HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 3i un; lie littruHt lt: -,.n• 1 t JDatlt til it, vies owl eirootrrbgp = tins powers. Keep, . oboe by getting for ;re able, some of the witty likes—a , =h- tt, or au oreaii..-- tut some of her rt, .g the flower garden And, if you have aneetie quintal end 4 it and beers it ae, 1`t sell it and pocket her keep it bud dirt•• Will, Leta gift al^ re. Don't drive your .bin work,- b11t•"'tre,44,' hero sr) ttaat.tlhey.r lar. noes to: follow tat ti your gir.$. to di a dude or tailor•tnac� ode by the Alhiiglltg`., .t;e e teach your boys to ... I, if peJssible,. see that 1s for do . so.. , 1 n work suit, which telt' patctied..,and faded, Let each have are., Laing to the business y suit in town, so that, way froth home on a 'ill neither feet Lumina - clothes, which aro.goud Turk in, nor feral foolish y hest at. any time. ildren to Le proud of :s independence, free can, n0yances And tem ta• importance as one of the., ,ries, Another Cssentiiit ambitious children some id to cultivate .for their, ;hints in which they take nal interest, and from ave the 11300030 to nae as And in civet ything 'about to SLOW them ttie reason I proceaSes, that they may e rre learning something, Ince. {Lastly, . the social raung people wuat be gra- 7iAet them with plenty oil matter,and encourage all terory, vuaioal, and social 'nts, Youth ie. not -con - • society, andought not Old Homestead, 7,Yore 'Could ire Done, Eest Things, t Lineolu had been, durin :oral weather, to visit th ie geueralsh1 Viegiuta, an olerit cola. Mrs. Ilineoll' pair, and one day said Stanton, i. do W1Sli ' yo . lair. Lincoln out of til a week 1 He is ill enong :d now, and suffering agoni ria from acute rbeutnatisbi low What to 'do 1 Ile a'. :eepS at work every moire' nuoili waved Irris long 8rin ,ary, saying- Well .Stant'. ;lit to be one colalftxt for 1, anybow-•etbe sante that 1 Jefferson had, whose o . Did you e‘ er : Lear 'ientlli, family, neighbors alucnted, extrollttd and gri lose .at the funeral, 11 himself arose and said, enols : We'„ have the bl:: tion of knowing -that s' As (Imo the could be 4 1 bled no lest than tweet .twenty-four hours 1 ,X;tu strength and had to ale 1 , I've been wrapp€'a 1tt no veatyfour pleoes of red. intuit:tit since yesterday, y Wife isn't satisfied. beautiful , beel•oUt anti int %I null,, At lot 1 are now to lm )rE of an tuft y of our reaidr 5ductitl1S r, Messrs. McCaw: st rel, epemil. anet tte. e tiieo ti assottment ofdknigt.i. aro , stir lit n tidy lo w.- 3 rwirk, al sac cart iut,rA b11tt4 .. • u 1 41 1 la gf.«reg 414•:". ,: yr . ,1 t y i.t 4 • i' TEMPERANCE CQL,UNIN. s tuniosoreu tot THE Y. W. o. T. II. Olippfafls, uougo chief, lately. tried,, con• whited, and executed for assueshiatian, wasasked just before ilia death if Ise would like anything, and said, Yes, Ain; he drank hal a bottle, and was then shot. It is said that the doctors partly ,iittrihuted the malady, from which the late king of Portugal suffered to his excessive smnoking. ft was no unoorn. mon thing for him to smoke a hundred "large green Havana cigars in four �i-.4!lys, . "At a temperance meeting in Spicer street, London, a man stood up and said: Yon know there is:a public bowie Balled, The Blind Beggar, Do you • `Vie, the Meaning of that sign 1 1 will tell you. They go in blind, and ' corne out beggars. if, .The order of Rechabites, a large ` temperance society of England, 're- dices in the :returns given at its late annual oonfs'rence,shnwing an increase of 10,610 members during the year 11800. - T ' ials all the more Pncourag- Yng as it is a benefit c tib, as well as -a Tatar abstinence 'itociety. Dr, Parker,. of Londs'n, his rezent address on "Intlivid'' slim" stated itis own plan for making deneral t Booth's 55lleme an almost perfect tSaeor'ss, It wad to abut up the pnillao• houses ; for perrnanent information is cam:, impossible While the present state of 'things. exists in this respect. An Irishmen remarked about Scotch - tom in Oiyion I They never wer'e at home but when .they were abroad ; aid when they came Ont to Oevlon tLey at and they drank ; and they drank, • and they drank, and they diel; rod, after that they had the audacity . to .write hone and biline- the clirnatd, "Tit's '.kiwi''Anti-ruin Congress in Khartoum was not myth, as some exchanges have it, but ail actual re-' atity, according to Bishop Taylor's Magazine, and was 'held at the same time that tbo Anti Slavery Congress in Brussels 'were resolving to search 401 vessels and dhows suspected of having slaves on board•,'aud to confis- ;C,lte the velssels and return the slaves, the A.ral'sa were adopting a rlsolutron to.surroa'nd the entire coast of Africa a cordon of armed dhows and confit;• cote. evetr'y Earopean vessels contain- ing limier, and sell the , crew into slavery.—Christian Weekly. • Dr, Hansen, the Greenland explorer, is a teetotaler, Never in bis direst straits dirt he cheer himself. he says in his newly published book, with anything in' the shape of alcoholic liquor The only use I ever made of --" brandy during my tour through Greet). land was, lie tells, to melt the snow when we w.tuted water. It does that • admirably, Not Jorn ego Sir Wilfred Lawson, the loader of the Prohibitionists in Et/»land, whi'e visiting it the house of ,t friendo;t►de the acquaintance of !t bright little boy, some tent years of ' age,'lvitli whom the genial baronet talked aocj oinpod. After a while he said': sN ll, my boy, we have been •great friends, but it's odd we were never introduced. 1 don't know what your name is, andt and sure you have not the slightest idea who I ttnr. ell, yes,said the small boy, 1 know very Weil. You are the celebrated drunkard. The Prince of Wales was about to vieit the blind asylum in 'London, ,,f which .Dr, Campbell is the famous head. Sonne of the directors, in angel-. Ration of this visit said to lrim: You will have to lay aside your An erican tilrejudices, doctor, 00 .this occasion,. and furnish your attests with 'Whin, Tile rlerutur etrdrItvored 10 PXCuue hint" self. It won't do, was the reply. The 47kt intro would think himself insulted If .. bw tame hi=re sad DO vins were offered h 14I . ' l'he ritcre'nr st'•rrr4•P herr fimrr LIPP AarUAW, . r is / Ir+te J,l`fta-r85 migriverl Nils eware, your highness, ale said, titan ' itis Usual to have Wine provided. on each an obcasion as this,butit is against 'nix ptainei,jles and those of this institu- tion. 1 can only oiler you the best ten and coffee .I could obtain, l.he Priuct not only thanked hint at the time for his consistent adherence to his princi- ples, but is reported sa saying every where la Itruudon society: 1 ala glad to know that we have one institution in Laudon which is Consistent, and will not lay aside its principles even far a ' prince. • Austen To Montana.- Aro you disturbed at migght and brOkeu of your'rost by a alokahild sulfating ling crying with pain of Gutting Tooth? It so 00114'.. et once and sot a bottle of ' afro. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value Is ll,oaLu1- able. it will relieve tate poor little .eutrer.,r I Immediately. Jlppond upon it, mothers;, there is no mistake about it. it vires JJyeentery and Liarnccea, eegutates the Stomach and Bowels, cares WindUolio, , softens the punkt redness' icdamumtiort,and gteea stun and energy to the whale syetem. "Airs. WIn- loow's Soothing Syrup'• for children teething is pleasant to too caste and is the pruseriptlon 05 Oua of the oldala and best female physleians oricOttir,ras in the United States, and ts. for sale by all druggists throughout ono world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sura and ask for "aline. Wisslows SoorkuR;0 ailuro • And take no other loud A dressmaker sees a good deal of the seamy side of life. 1.f p, courting match is not declared oft it must olid in a tie. ---New Orleans Iiierty n ne. • sot white gaifds• - A little of Guibourt's Parisian .Bairn ap- plied alenignt, will soon reuder the hands earls mud white. Parisrau lialrri is delight - .fully perfumed. Sulfa by all druggists. - Prilnes—Does he foot his wife's bills ; Secr*ndas—I've seen him kink. at tliem -The Epoch. The cup that cheers is th'-cupthat a fellow wins before a crowd at Lt shoot- ing mech.—New Orleans P1eaynue. Wilison'a Wild Cherry oulas Coughs and Colds. - There is scarcely an ache or pain i n the whole body which is 'Tier soothed or removed by hot water if applied as follows: flip a piece of flannel or cloth of five or slit folds or layers, in boiling water and lay it on the painful part, :covering it instantly with a dry ilauu,•I, of ''which the. edges should extend over the Wet one" loth or mini CS 80011 a9 the wet one leas dried a little; or in a',out five minutes,;- slip it out under e ,e edge of the dry cloth and introduce another flaneet as hot as can be han'd- led; do this in •iso adroit a manner as to allow as lirt'e cold air aspossible to get,,to the skin touched, by the hot fl•rnuel ; . persevere until the pain is re. moved, Physicians assert that by this hot-water poultice the most violent,dry and distressing coughs have' been re. 'hived jn it few ininutes,and some fortes of croup subdued in Half an hour. BANIt OF HAM lT T &°±?', 1V.1 Capital, f1,000,000. Rest '$450,000. Prosident-,)gnu HTOAar. . Vice -President -A. (0. RAMSAY.'. numarons Joss PRhbTOR, (`iIIA3, GuarnV, Oso 'ROAOrr, A. T Wo0o,.A. E• LER (Toronto). - Cashier -J. TURNBUL.-, Semim446 Daltli: hours, 10 to 3 ; Satilydays,1 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest., allowed, Special Deposits also received at eurreil Cates of interest. D:aftsonGreat iiritafn aid the United States bought and sold, B. WILLBON, Aoina. MEYER (Sr DICKINSON, - Semmes. 14. IP l� I�tta, young. old, or-ntiddlo caged, who Awl themselves nervous, week or OXtlauat- ed, who are broketr .dowlt from, excess Or overwork, resulting in many of the iollawiug symptotus: )dental depres- ,ioa1, premature old age, loss of Vitality, loss of memory, .bad dreams, aiusflttes of sight, palpitation of the heart, etnisst n, isek of energy, pain, in the kidneys, beadake, pimples on the face or hotly, itching or pacular sensation about the sorotur=:, waisting of tht3 organs, dizzlnetts, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles,l HATS, qistids and elsewhere, bashfaluesa, :depupits in the urine; - loss of will - 'Power, tencernes: of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby wnsoles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested 'by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, toes of voice, desire for eolitade, ei(eits.. bility of temper, •sunken eyes stir. • M. VALUE OR - „1 ---1 Ea.. , CLOTHING, -GO O • VTEBS1i..ERS rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms. of nervous debility that led to iaaoity and dead useless cures, The spring. or vital power having lost its tension even function Wanesin consequence, Those, who through abuse eonnnitted in ignorance:. may be permatteutely cured. Send your address for book on' alldiseases peculiar to nun). Address M. T. LUJ3AN, 50 Front St. Toronto, Ont. Books sent free -seflled. .Heart disease, the symptoms of 'which are faint spells,. purple lips,, numbness, - iialpitetion, skip beats, not Bushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with 'beats armee rapid and irregular, the second heart (teat quicker than the lirst,, pain about the. breast. "bone, etc., carbo positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for 'book: Address M. V. LUBON, 50- 'Front Street Eaet, Toronto, Ont. C. P. B.TI31IlTABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows LRA1.ING ARRIVING 8:85 a. m . For Toronto ,,,.......8:80 a. In 2:20 p. ' ' - 2a0 p.m 2:2.3p, In For Teesivater 2.20 10:00 p. ru - 10:80 t3-n.A. LTD TMUN'K A. 0. STRATIIDPI.1, AGENT, WIN0UAar, Through bekotsto ell - points in America -North- West„Pacific Coast, oto., Via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. TIME TABLE. LEAVE Wau11114.f. ARRIVE AT whet 6:30 a.,n.Toronto, Grlplph, Palmerston, dto. 8:80 pan. 11:10 . •, ” ' 10:10 " 11:40 p.m. r' " Clinton, " 77:2e " °Palmerston, ,Utxod ....10:15 a.m. 0:95 a.in-.Londou, "&a.. 11:00 " 8:90 pm. _ ' 7:45 p.m. 11:10 a,10 Kincardine, dm .. ,..... 0:80 a.tu. 3:30 p.m ' " - 11:10 " 10.0 " 0:50 p.m Phr' y Physiogii Siolo•": . ( Send Photograph of n :elf or Friend with 31, and 1 will send you a W un Statement of your Character and the P003 ' y • re adapted for ; also stating what pe'son,y shout . arry to be happy. Photo. returned wit, hart. 0, Co0E F Phro otist, N 1110P. 0. via Pett sir, Ont. Late of Win m. CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, Cheap for XASH, -AT W E B S T E R' S e EE E '=.AT NT -T P CREA ► tLJ A MTL..�A., , A, BACKETS and II K PANS. air ins Mae, ' ILK CANS, gverythi g in the E E -TROUGHING- A S'; i CIALT S.T e atriqg w Ise Pro.rap Donee. 40. 1 Property Tor ..Sale in Belino e. The undersigned offers for sato a desirable pro party in the vrlhrge of 11Llinoro, consisting ofpaled• dweller;ireue5, otlice,ri, stable and driving she�,•'t4ith one acre and a 11x1 ol�lad in connection. Splendid" garden, with a1f sots of fruit trees. .V11l be' bold at a burg:db, For particulars, apply to. PSEDERIOK COO,'., P.elmo e. 3A•EEER SHOP. 1011~x. MA1:0OL11 11IcDONALD, (LATE OF airLEY,) 'f., Doling. trur . seed tno barbering busincss'bf Messrs. Sehastitn oo., t4 prepared to glvaail old customers and aLIasdasy nhew pcuree5p0a.tronisebuilt, satisfaction 3t:IAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties. IIai;Oiro•me a call at the oldstand, opposite Gordon and MdYiltyro s store,, M. MCDONALD. A Blessing to Every Household.. HOLLOWAY'S PUS AND OINTIIENT. These rcmceies have stood the toot of fifty years experience, a'nd Aro pronounced the boat Mediriinos for Fondly use. T: EPILMS Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LtVlta, ST(MAOII, KIDN1:VS AND DOW BLS and aro invaluable aft itll complaints Incidentai to kinglet td all ages. 11 azr- is the only reitahlo rornedv dor 1)1 t 1051', 400, s, 010.504, aid old ttohnds. i•OR i &I liOtiflis, �l,itE. TITI1OATa, (IOTTO1IS, oorM , 0O(TT, RF'i�.UM.ITISM, OT.rlilUt.t1t 1d)V LTN(i3 ANI ALL ldti'u Ufod y 1. MIaSNO VUs ttriaogaoethoolet 78, New 0:ctodLe 520, OXtod Stee, Londn, l'Purhasera ahould look ;to the Label' ou the Bosse and rota. y the address is 'Oxford Street, Loudon, they ate spurious. it 1 s;,1 ,Fyrt - '_ I1I1 m1rstr fo": ,qCyr sea54ro+:1r Lyt' W'1I h1152141:2-ye lsdo,MMzflAr. intedy futrs r110a-. two ;o 'r'e Ise to ',1.9 of h wsa c9eSeemly cored. 1 :,.7 ftftr r lydtrI w o h„,es 1, ut ter. 1 -las in stock Twenty -Five - NE CUTTE RS, Which will be sold at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, FOR GkSS. call and sea them, an . gat pricz,,z. All kinds of work made to order by First -Glass Workmen, under the sul)erl'ision of the proprietor. Repairing, Painting, Top Building, &c, done on Short Notice. 'Pilose in need of anything in our line will save money by calling on us before purchasing. ' WM. DORE, - Wingliam, Ont. , a w s .r te,.. �,.... +.... rurSaW aa. .um. w w,,. ' w v +.r — _ — • 41VIURRAY -Saccosaoi"9 to R M Robinson, manufactnterets ef-- ir''.� JCAE ti4r We have the patterns of R. M. ltobluson and c rn supply repairs for ail kinds o lmplstnontt. MILL PICKS MADE AN -1) SkiARPtINED,. SAW G LJ•. .' I ' GG• l"t0 '.A. `ntrzT • Vii+Ant.il4 b LA. sz,vai Tho patronage of 1ho public aolicltttt. litigrArly quantity of old Cast Iron Hotap wanted. ray runt I Mltve.44 " mended as �r Olt ler its& a Inns tM ton2 'tier rich ttr` +broth 3, Ltlt h n oLPe tre 4R- ¶5 04 ,"! 1, K