HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-05-14, Page 18GERBERS FIREWOOD HAS quality slabwood and bodywood available. Delivery included. Stock up today. 519-656-2057. 01-50p -------------------------------------------- REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. All are in colour. 4x6 – $4.00, 5x7 – $5.00, 8x10 – $8.00. Phone to order 519- 523-4792 or 519-887-9114. tfn -------------------------------------------- THE CITIZEN IS AVAILABLE TO purchase at these locations –Auburn Co-op, Auburn Grill, Belgrave Variety, Blyth Corner Café, Blyth Variety, Scrimgeour’s, Brussels Bulk & Bargains, Brussels Foodland, Brussels Variety, JR’s, Clinton Convenience, Dauphin’s Country Store in Walton, Walton Inn, Dean’s Valu-Mart in Wingham, GT Mini Mart in Seaforth, The Citizen, Blyth and Brussels. tfn BM&G DIABETIC MEETING, Wednesday, May 20, 7:30 p.m., Huronlea, Brussels in the Activation Room. Speaker: Carole Beveridge, Pharmacist at Brussels Pharmacy. Everyone welcome. 19-1 -------------------------------------------- THE WINGHAM COLUMBUS Centre would like to invite you to our Famous Fish Fry on Friday, May 15 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. We serve battered or grilled white fish and also have chicken fingers for the “non-fish” lover. $9.99 take-out – fish, fries and dinner roll, $10.99 eat- in – fish and a buffet of salads, potatoes and breads. Kids 12 and under are half price. Homemade desserts also available, $3.25. All prices are subject to HST. Congratulations to Edna Heasel, winner of the two fish dinners from our April draw. Reserve your spot early, we tend to sell out! Call 519- 357-1270 for more information or reservations. 19-1 -------------------------------------------- BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS Dinner Cabaret “The Next Generation” features six local youth vocalists, Varna Complex, Saturday, May 30, 6 p.m. doors open. Adults - $25, children $12. Contact Blyth Festival Box Office 519-523-9300 www.blythfestival.com 19-2 -------------------------------------------- COME AND GO BRIDAL SHOWER for Lindsey Keys (fiancée of Matt Shannon), Sunday, May 24, 2 - 4 p.m., Egmondville United Church. Everyone welcome. 19-1 BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH “Chesterfried Chicken” dinner, Wednesday, May 20, United Church basement, 6 p.m. Adults - $12, children (10 and under) - $6. For tickets call 519-887-6011, 519-887- 9865 or 519-887-6145 until May 10. Take-out available. 18-2p -------------------------------------------- BUCK AND DOE FOR RONNA Shaw and Tim Lee, Saturday, May 16, Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Tickets $10 - available at the door. 18-2 -------------------------------------------- HAM, SCALLOPED POTATOES and baked bean luncheon to support Canadian Food Grain’s fight against world hunger, Brussels United Church, Sunday, May 17, 11:15 - 12:30. Free-will donation. All welcome. Church service at 10 a.m. with guest speaker Jean Bennett, third world traveller. For information contact Bob Kellington 519-887- 6591. No reservations required. 18-2p -------------------------------------------- THE FRIENDS OF THE NORTH Huron Museum invite you to “An Edwardian Tea”, Friday, May 15 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Museum, 273 Josephine St., Wingham. Guest speaker John Rutledge, Architect, discussing “The Architecture of North Huron” at 2 p.m. plus tea and tasty treats. Admission: $5. Put on your best hat and gloves and join us! 18-2 -------------------------------------------- FIREARMS AND HUNTING Training. PAL Restricted and Hunter Ed. Ongoing courses. For more information or to register call Greg at 519-887-9622 or 519-291-2002. 04-18p BRUSSELS COMMUNITY WIDE Yard Sale, Saturday, May 30, early morning - ??? Host your own yard sale as part of a village-wide event! 19-3 STRAW WANTED – SMALL squares and round, picked up by the trailer load. Phone 519-366-2378. 16-4 CLEARVIEW RENOVATIONS IS looking for a full-time/part-time construction worker. Some experi- ence necessary. Start immediately. Contact 519-955-1215. 19-1 SPROUL. In loving memory of Marilyn Sproul who passed away suddenly on May 14, 2014. Sadly missed by friends and neighbours and never will be forgotten. Her memories will live on. – Dearly missed by husband Jim, children Rob, Dawne, Richard and granddaughters Megan, Kyella and Myah. 19-1p ARE YOU PREGNANT AND unsure about your future? Contact Ramoth House. We can help you discover your parenting potential. You can get more information about our services on our website www.ramoth.ca by phone 519-323- 3751 or email: office@ramoth.ca e4w FAXING SERVICE We can send or receive faxes for you for only $1.00 per page. The Citizen, 413 Queen St., Blyth. Phone 519- 523-4792. Fax 519-523-9140. tfn TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE WITH bunkhouse at Point Clark, includes fully-equipped kitchen, gas barbecue, fire pit, horseshoe pit and much more, close to lighthouse and beach. To find out more or to book your holiday call 519-523-4799 after 6:00 p.m. tfn PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015. All word ads in The Citizen classifieds are put on our webpage at www.northhuron.on.ca Classified Advertisements – RATES – 20 words or less only $7.00 + HST. Additional words 20¢ each + HST. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 e-mail: info@northhuron.on.ca Articles for sale Coming events Help wanted In memoriam Services acation propertiesV Coming events arage/yard salesG Hay & straw Personals Tenders Tenders SEALED TENDERS clearly marked “Contract No. 13211” will be received at the office of: County of Huron, Public Works Department, 1 Courthouse Square, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2, Attention: S. T. Lund, County Engineer, until: 12:00 noon, Wednesday, May 27, 2015 The work includes approximately: • 2900 m3 earth excavation • 2800 t Granular ‘A’ • 4200 t Granular ‘B’ • 1440 t Hot Mix Asphalt • 800 m curb and gutter • 662 m2 concrete sidewalk • 387 m of 300 mm to 675 mm dia. storm sewer • 95 m of 150 mm dia. watermain as well as other work incidental thereto. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the office of the undersigned after May 13, 2015, upon payment of a non- refundable fee of $40.00. This fee includes all taxes. A certified cheque or bid bond in the amount of $40,000 must accompany each bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED Engineers and Planners 62 North Street Goderich, ON N7A 2T4 Phone: (519) 524-2641 Fax: (519) 524-4403 www.bmross.net COUNTY OF HURON County Road 13 Realignment-2015 (Clinton) Contract No. 13211 BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Read Rhea Hamilton Seeger’s Gardening column on the Huron Home and Garden Guide section of our website www.northhuron.on.ca Continued from page 15 Huron and told them that the cross- border servicing policy [which calls for the 30 per cent tax sharing] wasn’t right.” Gowing said. “We told them it wouldn’t work, but they put it in place. I felt sick to my stomach for two days afterwards because of that. It’s not good for this municipality or this area. The main issue is that there was lots of money for the system when there were lots of users, but one of the major users is shut down and vacant now so that’s not so good.” Gowing then said that, if the municipality were to give North Huron 30 per cent of the taxes on lands serviced by North Huron water and wastewater, that money would have to come from the general coffers of his own municipality. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to tell someone near Walton that their money is being used to pay for services near Wingham,” he said. Nelemans said that Morris- Turnberry doesn’t get to keep all its taxes, giving more than half to Huron County and the local school boards, however he was told by his fellow councillors the 30 per cent was not from the total tax rate but 30 per cent of the portion Morris- Turnberry collects. Kuyvenhoven once again said that Morris-Turnberry is collecting nothing if there isn’t development, so any development is going to be an increase in tax dollars for the municipality. “Every new industry is plus taxes,” he said. “You have your base costs, but one more building, one more Pioneer Seeds or Royal Homes is going to generate income,” he said. “It’s good for everyone. We’re Morris-Turnberry people and we want to see the area grow, but you aren’t willing to share the profits from taxes.” Gowing said that “getting along” and “giving in to unreasonable demands” are two different things and once again said that services are regulated to be user-paid, so he doesn’t think North Huron can or should ask for money from the taxation of a property. Jorritsma said that he didn’t understand how Morris-Turnberry thought this was unreasonable. “If you send out a bill for a new factory that pays $10,000 in taxes, and $7,000 goes to Morris- Turnberry and $3,000 goes to North Huron and you don’t charge a $3,000 surcharge on the property to cover that, you’re still ahead $7,000,” he said. Gowing, however, was concerned with the precedent that would set. “When will that end and what is that money for?” he said. “We can tax our ratepayers, they can tax theirs. They have no right to tax ours.” Kuyvenhoven then asked what Morris-Turnberry currently pays for service to come into the municipality, and was told that the costs are all user-based. “So that is all being borne by the business?” he asked and was told that was correct. The discussion ended soon after with Gowing mentioning the fact that the municipalities had a meeting set for last Thursday when three members of council and one staff member from each municipality would have a discussion. Due to the fact that less than half of either council was in attendance, the meeting was not an official council meeting and closed to the public, as well as media. Setting precedent with N-H over cross-border servicing