HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-05-14, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015. PAGE 19. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. DRIVERS WANTED Owner Operators Required Requirements Must be 2009 trucks or newer We will inspect older equipment Clean driver’s abstract/CVOR/FAST Card Minimum 2 years cross border exp. Cross Border Company Drivers Required $.51 cents per mile Clean driver’s abstract/CVOR Criminal Record Search Minimum 2 years cross border exp. Must complete pre-employment drug test APPLY TO: recruiting@rosedale.ca OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-588-0057 ext. 4612 for more details on each position. Mississauga terminal also looking for licensed LCV Drivers. EXPERIENCED DRIVERS & OWNER/OPERATORS NEEDED for FLATBED. MUST be able to cross border. EXCELLENT PAY, BENEFITS & SIGN ON BONUS, Home most weekends. Call Toll-Free 1-800-565-3634 Ext. 245 or Email: jeffjones@acrosscountrytransport.ca. 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He did, however, acknowledge that dissolving the organization has come up and it will be discussed at the SWEA annual general meeting, scheduled for tonight (May 14). While Morrison acknowledged that it was good that Grace was realistic about SWEA and its impact, he suggested that if there has already been discussion on doing away with the group, it might as well be a final decision if that concession has already been made. MacLellan also stuck to his guns, saying that despite Grace’s history with the organization, the county’s representative should be a councillor and he nominated Maureen Cole, Mayor of South Huron. Cole accepted MacLellan’s nomination at first, but once talk shifted to the very serious position SWEA finds itself in, potentially with an organization-ending vote on the horizon, she retracted her acceptance, saying she simply isn’t familiar enough with the organization to make a decision like that. Cole wasn’t alone. Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn said that he has been a member of Huron County Council for nearly five years and still isn’t quite sure what SWEA does. Council then made a motion to table the decision, keeping the status quo and Grace as the county’s representative until June or July, which was passed. Orchard has been directed to prepare a report on SWEA, its place in Huron County and its state as an organization for a meeting next month. SWEA representation tabled for a month Huron County Councillor Roger Watt thinks council should keep an open mind when considering its involvement in the Southwest Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) initiative. As the county’s appointed representative on the group’s newly- assembled committee, Watt, who has spent decades working in the world of information technology, told council that there are some cost figures councillors need to understand before making a decision. Watt told councillors that in order to bring fibre optic internet connectivity to the entire footprint of the project, the total cost would be over $3 billion. While he has been supportive of local telecom companies, he said he found it hard to imagine those companies having the resources or capacity to make an investment like that. He suggested that council consider being involved with SWIFT because, after the first meeting, it sounded like something council should perhaps consider funding, despite early concerns with the project. Warden Paul Gowing said he would still want to see the SWIFT business case before he made a decision – a statement with which several councillors agreed. Watt suggests county considers SWIFT involvement By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen Going once! Karen Redmond of the Auburn Horticultural Society wielded an imaginary auctioneer’s gavel for the society’s annual plant auction held on Monday evening. (Mark Royall photo)