HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-11-26, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2015. PAGE 3.
If I had a little bucket of water
(George Everard, “Christian Living!” 1881)
1.I must use life well, because every moment of it is so precious.The minutes
and hours of life are like the gold-dust which the goldsmith so carefully gathers
together that none be lost. “I have lost a day!”was the sorrowful lament of one
who had learned the real value of time. Life is very precious, and I dare not and
will not throw any of it away!
2.I must also use life well, because it will soon be over.“The time is short!”1
Corinthians 7:29. My days and years will be soon be spent, and I cannot recall
them. My life is but a shadow--it is but a vapour, that appears for a little time, and
then vanishes away. Even if I am spared to the full age of man, compared with the
long life awaiting me hereafter--my life here is but as a moment. “You have made
my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before You. Each
man’s life is but a breath.” Psalm 39:5
Let me endeavour then to remember how soon life will be gone, and be very
careful to use well each precious moment.
If I had a little bucket of water, and no more could be obtained--how carefully
would I watch that none of it ran to waste. Each drop I would reckon of great
value. Such is my life. It is all I have. I must therefore lose none. I must squander
none. “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto
wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
3.I must use life well, because it is very uncertain.I may have far less than I
think. I may be looking forward to years to come--and yet I may have but a few
months or weeks or days to live!
I remember a woman who said that some day she would begin to attend our village
church. She was in middle age, and had lived a sadly wicked and abandoned life.
She thought that she had time enough and to spare, to think of more serious
subjects. She did indeed soon afterwards come to our village church--but how did
she come? She was carried in a casket on men’s shoulders, and then left in the
silent grave. Only six weeks had passed since the day she promised that some day
she would begin a new life. “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know
what a day may bring forth!”Proverbs 27:1
So I trust my life will not be a wasted one. And though I can do but little compared
with may others, I trust that He will say to me at last: “Well done, good and
faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little--I will set you over much.
Enter into the joy of your Master!” Matthew 25:23
“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the
most of your time!” Ephesians 5:15-16
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
14 Isaac St., Clinton
Tues.-Fri. 9:30 am ~ 5:30 pm
& Sat. 9:30 ~ 4:00 pm
Consignments by appointment only
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Toy, food drive set
Santa Claus wil be getting a little
more help than usual from the Blyth
Lions Club, Blyth Legion Branch
420 and the Blyth Legion Ladies
Auxiliary who have joined forces to
host a toy and food drive.
The Wingham Salvation Army and
the North Huron Food Share will
benefit from the drive, which Lions
member Chris Lee said came about
through another food drive.
Lee said that, while taking part in
a food drive with his son’s hockey
team this year, he wondered why the
Lions had never done a larger drive
than the canned-food drive at the
group’s annual Christmas party.
He thought that the annual Lions
Christmas dance would be a great
time to collect gifts because many
people attend through work.
“It would be good to get people
donating there,” he said. “People
may not want to bring canned food
to it, but a gift is another thing.”
Not long after he proposed the
idea, however, it grew into
something much larger.
The Legion and Ladies Auxiliary
joined in and the drive is now
“It really snowballed, which is
great,” Lee said. “The more people
we have working on it and telling
people about it, the more donations
we will get.”
Lee said he was happy to have the
Salvation Army as the recipient of
the toys because, if any aren’t used,
they are stored and will go to
families in need throughout the year.
As for what is needed, Lee said
that gifts for all ages are welcome,
but the Salvation Army did suggest
that some people look to get things
for children aged 13 to 16.
“That’s the group that gets missed
according to them,” Lee said. “It’s a
critical age group. Whether it’s
perfume for the girls, cologne for the
boys or gift cards, that age group
needs gifts.”
Donations can be dropped off at
Maple and Moose on Queen Street
or the Blyth Legion or Lee’s Service
Centre, both on Dinsley Street.
Donations will be accepted until
Dec. 11, or at the Lions Club’s
annual Christmas dinner and dance
on Dec. 12.
Lee said he would be taking the
items to the Salvation Army on Dec.
14, and, if there are any last-minute
donations, he would accept them at
his garage until 9 a.m. that day.
Let there be light
After a long and arduous recovery, Blyth resident and teacher Julie Sawchuk, who was
paralyzed from the chest down in a cycling accident earlier this year, is now able to move on
her own in her wheelchair, even able to manage icy sidewalks thanks to her snow tires. It was
a good thing she was prepared for the snow because, as the official lighter of the lights at the
Blyth Business Improvement Area’s (BIA) event of the same name, she needed to manage the
snow in front of Memorial Hall to press the button to light the Christmas lights throughout the
community and mark the start of the holiday season for the village. From left: Blyth Festival
General Manager Deb Sholdice, Sawchuk and MaryAnne Thompson. (Denny Scott photo)
Let us Wash Your Quilts
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
Joint church service next week
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday Nov. 22
was Lavern Clark. Ushering were
Cliff Snell and Lissa Kolkman.
Marilyn Scott was guest organist,
Katie Dockstader was guest choir
director and Fred Hakkers ran the
power point. Angie Lannon was
guest speaker. Ms. Lannon
welcomed everyone to church and
drew attention to the announcements
printed in the bulletin. Special
attention was drawn to the
announcement that the UCW is
having a Christmas potluck supper
starting at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 26. The
meal will be followed by Christmas
music. Also Blyth United Church is
sending an invitation to anyone
looking for a home church to come
and worship during this Advent
season and beyond.
She also drew attention that there
will be no service next week in
Blyth, but we will be joining the
Brussels United Church at 11 a.m.
for a joint service with special music
from the band. Lunch will be served
after the service with Brussels
supplying the main meal and Blyth
supplying the dessert.
The Sunday Fun Group (Sunday
School) is asking the congregation to
help supply cookies for the cookie
exchange which will take place after
the service on Dec. 6. The proceeds
of the $3 a dozen (cookies of your
choice) will go towards the Church
Cup (challenge hockey tournament)
at the end of the month. Ms. Lannon
invited everyone to greet one
another. The call to worship was
responsive. Reid Button lit the Christ
candle and the candles on the altar
table. The opening prayer was said
responsively. The first hymn
“Rejoice, the Lord is King” was
One mile South of Blyth - 519 523 4595
Friday, November 27 only ~ Open 9 am - 9 pm
The village was saddened this past
week to hear that Andy
(Bubblegum) Lubbers had passed
away. Andy will missed in the
community. Our sympathy is
extended to his family.
Sympathy is extended to Renske
and Edgar Daer in the passing of
Renske’s mother this past week.
Happy birthday to Chad Wheeler
who celebrates Nov. 26 and Thelma
Manning, Dec. 2.
Lubbers loss
felt by village
Continued on page 9
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk
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