HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-05-14, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015.
Ontario Energy
Commission de l’énergie
de l’Ontario
Union Gas Limited has applied for a natural gas franchise
agreement for the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry.
Learn more. Have your say.
Union Gas Limited has applied to the Ontario Energy Board for:
1. Approval of a natural gas franchise agreement with the Municipality of
Morris-Turnberry which would grant to Union Gas Limited the right to build,
operate and add to the natural gas distribution system and to distribute,
store and transmit natural gas for a period of 20 years.
2. An order that the permission of the municipal electors of the Municipality of
Morris-Turnberry is not necessary in relation to the renewal of the natural
gas franchise agreement.
3. An order cancelling the existing certificates of public convenience and
necessity for the former municipalities within the Municipality of
Morris-Turnberry and replacing them with a single certificate of public
convenience and necessity for the amalgamated Corporation of the
Municipality of Morris-Turnberry.
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) will hold a public hearing to consider Union’s
requests. At the end of this hearing, the OEB will decide whether to grant Union’s
The OEB is an independent and impartial public agency. We make decisions that
serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy
sector that provides you with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost.
You have the right to information regarding this application and to be involved in the
process. You can:
• review the application filed by Union on the OEB’s website now;
• file a letter with your comments, which will be considered during the hearing;
• become an active participant (called an intervenor). Apply by May 25, 2015 or the
hearing will go ahead without you and you will not receive any further notice of
the proceeding;
• at the end of the process, review the OEB’s decision and its reasons on our
As the delegated decision maker for this case, the Manager, Natural Gas Applications,
does not intend to provide for an award of costs for this hearing.
Our file number for this case is EB-2015-0142. To learn more about this hearing, find
instructions on how to file letters or become an intervenor, or to access any document
related to this case, please select the file number EB-2015-0142 from the list on the
OEB website: www.ontarioenergyboard.ca/participate. From that OEB web page
you can also enter the file number EB-2015-0142 to see all the documents related to
this case. You can also phone our Consumer Relations Centre at 1-877-632-2727 with
any questions.
There are two types of OEB hearings – oral and written. The OEB intends to proceed
with this application by way of a written hearing unless a party satisfies the OEB that
there is good reason for not holding a written hearing. If you believe an oral hearing is
necessary, you must provide written reasons to the OEB by May 25, 2015.
If you write a letter of comment, your name and the content of your letter will be put
on the public record and the OEB website. However, your personal telephone number,
home address and e-mail address will be removed. If you are a business, all your
information will remain public. If you apply to become an intervenor, all information will
be public.
This hearing will be held under sections 8(1), 9(3) and 9(4) of the Municipal Franchises
Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.55.
Mother’s Day at United Church features male choir
Directed by pianist Barb Bosman
a male choir shared its musical talent
at Londesborough United Church on
Mothers’ Day. They sang two lively
numbers from the new More Voices
United hymnal, “Come O Holy
Spirit” and “Water Flowing from the
There were many floral tributes
beautifying the sanctuary that
morning placed there by the
Tamblyn family, the Postma family,
the Bosman family and John and
Jane Hoggart in memory of family
During the children’s time at the
front Terry Fletcher recounted one of
his favourite children’s story, “Are
You My Mother?” The book is a
collaboration between Phillip
Eastman, who was an animator with
Disney, and Theodore Geisel, better
known as Dr. Seuss.
A newborn nestling fell out of its
nest while its mother was off looking
for food for it. He went on a search
for his mother and encountered a cat,
a dog and a cow, all of whom replied
they were not his mother. Eventually
the wee bird climbed into the bucket
of a large steam shovel. The driver of
the shovel lifted the bird safely back
into its nest and mother was there to
feed him.
Terry remarked that he liked this
little story because the driver of the
machine cared enough to look after
the nestling, like a mother would. To
him this shows that help comes from
any and every one in this world.
During his message to the adults
gathered that morning, Rev. Fletcher
used a variety of writings from over
the years that described motherhood
and why mothers deserve to be
honoured with a special day.
Mothers have influenced the lives
and future of their children; they
gave us both roots and wings.
God is a parent as well, reaching
out to give us unconditional love.
The supporting scripture passages
were Ephesians 5:25-33; 6:1-3 and
from Sirach 3:1-6, all passages
offering reasons for respecting
At the conclusion of the service,
the Sunday school children entered
the sanctuary and gave all the
women a spring annual to take
The UCW will meet on Monday,
May 18 beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Ben Driscoll of the
Londesborough Foodgrains program
is seeking Roundup Ready seed corn
to plant. If you have some to donate
contact him at 519-524-3830.
The official board of
Londesborough United will meet on
Monday, June 8 at 7:30 p.m.
The Room2Grow Program that
supports crisis pregnancies in Huron
County has again launched its baby
bottle campaign. A small display
with information about the program
is set up on the table in the narthex.
The bottles are there as well for
anyone wishing to make a donation.
Depending on what the
elementary teachers’ union decides
in the coming days, the Grade 3 and
6 students throughout the province
may be doing EQAO testing from
May 26 to June 2.
Hullett Central participated in the
regional basketball tournament
recently. Coached by Mr. Coups, the
boys finished second and the girls,
coached by Mrs. Fritzley, placed
third. Well done!
On Tuesday, May 12, Grades 4
though 8 held their in-school track
and field day. Winners from that day
will proceed to the regional event on
May 20 at Goderich High School.
Life lessons
When it comes to property values, footprints and construction materials, students at
Hullett Central Public School are a lot wiser than they were. Last month students at the
school, using building materials, set budgets and land values were tasked with building
the largest possible home on the smallest possible budget. Shown above is a team of
three participating in the activity. From left are Avery Boven, Kiara Driscoll and Brianna
Graf. (Denny Scott photo)
Vincent briefs UCW on IPM
Margaret Vincent was present
at the Londesborough UCW
meeting on April 20 to offer an
early view of the International
Plowing Match to be held in the
Walton/Brussels area Sept.19-23,
2017. Margaret is a member of
the match committee and member
service representative of the
Ontario Federation of
It is still early days for the
match’s plannings but Margaret
noted that there will be
opportunities for service groups
to work in the food court area for
the match. Volunteers will also be
needed in a variety of other areas
to make the event go smoothly.
The planners are working with
the Perth County committee to
pick up tips for having a
successful match.
Huron County will be holding
the 100th plowing match in the
year of the 150th birthday of
Canada. No matches were held
during the Second World War and
the first after, in 1947, was held at
Port Albert. The 2017 match will
be the fifth match held in Huron
County. Commodity groups will
be inputting and Barmy Tech in
Walton will be providing items of
The committee planning the
match is well aware that the
timing of the match holds some
difficulty for fall fairs in the
county. The match, fall fairs and
the Threshers’ reunion all have
educational value for the county’s
schools. And they are hoping to
work with the nine local fair
boards keeping all interests in
mind. Visits to and volunteers for
the various events may be
negatively impacted. Margaret
promised to keep the UCW
informed as the months go by.
Kittie MacGregor and Keri
Whyte led the meditation for the
evening, focusing on Earth Day.
The scripture passages Genesis
1:9-13 and 26 told the story of
earth’s creation and the creation
of Adam and Eve to have
dominion over the earth. Ladies
present sang the hymn “All
Things Bright and Beautiful”.
Keri offered a reading that
suggested the garden of our mind
Continued on page 7