The Citizen, 2015-07-23, Page 9THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015. PAGE 9. PHOTO OF THE DAY Let us know what is happening in your area by emailing a picture for possible inclusion on our website’s “Picture of the Day”. Please include a small caption about the picture. Visit our website at northhuron.on.ca - maybe your picture will be the PHOTO OF THE DAY! Email submissions to: reporter@northhuron.on.ca Wants to Hear from You! The CitizenThe Citizen Wants to Hear from You! Radford looks at origins of sayings Did you ponder on the word ‘curfew’ this past week? The French phrase “couvre-feu” means ‘cover the fire’ and refers to the time at night of blowing out the lamps and candles. In the Middle Ages that phrase became the English ‘curfeu’ which became the modern ‘curfew’. In the first pioneer homes there were no real fireplaces so a fire was often built in the centre of the room. To prevent house fires in the night it was required that all fires be covered, at an agreed upon time, with a clay pot called, a ‘curfew’. I guess the heated exchanges that might result when someone, a teenager perhaps, misses a modern curfew is the connection for the word. Now, here is a new saying to ponder: passing the buck. A little hint, the phrase has nothing to do with money. This past weekend many folk were looking to spend time indoors out of the heat and humidity. A nugget of information I picked up at an event on the weekend is that it was a hot July 2, 1902 when air conditioning was invented – aren’t we all thankful! The day this report was filed, July 20, was the anniversary of Neil Armstrong’s walk on the surface of the moon back in 1969. Although recovered nicely from hip surgery at the end of April, Martin Wilts spent most of last week in hospital in London dealing with complications in preparation for cancer treatment. Keep him and Janie in your thoughts and prayers for the next while. Typical of small communities where news seems to spread through ESP, many folk in the area knew of the passing of one of Londesborough’s residents even before the church phone chain got going. Ann Adams and family will need your support and comfort as they come to terms with the very sudden passing of Murray last Saturday evening. ReLook Nook LadiesWear ConsignmentShop 519-606-4001 14 Isaac St., Clinton Tues.-Fri. 9:30 am ~ 5:30 pm & Sat. 9:30 ~ 4:00 pm Consignments by appointment only Get Your Look On! Quality Ladies Wear Sizes Sm - 3X, Jewelry, footwear, purses and small furniture NEWS FROM LONDESBORO By BRENDA RADFORD Call 523-4296 PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO Up, up and away Townsend Tire in Londesborough celebrated its 20th anniversary on Saturday and a significant aspect of the event involved getting a view of the world from far above. Those in attendance were treated to helicopter rides (if they had the courage). Here, Dean Vincent, takes a spin around the community, getting the best view available. (Vicky Bremner photo) The Benmiller Community Hall Committee received a big boost in its effort to renovate the township structure and make it more accessible. Last Thursday, Huron-Bruce MP Ben Lobb announced that the committee would be receiving $50,000 from the Federal Enabling Accessibility Fund to help with planned renovations to the building. The amount is the maximum available through the program. Committee Chair Gina McDonnell explained that the money was an important step. “The building needs some TLC,” she said. “It’s totally inaccessible to people with mobility issues. When you go in the front door, there are stairs up and stairs down. We wanted to put in a lift and accessible washrooms on both levels to make it more user-friendly and more rentable.” The entire project will cost $450,000 according to McDonnell, however the project will need to be completed by November, 2016, to fit in with the fund’s guidelines. To that end, the committee approached Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh (ACW) Township Council – the township purchased the building four years ago from the local chapter of the Foresters – and asked for help. Council agreed to help and eventually decided to provide bridge funding for the group to cover the cost of the renovations until they could raise all the necessary funds. Whether that means the entire $450,000 or just the first phase of the project, which includes a lift and renovated washrooms in the lower level of the structure, however, remains to be seen. “We’re aware the project may be done in phases,” McDonnell said. “We may not be able to do the full job by this deadline, but that’s something we haven’t figured out just yet.” To date the committee has raised approximately $160,000 through this fund, other grants and fundraising, though McDonnell said they haven’t really started a local fundraising campaign. “We plan on canvassing local business and private individuals,” she said. “What we’ve raised has been from local events at the site. “We’re also hoping to put in a Trillium grant application this summer as well to help with the renovations,” she said. Modernizing the hall is an important step for the community, McDonnell said, because it is one of the few meeting places Benmiller has left. “We formed the committee fairly recently because the township was tired of spending money on it,” she said. “It got rented a little bit, but not a lot and it needed more. There were local citizens worried about losing it like we lost the local church across the road.” ACW Reeve Ben Van Diepenbeek said that he felt the group is doing good work and was fortunate to receive the funding. “The township had to put in the application, so Gina has been working with [ACW Clerk] Mark Becker,” he said. “They got the information right, got the application in and got the funding. It will go a long way to making that hall more accessible.” With such a high price tag, council was originally considering other options for the structure including replacing it with a smaller building with just washrooms for the nearby baseball diamonds, which see regular use. However, with the history the building has, McDonnell said it was important to preserve it. “The building is an 1880 school house that was still in use in the late 1960s,” she said. “After that, the Foresters used it until four years ago when the township received it.” The committee, which currently includes 19 members, is looking for individuals to help and welcomes all donations. For more information, or to get involved, contact McDonnell at 519- 524-9394. MEETING NOTICE MUNICIPALITY OF MORRIS-TURNBERRY The upcoming meeting for the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry will be held: Tuesday, July 28 at 7:30 pm Joint Council Meeting with the Township of North Huron Purpose — Wingham & Area Industrial Land Strategy Being held at the Emergency Services Training Centre, Blyth Benmiller Hall receives funding By Denny Scott The Citizen