HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 711,
,,,, iiryl :irok:Di( {Q
gi �g3 ;1 ut; ,V4?
IW any t lili
eu of tat; ,,,uATio ,,,,,,,
epaet was AO it41' ro,, _I
,ssoment of thit,k,o, otteln
ern was crowdei...to tio
Rev MS
partake of the; ' ara,
o r.
I tho chair anii lit it in
reeable manner. T4,4 fat
11. v. Mr, llimytne, or
vhtt optertaitteti the, (WOW.'
) of 20 suiontes: Reis,
,, (lilp[seopaltiao,1 of Oorrlit„
;swish -et attention ot tile
his hrief address. Reit,
(Presbyterials,) was the
r, and hie address, as well
.140 others, woe bli‘iateter,
teasdly feeling to alilAhris....
oationa and triedtsti
ments into. his Enterers,
sntiotpated as the intelieet.
the evening was now vat..
or, Mr. Qrstlin, 1). D. I'
he spoke of the inion of:
nit denosuiattions aabeing
sonelnsion aila a matter of,
thought the only banter
; union of thePresbyterians
Lists svould be the'! Woman
tad also said as a
m he would be willing to.
he polity of his church if'
wriatts Would give up their
-Ilts remarks thronghout
sterized by humor aod were
•ecieted by. the orowa of
A tinaneial statement wns.
)y the Chairman and rond-
. Co rk. From the alsove ..
known that the churelt
I' With the exception of
Dr. Griffin then request.
i from the crowd, In lessi
y minutes thd ant mlut w
more. The proa anis of til,
125, and the collection on
Ling Sunday amounted tra
finishup, an Orange 8 Icral
ti Dao 9:,2ncl, at which an
s delirered ity Rev. M%
of St. Marys,, ou
1,uReu.'-Your 'coeresptstidr,
ve an tteetraut of the cl‘ureh,
near future. This oppor-
[so taken of wishing the
arry Xmas and a Happy
ocil met Dec 15, 1890, in' .
)tel, Fordwielt, pursuant /
nt. IV moberi. ail trreselloo...
in the chair. NI Mutes of.f
rg 704 and approved, 1y -
read and -pasod. The
ve.d;$12 from Win Hill -
1 W Joeqnes, for old bridge
u by council on con, 10,
I 21;,nioney to be handed to
Nloved by Mr Dunnage, )
y IlIr Graham, that the
Icipts„ And expenditure be
in detail, also a statement
rad liabilities, in r.ccordancr
)te-Oorrietl. Moved,lry)Mr. ,..
conded.bi Mr Graham, that \
rer lay A Statut before v ,,
I at next meeting of the *.. ' \
rehats,on each Government
le Government re,ceivMg the
id annual payineut of princi-,
nouths before due.--Ostrried„
tbe reeve read in reference
s done during the year by
of Health, and it was moved
alutin,that each merrtner re.
being..,12 per day, and •the
receive $t extra. -Oared.,
: 1,1r Gralinin, seconded by
its, that the Cotincillors each
for council and commis -
and the reeve $60, and
Is be isSned or same.-
Aceount'Pessec1-11 Wiley,
• lot 11, eon 8; E.+ Twam,
or repairing culvert, lot 14,„
J Vittie.$1 for repairing cal -
LO, con12; .A.lex King, $1.75
it hall ; J McKee, $11_.12,
, lot :0, con 1 ; 0 Hayden,
grading, lot 80, eon A
Iker,'$.5, for onlvert, lot 80,
Horton, $4 00, for , charity
ttie;„ 1.r Underwood, $1, re-,
alvert,lot 1, con 18.; ddSatid-
er daub lot 10,con A; 3'
1, $8.73, fei‘ gravel
$17.32, for Mrs Shaw 8-
B Gibson, $3, for repairing
lt i8 on 4; A Pattetson $1,
17ing oulvert,con ‘2'; JAnsley,
plass and specificatiosis oe
iivert.; ‘v nNewton .$4.25,
fur. Mrs Shate an4 Mrs .
d; .3. Donaghy,. $180, for.,
a Proudlove, $2, fur bitch
ud apolied for to be trook
of Revision; E Jamteson.
'pairs of oridge, lot 8, oor
I New, $10, board of health,
Perkin*, $10, board of health
a4n, . 160), for enencsil -t'ret
1,ev; feta ; 44Itartftra,
i.i.4 .
r '
,,,,,,', 9k0),,1110,,, 0 V.,i,,,0i[
,, 2. i t,;14,1ii,,,, , . ; 6 ii.:r.N4/".,04•••• • -416 ON A 1
•••• i' ' '.."111 .i'
S•A• . . ; .
' ; * •;e; .
fees Ale; Graham, $00,
4 commission fees ; U S
for ;,loutzoil, eantalissiot
Weed of health. fors Wrn Deno*
100, port of salary, Moved ity Mr,
ultnage, sezooded by Mr Graltans,
, that the cuunoil d ow adjourn, ---Car
Dg,tn, Clerk.
ouowouo our 4' 4r auck
Miao, Porter, after having taught
three years in S S No 6, Tornherry,
its leaving for tile Normal, and held a
Christmas tree itt the a'hoot on tflon
day night, It was a gruel ettcoess,
tha 3obavl, being orowsied to overt' Avy ng,
The programme started at ' often),
and Consisted of instrumental and
vocal innate, ecitVions, dialogues,
brigades, drills and tableaux. Then
Santa Chula iesceisded the ohlinney to
the tree. Miss Portor Was called to
the front and en address road by Miss
Celina Cowden, and presentation nlade
by Mary Elt &yea anti Sarah
on tilialf of the %boot. A. handsome
plush ladfos• dressing oase,silver batter
dish and a handsome glove reeeiver,
containing a pair of kid. gloves, Santa
Clans then took from the tree and
presentod to the young people five
brindred and thirty-.)ne presents.
Many of them expensive presents,
8 ime of the Wingbant boys were not •
forgotten by Santa Clatt3 aid present-
ed- with a (start.). The following was
the address:
To 'Miss Porter,
MAR. "NUMB% -It IS with deep
regret via loam that in the UN; r
future pat intend to sever your .001;-
11400u with S. S. No 6, and we•can.
not allow this opportuairy to pass
away without giving you dome small
token ia loving remembrance of your
srirvice as teacher in bur sahool. Ytiti
• •Insve won the respget and esteetn, Mit
on'y of your own pupils, but of ail
the community. As a teacher pin
lioNe entered heartily into every
moveirient set oo foot for the pupils,
good, while in the school you hatso I)r. Forster, Jas. Banton, R. Shields,
shown youtselt an able expounder of J Bettsoltene, W "Lynch, J NV Mer -
_ .•, .
W4DZATIOWS 14427.2WHEtt12.
si WwAkosu-4.41v9 T a
raykr. DeputiNilaavc4 riillay Au-
derson. Couneilors.D' Patterson, R
Sidell and I) Robertson, by acciaMa-
KINE,oks-Reev, Jus Gaunt, by
aeolaulation. Deputy.Iieeve, Mo.-
tutosit,h'v acclamation. Councillors,
Kaak0,-b, Ii,awsqin, 3 Young, 'W
Valens, 11,1\14)4°150n, ti Moffat;
rz,vrowo,..--Aayor-- W. M, Bruce,
\V, CT, EL.LY. Bove -Sante i Lir 1Q1c,
er, T. E. flay. Deputy reeve -Win,
Welsh, lie. Parke. 0 nincillorts
snuck Ward -John Bamford, J, W.
Meyers, A. W. Featheratone, Lewis
Bolton. Gladstene War 1 - Jacob
Saborger, J A. flaelciag; S M;
8 oi h, Victoria Ward -William
Dixon, Jacob fieppler, Ames W04 -
fang. hi, 1,hifferin Ward.
E. Wooffs, W. Pelten. Landsdowne
Ward -J. EL McDonald,
ston, J. U. Gnistlier,, It., T. Kemp.
Flamm:row -1Vloyor pr. S, N.
floury, John Robertson, Reeve -
John L Eedy, W, Taylor, Cotincil,,
lors ;-No. 1 Ward, -Wm, Morley,
;Imes 13ailey. No, 2 Ward -Thomas
Donglas, Win, luting. No, 3 Ward --
L. Brishin FI Leighton. No. 4 Ward
_Era Taylor, John Bradley.
No, 5 Ward -James Smith, Alex.
Watke ELTON. -Mayor -D. Robert-
son, Reeve -R Truax,. Deputy
r eve, -G, Rife, P. Fleirernsit, A.
'Coda, C. W, Stovol. Councillors ;-
West We rd. -S wartz, Beattie, Heffer-
nan, MoKay, Clark. Centre" Ward -
Standish, Bires, Griffiths, Wesley.
East Ward--Molarracher, Dr. Stalk-
er, er i, Jackson, Ritolie.
PAtzrarse'roN -Mayor,- R. John
•atm), J. L. Pollock, A. Hunt and A. M,
Clark.-Eteeve-Jollit Kearns, 13. hie
Ewing 'and W. McLean. Council-
lors :-.North Ward -A. Hnnt, J, AV,
Runt, B LK.'Scott, A. B.sthwiek, W.
'McLean, j. 'D. Merry field, W. A.
Freeland, las. Johnston, S. Caswell.
West Ward-T:'Best. P. A. Robb,
t1 e. work yon bud -to do and a faithful
. teacher. We ask you to bear in mind
as yon receive this small token von
Wee -carry the true wishes of *lour
loving, scholars and friends' of: this
school. And ito v as you leave' them
g`h forth a little farther in )tour
studies, we all join in wishing you
in the future. 1'1ay God
be W-rilOyou till wd 'Meet -again."
Signed- ou behalf of the school. :
MARY E. .Boson.
Ws are sorry to hear that Dix' „J
Wilson, sr,, is laid up with a sore
.honitier tts‘a arm, eauselt by , nervous 1 haps the International 8 8 Lessons.for the
riteematisru•- Mr G Tlinthson ilas tint six mouths of 1881. cover the grouud
returned from South River, Muskoka, .of Sewish History frein 975 to 588 13 0-
i ti Walker has rotorned to Since owning to Cammlth, I have had ' the
lier home ialJacknow, after teaChitig pleasant duty of 'going over th'e same
for a year and e. half. She will he aroma at intervals with, the young folks.
missed by our Endeavor. Society, as
„ I fetidly iniagined to Inake it interesting
al*e Was a.great heip to it. -Rev air by calling their attenpOn. to historical
Priest speitt Oirristrnas in the .neigh- parallels taken from secular history, 1 am
;tan. East Ward -44 Wildman, E K
Scott, Geo Ratz. Hesilewood, 3 11
Anderson, Dr Stewart.
Mour Fo agar M ay or- W
cle rtg h. Reeve -J llarnptoo, J A
Halsted. J Robinson. Deputy reeve
--W Grater, John- Reynolds. Ooun-
eilior: Ward -F' lquOulloeh,
A Marshall, W a Jones, Wm-Tadker,
W Davidson. West: Ward -,T Noo-
nan, 3 Boos, A 3:ainieion, Giro 8dOtt,
Nivett, 3 8 thighs. East Ward --
John Shepard, 1 Itrian, Jatnrs Reid,
W tl.. Kingston. South „Warti-W G
Scott, Relit Scott. A T Gregory,
Jaines Scott, W Roberts.
Tenders will bo received by the under-
eigned, up tM the 24th January,1891, for
the ereetton of and finishing of 4 Brit*
Residence, on ilia farm, being lot 0, Qua.
(*Beton 8, Turnberry. The lowest or any
tender not neceparBy aeoepted. Plans
and speeitleati a OEM b4 seen at my reel -
(Immo. J GEO. klORTUNE,
Wirdharn, P O.
Turrsb ry, Dec. 26th,1890,
In the matter ot Wugattat Commas and
Jous Courana, or the Township of
WawaudshOn. the County of Huron,
A meeting .ot the Creditors of the
above-named :neolvents will be held at
the aloe ot
o Luonq
12th -day
liot T.Mver, of the Village
. S'olicitor, on. Monday, the- if you want a good Suit or Scotch, Irish, or .Cana4an. Tweed at a
January,:44.1).,1891, at two Bargain, go ,o,
the afternoon.
GEoRGg. 4..SIDD41,44, • ' ClOrd011.& McIntyre.
w 0 0
To tits
unicipal Ele
of Wingli
quest of a la
payers of the
nomination for
,the ensuing y ar,
experience n m
;hang alw ys taken,
the prosp ity ofour owing town,l,novv
solicit y r votes andti ;num for that
verynorable and re onsible office;
.and j oiee M to elect e it w411 be
my e 1 times ad-
ors of th..e,
GEN nzaux,-At the re-
n:iber of the Bate).
n, ',have accepted a
e. office of Mayor for
ncl.baxing had a long
mipal affairs, and
a deep interest in
1)s,ut Truss, --As you are aware,per-
borbood -Mr Ea Peiton has come
.home -for a mouth's holidays
Kennedy, whohas bent au sy
l'or some time has. returned _home.-
Res A. NieKihbon, of Victoria College,
Cohnthrr, spent Christmas at his
sister's Ars. F Thomson's. •
• Salem.
On 'Wednesday evening, 17th De.
oember, Mr end :Mrs Iteciclaway en
• tertained a select Marty of friends and
a very enjoyabie evonleg was,spent
"We are pleased to hair that Mr.
David Geannill, who has been lately
confined to his house , tbrontit indis-
position, is now gradually readverino,
-N1 Gallagher, au old and respest.47d
inhabitant of this locality, is seriously
ill. As the gentleman has rtrtived at
the advanee age of 81, serions appro.
heosions are entertained of his. re-
Glen -Annan -
Following is the school report far
• month of December : 4th, James
Todd icott, Maggie Anderson, David
Hutton. .3rd Senior, 'Adlt i!leLettn,
Albert Aitken, Maggie It Scott. 3rd
Junior, Mary Aitken, Thos Carrick,
Al orlon J. Snott, 211d, David Breen,
Itretor McLean, Bella Cartipbell.
Part 11. Reny A. McVay, Aggia 1),
Aitken, Isaao :Metcalf,
A verdict was recently given in
Rhode Island which may astonish
some men, it,deelara.4 in effect that
• it hi no crime to steal lion ir in a
prohibition State. limier prohibition
of the law, tmd it feetns ,gstod law trs
fress',,ee'sost Jo property 't' U0'12 8 la, y "0- -qv... at the
rqlst endeavor to at
e e interests of Wingh.
ours, Respec 'ally,
W, a EGG.
As I understand it has been;very freely
circulated around. Winghatw and -vicinity,
to the injury of my business, that I was
not in the Market to do custotos'eawing
or buy saw logs„ I wish to say- am in
the market to do all the custOrn sawing
that may be offered l align, ttrbuy all the
good sound logs that may be- brought to :
As 1 am ot bound by any, combine, I
am at li rty tcrtalre all kinds of either
hard o • oft wood and pay full value for
them. Bring along your logs.
Z tland, Deo. 30th, 1300.
tie of any description at Bottom P.rices go to
Gordon & McIntyre,
Tf you want SHIRTS, Ti is, COLLARS, 0 EXITS, GLOVES, RAMS ,or 0A.P8,
ifrotn the finest BEAYE11, to the cheapest itnitation go tO
Gordon & McIntyre.
lf you want First-Q1ass BOOTS, from. the strongest Kip to the finest
Kid ; OvB8,880}7,8 or 11,1113BERS, go to
.Gordon & Mcintyrep,
If you want MANTLE GOODS, DAESSi GOODS or DUBS Tanammos'
of any material or shade, at Reasonable Prices, go to
Tf you- want to aeleet your CA.RPIUS, Faller in Brusgels, Tapestry,
'All Wool or Union, frotn the largest stock in Winghain, go to
Gordon & McIntyre.
old-fashioned enough -to hold with the poet
of time, that there is' a Divinity dotli
ehape• our ends as individuals or Social
• tho body politio,Or,in word', that
God is in History, just as he Was Ruder
the Wewish theocracy. If. spared health
and strength, I mean in the course of Sun-
day school work to interweave contenipor,,
Say preiplieoy with the historical. lessons
prescribed for the nest six months.
W. Lirueow.
Gordon & McIntyre.
'Mama 'Roue& is heiebv given 'that the Annual
1: Meeting of the Delmore Cheese and Butter Coni.
pally will 1)0,1104ln the Temperance nail, Beim° re,
on Saturdaythe 10th day of January,'91,
Commending ri th'e hour of 1 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of tleothw'n new }loud of odors, receiv-
in-the Auftitore fitatomont, $40 , and sny other
onsfOss'en1y the interests 01 the CemP6nY m0,ay 4
President: Sec.-Trem.
If-yoii want the purest TEAS, either in Black, Ja,pan, Young Hann
or Gun Powder, tobe bad in town, wholesale or retail, g.. in confidence to
Gc, rcion & Affeintyrol •
The Anch•or flou!e„.Wj.,:14gham..
, •
• •wocomot; Doc, 31, 1800
Corroded 1.1, P. Deans, Produce Dealer,
INour per 100 lbs . $ 2 110 to 2 50
Pall Wheat per bolo, - 88
8pring " . 0 88.20 88
)313; ;16r , Ltbus, .
• 00
• 05 to 40
/4 to 14
20 to 40
Nom pdfilogoa 14 to 14
h..„000 per cord, 1 2a to 1 1)0
• 20 to 20
Dreosed tiv • •6 00 to 6 00
Nay per ton,
_ - -64020 6110
-r• onto?,
• liono 3615410 of anted') Veterinary College,
(successor %tin is Prepared le treat all dis-
eases of • Milo stientod, animals wader the latest
sciontifi prinelpies. Calla,promptly attended to at
• ME es, day,and night. Cithrg,eau,todetate,,
ano, st-rAvr
Wishes to intimate to tho •preple 1ringluitn And
vicinity, that he hos coMmenced the Ilumberbig
MuoinesS agoiii, and haanpinied mit In tho Stand,
a fee/ doors North of the Brunswick Beton:.
STEAL NO. vir ;
LArdit 10e. par lb.
, Anti other Meats in proportioN solo as low 41.1a,
• . par pound..
if.rron Is kept at all it is in violatioo . S&VSAC4t$, &a., always en baud,
• moos dovtro to any part of Mutton ii,
Ilitlide that ne one Shall here legal
' r - - (IRO.' MAW
-Manufacturer of --
BONG' MATERIAL d all kinds,
., TO
-seal:vas-- . Britsita Columbia
sAsn-,. DO0-119,. BLINDS, -ls.,,,,
F It A wi ni:8, Es vo: .Cireibil and Cal it'Oeliitc. .
• IleayseAl
TIoiriona.atos114pa. .em9r:. on -Fridays,, .
• 1891 17.:PlEEITARY 6, kJ; 1801
Wo hemo oVer 100,000 etof
. ply 1240000 stuff of all mods. MARCEL 6, O.
fe;ary i
Lumber in our yard. 0(4(1 eau gap:
icte. a Quart,
at the
"E3 0 LAI pS E3,"
'atcato tamEart
WORM -mi-
ITU Om not it may beceitie Cen•
Mifflin, a. rig' Oifietemptheat, Segotato,
Ortterrar D041471 anti ivagting blew -rises,
there is nuththg itke
Of Pure Cod Livet, On and
c.t. -44' utt..,ti' 0.xit1 gatoar.,,,
It, is almost M palatable as Milk, Par
better than oilier 80 -called Ilinulatinus.
A. Wonderfal flesh produeor,
is put g r ist re *gloom tatior 4.011129WV. AO
844re neat toet Ike araltibte, gold by earl
I 1,value's at air. Mid $1.00,
t 8C011 A 110W1), &t8:418,5
Flooring, fliding, etc., dressed to order on the
shortest notic4.
A call solicited. •
Rinensa Tanosos TO VAHOOLIVEIt WITHOUT comae
For Berths and all information,
• apply to nearest saP,R. .Agenl..-
Witgham, Juno 6111, 1890
A f goal 8L44 14) repro.
scot itx this and adjoinimr
ciarml t1.4. ,thalk.
'm1000E111 taiitAila
SERIES, whole reputation 114 Drag 144,4u1, to. voila '
over. .Plow Is leo Chance 42 1102e 1104123. 81a Asouut
outfit flitt; control of territor , and. pay every
week NV rite at once 40r fial tletliara.
CUASF. IlIno e0,
Nurserymen, Wilk:0* go
Cloves in Book; Goat, Calf, Nam, Smelter,. Sheep
und britthir allover SIS"))'S in stock or
made to order.
a. few***
Momestio Buftbloes.
Don't buy a-lt6 be MI Lil • you *see them.
A 1.111 stricktf Rid, rroneh and bifintetidtialt. and
Xi p Hanes% ttitd Sole FMDINOS Vet Shoe and Barn est
Makers, always on hand.
Orders solleitod.
1 have removed my Sowing lifachine
Iltnnoth's Block, directly opposite the Dank of
Mon, whore I will keep it full stock of the
Celabtated DAVIS Sewing
-As wee's» 0 few of the chenpar linoivi
Cub supply Needles, 011s and Bripailo for
01 sewing mtehiuto.
.48 fir:tend to start ,
Mr• *T. CHAPMAN.Knitting MI Kinds of N
1 CSStOkSSYS OM have their Meek fogs a
hi atat•Class.tyle and an the shortom
Stray Cattle*
Strayed from the pretniees of the altb-
• scriber, Lot 21, Concession 11,
1011 or Omit November IA4890, Sin Year..
lings: One white, one gray and turn rod
steers, and two gray heifers. .A.ni.one
giving nformation that will lona to their
recovery will bo liberally rewarded.
Fordwieh 0.
Will also keep 41r4tovk
"wonLrys STAR')
(bast In the trorld,) on hand for Ms
mid et reasons e pries's. Don't
st, Mg one. am stivn will knit as
by band In lots than the Woe
give MO 41 OSA UV'
OPP0.1141 the Illank of name