HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-06-25, Page 11THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015. PAGE 11.
The upcoming meetings for the
Municipality of Morris-Turnberry will be held:
Tuesday July 7 at 7:30 pm Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday July 21 at 7:30 pm Regular Council Meeting
There will be no Regular Council Meetings scheduled in the
month of August, 2015 unless otherwise advertised.
The second installment of the 2015 property taxes is due on Thursday,
June 25, 2015.
Payment can be made by mail or directly at the Municipal Office, 41342
Morris Rd., PO Box 310, Brussels, ON N0G 1H0. For your
convenience, a drop box is available at the front door for after hours
use. Payments can also be made at most banking institutions and by
telephone and internet banking.
Failure to receive your property tax bill does not in any way exempt you
from payment.
Nancy Michie
Administrator Clerk-Treasurer
Norgate begins first
term as Women’s
Institute president
Verna Norgate began her term of
office as president of the Belgrave
branch of Women’s Institute on
Tuesday, June 16 as they met at 7:30
p.m. at Knox United Church. Ten
members were present.
After opening the meeting in the
usual manner the secretarial and
financial reports were presented and
accepted as read. Roll call and
volunteer hours were recorded by
Dianna Robinson.
Announcements were made about
the annual Tweedsmuir workshop,
which will be held on Aug. 4 in
Shedden. The theme is “Preserving
Our History”. Registration is from 9
- 9:30 a.m. with a cost of $5 per
member attending.
Another upcoming annual event
will be the Southern Area
Convention planned for Oct. 27 at
the Helenic Centre in London.
Registration is $30 which includes a
noon meal. Head, Heart, Hands and
Health – the 4H theme will be
featured. Belgrave and Auburn
branches will contribute towards a
raffle basket for this convention and
members are urged to attend this
event formerly known as the London
Area Convention.
President Verna read the Huron
West District bylaws which had
been voted on and adopted at the
annual meeting of the district on
May 25 in Auburn. The rest of the
evening was in the form of a
planning meeting. Tentative plans
were made for a branch social time
on Tuesday, Aug. 18 in the form of a
picnic in Goderich, followed by a
tour of the Huron County Museum.
Ruth Olson presided over the
remainder of the meeting to plan and
prepare the members’ program
books for the coming WI year. Many
topics and suggestions for meetings
were discussed. The meeting time
will remain at 7:30 p.m. except for
Jan., Feb. and March when members
will meet at 10:30 a.m. followed by
a bagged lunch and fellowship.
All meetings at Knox United
Church are on the third Tuesday of
the month, unless otherwise stated.
New members are always welcome.
Fruit, cheese and crackers were
served by Sharon Bondi and Joanne
Cook to close the June meeting.
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By Linda
A lot to celebrate
Ambassadors from Maitland River Elementary School had a lot to smile about last week when
they showed parents and visitors where the new playground equipment, funded by the
Building Bridges to Our Future committee, would be built this summer. The equipment marks
a great deal of fundraising, however the project will see another set of equipment installed at
Maitland River Elementary School as well as remodeling of two soccer fields at F.E. Madill
Secondary School and improvements to the green space between the two. A group of
ambassadors are shown above. From left: Ava Addison, Alayna Bourne, Melina Peel, Hailey
McKee and Nick Clark. (Denny Scott photo)
Bridges campaign hits milestone
The Building Bridges to Our
Future Committee made a special
announcement on Wednesday, June
17 to show off some of what the
group has accomplished and outline
the plans for outdoor spaces at
Maitland River Elementary School
(MRES) and F.E. Madill Secondary
School (FEMSS).
The group, which has been
working since just after the school
opened, has a three-phase plan to
upgrade the grounds around the two
schools with playground equipment
and opportunities for new sports and
environmental learning.
Most recently, the group raised
enough money for the second part of
the project’s first phase, primary
climber equipment at MRES.
Previously, the group installed
swings, a sandbox and learning
centre at MRES.
The climber should be installed in
late August or early September.
Committee co-chairs Karri-Anne
Cameron and Teresa Farrell-Becker
said their next goal is to raise
enough money for a climber for the
junior playground at MRES, a goal
they expect to hit in 2016.
Phase 2 involves a complete
overhaul of the lower field at
FEMSS. Currently, the field has a
running track and a soccer field. The
new work will include drainage for
the field, a resurfaced track and, in a
joint effort with Wingham Minor
Soccer, a set of lights to allow for
night play.
The upper field at the school,
which currently holds a soccer field
which isn’t regulation size, will be
completely reworked as well
according to Farrell-Becker to allow
for the installation of a second
soccer field.
Phase 3 includes work with the
green space between the two schools
which will see it become
more educational and more child-
The committee has garnered a lot
of support from the community
including the MRES Parent Council
which has donated $15,000 to the
school over the past three years.
The final price tag is reported to
be approximately $750,000.
For more information, visit the
group’s Facebook page at Building
Bridges to Our Future or e-mail
Knox Father’s Day service held
Nancy Jardin and Florence
McArter greeted worshippers and
handed out the service of worship at
Knox United Church on Father’s,
Day, Sunday, June 21. The call to
worship was led by Mackenzie
Wightman and read responsively
with the congregation. Abby
Robinson read the opening prayer
and Hayden Jamieson, Emily and
Austin Bieman gave a selection of
Father’s Day poetry and jokes.
The scripture lessons from
Ephesians 6: 1-4 and Psalm 138
were read by Jenna Hopper. Emily
Bieman gave a history of Father’s
Many Canadians observe Father’s
Day on the third Sunday of June. It
is a day for people to show their
appreciation for fathers and father
figures. Father figures may include a
stepfather, a father-in-law,
guardians, such as foster parents,
and family friends.
Many people in Canada celebrate
Father’s Day in a variety of ways.
Father’s Day activities include
buying presents such as neckties,
giving handmade or purchased cards
and having breakfasts, brunches,
lunches or dinner either at home or
in restaurants. The idea of a special
day to honour fathers and celebrate
fatherhood was introduced from the
United States.
A woman called Sonora Smart
Dodd was inspired by the American
Mother’s Day celebrations and
planned a day to honour fathers
early in the 20th century. The first
Father’s Day was celebrated in
Spokane, Washington on June 19,
Hymns that were sung included,
“Faith of Our Fathers”, “He’s Got
the Whole World in His Hands”,
“All Things Bright and Beautiful”,
“I The Lord of Sea and Sky” and “It
Only Takes a Spark”.
The Sunday school children
entertained with a skit for Fathers’
Day, entitled The News.
Adel Dodds gave the offering
prayer and the closing prayer. After
Lila Procter said the grace, the
congregation sang, “Go Now in
Peace” which concluded the
morning worship service. The
chicken barbecue and social time
Nancy Folkard, Sheila Nixon and
Joyce Vincent decorated the church
with beautiful bouquets of flowers.
The Sunday school children did a
marvelous job of taking part in the
During the absence of student
minister Brian Hymers who is at
school from June 15 - 26, Rev.
Richard Hall will cover any
emergency pastoral care that may be
needed. Thank you to George
Procter for ordering the chicken and
to Ken Procter and his team for
cooking the chicken. A special thank
you to Adel Dodds for stepping in
and taking over the role of her
mother, Kim Walker. Also thank you
to everyone who helped with the
service in any way.
Come and help the “Over 80s”
celebrate at their special birthday
party held at Knox United Church
on July 21 at 2 p.m. Join in an
afternoon of entertainment, cake and
ice crea and a social time with
friends on June 28 at 11:15 a.m. to
welcome Rev. Alun Thomas back to
the pulpit.
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