HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-11-05, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015. PAGE 3. This old house! (Mary Winslow, “Words of Loving Counsel and Sympathy”) “Dear friends, I urge you, as strangers and pilgrims in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.” 1 Peter 2:11 What a snare is this world to us! Thankfully, we are not here on this poor earth forever--better things await the Christian in a glorious hereafter. We are traveling homeward!This world is not our rest, because it is defiled--Jesus is preparing a better place for us. I feel like a bird standing between time and eternity, and ready to launch away at a moment’s notice of the summons from above! Time is quickly hastening on! This poor world is not worth a thought--all is passing away, but a glorious eternity awaits us! Oh, what must it be to be there! The heart of Jesus is an ocean of love! O the joy of eternal communion with the Saviour! He is the Chief of ten thousand, and the altogether lovely one! Having Him, we have all things we can desire here, and a good hope of eternal life hereafter. I would not be without this hope for millions of worlds! I feel that this old house is being taken down little and by little. I stand astonished, considering the storms and tempests that have assailed it, that it has continued so long. But I have a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens! And there, first of all, I shall meet with the Saviour of poor sinners, even Jesus Christ, who suffered, bled, and died that I should live forever! Let us then live like one whose home is not here in this wilderness, but who is traveling day by day to a better and more glorious inheritance above, which is to last through the countless ages of a vast and endless eternity! “Live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear!” 1 Peter 1:17 A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956 Blyth Branch 420 Church Service will be held at Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth. Service will begin at 9:15 a.m. Please be ready to assemble at the Branch at 9:00 a.m. November 8, 2015 Blyth Legion Branch 420 North Huron animal control explained The waiting game Halloween came a little early for bingo players. The Blyth Legion Branch 420 and Legion Ladies Auxiliary hosted a bingo to celebrate the spooky holiday on Oct. 27 at Blyth Memorial Hall. (Denny Scott photo) Reminders of worth necessary Greeting worshippers at Blyth United Church on Sunday Nov. 1 were Terry Richmond and Lavern Clark. Ushering were Lissa Kolkman and Cliff Snell. Guest music director was Susanna Lyman and Brett Glousher ran the Power Point. Rev. Gary Clark welcomed everyone to church and drew their attention to the announcements printed in the bulletin. Tanner Brooks lit the Christ Candle and the candles on the altar table. Rev. Clark invited everyone to greet one another with the Peace of Christ. The gathering song “You Are Holy” was sung. The greeters gave everyone a piece of paper with a heart on it. Rev. Clark asked everyone to put their name in the middle of the heart and asked them to pass the papers to the centre aisle and Tanner Brooks and Harrison Bernard gathered them up. Rev. Clark put them on the cross at the front showing that everyone there is special. The opening prayer was a prayer for the hearts and the singing of The Lord’s Prayer. Rev. Clark asked the other children to come to the front for their story time. Rev. Clark explained the two scripture readings. The first scripture was from Genesis, the story of Abraham and Sarah being too old to have children and how a son was born, and the second scripture was the story of Moses. The hymn “Walk with Me” was sung while the children went downstairs for their time of fellowship and to learn more about the story of Moses. Rev. Clark’s message to the congregation was “ A Sweeter Life.” We always come up short when it comes to ourselves. It is hard to think we are important. Every child is a miracle from God and we have all been children. Abraham’s son was a miracle being born to Abraham and Sarah in their later years. Jesus, God’s son, willingly died for us to show how important and valuable we are. We have to convince the person in the mirror that they are important and are a miracle. We don’t know the future but we should enjoy life. We should do something that gives us pleasure as long as it doesn’t harm someone else. Find a pleasure that gives us something that lets us know who we are and we will be alright. Sometime just sit and close your eyes, put your feet flat on the floor and feel supported from the community. Prayer reminds us of community and that God is with us. The choir sang the anthem “For All the Saints.” John McDowell introduced the favourite hymn, “Precious Lord Take My Hand.” The offering was received followed by the offertory response “We Give Thee But Thine Own,” the offertory prayer, the prayers for the people and a time for silent prayer. The last hymn “Love Divine All Loves Excelling” was sung followed by the blessing and the singing of the “Three Fold Amen.” Everyone was invited for coffee and treats. Remembrance Day Nov. 11/15 Service will be held at the BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL at 10:45 a.m. with Pastor Mark Royall officiating. The Parade Parties will meet at the Blyth Legion at 10:15 a.m. YOUR ATTENDANCE SHALL BE REMEMBERED Blyth Legion Branch 420 Wednesday, November 11, 2015 By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 From Marilyn’s Desk Happy birthday to Keyonia Johnston who celebrates Nov. 6 and Gary Clark, Nov. 10. Movie night is Thursday Nov. 12 at Blyth United Church. Supper is at 6 p.m. and the movie starts at 6:45 p.m. This month is a comedy movie. Come out and enjoy the supper and the movie or just the movie if you wish. Movie night set for Nov. 12 at Blyth United North Huron Township Council has been dealing with animal control issues recently, most prominently cats, and some questions have been raised about who ratepayers should contact with animal issues. During North Huron’s Oct. 19 council meeting, The Citizen asked what options were available for animal control and council and staff stated that, aside from dogs and animals specifically covered in the township’s animal control bylaw which is enforced by the bylaw control officer, there is no animal control officer. The discussion around animal control was originally raised by Councillor Brock Vodden, who reported that ratepayers were upset with the number of stray cats in the community. Reports of other animals, including a raccoon in the village, have also surfaced recently. “Sometimes the police are called,” Reeve Neil Vincent said. “I’m not sure what they do. You can also hire private consultants. We, as a municipality, are mandated to have dog control but that is the only thing we have to have.” Councillor Bill Knott suggested contacting the SPCA, though, when The Citizen contacted the local branch of the SPCA, it was told that the organization, at the local level, only accepts surrenders, not strays (which are formerly domesticated animals) or feral cats. “We take animal surrenders,” Animal Centre Manager Tamara Minns said. “Those are by people who own an animal and are unwilling or unable to care for them and want to Clearance Sale Winter Boots LOFT 1 mile south of Blyth ~ 519-523-4595 By Denny Scott The Citizen Continued on page 24