HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 4• .41•11-' • f
— ANC/ —
Opu. Brunswick House,.
Wingham, - Ont
• !Pe Milldam
The nonalluttio.te for ,thia, township
were held u the FoNaters' hall, Blue -
vale, ou Monday last. • There was, a
fair tiont f ratepayers, and the
prooeedings were eornmeneed at 12
O'clock by the Township Oteek calling
'for nominatious, Win. McPherson
741', • OW* aliddilk
enee inet in hie eld
, iktf h "
Ot t Pavia !aeon was
ate ti:la for emneeillor, but did net in-
tend•to make a personal cauVas.
Ile left his eat* in thettliands of the
elootose, feeling' titOire that the result
would lee adavorttle one. Though; the
yoting moo ahoula. get a chance to
assist in governing the townehip.
Rieherd Armstroog had been colleted
by a lane umber of ratepayers to
offer himself for the positiou, of calla-
cillor, and be was nOW hafore the dlec-
tors far that position, If elected 110
would, look -after the towneWp's
aelaiese thanked the °teethes foe placing
him in nomination, and hoped, they
would give him a hearty support on
Monday next. Mr Gen Hatpin, the
other oondidete, was not present to
address the meeting when hie •flare
was called. During the meetine, a
discussion arose on the poor house
questiou, as to whether it would not
be advisable to,aelow the elector% to
vote on thet question at the municipal.
election, but the matter was allowed
to drop without taking any, Olen,
alitiea of heat And head, *mom-
alsied ttwo valuable preseute in
le form of ahauclsome drew:tug min
beautifel album. Ur Tountz made
a. suitable reply, thanking the, pupite
and fkindness filloWie to
Itir Tough leaves to !Attend the
Normal, after winch lie will return
Mae ltake, charge of the -school et n
eatery temeiclerality edvaitce lof his
peeeent one, We forgot to meution
thett Aimee 15 teachers from, didhrent
parts were present, whittle shows Mr
Teuglka. popularity eluting tee teach-
ing freternity, as well as with the
whole of the section,—Noinivations
in Morris resulted. the old admen
Wit"te returned hy. acclamation, not
thatthere waa no. feuit to fled, or
there it a good deal of thut, bah all
seemed to ttfhe the view thatthecouncil
should mute in °Mee until the de.
falcatieu of the, ex treasurer was
straightened, out. f There was a geed
deal of wronging about the Matter,
and shifting 1-311. blame trent one to
another. From the discussion it was
learned that thaex,feeasurer had,tione
things. that lied, the• appearnnee oe
crookedness while collector foe the
township, in 188L and that 'es was
appointed treasurer early iu 'titte aryl
Hutt he had Mien using the township's
moneys durine,•all that time. Also,
that the auditors had wide the usual
statetnent every year, viz ; "We have
audited the books anti found them
oorrect," at the same they bad neither
tempted the cash nor seen the brook,
The Sunehine Cludetunte tree enter,
tainmeut,on Dec. 2nd, Was a decided
moss in every 'reseed. Tbapro•
gramme was .long, varied and intereet;
hate heino composed of readings,
eras propose for Reeve, try Jas Elliot, recitations, einging,iitneby the.Senday
seconded Adam Qleghorn, For !school children, who,performed their
Deputy Reeve, Wm. Gerninill was
-proposed by IOU Leathern, seconded,
by Geo Nicholson; Wni Oruiclish.ank,
proposed by Robe Weir, seconded by
Thos Gilmore ; Geo Thomeon, prepos-
ed by Win Gerptnill, seconded by Gave
in Wilson, For councillors, Robt
Mamwell, proposed oy Aeltunefieghorn,
seeouded by Jai Elliot ; John Dirnent,
Ids:towed by Robb seeouded by
various parts in a utauner highly
oreditable t6 themselves, aud those wile
trained thein„ Mr. 0; Mothellancl,
Miss Godfrey and some of the older
metubers of the congregation, assisted
with musk), readings, &gond speeches
were delivered by Mews. L M.. God-
frey, of Belgrave, and.B,ev, Me. Camp-
bell, of Bjyth. IVIr. Godfrey took for
his subject "Ameritan tiumor,"es Com
R 8 Harris; Grovin Witepet, proposed pared with English. Trish aud Scotch
by, Malcolm Lemont,. seconded by humor, illustrating his ra,narks by
numerous examples, showing their
timelier :characteristics. Rev. Mr.
Campbell, in a short, forcible and
eloquent addresashowed the resources
ot our Dominion aod gave reasons why
Oanadiatis should not listen, teethe
carping and croakteg of the tradugers
of our couutry, 'calling upon all true
patriotic. mea to throw pelititiseand
everything deco asidewhich would
nindee teem; from fostering a kindly
and enthusiastic loyalty to Canada,'
than witiole no other coantry had a
brighter future and more hopeful pros-
pect, After the literary aud • musical
feast hadbeen disposed of, candies,
nuts, teco, were distributed among the
audieece.old as well as youogyecerving
their share, need. seeming tre equelly
enjoy thetn, .Tlie large and teautilte
.tree was then stripped of its muitifar.
liatie, fruits and was foupd to contain
enemy aud. beautiful peeseete from can
dies, apples and tin whistles,, to
.heantifei albums, bootes and, costly
ornaments. The entertainment breite
up et, a seasonalve hour, all 'ming well
pleased with their evening's Gating.
the proceeds antonoted to within a
few cents of $30,'Whibli will•be devoted
to the interests of the Suuday school.
—Saturday, 20th, Mr. Blackwell,
assisted by Messrs 131acke
&Age, end others,held a very theme
eul examination in 13S No 5. A.,farge
member of parentsethe resident inln-
istee and others interested; were
present,. The pupils in the various
Glasses acquitted themselves in,a, very
creditable manner and at. the close a
n u m bee of the visitors, expressed
themselves as well pleased • with the
condition and progress of the wheel
and declared their satisfitetion. of
knowing that Mr. Blackwell was to
remain in charge next year.--Sle and
Mrs James Wilkinson spent (Melees
urns in Kincardine.—Mr Will Russell
has returned front his extended so.
journ. itt Detroit.—Mr Will Potter,
enedice.1,student, of Torontoes
nil the 4th. It is eat necessary to say
where. Wil1.kin-so(o)11 tell you that
if you ask him.—The school house in
88 Ntel presented a very animated
sppeerance on Wednesday, 24th, the
occasion hitieg the extunivatiori of the
pupils who have. for the last two
t ears been under thn iustructiou of
Mr W J Tough, Me 'rough has shown
himself to be a very 'painetaking and
energetic teacher and the esteem in
wide!' Imes held by the people of tine
section was fully attested by, the large
number of viletore present, About 100
being in attentlit»ce. Tito pupils
!mowed a high state of protioiencey in
the different heanchee. Daring the
exataluatiott of the classee, teasel by
8atnuel Leggett ; Rieliard Annetrone,
propoeed by Geo 13 Scott, seconded by
Sittneel Leggett; George Harris, petit -
posed by Robt Miller, seconded by
Tues Nixon. The time having,elapsed
during watch nominations could be
mad, the ()leek declared Win Mee
• Phirson eletined, Res ee by acolatuatien
' for the ensuing year. A,crieeting was
thee orgenized, with Mr. Rahn Mpler
• as eaairinate to allow the different
eetelidetes to deliver addreeses.
lalePitersore, the Reeve, was the first
spetker. He thauked the eletoors for
enter eoritioutd, confidence ; they had
eteeted him to hie preemie peeition
• • eleven times, nine nf them by, tonne-
raittion. He;wonid, as in the. pn
-.strive to de what he cored •foe the
• tewnship. He gave a resume ot the
ensiaess done at the county couneil
' &wile; the year.' There hod been a
new oridge erected during' the year at
a costef S700, and there would be oue
t•rected the coaling year at Eadie's
Went into particulars in regard to the
entered by Air Geo Bryce
e against tide township for overflowing
• Jos lands with water, and asked the
streeting for an expression of opinion
Ile to whether the township should
carry the case to a higher court in
case it were defeated at the initial
. trial. He then resumed his seentifter
• wishing the electors a happy new veer..
Wabefore bfore the
• electors as a catididitte for the Deputy.
lteeveship. He had been -in the
council for five years and its the pres.
eat Deputy Reeve was retiring, and
he having sat in the council foe a
leger time titan Rio' of the other
tile:elms, thoaeht he was entitled
to the position. rats record was be.
fere the people, and lie hail always
done whatel
he thought was best iu te
toweshiots interest, and if elected he
would give close attention to the in -
threat of the township. He,hoped
that the (decrees would tarn out on
eleielay mud give him a rousing majere
ley —Win itruiekehank was c tndi
(tete f DIpittyelteeveship, Ile
he 1 served the eleetors for to years
iti the council, and if elected, for the
higher position to whieh, be asptred,
their iinerest would receive his best
&teatime • Geo Then) poti than iced
the electors for the confidence ;they
hal rep:oil-41 ilt him for the past eight
yeas, end s•tid that as lie inel rude
attain changes tit his tenancies that
'would empire his absence from Itore
a greet deal of the time, he was cone-
pilled to decline tile nomination at
t prosent time. Lien Matwell
t nt el the eleeters t a returning him
to the Council Cot' year, 110 had
wowed tee peeple faitlindly and now
On Wednesday, evening of last week
a temperance lecture was delivered
in the t'oreaters hall by Dr.• Mao
donald, M. P., of \gingham. There
were neer five hundred persons pre.
Sent, all. being highly delighted with
the very able aud, interestige. •lecture
the Dr. 'tome. Mr SamuelGraopy,.
'ancoinpanied the Dr, and gave a very.
'funny reading, entitled•"The Beef,
eontract." The Kest of the evenieg
was taken rip by the Rev. Jr. Geddes,.
aud Rev Mr Growls, who gave short
Redresses. We !most not 'fineret the
Whitechurclechoir. who did their part
welt, exceedingly well, There cannon
be too Much praise given in favor of
the music on that • occasion.—Or
eohool teacher, 1,%ir Spenee, has cotn-
pleted bus term and left on Tuesday
evening for his home- ein Melswerth.
No &edit Mr. Spenee 'Veal be. much
missed ine tseetion, at he impeoted
the children well for. the shO
ort nes
rOarrip, imaokartwor, ..tor, al Mr, Ot
NethanVarielt, forinerly Of t Ott tioutlay, Dee.
°hereto, old blies desaie ' lotted thaentesting
daughter of Mr Thontas Oarlds; of think it alight he tee
Whitechurch. The •happy Wilde derive was eclipsed any t leg Of' 'Anne
to Wiughatti on Christmas ilayetticone: iu thee gection of the cote
ponied by a few( their frteude And suleptuette repast wets surveil; tee e
had knot tied theeTthey will not • tott itt the Itseetnent of Wu
loose in a burry. Congretalatious. The auditorium. eves crowded to set
4,••••••••••••,...111., veriloer to partake of the Memel.
131leetTale. • treat neaten% liev Mr. Prink, pa*
Tile nest weather audgieigning, n, tor, ocutipied the chair aild WW1 it in
Maguilicent crowd—the large. t it Is his actual agreeable manner, The erat
said ever Wab 10 Bluevale, unbounded apeaker was it v. Mr. Saito" et
interest and enthusiasm attended the Herriaton, who eptertehied the crowe
openiogi oi the fine new Methodist for the ogee of 20. minutes. Rove
soloorolt en. the 18th. lu the afternoon Mr, WriEten
eht,,(teopaltele) of Gerrie.
at 3 80 the Rev. Dr. Potts, or Toronto, drew the untitvided, attention ol tris
preached on Matt. 2: 1, 2, Hie inv
ser crowdanteing hie brief areas. Rev.
men, probebly, will never be forgotten
by those who heard it, it was, 'fell of
thought and thrill and power, Every
seat, drew -seat and otiair, wee tillea;
immediately after the afternoon sere
vice, the climit•r, which was eX,oellent,
was served which occupied the time
fully from '5.30 to 8 o'clock About
600 people to et dinner,yet despite the
great nunoher the ladies of the °buret'
and circuit had provided 80 ahundnatly
that many more could 'have been en-
tertained, At eight (Nock, the even-
ing entertainment ot nnisiet song and
addresses, wee given, De. Chisholm,
of Winghamefilled. the obait in 'a,gentle
manly and worthy manner. Revs
John Scott, NI A. °hairline:1 of the
District, J A. MeLauelilan, B A, of
Wroxeter, Robt Godfrey, of Belgrave,
A. Y Hartley. 'reshyterian, of Blue -
vale, J 8 Cooke, ' of Hensel], who
preoeded the Rev Mr Walletin .ite'pus-
tongave short edeireeses;all were short
and pithy, however, to give time te
Dr Potts, who wee to give the ad-
dress of the eveniugetis subject being,,
'The Mutual Relation of Pulpit and.
Pew," which was fall of wisdom and -
eloquence. Nearly' all who. Were
-preeent iu the afternoon remained f
the evening, who, with scores of. others,
!oraratned the seats, aisles, porgh and
every foot ofepace within the building,
many reeds Oft people who (tame in
the evening had to turn around mid
clittappointedly wend their way hone
The tine noisie was sapplied by the
Wingninit Orchestra, and solos, were
sang by Mime Delimits and Tuft,
Airs 000itN and Me Duffield. A seta
soription 'th
was taken in betolf 'of e
Betiding Fund, which, with proceeds .New Year. ,
of dinner, and afternoon offerings, •The cuitneil met Dee 15, 1890, s
amounted toeconsiderably over 2500. Brown's hetet; Foedwieln einktaMint
The dedication of the oharch, thd adionrumeitt. Members. tie presont,..'
painting of which, was not cohipleted. The reeve in the thein
their. ;Mutes ofi
last meeting reed &13t1 hpproved. By.
iciw No. 5, read and d 'passed. The
clerk received, .$12 from Win Hib-
bard, per J W Jeri:pies, for' Old bridge
sold to hint by (icemen on tton. 10, • ,
lots 20 and 21emoney to be handed to •
treasurer. Moved by Mr De Image, . •
seconded by Mr Graham, • that the
annual recipts. and eentlittire be
published in detail, also a ethteniojit ,
of meets and liabilities, in estoortiance .
with !statute— OH ailed. Moved ;lei .Mr • •
daceues.seconded.ht Mr Gritheon that •d '
the trensnrer lay a Statelat,tib before .
the council next meeting of the •
amount of rebate on each Government
Oraintly the Government receivine the
intigeet and annual paYtneut of princie.
pal some months before dup.—Carried,
Report of the reeve read in refereuee
to bitsiness done during the year by
the Board if Health, and it wile moved
by Sir Grahannthat eaelo tneniner re. .
arrive $10, being '-$:1 per day, and the
:went:try receive $1 extra.—Oartied.,
Moved 4' Mr Graltain, seconded by
Nir Jacques, that the eionocillats each.
receive $dt) for council aud commis-
sien fee, and the reeve $60, anddebenturesl,
debentures be leaned for same.—
Carried. Account'Passed-11. Wiley, .
Al for drain, lot 17, con 8 ; Twara•
leV, $1, for repairing culvert, lot 14, •
con 14 ; Vtttie.$1 for repairing mil -
vett, lot 10, con12 ; Alex Kine, $1.75
for sbed at hall ; J McKee, $11.12,
grev :ling, lot '6, con 1 ; 'Hayden,
$1), for grading, lot 80,d con A n
Tilos Walker,45, for onlvert, lot 80,
coo Og 0 _Horton, 24 00, foe , charity
to G Beattie n Mr Underwood, i1, re'
pairing enlvertdot 1, con 18; deStincl-
ere, $80 forehtch lot 16,• conA;
Metavish, fini'"' gravel
Douttgliet $17.8ine 2, for Mrs ShSe
months e 1.3 $3, for repairing
bridge, lot 13, con 4; A Patterson $1.
for repairing cutverneon, ; ,TAnsley,.
$8, for Om and gpneilicatione of
Gorrie eulverte W Newtote.$4,215,
for wood fur Sirs, Shaw end Mrs
McDonald ; Doniothy, et SO, fors •
gravel: Proudlove, $2, ha •bitch
killed and applied. for to he struck
M ff at Couet•of Revision; Jantiesen..
$30, 'foe repairs of nritige;,- lot 8, con
end 3; .S Nave $10. board of health.
fees F1,Perkins, $10, hoed ofitealth
fee A Dahmer, $0, for enunell erne
commotion fees ; J W Ja-nes,
for elownoil and emideutinent tee* n,
koix. ton; itne tote ddA.WALIP,Ale •
Mr. Afton (Preebyteriate) Wits tito
next speaker, and atidePSai ivoil
as those of the (Ahem was ohmmeter.
ized by a friendly feeliog, to all1Chriee.
tain denominatious end tried to.ninettl
those seutiments into hes hearers,
Whet was antimpated as the -intelieet-
ele treat of the everting was now reu.
drred by Rev, Mr, 1), In
his remarks ht. spoke of„the union of
the erotestatit denominations ae being
a. foregooe couciusion and -a matter of
time, He thought the only harrier
hetWeen dip tanioo of theit
and Methodists. would be the"'WoMait!
cpiestioo,"a0d also said as a Melina,'
toward anion he would be willing to
to give up the polity of his elnirch if
the Presbeteriaus wilted give up their,
doctrine. tits remarks throughout
were charecterized by Wooer teed were'
high y appreciated by the crewci of
• adtaireren futon:lel statement was
deinauded•by the Oluttrooto end rend- •
ered by. Kr- Oolk. Froin the ihrwe •
it was made known that the church .
was pelf' ha with the eeeeetlee uf
about m). Dr. Griffin then leeriest.
ed that auto from the crowd. In leste•
than twenty iniutitee the+. am ,tent
raised and more, The proo eels of tit
tea mire $125, and the colleetion oa
the preceding Sunday itinouuted ts
$113, To fiteish, up, an Orange Sectel
was held on Deo 22nd, at whh
addreseevas delivered liy Rev. Mr.:
Campbell, of St. Marys„ "titel
Save the Qatem."—Your correspotel-
tint will give an ttecount of the cbureh,
itself, in,the near future. This oppor-
Utility is also taken of wishing , the,
Tretes a. merry Xines eat' tiappy
will probably be the second Sunday of
he had charge of thenee—Mr Joseph]
Nixon has rented. hbthNew Year, Dr Potts eXpreese&
etel to his
brotheeein-law, Moses .01aampion, of
Donnybrook —Kr Beaton was away
on. S ant rd ay lite t ,b u ryieg hie father,
who died in Chicago and wag brought
to Weald home at Zleinahurg to be
interred. —Mr James Sharp has pur-
chased a horse front Hector McKayt1r.
Itir.-aleEny is going into, the washing
rintoldue inteinees.— Mr 11 D Hender-
son has jut get trea.lot of the finest
holiday goods ever seen, in a village
store.—The in connec-
tion with, the •Presbyterian Sabbath
Sclool at tide place ,was held on
Curiettnes eve, hi the clinrch, and was
a grand supeees, A prove:nine.
of Bible. readings, 'recitations, and
singiug waexentlered. The choir was
in full bloom and donaeonee extellent
Ilingin.4. The two reverend gentimen
of the place were preseueand gave very
appropriate addresses for the °Cashion,
after which the childrene banks were
broken and. contents, amounting to
$81 27, in aid of missionery work,wae
found. The chair wee.. oeenpied by
the superintendent, II-1 tit 1) Hendee
eon. This entertainment was no pay-
iug speculation for the obarch, as the
admission wee eitly woe/Mite for all,
but the Sunday School childrenan
hitch one took away a twenty cent box
of, candies.—Our grain- buyers are
doing -well since they sleeted. Only
one .or two parties with grain have
pitesed,thvougle the village, on account
of net beiug., setisfied with better
prices ellen theyeould -get elsewhere,
arid those were. not notieed or they
wound have been mode happy tvith
the rest.—The annual meeting of the
ehartileilders toed, -petrons of the
Whitechurch Bitter Pnetory was held
in the Ferestera' hall, on Suturday,the
27th. A large ound.fer were present
and every' person ,seemerl , to he well
eatiefled with Hie Wey, the`basiness had
he.en conducted and with the proceeds
from their mantes—, Mergers Itleleolin
end Alex rtoss returned the other
day from Mnoitobe. Their .friends
were pleased to Seestheril and to teem
be asked for a renewal of their noel. 1 the pupils and othrs end dielognee, that they have been doing well in...th
donee, John Diluent was before the readinge, &e, were intervened end pruiriti peovince.—Miss Lizzie Sintep, 'Whighltht,Preneh echnorning and even
eleeters for the p .141tion of anti -Peltier, tended maul: to enliven to prpeeritlioge daughter of Me James Sevin of tide inst. Hie uerinntle were oberaoterized
Ia thal461 pact he had eat at the council Alt ammitted themselves 'in a very piece, who has.been tesidinby deep thought and tn nob earnestness,g iii Janie,
'hoods and he nlwave done what he creditable mannt r At the 01081.4 returned home on Monday last Tewhishvolt le tee a deep impteaelon onr a
ttensidered for the best atterest of the ef the prneeedimint, Mr Toogh was- two week*" eisie.—Olottles Henderson 'wuny of Ilig,,hedrerd Thr wildredite
st ettty. He wand do all
le, „eneseona wish a neatly worse,' lel. is hiene bn
front thetininess ooller t101.1 hstemen with helot -nn epleaentre,
wee -
MO to indei deem taxeeinn, eitit Ail', 11 , . ,.. ,, dying le, bis many go", taifigg io 04 ligliotrur4u; Jost, i in 14010,40,00,01,40,41,1,4400910or rti.1
'• a III • 1 • i IN I ., .1 ,, '44 r 111 .4 **I. 44" t:::6**4! :, r:1;4‘.,:*:. ,..f *... '• -1-
..., . • .: 1 ,.iaa .4.'! -,
hitnedlf as highly pleased; with thin
beautiful structure, at being pretent
to help his old colleagoe, Mr Wallwiu,
tultis estimable undertaking and with
tieet generous liberality which has built
the church, notably the fine dountiou
given by -lion W E Sanford, of Hainil-
tot. Liberal contributions have 30trie
oleo from Detroit and elsew,here.—Mr
Healey and wife, of Halton comity.
nephew of Rev A Y Hartley, are
visiting at the Manse, this week.—
Robert and William htewart are trouts
for holidays. They are going to High
Sehool at NewSZears.—elre 0 Lewis.
who has been etiffering so long, hesp,
been.taken worse and is suffering a great
' Fordwich 11Iethedist Church, itt
accordanoe with the annennoeinnnt in
eeprevione issue, was dedicated to the
worship of GO on Dec. 14th, The
Rev, J. Hantion, D. D., of Guelph,
preacbed.tho opening !termini at 103)
e. nt., helm thn words; "The church
of Goa which he hath purchased with
his own blood," found in Acts 27: 20.
In his.preliminareeeetnarks, he show-
ed how in an hospital there is. an
apartment'for of the verious'
diseases, and of the great benefit it
was for people to enter in nrdento be,
mired, aud that when they went there
it woe their deetre to be restoredand
that if people entered the Ionise of
God with the same spirit how, they
might be cured .from the many spirit-
ual diseases which the flesh is ,heir to
Ile further showed the profit of every
portion's becoming a member dello vis-
ible to be taoinebt tip, and
pounded in the *aye of trullr and
right, It was a SPrrnon that Sank
intoethe heart e of the peeple. At 8
in,' the term° wee resumedety the
Rev. Mr. Smythe, of llarrisone who
preaelied a very utile and edifyiug ser••
mon, The Rev. Dr. Hannon prettehe
eignin at 6 80,. The eleurch was
literally Paefte.d at each otervice. On
lAntidny, Dec. 2let, Rev. Mr. Sentt, of
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