HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 2ovi 1. ee • „,,,Ettrit 41404 Temper..a‘e William. III., of thetfelbir se, *Vie died a few a daYs 14144 %Ado's, a man of "friglitfu OVAtei • . 4 at bin , ' isaegit ainnate 0 ;tempo!. The toan who exeite(14100 steep* Ater ikap; AM" 41king in tin= Wilke t of d wd vitklky tiOn (able they mei be; la rnu bait= l'A.NLY.e.ItY 2 1891,- hail OS eVeA,l1(;thers Was tile tallk, lyellaeraleeigiike4tte aat4-et Ilutut uut 1114411g'11 °14111 "catrroll* °1C1'184-‘4" W4)ettel' (313:04tIna's' Orti. ,e 410,1A+1;h°1'1'"ke) wl'° left tilt +144. of titliegs kieenied-W,&th ' cent as far as him to wee- hie thinking powers, It wa0 durlog hutaley week, twenty: 1:nother 4014 464 heli. theOor 1 litr!alt Prut°64°"8iPto 139cmino,.. tits teattaiOtiati4eerried, loot' daughter at home by getting for his contempt for -Thorlmoke*lee 0/1, gratireta ki°,2113-1i4O-st'. eh: ateeeryballly stdoil etill mid her, as far aSeyou are able, some of the 10,1ar Idatel agQ,, thet the fated souls, cried, and Mary Anue 441 Mutilit,ftrof etate. The tateatlfrielp A tleutio. Ws wrecked upou 4."eta Audi PrsYra- far ea at a eerraistisuel scene. A things she praetioelly }ilea— , t40 Vete ou Devilas termite, walla, tOut al -the ISOor lad of oursereue wayaareesing bine us Sir Preassor, gazine, oroquet set, or an orgettea. forty feet of the lefey rookebuond „boy •1111)1'-'4w1111111 thullahlatly119'11'"1" 18701 while Willi -a41 1Y" driftin4" ureal coast suits 600tia. eaa , at, swiftly toward an auee lliawith Frenee, " --4,1e—wateee, eaaeallea„,e.auffetekeia iet order that he might avenge the inan'e vale° was oboe into' , silence. Yiroogs all Dated:men feel they have eafaieratia lee 'Team 7 elle -wife put sustained at German Lauds& the pro. on a bttiler Of watier, and I put 4‘WQQ4 fessor was selected to contyitme the king that his people would not support Itim in each a course. Thorgeolte en- tered the king's bedchamber with his hands behind blue on the morning of the day of that deoiSiern Good morning, Sir Professor. What is the news asked the king. Notiziog sppoial, sire (tidy the.peo. ple of The IlAgue are talking a gaud deal of aonsense, said 'Ihorbeeke with diplomatic deliheratepees. floneph Ooncereing nay ministers1 Na; sire, droned on Thorbeelte,cone aeroieg you. 00.0cerning me I shouted the king, and what, 0 honored professor, cone corning me 7 Sire, I hardly wish to repeat it, 1 Poo of the 4OS4 theestreme of ocetto Vera 04 reeord, The oldest reeideull that vicinity iavenerable, silver, itaired :leek Watte, who low just turn ed his easikeyeseeeaa year. Ile ta, a to thasiire, elivoydo when we, e stalwart, nerdy, rougle weather beaten lishertnau With a bri4liant record rjr bravery. . • Da I remember that oight,f.'41,e I?' -You wouide't ask them question'e' J--t"Y boy, if you had beet: here; tile if yea lived ever so matey liVesYttilavounl forget tulle awful night thrangla e» eteroity, said ite, and the sturdy mau's voice quivered as Les paused to clear ins throat, and his eYeeglist- °nett . " • . Well, sir, he continte 4, you remark - •ed that Ghia was a stormy night` when you came in. Peliavel this i nothing. Sure eliere is a bit of a storm brewing and retber stiff breeze, but tiothing worth aoticing. Lok oqt a bit. And pet lie opened the door a gust of wind extingniebed the lamp, leaving the • room in (haloes We walked out toward the bluff: Tile air •was murky, raw, and growing bitter eold. Eighty feet below, the waves smarted against •the rooke.pound. iug like eonie enorin usSledge-114111114er With poise like distant thunder, and causing the ledge ander ou feet, to vie k rate with eaoh blow. Toe phosonoresce,t foam on the pests of the hteakere enabled me to dimly see -:..the huge, angry billow t reduliuously chasing each other . aid:we-ward, and breaking upon the . projectil.g edgee of the rocky reef. .111 ar away iu the aistance there was now and then visible a tiny point .af light—,f some vessel ; so fatthat it • would wholly dirappear for awhile, Akt.1 into into view. The NIA, i abut sixty. rilea away, And a steamer, likety oee of the Eng - hell or Freneit liners, he said. We altad ri citel near the very edge of the bluff —tie far as it was safe to go— wine my couipanion preeeed my arm And paused. 8tretehieg oat hie ar411 Mal pointiug with hi, Lona, hotly fin - •gees, he exclaimed : 'Pown there, just beyond us—it is ouly eighty fttet from dr' land --,you see that dark streak in the -seal That is the Devil's Oredle. told is under water at very 110 tide. • It ie ceded the name because the reef eis like a set of big saws ; the sharp rocks hold a vessel that runs on them, atudeothetirnes the sea has beaten and pouttiled told bhook the wrecks, very 'much as a cradle its rocked, until they lare torn to pieces. IC inti have been lost there during my woe. .13ut that ,oves 'let tbe. luck of the Atlentic, v'biehwus too firuily s t in the woks to be moved, and ctlie %Naves pounded tunke tier it1 twu, and after While tore fia to pieees. But that alieht Set in hard It; was cold-- .bittor cold -4 bd the aim neat down e„ in a blinding snow.ataim, atid wind lea every way witli a force that wee re tut 1 then camel slept and hail that yet a on r very clothes, and. drew 'dada witeiever it struck your flesh. All the alma the wind Was raising and tie nit yeee, getting more bitterly tekl. It ea eultfthat the eie, seemed to thing yop, autt the wind would ' whirl around almoet off your feet it aYltietleet and howled and fierfieelod think we tnuf.liaveagooti use for it; if stemware, rosette& ;' There k Xa,IV out in, the stOr'in 1w4s' lived bit of a etronguiati:'theu, eile6 hut - could 4ardl,,y;gtelitt up is Witt- it " blew witbataWfail fOecentod esielacauld net see teel. eqsyl,,Vct t1.14shp en to. juat 'ehont, where wre stepatiag. Another, rocket shut up, and jts tatt'olt of fire disclosed an Awful sigLt.1e was all iu a minute, emit 1 had to strain.. uty eyeaud look tender the peak of any hat through theblinding storm. There was a greet, big, splendid ocean steautehip driv3rt over the outer edge of the reef; tko waves looked as though the whole bottotn of the ocean had vioeittly heaved them up ; they were actually like mountains, and, • they lifted that huge steamer up and let it down, bumping over those jagged poiuts of flinty rock. Then all was pitchy darkness agaipt and although t could not see anything 1 kept my eyes in the same directiou. In a few ininitiee anothert roeke shot up, and again I bItNit that noble vessel lifted up. almost out of the water by a mighty wave este: it remed caught. and pivoted on 'one mat ;tomb of roek -thou it was heeled around; and as the water recede rooks seemed like I into whiati thestea the bare rough ge jaws, dowu ls .• la dropped._ with a -crashing noise of Yreu irohozhiss, taeltling and machinery. Loud above all, I omit' bear the sptootheredi' but unutietakable sound pc a woaftan's shrieks aud tbe shouts of wets. Teen all was iuky-black darkne4e, and -the waves aud wands Vied with each other in trausceudiog theie disli part. I had hard work to held my ballume—keep niy feet-eand get to oar little home. We were up at daybreak, and as the stortn abated I joined acme neighhers and went down to the cliffs. There we saw the noel+) steamship heed fest ou the locks, split in the centre and Strained :drover. fellee vvavels were. as ?ret, furiously breaking over her ; ice had formed on various parts of the deeks, bulwarks and rigging ; aodies were frozen stark ,aud sta. All was as sileot as tbe grave—not a living soul in sight on board. But few oodies were %emitted ashore until the tle4b dey, and one had been thrown up uear where ratood, 1 leaned and reaubed forward and drew it ie. It was the body of a man ; his overuoat had been twisted over the fatenand was stiff with a easing of iee. We turned the corpse over, looeened the garment, and drew it do wu, showing the face. alerciful God I it wee our Jamie 1 As we were afterwards ittformei by shipmate of lus, he had Omitted it to oeuie home and surprise us Chaistmas pay. The old iati sobbed a momerit or two, and than exclaimed: Yes, oor Jamie did come home, mid he did Egli?... priee Iles, but what a sad surprise it was, -gem will flat wonder now 1re, 110411141r so well the night of the wreelt of the Atlantic, when mar 0.1031110 Cattle 110010,— ['Current 1.41tOratare. Enough. I wish to hear it. Well, sire, the people of The Plague say you are as crazy as a loon. Biff! 1.ike a shot the short, beevy body of the king bounced frnru the bed to the floor. Purple and, speechless he caught up a great silver inkstand to throw it at Therbecke. la is heed be. rltnq 11.9 a Clam fatly ite11 dressed 414 reined ett, man- nee.and lookatuetiotokd OW street beye •neaceet her to stop yelling and a,tepped (1,11.141, up tuwarci the dogewith a sole white led outetretelted.etatel some soothigg words. Tne • veer frightened thing Stepped, •ended tell between •its 1egseand,arieJ4e(1 do vri nearer the the radoey. Let her keep it and dis,, ollrbat011e as if expectingatiotherAtiow. pose of it aa she will, Le‘ a Ott RI-. She spoke to it again, 'calling it poor ‘til),1.0 he a teal one- Dnv't drive your doggie and various pet, Italics Antiit ohildren about fool Workr beteataketat, turned its wistful eyes in mute plead, tam aud train them 6that'they. • pettetetohand consider it huppieese to r01101V iu a it softly andi.ldtstops; • Teach your glr.s to d' ile a little hay' initiate betwOeu a dude or tailorona man and one Made by the Affieigheyl, at the same tittle teach your boys to t.„ dress better. and, if pessible, see that they have Means for data so- A Sunday enit end a work suit, whit is more then likely patched; and faded, are not euough. Let etude have ana other corresponding to the baSinetak 1311111d every del suit in town, so that, when he gees away frown kerne 011 a week day, be will neither feel ated by his old clothes, which are good enough to 40 work in, por feel foolieb in his Sueclay best at any time. Teach your children Lo iae pond of farul life fer its independence, freedotn front petty anno,yautes nod temeta- tions, and its importance as one of ehe, . world's inclustriee. Another essential plan is to give ambitious children some pieoe of grodud to cultivate .for • their, own, or something ii which they take a great personal interest, and from which they have the income to mess they please, ,And In eve yelling about the farm try to show them the reason of things and processes, that they may feel that they rre teaming something, and that, the one (Iiignoiance. Lastly, the soeial leaniugs of yenneepeople mita-be gra- tified, Provide them with plenty of: good readiug matter,aud encourage alt legitimate literary, raausioal, and social et:tort:thin:tents. Youth is,. not 'con- tented withotte society, and o'ught no to Le.—The 0,1d liminesteed, and let her curry out Sema a her pet plans for improving the flowor geraext mid trout yard. .Aud if you hays gliZeu her some dotileetio twined /Mai Allowed her to pet it and regerd it me her very own, dou't sell it and pocket lug, and allowed her on it. Then she strop reassured it further, ran.to a near drug st re fur aomethieva. She saturated her lletadketoltlef Wit -11 it and bound up -We dog's leg. in Inoment the brute was perfeeely pee - sive, and had (teased even to whine. She turned it over to the kindhearted Irish janitor. of the big Zeuitable buildiug, who had taken in the situ then and brought out a boa pertly filled with excelsior. .1Aut . before be weld take it into the basement, the knowing uian with a leather case, had clomged his mind about clog buttons and saying that he was dootor, offered his series to set the broken bone ; the lady who had talked of shootiug the cur politely tendered ;tier owo handkerchief to brush the hands of the dog friend; the boys cave hack without the tin can, came entangled for a moment in the -and, gathering araund 'proposed to bed curtains. Tborbeeke strode op to chip in and buy some bologna for the thrust down his keen white face patient and every one went away to the level of the king's eyes, and saying: Weil 1 declare, *he must be said in a tone of icy iudifierence very fo4id of dogs and, quite used -to Anl. if you strike nee with the ink, their ways to be able to do the right stand the people of The 4agne will be thing so cleverly. • right. Site never had kept a dog in her life, Tilt. The king aO:ppe.4.,the inkstand in and was jost the least bit afraid of the curtain that bed caughtit and' them ; but She was the possessor of a glowered at the professor,, who hasten. heart sensitive to the sufferings of tbe ed to pile reasons ou reasons why he meanest of -(ad's creatures as to her Netherlands'. sbould remain neutral own, and hen little act of thoughtful during the 1Franeo.Geenian war. A heittanity bad stirred the better nature few- hours la er, in the prosenee of his c those weose thoughtlessness only inieisters, Ohara III, 'lore into bits would have made thein inhuman. ancl stainpeCon theaeclAration ef war When troubled with a cough or Cold,aet Don't read 1 Do»'t think 1 Don't which he hatilterhut foxceel on his toil behove I Now, are you better? You willing' s et& , woinink. who think that patent medi- , ,.." A $1:30 Cottage eines are a humbug, and Dr. Pierce's or iter quo/0°11ton cash will be given to Favorite Prescription the biggelit Ilanl the person detectin4 the greatest number bug of the ivied° (beeattse it's hest ot mmira. (words wrISIY ePelleti or ini8- kill/Nil of all)Ladoett your laek-of.faith placed) in tile December issue of " Our e Howes," In addition will be given two 43 ' , • oiiisti prizes of 0200 ear:11,1°4r of 0100..eighs it IS very easy to "don't" in this of 00, ten of $:25, ttVelltp,IiIe of fag, fifty world. Sespimon always comes more of 1$5, one beneted et ee, and one hundred. lastly th n eonlidence. But doubt and fifty of iil, distributed in the order —little feith--never made a entik mentioned in rules and regulations. which .. Wkili—and• the eleavorite wilt be sent with a copy of Decerillifir issue "1-11V.1. ou receipt of Iii cents in stamps. ,tieciiil Prescription" has cured thousainls of cohpra,tea given away almost every day dono,00, weal( women, which makes diving the competition which cloes Feb. „iisett:plir4k wilt oar aprosoriptioe is ruary ist,1Kl. . , if Address, oun HOMMEI alumasnote Co., ' • l' than your "don't hi'llelle• Brookville, Canada. - We're both hottest. Let us come to- - gether. You try Dr. Pierces Favorite several ware to dolt. . PreSeripti011. If it doesu't do -as It wits uotititig but a 'yelping stre4 zepreSeuted, you get your money ear whose leg had just been run over by a passing waggon, but it bad a voice pathetic and shrill enough to wuke the dead. Get onti tilled a man-clase to whou it passed, and he raised his cane to eltastese it for offeuding -ears with tuck unearthly howls ; lett the poor brute only Itieyiel the louder. Seat, tried a boetblack, swinging his kit around a 'lamp -poet atter the cur; tie a can to hie teil, he yelled to $01110 tnore boya, on .see'Oud thought, and off they scurried atter the mottle! ortme 'Tient, only pausidg long enough to shy a stone, which roducted a now and :tiara discordent ales of yelpa, lf Where proof's so easy, ean you effort! to doulet. ;Attie hut, at:aye—are Dr. Pieree'e Pleasant tee; iAtt.;. least Liver Pills ninth. ; gentl,>, yet tborongh. They regulate and invi,gor- ate the liVer, stomach and bowels. a.m.,: • Why Ohildreu leasire .t.he re rui. 'In the first piece they are icor btOliglit UP to love the citutry. They are early aceitetomed to hear both father and mother grtal.le about the hardships of farm life. Then there is. too much work and too, little pay fur them. The boy works iai the field all day, end his little oppeettiaity for am - Why doesn't n one call the police usement in the evening is cit short by to shoot Weil indignantly doitnintled a long range of "ehores" till. bed tithe; t1 \ is well dressed lade, stopping bee ear.% meanwhile the easter hes ttatett the , pith a frigitt fel Iroise, I nip' to my a 00108 of wilso, s wad c, ',errs, curt e,„,, to Shut Oat the aound, It's a shame same experlenue hi the house.\ And no • . ions old woman : Mary Ann, it does 1 it'at once, bi fore it h .1, iiiil. i;.),51110 01(11 te allow ascii things 1 And !Ail! thu ,e.grieultnr4l college in the l nd will inns min all thoegli bell itseIf loot bre% let I 14,;t:::21euel:;x:Iedii)e'e!4vfteigin11:?ti‘',o.l'iliIi'i't1":''e'l'ie' 1 "es 06.'8 of P°1118 rung °I1rillY rti 1 semi oho and I ran to 11,.,UPOlog bear testimony to .. ,' ' down veatore whet their parent have liedly allowed them lose. Study the 'tient" ooie to night, awl says she to me, I a:131r, ante nut), ip• pit bolo 101 lamina/ the etr,et, auray,1 believe- it. 1.---but.--Jionny— 11.1.fias' $4 tits w ma. 1 totegorairtlivar'rilaoltahaellyativbel pp:t(i)cpletrtdirtiselsopfet.HViii:;11 er someone Ittd sense enotteglite. of Yuar ullildreti. if' a law bate, one Stosioltitits, Croup Slumping Cough Colds. giv,e,hain,i a dog botton,that would itoon kind of' farm wank and lilies GI:VitlIet. Arid !vetted. lint -slid liaiateele eaglroala a kee,eana Itok,, i'dOntt inft+illi iiiiu do Whitt ins likes eta. Gel.. tbl gouuna* iu WInto flure4 Mtn' ft'lwi 4 fq 14al/t Nothing igore 0ould Impels°. nest Things, • President Linoolo had been, &wit our most stormy weather, to visit tit °slops of the generals in Virginn.L4n ,takett violent evict. Mrs, Taincolt was in diepair, and one day said .Secretary Stanton, do wish • yo would lock 'alt. Lincoln out of th rooms foi a week 1 Ile is ill enoug to be in heti now, and suffering agoni from his arm from acute ihetunatisi 1 don't know what to ad He out and keeps at work every MOM? iSkr. Lincoln waved iiis long men tbe seeretary, saying,. Well Stem there ought to be one camfait for poor wife, anyltow—athe sense that poor man Jefferson had, wboee o son died, Did you crier, bear story leis friende, fetidly, ,neighbors church laineuteel, ext rolled .and gri over the Toes At the futieral, Jefferson himself arose and seitl, dear friends We; have the Id 'consoletion of knowitig that. e thing was done that could Im lie wee bled no leg than tweet times ha twenty -leer hours! bad 110 streneth and had to di o 1 Now, l've hen wrappad 0 than tiventy-fonr pieces of red, and liniment sittee yesterila Still my Wife isn't satisfied. v-rop „,„„ ri„ 114 all the time, hateeta far as k,04.ite, Ltt r t; ( 441., • The beautiful beel.out Witi A '%53 pansis, Nlilic are tiuw to be tits doors of HU tH13, y of our resift the productimis o Messrs. hilcCiin ,i311 of 75 King 13* W.41101'000, nab illhi tife1)41.14an eetitele origikal astioitment of duligus, prises aro .all1111 ainaly Iow. 10 vetirk of tuv saran' b is tient largegi ti nIt' 1 ilEl 1cessla k 4 MA W 1:10: i 1 '''14.1:% 884 'I ;it111:1.jalteV: de't lil't a At a T. .1:51'fd'elleitihe:: annt al : oome oi tettrat: ,to' a Ale 4.80 . 1 Booth 'lug i ertftii:);erzeld' 5h 1. Is as 'let e°,:t e houses t.71:eAt4arlui home b ti alTd 4tilh(ety ;:frtiette' thhce t !CI:all:at ie ttitml3rtulslas: ali vesse, ch:t:tiltglessi ttohesuA;raotiin a cordon slavery. 15 rtreeNt: straits tin • in his 11 anythine i eller 7 brandy d land was, when we -- kdlnirnbl Not Jon the leadel ExtePand, OE - hien( Litt kreat trien Lever hitt( Your nam ratP aa 1 . the slti)r well, You The Pri visit the which •Dr. head. Se station of will have prejudicee, and fantail Ttze flouter -47171.eze n n r