HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-12-24, Page 40PAGE 40. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2015. Gifts, games mark Christmas for Royall family Continued from page 23 bringing into the country. Afterwards, we would have to wrap them back up again. “I have a distinct memory of that being part of our Christmas tradition” Mark said. Despite that, we always looked forward to coming home to Canada,” he said. For Mark, Christmas is always about family first and nothing shows that more than one of his favourite Christmas tales about how one year he made sure there was a tree at his mom’s house for his nieces and nephews. “One of my favourite stories happened after my sister and I moved out and were married and starting our own families,” Mark said. “My dad had passed away earlier. I had come home from school and mom was very depressed because no one was coming home for Christmas. My sister was married and had kids. Mom had this artificial tree that looked like toilet brush cleaners to me. It was horrible. She was so depressed. My sister called and said they would come home though and mom was frantic because she had no tree. She had to get one for her grandkids. “I said, ‘Mom, I saw that someone had already brought their tree to the end of the street’,” Mark said. “Someone must have been going on vacation because it was early for people to bring their tree out to the street corner. I told her I was going to, under the cover of darkness, go and get that tree so we would have one. I walked down, looked around, grabbed the tree and ran home. It was perfect, had tinsel on it. I was so proud of myself. The next day though, I realized you could see where I had dragged the tree all the way from the corner in the snow to our house. You think you’re pulling one off, but nope. My sister brought her kids, tree was there. That’s one of my favourite Christmas memories.” This year, the family connection is the strongest it has been since the Royalls’ move to Blyth several years ago, as Mark and Glenda’s entire family will be home for the holidays. “This is the first time that all our girls are going to be at home since we moved here,” Mark said. All the girls being under one roof means that a very special tradition for the family can be observed, according to Mark. “One tradition we have [was born several years ago when I] bought all the girls these bright pink onesies,” he said. “The girls always put their onesies on and sleep in the same room together. Every Christmas Eve since they were little, I would go up the stairs and yell, ‘Ho Ho Ho.’ and they would yell, ‘Daddy!’ It’s always something we’ve done.” Absent from this year’s Christmas will be Mark and Glenda’s ‘unofficial’ daughter, Andrea Sali. “She’s not biologically related to us, but she calls us mom and dad,” Mark said. Glenda explained that Sali went on a missionary trip to Ireland after selling everything she owned. When she came back, she had nowhere to go and stayed with the Royalls for a year before getting back on her feet. The family also always watches a romantic comedy on Christmas Eve and has sparkling cider. The film always has to have a Christmas connection, according to Mark. They have yet to choose this year’s movie. Christmas Day is a day of rest and relaxation and reflection for the family. “Christmas is pretty simple,” Mark said. “We try to wake up in our own home. We rest, we don’t go from house to house. Glenda makes croissants for breakfast and we reflect on what God has done for us personally. It’s a good time to reflect on your life and that’s kind of neat.” The family then sings worship songs, with Mark leading the way on guitar. When it comes time for gifts, everyone takes part in each gift, whether they’re the giver, receiver or just an on-looker. “We always open one gift for one person at a time,” Mark said. “I hand out the gifts. We all stop and see what it is. We don’t rush through that. We make sure everyone pays attention when someone is opening up a gift. I think that’s important to us.” The family also has a unique tradition to show appreciation for good gifts. “We also have the flying monkeys, that’s a tradition for us,” Mark said. “If you like the gift you [smack the monkey and it squeals]. It gets annoying, but it’s a lot of fun.” One of the gifts is always a board or card game, Mark explained, and the family enjoys that while a big turkey dinner is prepared to end the day. While family is important, Royall’s connection to God makes Christmas an important day for remembering the blessings the family receives, both his family at home and his family at Huron Chapel. “On Christmas Eve, we go to Christmas service at our church,” Mark said. “I love that service. It is the largest-attended service we do in a year. There has to be over 300 people there. That’s a great night.” from Beuermann Construction Brussels 519-887-8246 www.barmytech.on.ca 42659 Walton Rd. WALTON VENTURE CENTRE 519-887-9393 ~ Walton Wishing you Sew much Happiness this year! Merry Christmas from In this time of joy our remembrance of His birth, we join you in prayer and celebration, offering our hopes for a world filled with peace and love. Best wishes for a healthy, happy holiday. Dan, Heather and family thank you for your patronage in the past year. We wish to extend a heartfelt Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. 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