HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-11-26, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2015. PAGE 19. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. DRIVERS WANTED WE ARE URGENTLY LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING AZ DRIVERS: OWNER OPERATORS **Now Offering Higher Mileage Rates** CROSS BORDER COMPANY HIGHWAY DRIVERS $.514 Cents Per Mile APPLY TO: recruiting@rosedale.ca OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-855-721-3962 For More Details JOIN THE FAMILY DRIVE THE BUSINESS www.rosedale.ca/drivers LAIDLAW CARRIERS VAN DIVISION requires experienced AZ licensed drivers to run the U.S. Premium mileage rate. Home weekly. New equipment. Also hiring Owner Operators. 1-800-263- 8267 BUSINESS OPPS. HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT? Restrictions in Walking/Dressing? $2,500 Yearly Tax Credit. $40,000 in Tax Refunds, Disability Tax Credit Expert. Help: 1-844-453-5372. GET FREE VENDING MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00+ Per Year. All Cash-Locations Provided. 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Connect with Ontarians – extend your business reach! www.networkclassifi ed.org Lucknow Kinsmen donate $200,000 to hospital The Lucknow and District Kinsmen Club has committed to contribute $200,000 to the Wingham and District Hospital Foundation’s Our Hospital, Our Future campaign over the next five years. To date, this is the largest gift received by the campaign. The Lucknow Kinsmen have a long history of supporting the Wingham and District Hospital and all their local hospitals. Since 2013, the Kinsmen Club has contributed $10,000 annually to the Wingham and District Hospital Foundation’s Radiothon project and they are committed to continuing that tradition throughout the completion of this new five-year campaign pledge. Kinsmen Club member Rick McMurray said the group wanted to support the hospital redevelopment project because “the Wingham Hospital is important to our community now and well into the future.” The funds for this significant gift were raised in large part through the Kinsmen’s wildly successful Music in the Fields event. Planning for the 2016 event is already underway with tickets going on sale Dec. 1. Ticket information is available at www.musicinthefields.ca The generous gift from the Lucknow Kinsmen will support the Our Hospital, Our Future campaign’s $4 million goal to fund significant redevelopment and expansion of six departments at the Wingham and District Hospital, replacement of digital imaging equipment and creation of a one- stop-shop community healthcare campus. Bart Cameron Deputy-Chair of the Our Hospital, Our Future campaign said, “We’re extremely grateful to the Kinsmen Club. It is wonderful to see that amount of generosity and enthusiasm come from the Lucknow community and to know that they support the project.” The campaign is now nearing the $1 million milestone. NEWS FROM BELGRAVE Go big The Lucknow Kinsmen have made the largest donation yet to the Wingham Hospital Foundation’s Our Hospital, Our Future campaign by contributing $200,000 to the $4 million campaign. The money was raised in large part by the club’s annual Music in the Fields event. (Photo submitted) Doreen Marks was the convenor of the Nov. 17 meeting of the Belgrave Women’s Institute. Eight members and one guest travelled to Allboro Line near Blyth and toured Paul Van Dorp’s Blyth Farm Cheese facility. A very informative talk educated the ladies about the goat cheese business and tasty samples were offered. After the tour members held a business meeting at Doreen Marks’ home. Plans were finalized for the next meeting – a Christmas meal in December at the Jam Jar in Brussels. In the business portion of the meeting decisions were made to give two financial donations – one to “Building Bridges” and one to the Ag and Water Festival. The meeting was adjourned and lunch was served by the hostess. On Sunday, Nov. 29 following the service at Knox United Church there will be a brief congregational meeting to review and vote on the ministerial agreement between Knox and Dungannon/Trinity. A soup lunch will be provided. Please bring dessert. On Sunday, Dec. 6 the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at Knox United. The Knox choir and friends will present a Christmas Cantata in the church sanctuary on Sunday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. A free-will offering is to be used for the music ministry of Knox. Everyone is welcome. Knox vote set for Nov . 29 after service By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE