioadestilaCriiKpg,a . All reemberti and interesting viortie:40 cordially invited to atm:1M)% :!4 Aith, I, tht,o'v large st-; ck or 'Fruits and Confection- ;‘ery ttt'tf ‘Attir rest ituran t. gottday evening last, the follow ing were inetalled by W. Bro. P. M., J.E. „ Tainlyn as the officers of Winglut ziolag No. 28% .k.r.nnti LAS: T.Y. M., e J;X1.1, ItiscOcks; W. 'VI., W Bro.W, . W., tiro. A. G. McGregor , ...Z9e, T. Black; Chap., Bro. J r; Treas. W Bro. B. 'Willson; Secy. ty. J. A. Mort; J. G., Bro. S. J. ; S. D. Bro. S. A. Meldrum ; D., W. tiro. T. Bell ; Dir. Cer., W, Bro. 4littstlyn ; Stewards, Bros. J. Fleuty, T- ory. Ob. What A Cella. ymt itiptel the warning / The signal Pti of the sore approach of that wore 0 disease Consumption. Ask your you eau afford for the sake of ,60o., to ruu the risk and do nothing We know from experience that '14 011113 wifl euro your cough. It * .ettlp 101. At ie.beginniug of each year the intent, , . 0.16 especitilry if ,he be tie head pt 44 fat• YAMPA RIM* the pupate ne'will subset- . This in It matter ot very great U i 1306, M% as the amount tint .s' ,1 • be i o vywated is woolly ht./rite-dm/It & little 4.,,, thonaht tanat be extarailked if tt wise choice .is to be •. Next to the loon!. paper—for ata tattoia . :i.lved (Aisne willful] to support o tr. or ot heir Mats b ante ortpers—the journal wl'4'1., itlorafe*ho hest rap° for the inoney i.i the corunt Gripicoar national hum ror- owl mtnalt weekly visits freighted as % -44k xays is with Nab, bright !!Id cleanly ru\ of pen 4.4, erica. are events; of the mem; piteeneablia aeiortatioe. ,to flartudian ifive grlatee* 4 re:1,1201°11"dr; Ill'e Icitt sue" y nd. at it may come nown, homes front the crew to the Peet* the refire/dm, tit an eportf,000 expefi66, are StZi•OLP in inshloil wit ', strfeltgbt by the children plAcingeSimile Bottle Fre tt into every home pt wog EA theft' •L. nara for el it in ti, iti the United WIWI sod Canada. 1. if you hoe ftweros a pea& 6.5.., *Th ,etee and ho,,ith . a Cough, Sore Throat, or Brett, chitig, usejt, for it will cure you. if your child has the t; ,fal latiahlwr, th •,. iliiittid ancrotaat of ot whocong Cato tine itpromtiy, and rel f whir& Ps v -t-, Eta ark *both , le *we. If yea druid that firettlioes ' ane* IA ot ft,- , •tidoll :tht of. . i Costittroptiot% net It. Aik Your Druggist (‘,.,),2. :I( St/11.0114 CURt, Price 16 oats., o- ate, *too 04141 l (-- ..„.:, :4114 *oo. if rete ,t , ,;;„;.+.t', 6.•)'(04.4 ---------It 1 OW, --y wet' *Pei WARM AND COMFORTABlitE G. Turs 1 for this season of the year. renty ..t * , Laclies' Astrachan. • Coats, • Beaver Capes, Storm Gollazs, Astrachan Setts, LongBoas in black and color- . of Detroit, is spending a few days with his parents . Kr. Fred Brown, of Mount • Forest, formerly of Wingham, passed through towii on his way to Exeter, .1Ntr. Geo. Fate is spending his holidays in Mitchell, with his parents —Mrs. Wm, Swan, or Listowel, is visiting her son's, Ur. Bobt Swan—Mx, Wm, Guest, of Itipley,26pent Christmas in town; ,Mr. D, MeQuaig, of Lucknow, was in town on Mitturday. , , Mr. Norman and Miss Sarah Farquharson Spent Christmas in. Teeswater, . , Miss • Jennie Raird spent Christmas with friend e in Seaforth— Master II. Ramsay, or this town, spent a few* days with his parents in Teeswater, last week.pr. John Wilson and wife, of Lincoln, ebraska, returned home on Tuesday night las, Miss Treble is spend- ing her holidays i Exeter,vvith friends.. Mr. F. E. Guest, of Lucknow,, spent Saturday in town —Mr, W. rfmIyn is home for the holidays.. Mr, Nan Bitch- .anan, wife and child, wore in town a few days this week—Mrs. John Norris and Miss Ada'roster are visiting in Windsor. Mr. Fred W:Young, of Calgary, N. W is visiting relatives in town. Mr. Young has been Ave yea& in the west andAselighted with the country and climate .Mr. john Davis, of Goderich, spent hristmas under the parental roof in 'town.,Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, of Walkerton, spent Christmas with their sone; in, town—Miss Marion Inglis is home from Goderich Collegiate InstitUte for the holidayd:;. Master coo, McTavish, of' @oderiel, •spent a fair days in town with his'parents, loaf weeit:.Mrs, Eli Seymour was visiting friends in Gorrie and vicinity, last week—Miss emery is in Brussels attending her brother, who is ill. Mr. F. Dawson is home from Tor- onto for a few holidays—Mies Snell is home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ..Wm. Snell .. Mr. W. E. Groves,of Torontc, is in WWII visiting friends. BORN. * RowLas--In Wingham, on the 28rd Done:ober, the wife of Mr. John, Bowel4 a dinghter, • - avinson—Txt Wingliaru, 071 the 23rd December, the.wife of Mr. Frank David - so a daughter. Wingham, on the llth December, the wife' of Mr. Ohas. Manserr a daughter. lifiritanovsn—In Kudos, on the 20th December, the wife at Mr. Thos. Miro- house; a daughter. ' maziktsit. trocoxertEos—nos--Li Morris by the Rev. R. Godfrey, at the the residence of the bride's lather, on Deo. 17th, 1890, Mr. D. MeCuteheort, to Miss Eliza J. Roe, all of Morris. 2•TOTIOE TO =33TORS. All partiea indeb d te me, either by overdue note pr oolc accounts, ars re- quested to mak immediate settlement, as 1. have (lisp. „ed of my. practice and property, and intend leaving Wingbara te. All not settled b, the att early 31st of Ja arys1891, will be placed in Court for olleotion, WM, Rmb, V. S. NV'• am, Dec. 30th, 1890. or...* h. • SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION • 4rbs stews et, tliis Creat.tottgit Cara 'without a parallel fit the history of medicine. All druggists are authorited te sell it on a pos. and Fur Caps A BEALETTES, all prices. SILKS and, SATINS, all colors and prices. NOVELTIES in Fancy Felts, Table Covers, Table Scarfs, Mantle Drapes, Chair Scarfs in endless variety. We are Sole Agents for these ' goods. Don't fail to see them. • oar seerle pose tt • Wel Itnda i ROA GOotle Ifid Over We bat must g artothet 'We winter euttfe You', , ,Xpriog • :four ati them iflaY ba now thi clOur a Inen, 31 )0txt reighbc also. 1 good tu •Asict 2,000,000 Eri". Tlaving Oared a, Saw in connection with our Furniture Faetory, we beg to intiinate that we will buy all kinds a Bard and Soft Timber, and will pay the HigheSt PRICOS for the same, notwithstanding any oeports, to the contrary, In the first instance we manufacture all our own Lumber ihto Furnit ure,aud Ilse all the, refuse forfuel, giving us:tbk advantage in every respect, We have advertised for 2,000,000 lett of Logs and we intend to have thc14, so calr-upon us and 'see what we will do for you LOOK AT OUR PRICES, - And patronize the parties who increased the prides for vim. onn ',LITOTES. •13 PROT. Soft Elm• $6 00... $6 60 .... ... .... ..... . .... ..,........ 7 8 00 Black Ash. •7 60 . , 8 00 • .Busswood .......... 7 50.. t. 200 7 50 8 00 'Batch; ' 6 50 7 00 • • Hemlock cut 14, 16 and 18 feet $4 50 to 5 00 Tamarac Cut 9 feet 5-00 " 5 50 Tine and all other Timber, prices in propertion. • Tad De • —,0314 on. —Vor • r Od pea °obi Rush along your Logs and we will, endeavor to satis customers. GILCHRIST GREEN- & CO 9 19 0E1 AM. AL L A N LI N 73 money to Loau on Notes. • ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, CHW.EXCIISIONs to -EUROPE. " rorteigeny ;nano :rein Portland or Halifax, To Derry or Liverpool. CABIN BATES, $4.0.$80 and SOO:Single; $80.' and 43110 neturn, ancinding to location of Staterooms. • NO CATTLE �412,1E» INTZASIMIATC, Outward $25; Prepaid NO. 'Steerage et lowest rates. Accommodations tmetufassed. Apply to IL & A. ALI41, Montreal, or HENRY' EiA.N18, Wrneatax.' THE OLD RELIABLE . - welba; to owe that he is selant erist.etasta meats of all Wilds os -low in pricoAsanyout else lts, Bingham FliEtif'DiEF*PORK and 1A1ViB SAUSAGES* HEADCHEESE*: to,* on bend seseoh. 4 ...,...... As tenni, meats tieliyored to all pnetsot the tome. iRenennber the eitop—Opposite tat tank of thianiaota, Wi!gharc, ltoratinfer ;Oh; 11% Notes Discounted AT R41,SONA131.3E • RAVES. Money advanced on Mortgages at II per cent...with privilege of paying at the end o any year. Isotes and accounts collected, ' ROUT. IttoINDOO. Os.—Beavor Meek. Mt:Nun. Ont. 41.1 .BOTAND SHOE SHOO," Itcravonri&nAnott Trfavintr pUrcharted theVustotie Ilutt/ness ft§ bilegro McCormick & Co, wish to Intirnate that they lisse* opened out in the shop two deers south of T A „ . store, Wiugham. , Beata and Shoes made to order from the Bret Stock, on short notice. repairing neatly st.tt promptly done. • The patronage a thopuinice.)licited, and All work miaranted. hfcLA.110EILIIN & RAIU 110bUltY FL Ei ".'•• t7; , ',ow, • os' AT ok. chi • ,,, •at•presst • liOiVarf.o' „ 2,4 J -.Th •• tura /' tiaalt wi --Vor getfts" Itemem al 4 lane. • year, b 104:400:11; nesday .13t4trit;11311::• er449:::::,Watiashtr:Tbee • ). Anti $4 to their " ....0y -- beenru .04 )3)olts 5;4; oattoletti atitligif ▪ taalanda Altoggis lives be tier re, WINGETAivil ONT, argly§tockft Pri 1. .1„.4 zAtii ;