HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 5• it Ott I es; Alex Graham, $50, d oointniseien few ; 13 le for uuixneil, •cotutniissioi tied of health fees; Wm Dane, 00, part of salary, Moved by Ali•, P}ultnage, st-:nuded by 1.1e. Grelirtrn, that the uuutitlil do tiow acljQurn,--Cur Ned, (Vat. Doe,, Clerk. feting w te, rt be sun Ctrti,l':• Z1 ;tva 'try any; 1"rt8 o`1iiu kl on of the eeee cess; wits, week ;41 iT agement of the Olkvucb, uni ryes crowded to s„tt partake of the Moroi. N itev Me*. Price , pee tht' chair and tillad it in reeehle manner. The belt.. R v. Mr. utnytee, tit vho elitt'rtaiurd the crnw,t 3 elf 20. minutes, Rev,,. ptscopeltuo,) of Gerrit!,, divided ttGiNitnott ',ii wto g his brief addreee. Rey, k'reabyteriate) lxas data r, and lits addrt'stj, as wed :be caters, was (Omelette,. loudly eletPr- lendly feeiiit8 to ail?ihria ,mations and tried tee -vetted rooves into his Hearers, tntiolpated as the-1utelleot- tb' evening Watt nOW rA1ty ov, Mr, Vrtiriii, A D. In he spoke of, the union ng„ ant dt'uorninations ae being i.lnclusiou and -a matter of - thought the "only barrier 3 union of thePresbyreriaila lista would be the!; We ail and also said as & r►iNaud;' on he would be u'illiltr to kite polity of itis cunroh Geri airs would give up their. "Ells remote ,throtu hout aterized bylintuor teed were reei'ktt'd by the crowd of A finan•tial statement was by the Chairman aud rend- '. Coil:. Free) the ahove P known that the.-.charcll rr with the excetption of Griffin then rr'gtteot- u from the erewd. In less. :y minutes ther am lent w more, The ;woe •etlq Of tie 125, and t1u eolleetinn ori :ling Sunday itinotinted,. fluish, op, at, Orange n Dec 32tld, at wilts' 'iii. is delivered by Rev, of St. Marys„ ott "1Y,rr1 aneeu."-Your correspond ve an ttecount, el the cl'nr+:h, ne near future. Tide opeer- ,Iso taken of : wishing thin ;eery Kends mad a Happy ,nail met Dec 15, 1890, in- ,+I, Fordw.ieh, tit. , ,�,.,,, put -amine MI w.R^^"k ,�.,r rut. l�letebr:ri;- s, MI'preemi),e,.' in the chair. •MEnutesO[ ng reed awl epprcvf'd. j, read atrld'':? 'partied, 'l.'he ivi d., $12 from Win Hite- J W Jecenes, for' eld kridee nl by cowed( on con. 16, rl 21;money to be handed to Moved by Mr Du Imam., by Mr Graham, that tlw eoipts., aud expenditure be in detail, also a statement . and liabilities, in aocoatiafcet. ei te- Ca rrion. 111oved.be econded.b3 1111r Grebe .re,, that tier lay a Stilt 01110115, before 111 at nett; meeting of the ,, ., E rebate on ea.oh Government he Government rq:ceivitig the ,nd annual paitneut 0E1)6'116-, months before dui. -Currier:. : the reeve read in reference ss done during the year by 1 cf Health, and it (vas proved raliniu,that each in©inner re. . being °$2 per day. and the receive $1 f':ttra.-Carded., y Air Grattan), seconded by res, that the csonncillors eater ;o for council twd commis• and the reeve $60, and es be issuer; for same,- Aecotint'Passed--•FL Wiley, . rain, at 17, con 8 ; G Twan1- for repairingg. Calvert, lot 14,. J Vittie,:1 for repairing cut - 10, coii12 ; Alex. King, 81.75 at hall ; J McKee, $11.12, t, lot `et, eon 1 ; H� I1aydeti, r gradin,;, lot 80; eon A; siker," $5, for culvert, lot 80, Horton, $4 00, for , charity tttttt ,111r Underwood, $1, re...,, !nlvert,let 1, cnn 18 ; deSand- for.ditch lot 18,' cote A ; J: t11, $8. 3, for gravel ; tt" ` y $17.82, for Mrs Shaw f3, i, 1.3 .Gibson, $3, for repairing Ot 113, con 4 ; A, Patterson $1. frim; aulyert,uon ; JAttsiey: . plan and sp"cilications of ulvert.; W 11 Neewtor,y,o+s>, l fur Mrs Shaw and AJre • ,id i -3, Dennehy,. $t 80, for. FI Proucllove, $2, fi'r "bitch %lid applied for to he etrutk rulee of Revision; 1T, Janitesene. rt'paire of riridge, lot 13, con ,2 + .S 1Tav, $10. board of healtl • .t"srIfi Sr Wlf r board cf health %limngr,0(3, for erruueil end • fres; MW glee-rine*, $60,, Intel atiel r37r1C1uttidrtea NeewliA*1141010:10. Pee: tTt '>l nrnberry. (Oaowl,AW Our Off' 1,45r testis. lMNTATIONS E.L$ WBEBIL 1 W WAfite311..--klenvo T. I raylut, Deputy Ttrtiv,_ rinlay An. demon, Cuuuuilors,• D` Patterson, R Shiell and D. lieberteen, by acelatue. doer'. I{1Nr,"ss--aevf', Jits Gaunt, by. aueiametion. ,Deputy -Reeve, a MuT Iutoslt, 1,'y acclimation. Councillors, J K.aitke, h iteweeen, J 'Youteg, W Valens, R Nioholeen, 'G Moffitt, Lerrotiveee- ;layer-•-- W. M. I3ruce, MittPorter, after having taught W. U. Hey, Reeve.-•Stuit,itiol 13tiok• three years in S S No 6, Turtle/tory, er, T. E. flay, Deputy reeve -••.Win, iii lea'►tnl for the Normal, and held a :Vetch,, Pa. Parke. eleun•eilllors :•I3ia• • tlfiristteas tree in the eehool on Mon uiarak Ward -Jelin Brttnfeird, J, W. .day night, 1t was a ;;rand success, the sob (NI being orawlled to overt( .twing, The progratnnte started at 7' sharp, and ooneistr'd of insteumer.tal and vocal music, retiitattans, " dialogues, brigades, drills acid tableaux, Then Santa Clans dt+ae ndet1 the chimney to the tree. Miss Porter wee •:called to the frout and on address read by Mies Celina Cowden, and pres,,utatiou made I,y Mary E. Bryce and. Stereli t isoliell, on behalf of the euheel. A hannsoine ,lush ladies' dressingoase,silver batter tabs' and a hn,udsome glove receiver, cold -mining a pair of kid, gloves, Santa Claus 'thee tool; from the tree and presented to the yonttg. people five hundred and thirtyeene presents. Many of them expensive presents. S nue of the \Vingli+ttn'boys were not• forgotten by S&tlite Ohms sail present. ed with a (start.), The following was the address:, .Co Mies Porter, DkA1t 'L'1 ACURR,---it is with deep 'regret we learn that' in the • neat: future yua intend to sever your con ltrl,;tiott with S. S. No 6, end we,ean- i.nt allow this opportunity to pries away without giving you some' tstitall token in loving remembrance i;f your service es teacher in sour s,:hool. 7.uu hive won the r'eepect turd esteem. Wit att'y of your own pupils, but of as the conriuudity, As a teacher you have .entered heartily into every :Meyers, A. W. Featherstone, Lewis Bolton.. Gladstone Wert -- Jacob Sttuburgi'.r, J A, flasking, 1 Mi S"oi h, Victoria \Vartl-William Dixon, boob Ueppler, Artiste; 1Vild• farlg, M.Me(sillivray. Drdiferin Ward. H. Woods, W. Landsdowne Ward -4. H 11141onahi, John Livia . ston J. kl, Gunther,, R. T, Kemp, IiAnnlsTON •-- Mayor Pr. S. N.. fleury, John Robert see , Reeve-, John L 6°40 W. Taylor, Council'. fors ::---iNo. 1 Ward -Wm, Morley, James Bailey. No. 2 Wird-Thomas Donelas, Wm. Laing. go. 3 Ward L. Brisbin, FI Loitrltton. No. 4 Ward' -Richard Taylor, John Bradley, No, G Ward -James Smith, Ate Yu1'tt'le, elecettmoN,--Mayor-D. Robert- son. Reeve -R. 'Truax. Deputy, r cava. -G.. Rife, P. Heffernan, A. Todd, 0, W, Stovet, . Councillors :-- West Werd-Swartz,,Beattie, Heffer- nan, McKay, Clark. Ventre Weed - Standish, Biros, Griffiths, Wesley. East Ward- Mercerraeher, Dr. Stalk- er, :BacrU, Jaokson, 'Ritchie. 1 ENDERO WANTS Tenders Will be received by the under. signed, uplift the '24th.'Tannery, 1091, for the erection of and finishing of a Brick Residence on his term, being lot 5, cone cession 0, Wurnberry. The lowest er any • = r rely accepted, Plans tender not nee and s oeoifloati Hence, Turnb can be seen at my reek, GEO. FORTUNE; Windham, P.O. , Dee, 26th, 1890, MEETING OF CREDITORS. :In the matter' of WI14I,LA1tt Coln.,Talt and Joint Ct1ULTR, or the Township of W awauosh, in the County or Huron, Insolvents. PATzrEaS'rov -Mayor.- R. John stet), J. L. Pollock,, A. Hunt and A. M. ("lark.--RR0eve---Jobe Kearns, 11 111u Ewing and W. McLean. Council- lors :-North Ward -A. Hent, J. ,\V. Hunt, E K.°Scott, A. Btstiiwick, W' \1cL'an, 3, `D. Merry Bold, W. A. Freeland, las. Job uston, S. Caswell. movement see on foot for the pupils, West WWarcl--T ;Best, P. A. Robb,, good, while in the school you heee Dr, Forster, Jas. Banton, R. Shields, shown youtself an able expounder of I J •Betts^.liens, W'Lynch, J W; Mori tlia work you had. to do and a faithful ,pan. East Ward- It Hindman, E. K teacher. We ask you to Iil'ar iu tnixid` Scott, Geo Rutz, F liesslewood, 3• FI its yorl receive this small'- token volt : Auderson, Dr Stewart. twee -carry the true wishes of •your . MOUNT FOREST. -Mayor -W 0.31 - loving scholars and friends' of:: this oleugh, Reeve -J Litt moon, J A sch,lol. And noir as you leave theta Halsted, J Robinson. Deputy reeve to 6 firth a little farther in your W Giber, John Reynoide. Come, studies, we all ,juin in wishing you curers: J Orth Ward. -F MuCulloch, e sceeess in the fntiire. •t• \1ny God A Murshall, W Ti Sones, Wm -Loiter, '.)w 1viCli•"'you till We Meet Again." W °tivit-leen. Wast•'Ward•,T 'Noo- Signed, ou behalf of the school. nan, ".J Boos, A ;ramietou.-Geo Scott, CELINA CowDFN, 'R Niven, J S FPi„;hes. East Word-- SARAH .errl-SARAH M11'011014 Jirhii Shepard, I Bean,. James Reid, i4ARY E. Buyer: ' W II l ingeton. •Sda'iith _Ward -W" G Pit meeting .of' the Creditors of the above-named Insolvents will be held at the office of liot. Traver, of the Village of Lucien • Seib:Ater, on Monday, the da 12th y o'atoQ13~ ii op3rol +}?: CIO ehtl of olffe 0.m fEl Q p. pco e tiM St9t44d g818 O. +4 to' Q� If you want a good Suit of Scotch., Irish, .or Canadian Tweed .at tV (*ordon & McIntyre. January, A. D., 1891, .lit two Bargain, go to the afternoon, GEORGE A, SZDDALL, Assignee. AYORALTY, 18 To the Tow uiiicipal Ble' of Win;h'' •t LADIES AN quest of a la payers of the nomination for ,the .ensuing y ' r,. experience m m :having.alw ;ys taken, the prose= ity dour, solicit y. r votes and:i 1very ,'h,,norable and re and if o}irsee It to elect my o va',e ors of the, GEN times ,-At the re- e tuber of the hate'- n, I ;have accepted a e office of Mayor for ndbaving had a long tepal affairs, and a deep interest in owing town,linoW uence for that onsible office; e it well, be st endeavor to at 1 timbs ad a interrests of Wingh...,, Yours, Respeed• 'tiny, W, itGG. Scott, Rulit Scott. A T Gregory. Zetland.' • Jaines Scott, W ft•.ibert3. Weare sorry to Item! that Mr,J • Wilson, sr•., le laid ea with a sore 'My DsAa Tranrss, -As you are awaro,per- shoulder. and arm, cane. by , nervolts haps the Totsrnationral 8 8 Lessons for the rheumatism.- Mr G Thomson has, first six mouths of 1891 cover the ground returned from South River; iVIaskuka' 'of Jewish tlistory,from 975 to 68813 '0. I -Alias SiWalker has returned' to Siuee coming to Catiarla, I have had 'the her Genie in Lucknow, artier teachingpietisaiit duty of going "over: the same for a year and a half: She will - he ;;round at intervals With the i yonug„ folks, missed by our Endeavor Society, 'r3. I fondly imagined to•'ritake it interesting e4he Wits at great help to it'-'Rev i41r by 'calling their attention- to historical Priest spet,t Christmas in the .neigh- parallels taken from secular history. Iani horlooc1-it Ed Pettey' has 00109 old-fashioned enoun _to hold with the poet home far a mouth's holidays -Miss of all time, that there is' a Divinity doth Lizzie lfennedy,who' (i tis :leen aHuY shape our ends as 'individuals or social hr some time, has. returned . haute.,--- unite.iti the body potitie,or,in: a word, that B' A Mlullibbon, of Victoria College, God is in History, just as he Wes tender Cobeete, spent Christines at hie the Jewish theocracy. If. spared health sister's etre. F Thnrnson's. and strength, 1 meau'in the course of 1"7ntl-. r NOTICE As I understand it has been;very freely circulated around Winghawi' and'vicinity, to the injury of my business; that I was not in the market to ,do austorn sawing or buy saw logs,;1 wish to say °I am in the market to do all the Qus dra sawing that maybe, offered; also; ttr'bny all the. good sound logs that maybe- brought to the ZETLAND MILL. As' am a.otbound by any, 'combine, I am at hard o then; rt'y to'take all kinds of either loft wood and pay full value for Bring'alongg: your logs: • GEO. THOMSON: Zyftland, Dec, 30th, 1800. If'yon want OvERaoa'rs; 'BEADY MADE Cz ox1UUNG or 1.ThDE1tt71.0TU- of Ally description at Bottom Prices go to xordon & McIntyre.. • Tf you want SEI&TS, Tuts, CoLI..tus, OtnrFS, GLOVES, EATS or O, APS. ;from the finest Bcn>vE n to the cheapest imitatiinl, go to AlsiNUAL MEETING. Ut3LTCNoticeis hereby ,riven that the Annual ,Tleeting of the Betn ore Cheese and Butter Com- pany will be •heldin the Temperance Malt, Belton re, on Saturday; tho 10th day of January '91• Gown -mob!): ul,`faie hour of 1 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of al cttu ••a new Board of Directors, reediv- ing.the Aerators', Statement, dsc,• and :uuy other hnelr3'ese th4' that interestsot,the Qo,tlptii y nay.die. JAS CLARI;C, D N SJeDONALD, Prosideeb 51e; Treiis. -IS the--- day school work to interweave contenpor- ty evCnir 1; tlr D1' '•" are prtinhocy with the bistnrical. lessens on 1Veduestirxeverprescribed for the next six months. Cern r, Mr tt.tzd'ylirs -Reddaway en1y, 7irlitlow, tei'tained a select perk of friends and e vtet; enjoyable evetilug was. spent- Ulan . ' • BEST in the INA RLD Gordon & McIntyre. if you want First -Class BOUTS, frorw tile etrongesl. Kip to the finest} Kid ; 0 V41 130 ES. or ti(J81i1fRS, go Vo 'Gordon & McIntyre,. If you want MA:NPGC GOODS; Dlutssr GbnDS or DRUBS. Tettefmrelet8 of any ::material or shade, at Reasonable Pekes, go to Gordon St McIntyre... If you- want to select Ener (&npnTs, either• in .6rrlsvels, Tapestry, :All Stool or Union,. from the largest stock: in `'\'ineha,tn, go to Gprc on & T °IcIntyre. None genuine unless stationed "Rubber rant 00 Cleveland, Ohio,!` We alsohave the best CANADIAN Paint ..:e...i „E10:1.. We ere pleased to ;ier Chat Mr. WI.NGHAi11 MAB/MTS, v�et�rl; D David Ge,lrtnill, who hes boon -lately Corrected 1,1P. Deans, Protdutoi.D0ulooc. C1, 1802 , Confinett to his lienee , three -0 iridis- ',lour per 1.001K., S 2 80 to 2 50 0 88 to 88 position, is now gradually recovering. -Mr, Gallagher, au old and repented inhabitant of this locality, is seribris'ty ill. As the gentlemen has arrived at i e- nnof 81,t,rons aplr the advaucir,',,, s henaions are entertained of his. re. c0'Yery. Glersannan.. Following is the school report for month of December : 4th, Janes 'road t'cott, Maggie Anierso0, David Hutton. .8rd Setter, Mabel. teicLettn, Albert, Aitken, Maggie If. Scott. 3rd Jutior,Alary Aitken, Thus Carrick, leinriee J. Scott, 211d, David Breen, ::.:'ester MLLean, Bella Campbell, Part 11, Iteny A. McTiny', Agi is ) lease Metcalf. A verdict was recon y €f Rhode Island which may astonish s,uiltl' men. 1t,declere1 in effect that it es no (ohne to steal Hoe er in n' " • 1•,rrtltillitlon ;State. 'tJudrr prohibition n t s lti 1 intlo 1 all It is rain S la t atG t" riff p f Fall Wheat per utisltel, Spring ' Qath, Dailey Yeas, !Sutter, tub db ;tabs, '164 per dozen 110011 per cord, nay per tom Dressed polys 0 88:to 88 It to 40 CO 00 14 to 14 14 to 34 •2a 10 20 1 25 10 1 611 6 00 tes 600 -6 40 to 6 80 rsiatnh flOLLG R done antedate of Ontario t'etarinatyCollogo, (suceesaor .0 Win Ittil4,).is-prepared to tent 1111 dis- eases of dombatitated• animals, e„edor the latent sclontif, principles. Calls.pretuptly attended to at ilny,and night. Chhrges tnotlarate. NEWAVIITCHER OUP. c4.04, -811A117 • Wishes tolnttmato to the, people of i4•ihrbanl Ami vicinity, that ho has culnurnneed the iiutnherh,g a few doors iiorthof thentsiness and hassiilrtutswiekd outtthe Ileus�m1d8,4rd, STEAK, 10o. Ira. LA i, 10e. per lb. Mud other Meats in proportion, some as low as So per poured„ SAUS,AG:C,S, Rae., always on hand.1 w tO n t a a thrtox , c 1 rid I n lett f eipt of tilt' Maty, and tt,Ti.ixni4 g Maabsdolttorcltoa itfto that no tine eliail here legal ft, arty' Ilett, Int' 5eta. r t rrJ�rnr;ti;t t property CRANBERRIES, 1,CW. a Quart, ^g at th`e�,j i�� ' �1 "M^C e.,_LMP'SE ," �J �,.oHN. K tiiiriO IC 'COUGH Now. P'er'u yott tic not it may become can- atunpti3O. )3:,0 csopsidiraylli0f4,,Scrofula. General Debility and lMelillo.Diseeased, there fe nothing like Of .'rare Col tire:, 011 and HYPOFet•1pept: irrES Of r ,,ft*trs'. +ra:re. eiiwate.. It le nitnnet ns pOatabla08 milk. ear honer thou either .no•Onifed nwulatons. A wonder♦ttall, flesh prodWurcyorr.C,ry SCOTT'S EDI LSJ.O N et 4 irrri1Nnn spine ')2 . t, »i ,rp to n sot , rx'r• y i pito Iowa rfrt tis genuine. ,Year by 4411 •g,:1- ^,'• ",+rt•„^ M the publttr>faih3iiti t . ncnota ett lwlir. mod, forl'°1. t ' . • • (G140.4 sl ', w t4()flSl 41iotYCR, 1Sol,e 20s. t "1. 10. moi 3,i Ir yon want the 'purest T> As, either in Bleak, Ja,i.pan, Young Ilyeon or Gun Powder, to be had in town, wholesale or retail, g' in conliJt1ICo n. The Ancb.or/louse , Wingham.. W H '! MILLSI 'JOHN WATT, --Manufacturer of- JitMAT R AL of ail kends,l.- -otifla.=as- SASFI,; DO0118',. BLIND F r, A M 1; S, E't'c. TO. Banti a'h Columbia S+ R whet -MIN TGtim . , `Oregt n and Cali prof , IieaveToronto 11 p.m. en Fridays, ELS under: JA''TiTA.11,, 9, 23; 17'W.S31UA.11,-r 6, L,.); 1891: MA:RO I. 6, 20. .. Flooring, Siding, etc., dressed to order on the shortest notice. we have over 100,000 toetot ,Dry 1'411 sup Lumber in our yard. and 1n= ply seasoed ttttit of ell kinds, A call solicited. JOHN svingham, Juni Oth,1800. WINGlitat, TANN ERY ....... GLOVE WORKS. • Cloves -in Mink; Goat, Calf, Nnp ,S�arrar,af er p and 1ur4riving Gloves altItiy8 stock or mode to order. few Domestic- Buffaloes. Don't buydt.11.;be uritis" yea 'see. them.. A till stnekrot liid,French and flliniestia`t`att i and , Hip 1larnnss and Sale F1201208 k'or 0310e and flare ass 1 Makers, always on hand, Orders solfcitud. J. V HAA 1' AN. Stray Gattis.. Strayed from the pret'niees of the sub- seriber, Lot 21, Cnneelsion 11, Howie% otx or about Xoverober 11t,1800. Sig year. 1114;81 One white, one stray and two red steers, azul two gray heifers. Anynno riviv k 4rnatit nthatwill loadtheir ecoery will be liberally rewarded, .15. S. MILNE, Fottlwich 1`. O. 1891 RuNNINItTtbn00011 TO 'VANCOUVER 1Yil lein CHANCE For Berths and all information, apply to nearest C.2,B.. Agent. • WANTA ftw good .N"cn to repro• �sentinthisand aditiint;,' iknt,rl (P 1' 5( t1 A tad Ru• ,,,., nhabloSE:W Ekfi1ANO Nun - Stale whose reputatiur, is wed known toe svor00 over. New Is your Mamas to ;hate Money, ilae"tlsoate outfit rstf ; eontrll of territ0ri, and .pay every weak Write at oleo 10111.11 particulate. GNASH O. CO. t, Nurserymen, Calh9Wbs, On REMOVED 1 REMOVED I 1 have removed n}y Sewing Machina Titodfn tTnrnuth`s l4loek directly opposite tate Ilatrk. of Mon. where i will keep a full stork of the bated DAMS Solving curies, As 'well os a few of the cheaper 111 e4, Can supply Needles, Oiis and Repain for of Sewin+.3iachiato. 4 .'a As i intend to start Knitting all Kinds if Hit Customers can b xvo'their Stlutanrts an iu Eitst•Clase Style and on the short.* isfaitlon guai;.ntaed. 'Nlll also keep a rttwk. (14 tvforalys St.AR'' Nachirle. (bolt in the world,) on hind for na sold at r.a*bieble pricy?; Don't 1 'seem.,t one. as the' will knit so t tb . m8 b 1011a than h 14 t t'IaatM give um it rale tet, opra.dts, oho Haab of Hxr1NZeo yeuru l