HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-05-28, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015. PAGE 3.
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Give Me your heart
(Arthur W. Pink)
“Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
(1 Samuel 16:7)
“My son, give Me your heart.” (Proverbs 23:26)
A “willing” heart (Exodus 35:5) -- which acts spontaneously and gladly, not out
of necessity.
A “perfect” heart (1 Chronicles 29:9) -- sincere, genuine, upright.
A “tender” heart (2 Chronicles 34:27) -- yielding and pliable, the opposite of hard
and stubborn.
A “broken” heart (Psalm 34:18) -- sorrowing over all failure and sin.
A “united” heart (Psalm 86:11) -- all the affections centred on God.
An “enlarged” heart (Psalm 119:32) -- delighting in every part of Scripture, and
loving all God’s people.
A “sound” heart (Proverbs 14:30) -- right in both doctrine and practice.
A “merry” heart (Proverbs 15:15) -- rejoicing in the Lord always.
A “pure” heart (Matthew 5:8) -- hating all evil.
An “honest and good heart” (Luke 8:15) -- free from deceit and hypocrisy, willing
to be searched through and through by the Word.
A “single” heart (Ephesians 6:5) -- desiring only God’s glory.
A “true” heart (Hebrews 10:22) -- genuine in all its dealings with God.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.”
(Proverbs 4:23)
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
would like to thank everyone
who helped us celebrate
38 years of
To those businesses and
individuals who donated penny
sale items, your generous
contributions resulted in a very
successful fundraising event.
All proceeds are donated to
our 4 local hospitals.
See you again next year
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Pentecostal
Sunday, May 24 were Arletta
Hallahan and Brenda Brooks.
Ushering were Nicole Kerr, Brenda
Brooks and Arletta Hallahan. Floyd
Herman was music director and Fred
Hakkers ran the power point. The
flowers at the front of the church
were from the funerals of Grant
Sparling and Ruth Shiell.
David Onn welcomed everyone to
church and drew attention to the
announcements printed in the
bulletin with special mention that
the potluck supper for the UCW and
friends has been rescheduled to June
11 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is
welcome to come and see the
pictures of Terry and Barb
Richmond’s trip to Alaska.
Rev. Gary Clark invited everyone
to greet one another. The call to
worship was the singing of the
hymn, “Hey Now! Singing
Hallelujah.” The opening prayer was
said responsively with the sign
language in the response. The next
hymn, “Spirit of the Living God”
was sung. The scripture was from
Acts 2: 1-13.
The children were then asked to
come to the front for their story time.
Rev. Clark had a candle in a glass of
water and asked the children if they
thought they could light it. Their
answers were no, because the water
made it wet. They said if they dried
if off it might light. The water didn’t
allow air to the candle and the candle
needs air to light. We are like a
candle and we tell people about
Jesus. Jesus helps others. He risked
his life for us, He brought food for
the people and He loved us. It is up
to all of us to tell the stories of Jesus.
The children helped light the
candles on the altar table. Floyd
Herman gave a short history to the
anthem, “Breathe on Me Breath of
God” the choir sang.
Rev. Clark’s message to the
congregation was “You Shake My
Nerves and Rattle My Brain.” When
Jerry Lee Lewis sang, “Great Balls
of Fire” he energized the youth. He
set his audience on fire. The
Pentecost story was told to young
people. In those days if you were 30
years of age you were considered to
be an elder. At the age of 13 you
became an adult.
Scouts show us that we don’t need
matches to start a fire. There is a lot
more preparation to start a fire
without a match. It takes tender
loving care.
How do we excite our youth of the
churches? We need to go out to
where they are and talk to them like
Jesus told His disciples. Go out and
teach the people. We need to make
the people to feel welcome. We need
to fire up our congregations and
make others feel welcome.
The next hymn, “Holy Spirit, Hear
Us” was sung. The offering was
received followed by the offertory
response, “Grant Us God the Grace,”
the offertory prayer, the prayers for
the people, silent prayers and the
singing of the Lord’s Prayer. The last
hymn, “Come and Find the Quiet
Centre” was followed by the
blessing and choral “Amen”.
Everyone was invited for coffee and
Happy birthday to Niel Edgar,
Wingham who celebrates May 29.
Many Edgar relatives gathered at
the home of Marilyn and Dave Craig
for their annual Victoria Day long
weekend gathering. They gathered
around the campfire on Sunday
night to watch the fireworks and
then again on Monday for lunch.
The home farm was sold last year, so
it was a new tradition and a new
place this year.
Cty. Rd. #25 BlythCu
✭Wetsinge Farm
Come and see us at both the
Brussels Farmers’ Market on Fridays
Goderich Farmers’ Market on Saturdays
Bring in your containers
now for planting
Owner: Gaye Datema
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk
North Huron Township Council
adopted a new open air burn bylaw
that staff hopes will provide more
concise direction to ratepayers about
what, where and when they can and
cannot burn.
The bylaw came from Bluewater
and is set to replace North Huron’s
current bylaw, which, according to
Fire Department of North Huron
Chief David Sparling’s report, is out
of date with the department.
“[The outgoing bylaw] isn’t as
clear as we would like,” he said in
the report presented to council
during its May 19 meeting. “The
proposed new bylaw is near-identical
to the municipality of Bluewater’s. It
is more comprehensive, but, at the
same time, easier to understand than
the bylaw currently in place.”
Sparling’s report indicated that
Morris-Turnberry was also
reviewing the same bylaw to make it
easier for the department to respond
to open air burn or fire calls
regardless of location.
Sparling’s report suggested that
the new bylaw come into effect June
1 to give the municipality time to let
ratepayers know about the change.
The five-page document identifies
times when fires can’t be lit
including poor air quality days, high
risk periods or during fire bans set
by the fire chief, what cooking, what
open and recreational fires are
defined as and what kind of fires
need special permission from the
fire department.
The open air burning bylaw will
soon be available on the
municipality’s website.
Burn bylaw adopted
UCW potluck moved to June 11
The penny lives on
While the penny, in its physical form, may be a thing of the past, the Blyth Legion and Blyth
Legion Ladies Auxiliary’s annual penny sale lived on last week and into the weekend with
plenty of people making their way through the Branch’s doors. Here, Ron Johnston, left, is
seen staking his claim on some items with the help of Brenda Finlayson, centre, and Donna
Govier, right. (Jasmine deBoer photo)