HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-07-16, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 2015. PAGE 3.
JULY 25, 2015
12 PM - 5 PM
“Kiss the Pig” Challenge
Vendors’ Market
Antique Car Show
Bring a Donation for Food Share
Participate in our Silent Auction
at the Lettuce Headquarters
432 Queen St., Blyth
For more information
please call Lorna Fraser 519-523-9687
A unique experience awaits you in our charming village.
Welcome to our specialty shops, restaurants and galleries.
Food Share Donations
Streetfest July 25
Cupcake Cook-off!
To finish the Kids in the Kitchen camp at Blyth United
Church last week, attendees paired up and tried to create
the best cupcake they could. Shown focusing on that task
are Emma Kerr, left, and Sarah Snell. (Denny Scott photo)
For more information
please call Lorna Fraser 519-523-9687
Saturday, July 25
Vote by donation at:
Blyth Festival Theatre,
Blyth Corner Café, The Citizen, Queens Bakery,
Scrimgeour’s Food Market, CIBC
Bill Knott Susie Elliott Shawn Loughlin
Who’s Going
To Kiss
The Pig?
Help us Decide!
Participate in our Silent Auction!
Lettuce Headquarters 432 Queen Street, Blyth
Adoption is unconditional love
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, July 12
was Gwen Papple. Ushering were
Cliff Snell and Nicole Kerr. John
McDowell was music director
and David Onn ran the Power
Emily Phillips welcomed
everyone to church and drew
attention to the announcements
printed in the bulletin with special
mention that the service on July 26
will be an outdoor worship service
by the Blyth and Area Ministerial
Council at the Blyth Lions Club
Park at 10 a.m. Rev. Gary Clark will
be the speaker.
Emily introduced guest speaker
Angie Lannin from the Donegal
area. Angie invited everyone to
greet one another. The first hymn
was “Come All You People”
followed by the opening prayers.
The first prayer was a prayer being
said by all United Churches for the
lead up to general council and the
second prayer was Psalm 24 read
The first verse of two of the
favourite hymns “In the Garden”
and “Softly and Tenderly” were
sung. The scripture was from
Ephesians 1:3-14. The choir sang
the anthem “Wonderful Words of
God.” Angie Lannin’s message to
the congregation was “The Story of
Bud was a boy who had been
adopted and Bud claims that his
birth parents and also his adopted
parents had unconditional love for
him. His birth parents gave him up
because they could not look after
him and his adopted parents gave
him the life his birth parents could
In Bud’s story, Bud says that it
must have been God’s plan for him
to have both sets of parents.
Statistics tell us that one in five
children are adopted and most of us
know someone who is adopted or
know someone who knows someone
that is adopted. We consider these
children some of the luckiest
It is unconditional love for a
parent to give up a child so that
people who can not have a child for
some reason are able to raise a child.
In the scripture Paul wrote a letter to
the Ephesians from prison to
express upon them that God will
adopt anyone, no matter where they
were from.
God loves us because He chooses
us. We become God’s own children
no matter how often we
fail. God shows us unconditional
The next hymn “Amazing Grace”
was sung. The offering was received
followed by the offertory response
“Grant Us God the Grace” the
offertory prayer, the prayers of the
people said responsively and the
saying of the Lord’s Prayer. The last
hymn “Come, O Fount of Every
Blessing” was followed by
the blessing and the singing of
“Let Us Depart in Peace.” Everyone
was invited for coffee
and fellowship.
Christ stands ready as a fire-escape
“Behold, I am vile!” Job 40:4 (Arthur Pink)
O how very few ever are savingly convicted of sin by the Spirit! As the Spirit
continues His work in the soul, plowing still deeper, revealing the hideousness and
heineousness of sin, producing a horror of and hatred for it--He next presses upon
that awakened soul, the claims of Christ’s Lordship--set forth in such passages as
Luke 14:26-33 and enlightens us to realize that Christ demands our hearts, lives,
and all.
Then it is that He grants grace unto the quickened soul to renounce all other
“lords,” to turn away from all “idols”, and to receive Christ as Prophet, Priest and
King. And nothing but the sovereign and supernatural work of God the Spirit can
bring this to pass. Surely this is self-evident.
A preacher may induce a man to believe what Scripture says about his lost and
undone condition, persuade him to “bow to” the Divine verdict, and then “accept
Christ as his personal Saviour.” No man wants to go to Hell, and if he is assured
that Christ stands ready as a fire-escape, on the sole condition that he jumps into
His arms (“rests on His finished work”), thousands will do so!
But a hundred preachers are unable to make an unregenerate person realize the
unspeakably dreadful nature of sin, make him feel that he has been a lifelong rebel
against God, and so change his heart that he now hates his sin, and longs to please
God, and serve Christ. Only God the Spirit can bring any man to the place where
he is willing to forsake every idol, cut off a hindering right hand, or pluck out an
offending right eye! Ah,a miracle of grace has been wrought when we give up
ourselves to the Lord (2 Corinthians 8:5) to be ruled by Him.
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk
Group name revealed
In a report to the Blyth Business
Improvement Area (BIA) during the
group’s July 8 meeting, executive
member Lissa Kolkman reported
that the proposed garden group for
Blyth had found a name.
The group, which will replace the
now-defunct Blyth Horticultural
Society, will be called the Friends of
the Village of Blyth Parks and
“The group is still a work in
progress,” Kolkman said. “It will be
a kind of a go-to for many volunteer
groups for parks and gardens and
Kolkman reported that the group
would liaise with North Huron
Township staff to help keep the
existing gardens in the village
She brought the information to the
BIA because, prior to the folding of
the Blyth Horticultural Society, the
BIA had expressed an interest in
working with the group to make
sure its mandate wasn’t forgotten.
The group will not be a committee
of North Huron Township Council
according to Chief Administrative
Officer Sharon Chambers, who said
she thought the structure would
allow the group to work with some
autonomy. Volunteers with the
organization will sign forms,
however, to allow them to benefit
from the township’s insurance while
they work for the group.
Watch The Citizen for updates on
the organization.
Happy birthday to Joan Chalmers
who celebrates July 15; Janis
Vodden, July 16; Ann Nesbit, Blyth
and Barb Musty, Listowel, July 18
and Kim Hornyak (Craig),
Strathroy, July 19.
Happy Anniversary to Christa and
Mike Haggitt who celebrate July 16.
Blyth Community Vacation Bible
School is July 20-24 at Blyth United
Church. For free registration,
contact Valerie Shortreed at 519-
523-4903. You can check out this
year’s program at
gospellightvbs.com/sonspark and
you can also register online at
Come out and enjoy a game of
shoot (it is something like euchre)
on the second and fourth Tuesday of
the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Blyth
Anglican Church Hall. Next shoot
date is Tuesday, July 28.
VBS set July
20-24 at Blyth
United Church
Rhea Hamilton Seeger’s
Gardening column
on the
Huron Home and
Garden Guide
section of our website