HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 6! , , s •f ‘M • ,. Etl#t#eri of heart and head, acetinie Oar ,Qt ROIiti (' ,r i . ._ s , , -• well Dra(mitd , .,; „;.1:41.1ci4 .s 'led by two vatlleable promote au lehetl 1 eel, ►tt>f "inrlad, tba' ul atti u 3 I , k t r Vii+ L 'tiRk, , _ 1 1, li 1 L L I: A M r 1t. thle IP form OE lMllaticlsog4o drusstu ossa oltarrltl.a Mrj`l'Ilomas u ; ia' of tt)iuh It till ltd ha su s +s,''7 t' ,ty i SI o '' ru a V;. 1, au •a d beautiful album. Ur Tough made daughter bY c,C el . liar, , o, sin ► e no « suitable reply, thanking Glia: pupils Whitechurch. The, happy *tote ,Bars nee eel'p ed b fYta x o c ' , rel :ld for on cilljlr, Bret did. Ikot, lta''atid friends for the kindness elto,wn to to't'4 tugltatn on Christmas tiay,'tao ui - le tett 'b naak a personal eauvas. 111r Tough. leaved to attend the paused by a few rtf tl r rtendEt and guy+pro++a,s repeat wee. sore }«; ! { AND- electors,- tort tits ling to f,kab hands of the him. t't '' eIPCGclrs,c fe ling Akre that the result ,Normal, after which he will return rand' lige a• knot tied " thu t'hPy will' - not • to b ter the basement of t1G;p,' (.l 'eft, again take eltalrge of the school at a loose in a linrte,_ .( tlngratellations, Tl'ltr, auditoriuru w,iy cerq'Wdc ,alt, a u DRUGGIST* would l)e a agprale one. ThougltM the bf ,-,n- ovai'Al)w tel la)'cu .a a tea .' $rt , ✓ i.f VI « yoking melt should get are chane i Co Balmy smear ey iurggotlra to mention Biwaeval8. , • treat in store Rev Ill' r. r ° ' petit w assist in gtt raniupt the township. per s he finest weather and. Ale► gin , A tor, occupied the chair and lit' it in -~ - Richard Armstrong had been solicited tacit ere 15 tea hetvhiohak ditaere'1r -' g -t . 'p v, lir, lt+ui ala magnificent crowd : fire large. t it is his usual. at;re the minuet by a large number of ratepayers to Parts were present, ' 1 q• 1 inn Toughe..Pep.elarity among 'tup melt- said ever was in BiuevtilHa unbounded speaker ruga R Sala, o,i. 3JI i 1 . offer himself for the position, of 4 ng fraternity, as well es with the tttet'est and enthusiasm attended the Karristoe, who a aterteleed tlt 8!crow e C.. P. ♦ ° !p()Penh* o' the flue new McGltadiet far the apauEt of 3tl' tuluutE+s„. Relit,. chlor, and he was now. k,,efure the also 1 g t Y tubule of the section,-.-Norp.0 atiolga k TELEGRAPH G®., tors far that posit ion, if elewwed„ ha t' eburoh on the 18t11, in the afternonii Mr, 1Vr#Qht,. (`p'scopalh►u,)' of (emelt. GT+ W. would loots +ifter the township's in Morris. resulted, in Ghd old so a pil at 3 80 rife Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, drew the unritvided attention of ares. 'i tl a ed the e{eutarsfor plaoiug ,being; returned by acclamratitln, x)ot reached on Blatt' 2 i 1, 2., life ser rwEl marine, his brief address, ltrav, OppBrunswick MD,i S , allure $a. 1 "that there was no-fault to find', far P . r, him in nomination, an,letand hopedrthey there ares a gaocl deal of fleet, brit, alt man prtibetbly, will .never be furrwattE+r, Me Muer, (presbyteriau,) arts t(Iaa. Ob. would: give Hirai a hearty support on seemed take good t fleet, ooitnci# by those who heard it. it was. 'fr 1V of next Mose of of tl a others, wasand his wilb s twt±I ' Monday next. Mr Gen Hartle, Clip thought and thrill and. power: Every a. ndl ate was not present to should tragic in officsN until the da. ,•• ' """"" giber oo d faloatiou . of the. ex treasurer was seat, draw -seat and chair, was tilled; ized by a friendly feeling to al(. ' gess* ,. address the meeting when his 'risme `'"l' 15 meeting, stragllteilea,out. `(Thera was a geese immediately after the ufternoUtl . seri tarn denominations and trio to el- Wit* aatled. During the poor et ng: deal of wrongiug about the Matter, vete the dinner, which was ex:cel{eut, those sentiments info his hearers, 4jt dueatioion arose on the poor hotte g e b acne from one to was served which occupied the time What was anticipated as the intelieaat• and her. ,l, elle i Tueatlin, as to whether it would notto another, From the discussion it was fully froin'5.3O to o'clock About cal treat of Clic evening was now zeitl• be advisable to, allow the electors t learned that the, ex, reasurer hadoione 000 people to ik diuner,yet despite the dared by Bee, Mr. griffin, 1). D. In MIME, JANIJA11X 2, 1801.. lean greet number the ladies et the ohuroh 4tred remarks lig spoke of fire J, aft vote .on that tenesntion at the municipal things that #tad, tyle appear,tl>ce of ' the Protestant dr uaruindtie union being election, but the matter was allowed ur adkeduess while real, ctor fug; the and circuit had provided ao. ahundhatly 'E'urnpr try to drop wiGllout ta){u1p any,, action. 'townshi in 788X, and 'thht lie. was that many. more could have been en- a. foregeme conclusion and a mptter uf' i tam Fs for erir3 all, Biu pp' ' 1 tertained. At eight o'ulock, the even- tithe. Ile thought the only barrier The nom t Morn; appointed treasurer P tr►,y #ri BS , and were held .tn elm last, t rs hall, wag, that be had been using the township's lug entertaiumrnt of music, song and.: bet'Ween thin union of th«Preshyrertans , i ere h aEtdresses, was given, llx. Chisholm, and Methadiste. would be the" Woman F . vale,air: or out f last. There woe; thea The $gush#ne 22nd, s time enter, moneys during all that time. Also, lied the chair in h. hone xdsMeth tandi4t also easel t a tomiid, fair proceedings a f ratepayers, and 'suocea nt,an Axe. resp was a decidedthat the auditors lied singes the usual of 1•'V ngha ,fifi were eanimeiteed at lgr success in every respect. Thmprn every year, viz e the have manly and worthy manner. 1ZPvs oward. -union he- would he willing to. cbythe , gramme w ts.long, variptl and interebt. statementy nd them, John Scott, Ni -rt Chairmane .of the to hive tip rite polity of his church o. O'clock by Township Cltlrk calling n t osed of readings, audited, the, books and fou i atious, eve.. IVIeP iersot, regi l,etng composed. correct,"tit the same they bad. neither; 'District; J A. ilieLati;hlan, B A, of the Presby ter!aus Would give tip their, fare nr n singing, a ' the. Su}iday • was a proposed for c Reeve, eghJa'sorn.. lot, recitations, mug wh per , coup ted rhe Cash nor seen. the bank, Wroxeter, Rein Godfrey, of BPhrave, doctrine. 'Urs remarks thrnttcthout seconded ded b •oAdat Cleghorn., . For I school children, who,perfurined thele brsoh. A Y Hartley, Presbyterian, of Blue were chaxaeterized by humor circ were s e d y•, gale, J 8 Oool p, of Hen,sall, 'who higi y appreciated by. the crowd of peputy Reeve, Vin. G',emtni.11 was 'various parts in a ueauner highly e,J the Rev Mr Waliniu aa'pu o admirers,. A tin:an';ial. ate eroutwof proposed by NRobticholson Leathern, seconded creditable ie them olyes;a r] those wisp yVi ileo iu ell. 'preceded ort eddresserall. were short datniror d. ey the Chairman and rend... ,b • Geo Nicholson ; Wm Cruickshank, trained ;thein, Mr, C, 1of tllelland, On Wadi a4a eveninry of fat t wook tor,gave short , y t LV.eir, seconded by Miss Godfrey and some of the oldere o proposed by Rola . r g assisted a tens Ca ce lecturer was . delivered and Pitts, who wee thowever, o give th give a ad- it was mered by. ade 00,1e. oown that thee chureli :'.Enos Gilmore; Geo Thorndon, pr ipos- with of the congregation, . P , -i readings, &ci.,anil speeches in the Foresters hall by Dr.:"Mac . drea of the evoning,his subject being,, was paid for with the exception of in by Wilson. tae«+t L' seconded ,bGay- With mob e, r councillors, Robt . were delivered by Messrs. J. R. God- donald, M. P., of Winghaue. here ,The Mutual Releitiou of.Pulpit and. about i300, Dr. Griffin than request - In 1waU, . FU ri n Atlatn.lJlealeorn., fee , of :Belgrav,e, tend.Rev. Mr. Camp- were over five bemired persons pre - Pew," wllioh was full of wisdom and; ed that s}tru frau) the urged. In leFsi lwlaet4etf, yJas' e y g Elliot John Ditn e% bel oe Blyth. Mr. Godfrey took for sent, all, being highly delighted with eloquence. Nearly' all whti, Were than twenty minutes the am •uitt w secoueedhyJas lialll G; i ' .. mwriaan tinnior,,,itscow the very able and, iuterestiug 'lecture • proposed byRost Miller, seconded by his subject A present in the afternoon remained f,r raised anrtp more, The l roa ails o£ G N O circ' with. English. Trish and Scotch the Dr. ;a,ve• Mr Samuel . tx.rao y,, "the. evening, who, scores anthers, tea were $125, and the CUlleetioa . on it B is,aerie; CUovin Wilspn, proposed paccotnnau ed the. Dr. and gave a very, r s .coutled byhumor, illustrating his remarks l y., ,, :crammed the seats, aisles, porgh and the preceding lauuday' +Itnailtitetl by 111 lcolul LemontSamuel Leggett ; ,. e r strong numerous examples,, showing their funny'reading, entitled "The LeeE .ovary foot of -space within the building, $113. To Guish, up, an Orange S,e)uI . ` • Pond d bypeculiar Characteristics. Reiv. fair, eoutract." There t of the evenirlg many loads of; people who camp in was held un Dec 2; i1d, at welch an propa3ed by Geo B Borg s c e gy orris pro:, Cam bell, in a short, forcible and was. taken tip by the Rev. Mr. Geddes,, the evening lied to turn around laid address.'Nas delirered hy Rev. rr lt4r;. Samuer Leggatt , George rge' H , P. Camp bele filler, seconded b • eloquent address,showed the resources and .stay • Mr Crowle; who gave short clisuppointedly wend their way 'mine Campbell, of St..Marys„ an )d posed by F„utat tiX , S .,' g la sed of our Dominion and gave reasons Why addressee. 1 a mast not 'forget the The rice music was supplied by,. the Save the Queen." -Your ''norrespuud- d bas Nixon.iiieTIIe. time having elapsed cri i be Canadians should not listen teethe Whtechurelechoir, who :fid their part Wingnam Orchestra, and solos, were ent will give an ttr are>utit E.f the Cour+;h, during w,iecb nominations- t ltl Tears cautiot, made, the Clel h declared Win Mee' carping and croaking of the traclugers well, exceedingly wall, sang by Niasee Uulrnt)ge and Tufts, 'itself, in,the near £titurp, This oppor 1 eciatnatien of our country, eallina upon all true be too much praise }riven: in. favor of Mrs Cooke, and Mr Duffield.. . A sub- tttuity s.also taken of tvistti)lg tl)ri I'11: elected :l'„eeae by a. ensuing A meeting was patriotic. men to throw politics and the music on that occasion. --Oar scriptitlu was taken in beti,If of the, Times a'Wer1y limas and a Hwpt►Y for the nzd year. alae aside. which would school teacher, 111r pei>ce, has corn - Badding organized, with.blr. Robt- 12iller everythtn E'uilding Fund, which, with proceeds New Year. ' t them from fostering a,kiudly piste his term arid' Itft",on Puesday of dinner, and afternoonofferings, The centre. met Dec 15, 1800, in as A:1tLfrtnan, to allow the different binder a evening for his litotes ;til lialswnrchr es Mr. and enthusittet•ic loyalty to &nad,., amounted to -considerably over $000. Brown's h<uel; l+'ot lit' rh N+tt l,lnt* c:a t iers s to deliver addreall eouiitr hada No ,d;1al>t Al r. Spei>ce will be much Reeve 'was the. first' titan which, no othery,± The dedication of the 'o}lurch, tee' "adjuitruu►ent• lk,eu,hwrs. ail }rre5anti*. Mci'►lerean; the ,. and more hopeful res. missed in this section, at be home' ed speaker. He thanked the eletcars for brighter futurep P o the short theme painting of whioh, was not eoblpleted, The reeve in the chair, Minute ofs p t lied Pct. After the- literary dud musical the children well for hill probably be the second Sunday of last meeting rend and approved. By - elected continued confidence , they p resent bastion i+aast. had been disposed of, candies, he had charge of .thein.=lVlr Joseph.1 the New Year. Dr 'Facts expresss;o` lliiv 1V o. 'G, read and parsed. The t3v trot to his p 1 r of them b gash nuts, &c., were distributed anloeg the' Nitwit has rented, his hotel to hip hiri►self as highly please l; 'With tele., Clerk' received,*$12 < from Win ldib rag do titnn. kb would, h. „ g hrother..in•law,- Meese 'Champion, of e would .as til Gha, • past, aaatli nce.old its well asyaun„ reueivin,awaybeautiful structure, at being pretest bard, per J. W Jecqnes, for old bridge 1e onld for,. the their share, and. seernine to.equelly Donuyhrook -Ur Beaton was, to help his old colleague, Mr 1VallWin, said to him by aotu:cil on con. 1ti,, prows to do what 1 c , resume of the .enjoy thein. ,The large mill eenutifal on.,Saturdray last buryi► g his father, fn'bis estimable undertaking anti with lots 20 and 2l;;iY)onay to be hfarlcleti`La tawt,3hip. He gave a lei J Y council tree was then stripped of its muitifar• who died in Chicago geld was brought t,'ie generous literality which has built treasurer. itloved by Mr Dunnage, bustrieathe at file county P There been a ;sous fruits, and wits found to contain to his.old .Moine at Zleinsbnrg to be the church, natahly they fibs dau,ltivu seconded by Mr Graham, drat the clew year. There h.idSharp given byHon a E Sanford, of Hamel- annual recipes., and expenditure be new oridge erected cutin,• the year at ;many a apples andfu'1 pt'esents. from eau interred. --61 r James etorh par e woad be one dies,a IHs tic whistles, to chased a horse from n toll. Liberal contributions have 30ine published in detail, also a statement a cast of $700, then . u Po at Eectie'e •heantifel albums, boxes and, costly Mr: &1yB'ay is going, into• -the weshina 9180 fr01n Deroit and P.li;Uttj;.lace,---^ r of 3913a?tB and liabilities, itl'.YCCUNdiLttt4ee. Wentd the corning reuyear!r • r to the ornaments.. The entertainment breke rnaelune business. -fir .l D Hilder. Hartley and wife, Of Halton ,county,' with ,statute--.0erried, Moved„hy;llir' Went into particulars in regard e Geo Baca upt a seasonable hour, all being well son has just got in,a.lot of the' .finest nepbww of Rev A Y Hartley, are Jacques,s'000tided.h3 D11` Uriaharrl, that guerre entered township Mr a. leased with their eceu n ;'s autlue: holiday goods ever seen, in a vtilal,E visiting at the - Manse, this week.-- the treasurer lay st statement before Y• against t lands -with a ip fur overflowing p the elm proceeds atneunted to within a store. -The entertainn4nt in counce- R(,it+rt-dud William btewArt are home the council at next i)ter turg, of the w: lits :lands with expre and askedproceeds 'o of opinion few:cents of $,30,ivtl ch will,he devoted tion with, the Presbyterian Sabbath for holidays. They are going to i};11 amount of rebate,on each Government a's towhether for an expression p township should to the interest» of the 'Smudgy school, Solteel at tinea place was held on t o col at Neiy;Y a:s,--1ira D Lutvis, draiohy the Government receiving, the, carit h e ease the tc g p higher court in -Saturday, 20G11, Dl C. lllackv,ell, CuristrnrLs eve, in the_church, and was who L•as beensufl;Nriu:; so ►02?,;, hat interctst and )ii►inial ltny°Insist ofprnc;i-, carry the cuss tofe a hi iy Tough: a rand succee3s. ! programme eiase, it were defeated at the initial assisted by Messrs Blaea, g'recitations,l,eou.tltltenworse and is suffering agreat tial some 'months before due,--Darrie(1, trial, He then restnned his seet,after Budge, and others,Ileld a very Auccess of gBible • rand ed.llrwas coal' Report of the reeve read ill reference and wishing the electors a happy new year.. 'ful examination in S No 5. A,large singing w toR bort of done during the.fere cbe Win tleuz.ni!1 appeared before alio uurnber of pareilt(r, the resident men- in full blrxyln and cants §otne excellent • tXOLVtr cit. the Board cf Health, and it was movers' pp c ndidate for'the Deputy- inter and others interested, 'were ain;iu. The tree reverend goalmen l '+,rd,vicla 141etherlist Church', in by Mr Graliam:,tl►at each m&inner ro- (.lemtars as a - e He had been 'in the resent, The pupils in the various of the place were present,anct'gave very accEirdatuce with the attnounuenlw2lt in ce!ve X10, beln ' t2 par day, and 'ill» nounasbip. P v(y years and its the res, classes acrenated.therneelves sing, very appropeiate addresses for the oecasi•on, .a prev!ons issue, was drdieatd to the seoretrtry receive 4 r xtra Carried,, couu il for fi p t Reeve was, retiring, lied creditable manner and at. the Close at after which, the Children's hanks tete worship of Goa on Dec. 14th. The llovwd by lilt Griihathl, seconded try tett Deputy e p having sat in the conned fora number of the visitors, expressed broken and contents, amountingwtay • Zee. J,1iailnou, D. n., of Guelph, Mr Jactlues, that file Cott2lcillors each - he P i X31 in aid of ntissioinery wot , .' laau'Y;'r time than any of the tiller themselves Its well Leased • with. the !' 27, :lie chair ryas. ocau fwd bypr'eached•the opening sermon at 10.3fJ. receive, j0 for council and conimis- ti members, he thought he was entitled condition and progress of the school found. r i lendea• m., front the weeds;; .,The eburob rsbn ce fee, and the reeve $90, flits` - I s -0 fife osition, His record was be- and declared their satrsfaetien. Elf', the seipeeintendent, M H 1) of Gid which he hath pttrcllasecl vritlt dobwrltures he isstteEl fur slunc - 1e people, and lie had always knowing that Mr, Blackwell was to :son. This entertainment was no pay. his own blood," found it► Acts 27 t iLh Carried., raucount`Passed IL Wiley, done what tl a p tv 1,rt lie thought was best in the remain in charge next yc )tr, - 51r and .iu speculation for the oliitrall, as the In hes,preliminarye emarks, be show, '$$, for drain, lot re, eon 8 ; to Twain cloud l ! 't ter st arid if elected he Mrs James Wilkinson spent t)hriste admission was only teneeents for all, ed how in an hospital there is an Icy, $1, for rwpairin't culvert, sot 1hW, vld i ecl e , wouldgive-close attention to the in- utas in Ieineardine.---1VIr Will Rltssell but they Sunday School ahlldteu• anti aparttvent'for Wiz ll of the. Vs,rioiig can 14 ; J V,ittic;, l for repairing cell- tear u, ureet „ tcre3t of the, township. toivnshrfs. He hoped has returned froth his extetxdrd SU•- 11c11 one took away KtVit'Uty cent Bax diseases, and of the great benefit it vert, lot 10, con -12; ,Alex These, $1.75 ' *the electors would turn out on :jottt'n in Detroit, --M Will Potter, dt, Candiw8,-Dur grain .buyers are was for people to enter ill orberao be for sited at• hall ; J Racer>, $11.12, t,ii1. cl a land givehim a rousing major- medical •student, of Torontoas visiting. ,acing well slime they staited. Only cried, and that when they went there urav,iing, lot ''Ca, cant 1 ; H Hayden, i1ty 1ty g iv -Win Win tlruickehauk was a e twit on the 4th. 'It is not necessary to: say ono,or two parties with. }.rainhaveit was their dtlri4re to be restored', and 1D, for grading, lot 80, can A;, y f,r the IJP ut •ileevesliip, He where. 1Vill-]cilt-sa(a)r, tell you that o., not bough the village, a beau that if people misted the 110 4e of Thos Walker, G, for culvert, lot 80, date P, Y sic yeti the eleestors for tete years if you ask him, -The school house in .of not bailee• aNtisfird with better God with the:linl;lat spirit how, they con Ge 0 Horcan; 4 JO, for', charity In l e r hi the cannel!, and if elected for the S S 1o.1 presented a vary animated .prices.tlltari they cculd eget olserwliere, might be ciitbd;,froin the tztatiy. spirit to G Beattie ,111r lJndhrwaoil, 1 re.,, higher position to which, he aspired, appearance on Wednesday, 24th, the aryl tlluse were.. flat noticed or they nal diseases which the (!esti is ,heir Cn pairing cttivert,lot 1, enc 13 ; ,+Spud•• tees p t weir i)ttere;t aortic receive his best occasion tieing the examination of the would have been entitle happy wi'f the lie further showed the profit of every ere, $%, for ditch lot 1G,' 'cion A; ,1.; attention. Gee Thompeon thanked pupils alto' have, far the last two the rest. - -1 lie annual «Iairsetin'gEa the pereon'a bacon -eine. a mem bee of.the vit. 11 eTaviele $8.73i fur'4 gravel .li'' thleeP 9 for the confidence they 1ert1's been under rhes instruction of sharwhulilE•rs, end,, pr1,1 ins o ha recttlrTough h has shown Wi►iteehtrrch Better f+'actory was brad' help Church,. to be tirongrht i4 and Donaghy $177.82, for Mrs Shaw yea re ,dad' in hint for the prier dMr sWe fJ tCobq a err T g , , ' haul on Saturda ,the grounded in the ways or truth and rnanths;, B :Gibsdi, X13, for repairing rep ,)40,1 and slid that as he i12.E1 rnacde himself to be .a. very p:xltlstaltint; and in the b wrest uta t, were resent right, It was .a 's arrnoit tale}t sack . i,rideP, lot 18, eon 4 ; A Patterson $l: years,. ut his bltsinees that energetic- tic teseber .tied the esteetn in 27th. A largo nuiu . er hep Well iu.tp, the Iieartii of the peeple. At k8 far repairing lot Ig oulvkrt,uon , T, nsfey, - u oulei changes g • • absence frons Berney' which Ilr'a.s hold by the people or the attci every; persotr,Ltr 6ined to, ty tri;: the service was resuntitd'sby the 8, fest peau and II orYi' got a tee rli al o his Co ' w ')) hit was cont- section w+ts fully att( ated by, the large satisfied with the vl y.the lausetiess#tea 1lt+t.. lr, El>tytlrci, Of `Clarl:iitt+tn,. Who Gerrie tlulvert;; W Zt % <lwton,. #...v,, pttedtodcitre time, decline the nomination at ilii«tr,er of visitors 1►cr;sent, about 100 been conducted anti.tvltl l the proceeds 11reaChetl a very able and edifying; ear- for woad for. -firs Shaw and Mrs F tailed to dtach ie resect time. Robe Maxwell Bain}; in attendance, The pupils from their Crnaltt,.: tiln..a stl labthPl• mon, 'Vie Rev. Dr. Hannon' Preach* McDonald i J. tltlagCia,. 1110r `fur.• ti p ' the efeetrrre £,r returning biter snowed a high state Uf prUfidiotrdr V tn. and Alex Rots ro.u,rna ire friends. NI :again tet fi 8 , The. ohtircll was gravel : pi: Prtlurllove, $2, be .bitch t lent 8,l } a. seto t its (;rlunoil cast year. Ilii had the different branches. :Ditritr;; the day • from D1'anito ihnuirand tit lagers .litotslly 'Packed at each . srsrviCe. On killed and applied for try iw situ the people faithfully and now :Nxaltintlitiu« of the claaset t, telusic by tverr, pleased to riser well in.thY' `"'nudtrY. nod• 21st, Rev. Mr.. Brett, cif• al C1ouirt•df Ewvisten; It Jiattnesen,. nek z'e ask t r p Y_ ; is Snndnr , eo. 21 t, Rev. r and Seat, a o30, for .Srepaif of r,r'i(l e, lot 8, goer' o asked for a Dimeetl of their Gatto• the piig , rend others nerd rlsed end .that in py have been doingLu a lnornitnt +iodrie en end 3:r pair g1' t, 13 d Ileo#t 8' eIesdonee, John e p Dimeet was before they . renElin ta, Ste, were interspersed slid dpaughter oft Mr James, Share soup, this ing. Ilia sermons s e ,.*Put,v,n 1 1'0, earl of llealVla tie eleetere fu th li •union of Causes}ler, tended mated to enliVeitt tepr,oceedivttr Ince, who has,btywu residilil; in Jarvisl, by deep thought gilt) ruueh E arcs sines , es . H In times past he Hari sat at the Council All acgaitted themirive s in a. y P ells lh VII Is ive a der•p irnprllarEinll art fr=e ; A Dtairrc , > t fir ar,ura tl "tpd w a ' done what he creditable mann, r At the etas& reter,ied fi't ne on Moudey Tet foe ti „rorty of his Itvs ars 'lim so tOfsg n tartriGtirl Dal fe? T board. aria Lie al at s interest of the of the • prutiApcliuga,lr 'Cugglt wag WO wAelta a -sit,---Cltattlre Henderson{,, a. , ,i; n• ni eoncide'red' for the besty g 1n G' ltof his tr+ fhwlt let t C„ waged do all he i)ti'341'ibed. with !► neatly War -1e A(1, is 1►Ullird front the bnsinF+ss (3(atlp p A ' `s, it, ,lu i,n,r'n1a 1ant n'2% ikXl '. all w.' smtutliaaIteltd to Itt{ r.y 1 t hag in Wit lids •:-' . +rte.. i : A f'#'41,'' tGl down tltSaidry)t.:xtl( *'LS jr, s'•;r ifyirl►( to lilt trpdt4 C 41G rttk• n " a ti ere, g'i'i "'' Etl1 , •••'1 1/,. 1 • ii 1 111 .•i , 1, ! !filo + t it 1, w vim• r .., T qpr ., r (! >P , r .t... . ^` r • o -..,,'N a`el ' .r i !rt!.,j t,. .• ' '... ,_. •.i>'ie . .. .111. A. +. ..., . r., .:! .'• !. 4 -lllir is 1' Ua ' .: 4fal ilia' `l1lt anti ve hri ' they Sin tu E by on tilt this cat 01 're( fun lin kit( b Si 91 b h