HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-10-15, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. DRIVERS WANTED WE ARE URGENTLY LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING AZ DRIVERS: OWNER OPERATORS **Now Offering Higher Mileage Rates** CROSS BORDER COMPANY HIGHWAY DRIVERS $.514 Cents Per Mile LCV DRIVERS – MISSISSAUGA TERMINAL Premium Rate APPLY TO: recruiting@rosedale.ca OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-855-721-3962 For More Details JOIN THE FAMILY DRIVE THE BUSINESS www.rosedale.ca/drivers LAIDLAW CARRIERS VAN DIVISION requires experienced AZ licensed drivers to run the U.S. Premium mile- age rate. Home weekly. New equip- ment. Also hiring Owner Operators. 1-800-263-8267 ADVERTISING REACH MILLIONS OF CUSTOMERS IN ONTARIO WITH ONE EASY CALL! Your Classified Ad or Display Ad would appear in weekly newspapers each week across Ontario in urban, suburban and rural areas. 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Connect with Ontarians – extend your business reach! www.networkclassifi ed.org Funding cut represents good job, not bad: Gowing Continued from page 1 that, in fact, the decision reflected how great a job the board has done. “They’re doing such a great job there that there is now an accumulated surplus there,” he said. “I think our job is one of setting priorities to put the funds we have where they are needed. Their position of good management has put them in a good financial position and I don’t believe it is our job to collect taxes to put them into a reserve. Once those funds go into the facility, we have no control over them, so I stand behind what we’ve did.” Councillor Dorothy Kelly asked if the council would still consider helping if major capital expenditures came up, which Gowing said they would definitely do, as did councillor John Smuck. “If something came up, like a new roof, we would help,” Smuck said. Smuck then stated that the township had looked at the amount given to the board versus the number of users from the municipality. He stated that, if they were to use the same formula of dollars per user, Morris-Turnberry would have to pay more than $100,000 for usage of the North Huron Wescast Community Complex. Councillor Sharen Zinn stated that the issue wasn’t handled well by council. “If we do something likes this, cutting contributions so significantly, we should discuss it with them ahead of time,” she said. “We should have went to them or had them come here so it wasn’t such a big blow.” Gowing agreed that course of action might have been more appropriate as did Deputy-Mayor Jamie Heffer. “That is a very reasonable comment,” he said. “In hindsight that is how we should have handled it.” Council suggested that staff prepare a letter to invite either the board to attend a council meeting or to have council attend a board meeting to explain the decision, but no mention of reversing the funding cut was made. Blessing the big meal The much-anticipated Belgrave Turkey Supper was held at the Belgrave Community Centre on Oct. 5 and saw approximately 1,000 people enjoying a meal that can truly be called epic. Belgrave’s Knox United Church’s Student Minister Brian Hymers blessed the meal, above. (Shawn Loughlin photo) UCW coffee break set for Oct. 27 There were three-and-a-half tables of shoot in play on Friday, Oct. 9. Winners were: high pink card, Lillian Appleby; most shoots, pink card, Mary Taylor; high white card, Jack Shiell; second high white card, Charlie Shaw. The next shoot party is on Friday, Oct. 23 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. On Sunday, Oct. 18 Student Minister Brian Hymers is away doing the anniversary service for Zion United Church outside of Listowel. Nancy Cameron from Trinity, Ashfield will be conducting the service. The Huron-Perth Presbyterial Fall Rally is on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at Lakeshore United Church in Goderich. Desserts and fellowship are at 5:30 p.m. The guest speaker is Kate Ballagh-Steeper former chaplain of the London Community Chaplaincy, who will be speaking on the joys and challenges faced by families living in poverty today. Registration is $2. Contact Muriel Coultes if you wish to go. The UCW will be hosting a morning coffee break at the Belgrave Community Centre on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. This is to support the Huron Alzheimer Society. Everyone is welcome to come and join us for coffee and fellowship. On Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 3 p.m. the Presbytery will meet a Lakeshore United Church in Goderich. NEWS FROM BELGRAVE By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE Find a job or advertise a job on the Jobs In Huron section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca