HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-01-02, Page 10
Call At Ails:tkftiieia' ::book 'etoreiahe'HHo
s Go m tints Laur "oe eo t;eier•:,. oln• n eat aitkoe
a "
Y',r d
I {:erster' .raa'vn.
mu apt• 'tt'rnay IIA a happy ail.1 prom- •' ' Jet - '< • e
i O'•Isa,ve I) a -good trade during the ISilfi house foe alio ' 'i neelt; vvitlx OA, ere
pot yedr't - w•we thank on for it..,,To ' cold, and other ompl oatnottq,,-'t.Vf c .-are
ask .,.
1)sra ` ar for you Ai r Jas Qli e h been eilti las to
netn..ber the. Bear .dutti,:i'
we will do our vialri>:;isfafi
Pl)y Now 3'oar fi
Monti) oT January. ur i st•-
gliktl to,l}'$r, that is
motif and Will 700043 b0 outagahq• '
]k11': frttesrilSdebted to M llitnbler rtro
pont on tho;}Ittlanea'OttnIli; : equ'isteolla call u,ttc'1'settleky:oaefi or ubte'
• We will..TtQt carry this ;+ efere tag el,ic1 of !the year
>uid ti you .wails: a overcoat,
dy-made or to of 4e401er•you . p` dii,' as • presonted'to,
oda, or, in :Fant_: aixIytkin ng ;`glub : a'• beautiful.
tutor, conMefa"trilightto f,1 e, la qr{`p, t 1 1 rills titiov .The cup
t•: ..,:`•, .i?*. 4R t S? rte+ of any skip who
'ea is tit{11 t4 "`tie fore. , • k
received another 100(::;tl),lot:of - .tb tj sucelesiest.arid:oamr.
Airsoh • ~eel
t . kriagbdtn
Si er: or o9Ft
tbe''met o, e
rex hones nn
tstlja not Last ions, fortgr xy ono.'.pi R ixh other, conditans. Ti e. cup iy et,
Obs it-tfi c buying< i`li, to • most beautiful piece, o 'warknsaueliipt and
I?ttPgt'wear poor boots at this sPiaenn
• of tlye.yea'r for you will be sure to •suffer
for it but get a parr of high cut seatnletul
solid kip boots. Sold by CI mos it kola'
wan at the pried -charged, by other hopdea
for oommou:goods.
—The monthly horse • fair on Tuesday
was not very the I attended, ad prices
ruled low, couseque tiv but few sales were
effected. 111r John Hooey) of Wroxeter,
It 0' I3 T. 0 It, .11, • purchased a few imale. Bersee that.
Direct Importer. would have brought 1?d, a few mouths
riTtt' Alt, ,Tari. 2, 11391, ago will not bring ove $80 to $00 now.
--Beet roller flour in Wingbam at A 13
—As will be se
anothercolumu, li4
disposed of his pr
town to Mr J Golly.
moving from Vin
sorry to learn. He
dents, and Will be
townspeople: For rt. arly sixteen years he
has practiced ip town
>n .
--J J Homuth. & Son can•Alfaty you the
largest stook of clothing, gents furnishings,
hoot» and shoes in Wiughatn,at prices that
defy the keenest competition.
all the.
STo01 QT,
land: and it is the largest and best
r had, which is saying mood deal.
tick consists of
by advertisement io.
Wm •Ridd; V S, has
tics and property in
IVir Ilidd intends re-
born _shortly, we are
s one of the old resi-
"eatly uitesed by our
hergwore.tag n
)nvairaetftrn Loxengos to the All of )%embers
Arai other kinds Candies} of 'Aiho11or . 0f hope
Lemons, four ', propositions
k•ns, C•rttpee, programme of the.N
11%b4, Dates, readings by Mrs John
Canned Goods, Groves, a sero • by MittFancy Biscuits,
Mincemeat, duet by Minses.Miller a
Ants, &c. Blackwell, C T of the B
be sold. at Rock Bottom present and delivered a
Kms. o S i
ill s Ta J Home* fe Son: mra Cllr
their stock of boot% an( althea and btotl)iug
air sne4'row prioee tlatl ilxtly astenteli Avery
f hrtetMas '
We•itttve sec
—A1 toe
of District
laid get Bi
°darns J,; •. r'gs tastily deiisad
ee set ut '" Iia resideifeeas.
;for mai*
day, ,e• .
g of that., ]cutive Committee;
•edge No ,, : 10 G T, wf11, be
to day v •iday)0.64 &Tin!.
ed 11's, a fresh stock
a, corn, tom %,tries,
a, (kyr to lie:s414
of . ouneed` Tw .der l
;salipnu, sardines, Joke,
l>v melnbere added
at, the'last 'meeting
nage, 1.0 G T, and
submitted. The
wing oonsiated of
ocitd and Nr Jahn
Lilly Miller, and a
id T• jfe,: sir G'G
lgravo Lodge, wag
iort address.
ng ()tuber/
s foitow.l`!'
•'$ante lank% d wan''
pp.w • brass la again
• stn
againet Wrt xe
Curling Tan
Wingham arJ
rale oa' —Pot strictly pure Sp
`— English Peels, call on
: oba000s, Cigars,
largo stock and prices right.
ISRS arriving daily, and served
any style. •
Drop in andtake a look at our
and y ou'w'ill be pleased.
'' Star Restaurant.
ItoKormann's Hotel, Wiuigham lessons conducted was
pile, and all: did their
ces•.and the. best
the China House.
W T Y>sxRs.
—Oranges from 15 cents to 40 cents
per dozen at McKelvie's Star. Restaur-
—The quarterly . revi w services of the
Methodist Sabbath 'Soli ol, on Sunday last,
very interesting.. .. The review
Y twelve of the pa-
rt well. Mr Chao
sea reading by hiss
one by 1tIiss; Lizzie.
OP. •
se of Sewer
`'they have
of T aldithr
nU pest
and an eorlc
LC6Ct1L. ], Lloyclgave•asibortaddre,
aqb for g $o1 eggs at R A Graham's
t ,Z'xtoeerv:
on the tn batli4 being pushed
t it 'will .not be'ready forsome
era--Baw, stewed or fried, at Jae
?`•s Star restaurant.
• a0 have . ' gniffceut eleighiog,ancl
toga aro pouring into town
a titi0 .
d s
wheat flour, cora flour
tiitr A 11 Carr's.
r{eabyter p; Methodist and bap-
tist ,.^i P ;,'res were
belectric light on
Sunday lE,)t last.
"Tiro 11i esti cream candies, at 11 Kill's
M rev teats per lb. •
--Thai new 'dyneta
arrived !the other
0.,pori6ion by an atxpei
r*s ti
for the electric light
ay and was placed in
, and is working flrst-
ve a few di 1,;1rs !!" 7i toil; t hrtrs
cure one b;Xfore the; r , o earl sold.
v17 ;i.' 'tuts. ut's• '
fashion hooks which '
the Delineator, pub-
:,leing a Canadian on,
n tl of encouragement.
the be
omoe i
Mattis+ 4eid and 'recite.
Bullard and Master 'Bert" Thompson.
were well rendered; 'l le —mush) by the
oichestra and choir wit of a high order,an
was highly appreciated. y all.
—Santa Claus has ado his headquar-
tors at dicKelvio's St restaurant. Call
and see him and b your Christmas
confectionery. ; •
held i s XmRe
The Band
ou Tuesday, and e feel quite. sift•e
that each little Witt ghat afternoon was
filled with sorrow, sin o "Christmas comes
but once :r year." A f e Se
to all mmbes th it ioons+and:'t
candies and nuts that ollowedit,inorease'rf
the children's glee, very enjoyable pro-
gramme Was present d, after which all
aisper;aed vvith pleas it. greeting for the
season, the joy of Xm s tide.materially in-
creased to each mem or by their afternoon
toyer mer. The gratit ide of the officers is
due to Mr John Kerr or bis generous do-
nation of 12 boxes f very choice Confeo-
karil they,
gust Kin -
play for theOn„
an against 41.1c1t.
noardine; WViug s
For the Western!
11 play as follows
dine,and bruesele
agaiinet Luoicnow.
-Oranges, . Orange' ,,,,Just received, •2Q
eases of Orangesµ for I,nuts trade, at R.
.Hills, c.
• Oras Holm.
Our Homes t
over the Nov
natter and
mail atmnmmee
of the G
byourxi• •ntspeople
-1 c.:011.1..)
air <) 1, n, e i Xi l vii
t• ' ,;ut,_vd....
tionery. •
—=The hottom is knocked out of the
regular retail priori of furniture bore in
Wi)gham, ;Ind you eau now get Bed -room
Sets,Sidebo rds,ExtensiouTables,Loungos.
(;hairs, &CA &o, at factory pricer. I get nay
furnitureftirect from 'the large factories Its temperance col tnn very good,
here, without any extra cost for freight or And 1 thick we will ever rue
packhlt<,,Jonnsequently.rt can sell 10 to 16 If we road it as w i should.
per tent. cheaper. It ill pay to come 20 When airtime down t neat and think,
miles t Winghtun, tied groat furuitur3 And b'.':o a little ciai chat,
oentre'.espocially it yep aro wanting eon.
Then of the !Nuts take a drink
eiderable furniture. Newly married Mite,
And read oC this t
apee tfss! bargains, '.remember the place. The Merle* they are very good,
B. tMAtisY s h'uruiture store, just woes l With moral truth they do abound,
tram! Orr's Bear, I Take the Tante we ilv lionld
. ,. ,. If in the fashion vw 'd b found.
A Stem/Mtn
I —Tyels:rcnlnbee.. number of
bowet•n• }ked .improvement
;tuber ut ,fhor,both in literary
neral 11.4,e -up, but this is
only.in a000r lance vi: ," the promise of the
pulilishere, a d they i wise still . further
improvemeut in each ; iieeeeding number,
The contents ,f the c ^trreut number are
varied and in eresttn fi, embracing fiction
poetry, fasbi us, . ho;iee furniehink, and
house deeora on,and;auy kindred topics -
Tile Decomb r numhar is the one upon.
Which the p 'ze compf•titiou is' based, and
the publish a announca that in Arden' to
-.snake the o rnpetitiou more easy,: a 'rushy.
ber of met fres have lyeen purposely n)ade.'
A sampler c
,petition, wi
"receipt of 1
villa, Obt.'
Jas.111cKelvie has the largest,aheapest
and, best stook of a %dig north ocean.
' relL' r"`utllsifitTstae •• ..,
' Oburcit of t sacred' daeaxt, : Winghaan
NWith a speriial-permOn in R.
labium eti`tie„Af Sunday,Jan-
30 a. m ?teal vespers,
lecture, ie Ali evening at 7
music will "bei furuishedby
;tine choir, ass(st;i by prom.
from a distatthe? 11... silver
be taken up tit lit th services.
tions are cot• fall invited by
alien and 3'atl r' McGee,
—BARoAz:i OouNTRR Saturday night,
Fancy Press Goode 00; Ladies rine Shoes
i v s d
01.60,.Tob lot of Shawlti ,G o e au Hosiery,
Linen awl Silk Handkerchiefs. • Gents all
wool Overcoats for b4:7o,'(ents Tie 12e at
M. }1. MoINnoo's.
SRmettiin$ Wi►rtiv amoroartg for! 0100.00 in
WA' is whhat. "The Ladies' Bazar" wil '
.give to the person sending them the largest
timber" of sentege;es constructed from
words coutaiuer,lin the quotation: "What-
soever ye would that men should do to you
do you 'even so to them."—Every week
duriug the contest they will give a "band:
some sewing machine" valued at 860,tc the
person neon aeudiug.themthe Iar
t number of
.sentences that week• If proferted they will
give the winner a solid gold watch instead
of the sewing machine. Special prizes for
boys and girls, They do not offer impossibi H.
.lies. The above will be carried out to the
''letter. Everyone cortipetiug will have an
equal chance. No' dictionary required in
this eotnpetitiou. Send loo for sample
copy of "The Ladies Bazar" and full in.
etruetions, The Ladles' Bazar, 4 Adelaide
Street Hast, Toronto. -
--Great bargains in olothing, gents
furnishings, bents and shoes, trucks and
valises at .T ,1 Ilomutlt & Son.
{pntpati4id `
f the''.town.Iia11,''0 '
,7.30:' There; vas
'considerabl lotarre
p roeeedings,•wn .. leek Ferguson
thecr, 'a Aro nip ,r..eaiwreuda:W•
`n*bmipatiolis, W.11len" til p •1 'illy 11aWtrla-
tion%"vw;ere't sdf: 'i+ ." .- f...
•r he tpwuuw4riehe
Moedif evening, .at
g4eg•.aeltid tnfiand•
t tike
WJ Brockeitabire
soot% a by* is
o "amd by,bu
by $`J':tti;rd, sogouii
.fN •
Cleo ;h1cKai ztea
seotaii g it`s T1s r
propee d by.Wni
Fee,pliughe i
L L Dickinson
aovoude d by Nt
'Proposed by Henry
5r peed'
a on
ws ,
oUhil1,,1113eon e
t Ma t en, p e„ `tad°
by Geo',Grefhii nl
o Po asdb "tee
W r
0h.r'k; Those
tobertson, seeopded''by
gt uu
gt •'
town iuese 1i
whirl' "le *t a sure
.;5"1rAW F Bii Bins
lei the nnnyovi lay fo
.ts;:t arn•lia ,the town,
PijeltiAtieolacially 41. a
Mujufloft .Had rig fault to
,;acts of utak' year s LRµnoil. , They had ht
nT>:•REEVE. 't •'tile strgF is w1ttb electric lig It, which was
propceed by W \V Inglis, very • thtisfaskicy to rate.=vers. Wds in
Moore; Tiros Agnew, favoirbt eoon'ern •in them agement of the
rr, eecou el`d an 'td'Nir's 'affairs, consists • with good goy.
't'Jt '
lihe•yeer. Some sling- iad been done'
be..had opposed, not fly the purobasiuget -
te'seating'for the ew town ball,llit
..1ll:r G.eolkleReuzie, ' didate for the,
'Beeves14ip.. Mr Gregory h, r given biro to
bnderxtaua'tilat he (fir Gr -dory) wad' not
acing yv'iuu, so he had an • awed himeeif ,
fa;b$ Reevesbip,. and would go to tl. e
p .o1 • Abe 'tlta+ result • ' at it may. Ha
Vire.% full `COunxof ' o busiuees trausac-
nofl during the year.
e be would give the
et attention,if.elected,
would ba.
ire was a oatldldatt;
'1891. Was pleased
a in such a toad •
ted by Mayor
find with tho
McCre grit; Waste A Olin,, proposed by" 11
Blligtt; seconded by
R„ err,,proposed by Jas 11i
by Jatnes Armour,
T Yates ;
Creigbt; sacopded,
Ward 1—Aim Dawon, proposed by Wm
Moore, seconded by D M Gordon ; Thos
Agnew, proposed by JJ L Dickinson, seoon
de'il r Chas Barba ; Geo Green, proposed
by E L Dickinson, etch a by Chas Bar-
ber ; Richard An • erso , proposed by R L
1)ickinson,.secondo' 'by Chas Barber; • Jelin
+Teelsis,, propose • by D Ili Gordon,seoou
ded by;J'S Jerome.
Ward 2—J J Hom
Clark, seconded by A
h.proposed by Henry
x Dawson; Rnbt
pYr With !Lulea for the,*
Hill proposed by W`F t ulmage, seconded
I he sent to guy address; • .on by Wm Moore ; Hiram emmex, proposed
by A
outs in titamps,by addressingllix Dawson, Roo .: e• •y W F Brock-
enshire. These gen emeu were declared
Publishing Company, Brock -
elected by the TowOierka
Ward 3—'J A
.thiel DMasY
C. Churoli
ntary 4th'%
With'. a grant
b'e1oelt. Th
the St. Au; .
°elj, tion wii
All euosnina
the oougrc;
Pastor. '•
044 Sal ecet%tin
The Wingliam TOMS
•rresh and crisp fr.
Filled With news of e
ltrroin the truth it
Its polities are firm
the "Mona"
wain tb;haud,
the press,
ery, kind,
ever doth. digress.
1d true,
be auk and come, au I will give you
Lean, proposed bJ oho
by Win Moore ;
S'Parlfn07,9, eeed....ty. 7• ameeaMoRreigbt.
;eminent Had nerved i
'four years and hoped the electors eolatd
turn out on Mouday a
head of the poll.
Mr Wm Clegg appe
a Candidate far the Mayorrtl.ty.
twice elected Reeve of Winba„
'nation; He did inakcare for
popularity the office mfgbt gi
;bad had allot thathe dent
' ber of the ratepayers bad
take the position and ,lie
place his municipal ex,pe
posal of fbe town. He
the ppliey he would par.
to the position cif Mar,
counellideserves great c
electric light 'and for th•
ihey seeuredit,Thought th
kept below two emits on
. 'The hgnting late;'
;the `sleeting unceretnn)
utgiving the of
uity to ,give ,• e
red before therm
14ci Seen
by aoela•
be personal
e bit% as be
tl lase nurn.
itcd hnlw tri _'
9n'ad deoided to'
fence tat the tt s .
ave au outlh)?o.x.
e were lid elected'.
or. 'The prece))t,
edit for getti ug
taxes shonid li• ".F
e doll Ar•
d thegiall colas
musty adjourned
er oandidattii
•r s ` i
e aa% o
seconded 'by ,eon- 3hu'ug 'Wrrn:St'nptL„ Vied
proposed by
Samuel Yeah
Geo, Russell
.r Lloyd de
Clerk deciar=
and Smyth' d
Ward 4—Win
Stephenson, of
m Holmes,
ded by Mc.
posed by W '
Elliott;, Wl
McAlpine, s
W Inglis, pr
e R
posed by W W g
as McCrei;;ht, secoecl by
'11 Cheri Lloyd, proposed by
soon dy Fred Hughes.
lined to stand, and the Towu
Messrs McLean, Sperling
y elected)
rumor, proposed by J !I
ou•e• by Robt Marlow;
posed by It Elliott, eecou•
spine ; C E Williams, pro -
Inglis, seconded by Robert
Robertson. proposed by Jas
ended by Heury Clark• Jas
posed by J 13 Jerome, sebou
• tt • Nelson C. Griffin . pro-
In `s, seoon ed by D Mo•
scrio0 TRt!STRES:
Yard t—John
Dawson, soon'
Pptr'ypiece, pr
seconded by
Ward 3—J
Dawson, se
MMortou was ;
flip term.'
VJ .d.2
Russel, s
Town ( ,le
Ward 4;;;.
secooded.by J
After the n
ed, the Towu
and a•meeti
dates and o
}Te gave a'.
itchie,proposed by Alex
ed by Win Itidd ;
posed by George Green,
J Reid.
A Morton, proposed by Alex
onded by W T Yates. Mr
eolared elected for the ensu -
Thos B ell proposed by Geo
ouded by Jai; MoCreight. (,«The
kcl red' Mr Bell dulyeleete•
de a
W Inglis, proposed by Thos
t1 a •y. Wm Robertson l E,
osed by Samuel Merrifield,
s Armour.
mfuatt'acl.beetl cooled-
onch d-
Clerk was voted to the' chair,
g was held to allow the cod'.
hers to address the etectors.
Iodoo Wag the first speaker.
°tailed amount of the receipts
and expeu rig the year, olassified un-
der appropriate I headings. The Council
during the Year'h:d done what they thought
beet in the interests of the town, and .felt
sure that tho larrie body of ratepayers were
satieded with the way their money had
been expended. Th*./ht the rate of tax.,
ation, now th t the town hall was nearly
completed at) d paid for, could be reduced.
In all probt
who paid alt
debentures. Ile
the honor douferr
id then of that, ' Mayor for the pa
llility the town hall would be
ug. They now had two tenants
snth icif of the iuterest'ou the
thanked the electors for
d on him by electwg horn
two years, • and said he
e for 1891,
T R trains for Toronto and east,
Vinitbam dt 0 nam aaid'11.10 a.m.
id u& 111 .1. 7roi. , •ti, tab apt 0 •lb a.ro. _If phut' woo
nd ule'ok steels repsiriu •
, .t mr i Guelph.gc, to W n `, all >'c itolai&are
n r k y 1%, Ul1. aj -,>. 4• ,,jbWsltrn hex as w ,r }
wad not a candid
Mr Then Green
a oandidato for 1
Sign friends ivai
WAS in the -field for
kir MoKenxie that
b. %tri td#date. TIt
E 'i ! '' al' b)eoe
yelled not intended being
eeve for another year,but
fon his runuing,ao he ,
hat office. ,office, Ilad told
slid not intend to
A large atodk of gents.furnisbingtiand
underwear onbaud and, ill be dispoaod of
a#reek bottoirt prices at:
,l J, urn &, SoN.
-- 'lave • `1,
Il)le af AtP ittea . f min? 1'aa , ger dB In
easy chairs., tnusio rack . Bendoo euFelr,
tables, &e, &o, very suitable for 7Sr0er-' and
New Year's presents, Come and dee thou
at S Gracey's.
Patrons ofd • st .
In ='Y
A large and iufiuenti meeting of the
Patrons of Industryw a held .in the Town
Hall, Luckuow, on'Sa urday,. 20th,i Pir the
purpose of organizin 'e. County Assam, -
Wm for the County of H on. There ward
eight subordinateaseocia ions represented'' .
The following officers w re elected for the'.
ensuing year : Press' :nt, d'amss GaUrat,
St Helens; 'Vice Pre ident, P Clarke, Asti;
field; Secretary, J = Gardner, Asbfiebt
Treasurer, W Wil • • u, West Wawanoeb,
The following comm -s were appointed
Cori:mittee 00 fly Laws - A Anderson,
Weeds and T Agar; W,rking Coiumitfcu
for Township of Ashfie ;, T L Finlay; J
Murdoch and T Irwi i; Working Ooni»
mittee for West Wnosh, A Anderson,.
jr, J Gaunt, W W: •b. The Orgaoizer'a.\
original cartoon, "Tse Social Coach, ren-`'
dered valuable assist • en the occasion.
The work of organizin s spreading rapid-
ly h1 the adjoining to nships.
F. 3.13n4. •sx,
rganizer Hum* Co.
• Thar LAnMEs' Jo Man—Gives a datiy
prize of a handsome china tea service, Ono
dollar will get you The Ladies' Journal for
one year. If you send correct auswers to
the following questions along -with your
dollar:—When in the Bible are these drat
found, 1, Money; 2, Coal; 8, Wood; and
if your letter 1a the first one received at
The Ladies' Journal office any day between
nosyand26th March next,eentaining aortal;
answers, you will get a handsome china
tea service of 41, pieces. There are alae,
three large liste of other valuable prizes,
pianos, gold and silver watches, silver atm
services, china dinner sats, Over donuts
and tea knives, large oaab rewards aad
scarce of other prises. Send ten ceute an
titan ps and get a eatnple od ay of Tlye
l adies'dournalcantaintng tbese hers le full
or better still send yew:dollar mud auawere+
and get The Journal ter 12 mouths.
dress Editor, Ladiele Journal,
Canada. No math whereroc
have a good opportrtld,ity to wire ;hilt
ferias, ae It is the fit•xt letter received