HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-05-21, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015. PAGE 15. Continued from page 1 municipalities’ councils so those involved with G2G Inc. can speak to councillors and their ratepayers and answer any questions they may have. Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Reeve Ben Van Diepenbeek asked what G2G Inc. had planned for Auburn, where a bridge is needed and currently trail users have to use a portion of the road. VanderMolen said that the Auburn passage is one of the group’s top priorities. While its first work went towards the construction of a bridge in Millbank, the focus is now on Blyth Brook and then the passage through Auburn. North Huron Reeve Neil Vincent, however, was less positive about the transparency and co-operation G2G Inc. claimed to have with shareholders and municipalities. He directed both VanderMolen and Lee to a section of the company’s own press release issued late last month that he found had been contradicted by the group’s actions. “It is of great importance to this volunteer-based group that there continues to be a transparent integration between the local government, the stakeholders and the user groups,” the release stated. Vincent again mentioned the lease of a portion of the trail currently held by North Huron, which runs from Elevator Line in Morris-Turnberry to County Road 25 in North Huron. He said that at no time has anyone from G2G Inc. spoken with councillors or staff from North Huron and as a result he felt there was no way VanderMolen could stand by his claim that the consultation process has been open and transparent. He said he found the press release, and its timing, to be “a little suggestive”. VanderMolen, however, defended the process, saying that it has been transparent, and going forward all attempts will be made to inform those involved and consultation will be paramount with meetings with local councils right around the corner. Vincent, however, still disagreed, saying that up until now, the process has not been open. “I think it’s a closed process,” Vincent said. “By stating that some portions of the trail are open instead of leased, I think you’re misleading a number of people.” VanderMolen did address another of Vincent’s concerns, but didn’t have a clear answer for him. Vincent said that North Huron has historically not allowed horses on any of its trails, so he wondered where the G2G would stand on that issue. VanderMolen said the issue isn’t quite clear right now. There are some portions of the trail that do allow horses, others that don’t and other sections that he classified as being “work-towards”. Bluewater Mayor Tyler Hessel said he wished to commend the group for all its work. The trail will address a number of needs at the county level, he said, including recent studies on both active transportation and healthy lifestyles, as well as tourism, one of the county’s established pillars. “There are so many positives about this,” Hessel said, to which VanderMolen responded by saying that the trail is going to be “a really big thing”. Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn commended the group for its hard work, but did side with Vincent on some points, stating that the premature nature of the press release announcing the opening of the trail “caused problems” for many councillors. “The press release made it look like we’d dealt with issues that we have not yet dealt with,” Ginn said. He said he supports the trail and the economic development potential it brings with it, but before he can make a final decision on the trail and its future, he said, he needs all the information and he doesn’t yet have it. VanderMolen also addressed another concern, which was the main concern he’d been hearing in recent months, which was ATV use on the trail. The issue is simple, VanderMolen said, with ATV use on the trail being trespassing. ATVs are not currently allowed on Ontario trails, VanderMolen said, so unless there is a change of policy at the provincial level, that is a decision that G2G Inc. can’t make. With many users and adjacent landowners concerned about ATV use, VanderMolen said that with it being against the law, there isn’t much else the group can do to discourage that illegal activity. The second major concern, he said, was trespassing onto farms, which again, is illegal. He said there are also plans to have gates at each end of the trail and extensive fencing along the trail. To end the discussion, Vincent said that he sees the potential in the trail, but that if the process isn’t carried out properly, a good opportunity could be squandered. “I agreed with Tyler [Hessel], but there has to be a transparent process dealing with those who have leases and adjacent landowners. They can make or break a trail,” Vincent said. “I see all the good things it can do, but don’t tick off the neighbours.” Councillors supportive, but want concerns addressed Addressing the youth Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire addressed the student bodies of numerous schools on Friday at St. Anne’s Catholic Secondary School in Clinton as part of a day-long tour through Huron and Bruce Counties with Federal Liberal candidate Allan Thompson. (Denny Scott photo) Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. 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