HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-06-25, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2015. PAGE 3. The Citizen Offices will be closed on Wednesday, July 1 for Canada Day The deadline for the July 2 paper will be Monday, June 29 2 pm in Brussels and 4 pm in Blyth 413 Queen St., Blyth 519-523-4792 541 Turnberry St., Brussels 519-887-9114 Please note that because of the Wednesday holiday most subscribers will receive their paper a day later than normal. Ushering worshippers at Blyth United Church on Baptism Sunday, June 21 were Laurie Sparling and Tom Cronin. Floyd Herman was music director and Lavern Clark ran the power point. Emily Phillips wished all the fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, Happy Father’s Day. She drew attention to the announcements printed in the bulletin. A sign-up sheet was passed around for the caterings. Emily invited everyone to greet one another. The first hymn was “Come All You People.” Rev. Gary Clark invited everyone to repeat the opening prayer in unison. The first verse of the favourite hymn “How Great Thou Art” was sung. Everyone repeated the United Church creed in unison. The children in the congregation were invited to come to the front and light the candles and pour the water into the baptism font. The children were each given a glass of water to pour in the font and Rev. Clark asked the children to put their hands over the water and send their love into the water to baptize Kolbi and Ben. Myrtle Badley invited Kolbi Alexander, son of Melissa Badley and Damien Yorke - Thomas and Ben Jack Poynton to come to the front and be baptized. The choir sang the blessing inserting Kolbi and Ben’s names into the blessing. The interactive scripture was from Matthew 3:14 and 4:11. Floyd Herman gave a short history of the anthem the choir sang which was an arrangement of two hymns, “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Rev. Clark’s message to the congregation was “Forget You! I’m baptized.” Rev. Clark told the story of Nadia Webber’s life. Nadia was raised in a very strict home and she left at an early age. She became a stand-up comedian and also had an alcohol problem. Nadia attended many churches and denominations looking for God. A friend had passed away and she was asked to conduct his funeral service. This encouraged her to become a Lutheran minister after meeting and falling in love with a man going through to be a Lutheran minister. Nadia became a Lutheran minister to the people with addictions. The next hymn “Jesus Loves Me” was sung. The offering was received followed by the offertory response “Grant Us God the Grace,” the offertory prayer, the prayers of the people and the singing of the Lord’s Prayer. The last hymn “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” was followed by the blessing. Everyone was invited to stay for coffee, treats and fellowship. Happy anniversary to Lorna and Randy Fraser and Lori and Kevin Falconer (35th), who celebrate June 28. Lord, teach us to pray! (Arthur Pink) It is my deepening conviction that perhaps the Lord’s own people sin more in their efforts to pray, than in connection with any other thing they engage in. What hypocrisy there is--where there should be reality! What presumptuous demandings--where there should be submissiveness! What formality--where there should be brokenness of heart! How little we really feel the sins we confess! What little sense of deep need for the mercies we seek! And even where God grants a measure of deliverance from these awful sins... how much coldness of heart, how much unbelief, how much self-will and self-pleasing- -have we to bewail! We need to be delivered from a cold, mechanical and formal type of praying which is merely a lip-service, in which there is...no actual approach unto the Lord, no delighting of ourselves in Him, no pouring out of the heart before Him. I often say my prayers, But do I ever pray? And do the wishes of my heart, Go with the words I say? I may as well kneel down, And worship gods of stone, As offer to the living God, A prayer of words alone! “Lord, teach us to pray!”Luke 11:1 A Grace Gem Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church, Listowel, ON 519-291-1956 Nice catch Maleah Taylor was one of the luckier anglers at Sunday’s annual fishing derby at Radford’s Pond just south of Blyth, as she shows off her catch. The event, while cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances last year, has been an annual tradition in Blyth for decades, celebrating Father’s Day by bringing loving fathers and their children together for a day of fishing and fun. (Vicky Bremner photo) By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 From Marilyn’s Desk Comedian turns minister: Clark NH council passes committee bylaw North Huron Township Council approved its draft committee appointment policy which will dictate how the municipality interacts with ratepayer groups. Crafted by Chief Administrative Officer Sharon Chambers, who joined the municipality earlier this year, the document is something she feels is a necessity. Chambers said that there is no shortage of volunteers in North Huron and, to best put that spirit to use, there should be clear lines of communication between volunteers, council and municipal staff. The document outlines different committee structures that the township will deal with including ad-hoc committees designed for a specific purpose or goal, advisory committees whose purpose is to provide ongoing advice to council and work on an ongoing basis, committees of council which are any kind of committee struck and authorized by bylaw with council appointing members and representatives, special interest groups which consist of anyone looking to influence council on a particular issue and statutory committees which are any committee established by rule of the provincial or federal government. Chambers said council should stay away from special interest groups. The draft policy was approved by council after some changes were made to ensure that council received all feedback from staff on potential members of committees that could be appointed by council. Reeve Neil Vincent stated the document concerned him in one respect since it outlined an appointment process that included council only seeing staff’s recommendations for positions. He wanted to see all applicants along with staff’s feedback before council made a decision. Chambers said those changes could be made and the document brought back to council for approval by bylaw. Artisans Streetfest July 25 Blyth By Denny Scott The Citizen See histories and historic photographs on the Huron History section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca Sylvia’s Retiring! It’s the last season Stop In ~ Coffee Is On Plus check out the fantastic closing sale! See our ad on page 12 in the Blyth Festival Special Edition Now Open Daily 9 am - 5 pm Thursday and Friday 9 am - 8 pm Closed Sundays 83189 Scott Line, RR 3 Blyth (North Huron) 519-523-9456 Spring Breezes greenhouses