The Citizen, 2015-10-22, Page 9THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2015. PAGE 9.
A member of the Huron County
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has
been issued a Provincial Offence
notice following a collision on Oct.
14 at 4:50 p.m.
Investigation revealed that the
officer had just completed a traffic
stop when he attempted to make a u-
turn on Brussels Line. The fully-
marked police cruiser collided with
a southbound vehicle. The
southbound vehicle rolled and came
to rest on its side.
According to police, neither driver
was injured, however both vehicles
sustained significant damage.
As a result of the investigation,
OPP have charged Provincial
Constable Greg Blackwell with start
from a stopped position – not in
safety, contrary to section 142(2) of
the Highway Traffic Act. He has
served with the OPP just over one
A 22 year old from Huron East
remains in custody after he was
caught trying to flee from police.
On Oct. 4 at approximately 12:14
a.m., Huron County OPP officers
encountered a Chevrolet Silverado at
the intersection of Brandon Road
and Ethel Line. Officers activated
their emergency lights and siren in
an effort to stop the driver however
the driver continued on without
stopping. A short distance later it
appeared as though the driver was
going to pull over and stop however
he drove off the roadway into the
ditch and continued on into a soy
bean field.
Police say the driver didn’t make it
too far before he got the pickup truck
stuck in the field. The driver left the
vehicle and fled the scene on foot.
Police converged on the scene and
began searching for the male. A few
minutes later Huron OPP received a
call from a concerned citizen that a
suspicious male had just shown up at
his doorstep and was attempting to
get a ride. The male reported he had
denied the request however he saw
the male get into a neighbour’s
Police quickly responded to the
scene and were able to locate the
male suspect. He had convinced a
resident to give him a ride back
Officers placed the male under
arrest and took him into custody for
failing to stop for police. Further
investigation revealed the Chevrolet
Silverado he was driving had been
stolen earlier in the week from Perth
In addition, officers learned the
male was currently serving a
probation sentence with a condition
of his release to obey a curfew.
As a result, a 22-year-old male
from Huron East has been charged
with the following offences:
• Possession of Property Obtained
by Crime Under $5,000
• Flight While Pursued by Police
• Two counts of Mischief
Under $5,000
• Two counts of Fail to Comply
with Probation Order.
Continued from page 7
allocated to other centres in North
Huron, so the funds going into the
municipality stayed the same, but
was shuffled within.
“Again, the board has done a great
job and this is in no way a
punishment,” Gowing said.
“Unfortunately, our job is to set
priorities and it comes down to the
VanCamp said ratepayers are
already stating that they aren’t
happy with the decision made and
two petitions have been started
regarding the cut to funding: one for
Morris-Turnberry ratepayers and
one for users of the centre. Both call
for the decision to be revisited and
have the funds restored to the centre.
The petitions are being held by
members of the board, so those
looking to sign should contact a
board member.
VanCamp said he felt Morris-
Turnberry Council was holding the
board to an inappropriate measure
given its own decisions in the past.
“Council is penalizing us board
members for managing money well
when council members didn’t
manage taxpayer money very well
two and a half years ago,” he said.
“Council wasted a lot more than
$20,000 on buying land [in
Belgrave] and Wingham doing
studies and planning for fire halls
that never came to be. All the
rezoning and all the money that was
spent could have kept the funding
for the community centre for a
number of years.
“If the community, and Morris-
Turnberry taxpayers were asked
what they wanted, they wouldn’t
want council to spend money on
unwanted land or a future fantasy
firehall over the community centre.”
In the end, however, VanCamp
said the cut, while hurtful and
disappointing, wouldn’t stop the
board or the centre from operating.
“Council’s $15,000 [cut] isn’t
going to be the end the community
centre, its board or what the board
members and volunteers do,” he
said. “One great thing about
Belgrave is that everyone will band
together. It may mean we have to
increase volunteers, but people will
come together to fight and keep the
doors open and the lights on. It’s not
going to end the centre.”
OPP officer charged in Brussels Line U-turn
lives on:
Finally, our thanks to the staffs of area post offices who have always
been so co-operative in getting the local news to you as quickly as possible.
We go farther
to get the paper
to you on time.
Once The Citizen is delivered to our office
from the printing plant, it takes a whole team
of people to make sure it gets to you as quickly
as possible. First and foremost, are Brenda
Sjaarda and Marg Steele, who have many
years experience addressing the papers and
preparing them for mailing. Then Brenda and
Marg go on the road, driving over 100 km. to
deliver to area post offices so the paper will
arrive in your box by the next day. Other staff
drive another 60 kms. to other post offices. In
addition, we have several people who
voluntarily help save days in the arrival of
newspapers in other communities by dropping
off bundles of newspapers at post offices they
travel near. Thanks to Brad Knight who drops
off in Dublin and Mitchell, Matthew Cardiff
who delivers to Listowel and Jen Elston who
delivers to Wroxeter (and thanks also to the
numerous other volunteers who have helped
over the years).
The Citizen
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Pictured from left: Brenda Sjaarda and Marg Steele.
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