HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-12-17, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015. 100 toys, 300 pounds of food collected by Blyth clubs Quite a haul The Blyth Lions, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 420 and Legion Ladies Auxiliary all pitched in to make what organizer Chris Lee hopes to be the first of many annual Blyth Toy and Food drives a success. The event, which officially ended during the Lions Club’s Christmas dance on Saturday, brought in more than 100 toys and over 300 pounds of food. Shown with the toys are, from left: Legion President Ric McBurney, Lions President Alex Blair and Lee. (Denny Scott photo) What organizer Chris Lee hopes will be the first in a long line of annual toy and food drives for Blyth community groups came to a successful conclusion earlier this week. Lee, of the Blyth Lions Club, had envisioned a toy and food drive benefitting the Salvation Army after seeing one done through one of his children’s hockey teams and wondered why the Blyth Lions could not do something similar. In a previous interview with The Citizen, Lee said he anticipated it being a smaller event for the Lions, however, between one meeting of the group and the next, it grew in a good way. What Lee had anticipated being a Lions’ initiative that would end at the annual Lions Christmas dance suddenly involved the Blyth Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Legion Ladies Auxiliary. “It really snowballed, which is great,” he said. After the dance, Lee said he was very happy with the outcome of the drive. “It went very well,” he said. “We have a nice mound of toys.” Lee said that there were many toys at the dance as well as a collection he had at his shop, Lee’s Service Centre, and another collection at the Blyth Legion. “It all comes down to anything is better than nothing for groups like the Salvation Army, but I’m impressed with what we have here,” he said on Monday. Lee said that when he first envisioned the drive, he had hoped that it would be a success so the Lions, and now the Legion and Legion Ladies Auxiliary, could make it an annual event. “That was some of my intention in doing it once, to see if we could make it work every year,” he said. “It doesn’t cost us anything other than a bit of gas to go to Wingham to donate the items.” Lee said the drive drive brought in more than 100 toys and over 300 pounds of food. The final tally was made at the Lions Club’s annual Christmas dinner and dance, which was held on Saturday night at the Blyth and District Community Centre. A Christmas tree at the front of the room proudly showed off the large collection of gifts and food items gathered over the course of the first- annual drive. It’s our favourite time of year here at TCC! The 10 business days leading up to Christmas, all TCC customers will be entered to win with our 10 Days of Giveaways + the opportunity to pay it forward. Every lucky winner will be given an additional $50 to donate 1 of 3 charities; Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Huron County Christmas Bureau or The Alzheimer's Society of Huron County. All winners will be posted on our website & Facebook! Like us on Facebook for more chances to WIN! * All active customers as of Dec. 10th will be entered to win. Some conditions apply. www.tcc.on.ca tcc@tcc.on.ca519.606.2211 TUCKERSMITH COMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD.10 DAYS OF Marita’s F a s h i o n Boutique 50$ Day 8 Day 1 Day 5 Day 7 Day 9 Day 10 The Ashwood Restaurant 50$ Local Organics 50$ Cinnamon Jim’s Cafe 50$ The Blyth I n n 50$ FitBit W i r e l e s s Activity T r a c k e r iPad Mini Day 2 48” Sam s u n g SmartT V CELL PAYMENTS FOR A YEAR! 3 grand prize draws Day 3 Day 6 Zehrs C o u n t r y Market 50$ Day 4 $50 yy $505$ 1 111ayayayayDDDD $50 estaurantRood wshhe AT $50 ganicsral OoccaL ood 22ayayD ganics 10 OMMUNICATUCKERSMITH C10 YAAYD .DLTTIVE -OPERACOTIONS NICAAT FS OFY D $505$ ’arita Boutique t 5 FasFashionash que s FFa’’sta B MMa 3333y333ayyayyy yDDDa nn 4Dy $50 feinnamon Jim aC s’’s fC 4ayDayDayDD $505$ , all hristmasC ouritvs our fa’’stI + the opporsayaweviG en an additional $50 tivg s omers will be enC custCT t e aear here time of yourit pao y ttunit + the oppor e 1 of 3 charities; to donaen an additional $50 t o win with our ed tertomers will be en he 10 business daTC! 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AYAY M FOR CELL P SME AR!YAAYEL FOR 519.606.2211 .twww . 10th will be enomers as of Dece custtivll ac* A 00 519.606.2211 a.on.ccccc@tt a.on.ccc.t .onditions applyome co win. Sed tert. 10th will be en By Denny Scott The Citizen #1 And We Still Try Harder! Recent circulation figures show The Citizen has the highest circulation in the northern part of Huron County, #3 in the entire county. The Citizen Proudly Community- Owned Since 1985