HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-12-03, Page 28PAGE 28. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015. Sandra Cable has been named Citizen of the Year for the Brussels area after receiving multiple nominations for the honour. Nominators, as well as past Citizens of the Year (who chose the winner amongst the nominations), noted Cable’s extensive involvement in the community both through her work with the Brussels United Church (from which she recently retired) and on her own time as well. Noted contributions to the community have been her work as the Padre for the Brussels Legion, volunteering with Soup and More and the 5R’s Thrift Store and lending her time to organizations such as the Brussels Agricultural Society, the Brussels Horticultural Society and the Brussels Curling Club. “Sandra is a kind, caring and compassionate person and she has been an outstanding citizen of Brussels for many years,” one nomination said. Since retiring, Cable has also kept up many community activities normally associated with being a pastor, including making visits to hospitals and Huronlea Home for the Aged, staying involved with both the Brussels Ministerial group and the Huron-Perth Presbytery and remaining available for baptisms, weddings and funerals when called upon. All nominations described Cable as a very active member of the community who can be linked to more and more organizations as she has transitioned into retirement. “Oh my goodness, I’m just dumbfounded,” Cable said upon being notified of the honour. “I like to do things for other people, but I don’t do it for the recognition. I just like to be helpful. I’m really just at a loss for words.” Cable first moved to Brussels in 2006, just under 10 years ago. She was raised in Forest in Lambton County where she was also very active before moving to Brussels. In Forest, she was active with the Forest United Church, the United Church Women and as a member of the Forest Agricultural Society. She said she was very humbled by the win, saying that she is just one of many Brussels community members who chips in to make it a better place. “I’ll accept the award, but there are so many other people in the community who do the same,” she said. Cable will be honoured with a plaque as part of a special presentation at a later date. Recent winners of the Citizen of the Year Award in Brussels are David Stephenson, 2014; Yvonne Knight, 2013; Jim and Lois Lee, 2012 ; Cathrine Campbell, 2011 and Rene Richmond, 2009. The Citizen, through its parent company North Huron Publishing, began handing out Citizen of the Year Awards in 1985 as a way of recognizing exceptional people throughout the Blyth and Brussels communities and beyond. Sandra Cable named Brussels Citizen of the Year Helping out The Belgrave Kinsmen held their annual food drive on Nov. 26 and brought in a truck-load of groceries for the food bank. Members of the community group were knocking on doors throughout the village for more than an hour to gather up the impressive haul of items above. From left: Chris Michie, Dwight Hallahan, Will Orth, Paul Hallahan, Paul Willie, Gavin Van Camp, Dean Vincent, Henri Frischknecht, Chad Cook and Darryl Weber. (Denny Scott photo) It’s our favourite time of year here at TCC! The 10 business days leading up to Christmas, all TCC customers will be entered to win with our 10 Days of Giveaways + the opportunity to pay it forward. Every lucky winner will be given an additional $50 to donate 1 of 3 charities; Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Huron County Christmas Bureau or The Alzheimer's Society of Huron County. All winners will be posted on our website & Facebook! Like us on Facebook for more chances to WIN! * All active customers as of Dec. 10th will be entered to win. Some conditions apply. www.tcc.on.ca tcc@tcc.on.ca519.606.2211 TUCKERSMITH COMMUNICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE LTD.10 DAYS OF Marita’s F a s h i o n Boutique 50$ Day 8 Day 1 Day 5 Day 7 Day 9 Day 10 The Ashwood Restaurant 50$ Local Organics 50$ Cinnamon Jim’s Cafe 50$ The Blyth I n n 50$ FitBit W i r e l e s s Activity T r a c k e r iPad Mini Day 2 48” Sam s u n g SmartT V CELL PAYMENTS FOR A YEAR! 3 grand prize draws Day 3 Day 6 Zehrs C o u n t r y Market 50$ Day 4 $50 yy $505$ 1 111ayayayayDDDD $50 estaurantRood wshhe AT $50 ganicsral OoccaL ood 22ayayD ganics 10 OMMUNICATUCKERSMITH C10 YAAYD .DLTTIVE -OPERACOTIONS NICAAT FS OFY D $505$ ’arita Boutique t 5 FasFashionash que s FFa’’sta B MMa 3333y333ayyayyy yDDDa nn 4Dy $50 feinnamon Jim aC s’’s fC 4ayDayDayDD $505$ , all hristmasC ouritvs our fa’’stI + the opporsayaweviG en an additional $50 tivg s omers will be enC custCT t e aear here time of yourit pao y ttunit + the oppor e 1 of 3 charities; to donaen an additional $50 t o win with our ed tertomers will be en he 10 business daTC! 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AYAY M FOR CELL P SME AR!YAAYEL FOR 519.606.2211 .twww . 10th will be enomers as of Dece custtivll ac* A 00 519.606.2211 a.on.ccccc@tt a.on.ccc.t .onditions applyome co win. Sed tert. 10th will be en By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen #1 And We Still Try Harder Recent circulation figures show The Citizen has the highest circulation in the northern part of Huron County, #3 in the entire county. The Citizen Proudly Community-Owned Since 1985