HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-04-23, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015. E DCBA@?C>=E<C>E;=E;:98=E7E6545E     321E0@22?/4E.AC@B2B         DA-?C>E<C>E,=E;:98=E9:+C4EE */@)('6ED2@&'%2E$'#("'#(B)E † <! !EEE!E0!E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E!E!E † ED! EE<  !E$ !E0 EE † E ! ! ! EEE!E  E EEE!! EEEE <!E E!E ! !5E Join Us as we... www.bmfchurch.com 519.887.6388 Lawn Sweeping and Rolling Lawn Sweeping and Rolling Tanner Cardiff Call 519-357-7072 HYDRANT/BLOW-OFF FLUSHING NOTICE Hydrant and Blow-off flushing will take place through the day in: BRUSSELS during the week of April 27th, 2015 The water is safe, however you may notice cloudy or coloured water. If you experience discoloration of water, run a cold water tap until the water runs clear. It is recommended to refrain from doing laundry, especially whites, on these dates. You may also experience reduced water pressure. CH2MHILL 519-527-1004 www.huroneast.com Melville Presbyterian marks anniversary NEWS FROM BRUSSELS April showers are bringing the flowers. It is so nice to see the pretty daffodils peeking out and dancing in the breeze. With that bit of yellow comes the hope of more growth and colour to our world. It seems that April also brings music. There have been lots of opportunity recently to feed your soul with the sounds of music. Several different groups have offered us entertainment in many, many forms. The songs of the Blyth Festival Singers were enhanced with a little good jazz thrown in for good measure. The Londesborough United Church for over 30 years has given a concert, the music and groups have varied their offerings, so that for some, it’s a spring thing you just do. This year angels came to Belgrave as voices and instruments celebrated angels in our midst. Stories and chimes, voices and action entertained the appreciative audience on Sunday evening as Belgrave United Church offered their talents to community. The Presbyterian folks are busy celebrating. Caroline MacAvoy returned as their guest on Sunday afternoon to acknowledge 100 years in their present building. It’s always good to look back so we can clearly see where we need to go. Tickets are available to have a feast with them on Sunday, April 26 as they celebrate spring. Spring also brings construction season, finishing the Turnberry Street road project is in the works with preparation for the details underway. Renovations are underway at the Brussels Medical Dental Centre and will in time make the building fully accessible. This building was given to Brussels, Morris and Grey as a community centennial project. Representatives from the original municipalities make up the board that looks after it now. The purpose of the building originally was to provide a place to offer medical personnel a ready place to practice. Names like Bozyk, Cutbert, McGregor, Hanlon and Marlene Roberton come to mind as some who served our medical history. Rooyakkers and Spink are two more recent names serving you. With new walls and facilities your health needs will continue to be well served. Income tax time is drawing to a close, so if you haven’t gathered your financial papers together, it’s almost time to get at it. Enjoy the outdoors. Bye now, Betty G.W. Stay Connected ➤➤➤ In print, online or on the go, your local newspaper keeps you connected to what’s happening in your community and surrounding area. CitizenTh e $1.25 GST included Serving the communities of Blyth and Brussels and northern Huron County Thursday, August 28, 2014 Volume 30 No. 34 PICTURES - Pg. 12-13 HC Ploughing Match, Fare on 4 in pictures FESTIVAL- Pg. 22 Artistic Director looks back at her first season SPORTS - Pg. 7 Aitken places sixth in Youth Olympics in China Publications Mail Agreement No. 40050141 Return Undeliverable Items to North Huron Publishing Company Inc., P.O. Box 152, BRUSSELS, ON N0G 1H0 INSIDE THIS WEEK: Walton proves excellent host for match Fare on 4 works to perfection, delights community An event for the ages Fare on 4, a Campaign 14/19 initiative to feed 1,419 people on Blyth’s main street was a resounding success on Sunday evening as food was delivered hot and Mother Nature co-operated with beautiful weather. The event, as seen here from the top floor of The Blyth Inn, stretched nearly to Radford’s Gas Bar in the south, left, and to the Blyth post office in the north, right. It was made possible by the hard work of approximately 100 volunteers and a number of staff members from The Blyth Inn and Part II Bistro. The night’s hardest working men, however, were chefs Peter Gusso and Jason Rutledge who worked overtime to make the meal happen. (Denny Scott photos) Huron County Plowmen’s Association President Brian McGavin says this year’s HuronCounty Ploughing Match waseverything he hoped it would be andmore, despite concerns about weather early last week. McGavin said he received anumber of positive comments about the level of competition, the site andthe hospitality that Huron County displayed and he’s so proud of his community and all of the people involved in making the matchhappen.The attendance numbers were about what McGavin expected, he said, as were the number of competitive participants, but whatsurprised him was from how farsome of the participants came. “We had people come fromPeterborough, from Owen Sound and then from the south,” McGavin said. “It was great to see.” McGavin said that not only did hereceive a lot of positive commentsabout this year’s match, but he also heard from a lot of people who are already looking forward to the 2017 International Plowing Match, whichwill be held in Walton.McGavin says he was told on numerous occasions that if theHuron County match at the home of Val Shortreed and family and Matt Shortreed and family was any indication, the 2017 match is goingto be one for the ages.As for the Shortreeds, McGavin says he had high expectations for the family as hosts, but exceeded them. “You couldn’t have asked forbetter hosts,” McGavin said. “If you The road is open, the tables are cleared and the dust has settled and the reviews are coming in stating that Campaign 14/19’s record-setting Fare on 4 was a hit.“We pulled it off,” said Campaign 14/19 Administrator Karen Stewart. Stewart, who is being credited by everyone involved as doing theimpossible by arranging the entiremeal, said that everything came together as well as organizers could have hoped, a sentiment that was echoed by others.“It was awesome, justunbelievable really,” Jason Rutledge, Chef of the Blyth Inn said. “I”m still flabbergasted at what happened and how smoothly it allcame together.”“It was amazing,” Peter Gusso, Chef of Part II Bistro said. “There’s an old saying about chefs that youeither have a good service or a badservice and that was the best serviceI’ve ever had.” Rutledge and Gusso were the head chefs for Fare on 4, which saw 1,419people seated along Blyth’s QueenStreet for a massive outdoor meal.Featuring as much local meat and produce as possible, the meal has been counted as a success byeveryone who The Citizen hasspoken to and, according toRutledge, that’s because of all the volunteers who helped out. “We just couldn’t have done itwithout all the people who helpedout,” he said. “Norpac Beef broughtus meat smokers, the Lions let us use their barbecue, the volunteers just really saved us.”Gusso agreed, saying the prepwork was all done perfectly, theserving was amazing and everything that could have gone right did. “I’m still in awe,” he said. “I can’tbelieve it went so well. Everything Ihave heard about it is positive.”Approximately 100 people helped with the meal between volunteers doing prep work and actuallyserving the meal, and that numberincluded Smith, Rutledge and theirrespective staffs. “I’m just dumbfounded on how well everything went,” Rutledgesaid.More than the volunteers, Radio :30 an Ontario government agencyun organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario Starring Chris Earle and featuring Sam Earle from TV’s Degrassi 1.877.862.5984 blythfestival.com SEPT 4 - 5pmSEPT 5 - 2pm & 8pmSEPT 6 - 2pm & 8pm #bfRadio Phillips Studio Presentation A Man. A Mic.  By Denny Scott The Citizen Continued on page 15 By Shawn Loughlin The Citizen Continued on page 20 The Citizen www.northhuron.on.ca Facebook www.Facebook.com/NorthHuronCitizen Twitter @TheNHCitizen Brussels 519-887-9114 Blyth 519-523-4792 The Citizen BRIAN WHITE Ph: 519.887.9195 Cell: 519.357.0809 • Aerial Truck Service • Tree Cutting, Trimming & Clearing • Wood Chipping • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured By Betty Graber Watson Call 887-9231 A NOTE FROM BETTY A cause for celebration Melville Presbyterian Church celebrated the 100th anniversary of its current building on Sunday with a special service and what’s a celebration without some cake? Here, Marg and Graham Work cut an anniversary cake to celebrate all of the history of the church. Graham is the oldest elder the church currently has. (Jasmine deBoer photo) At the Branch Legion, Optimists have joint meeting By Jo-Ann McDonald The week at the Brussels Legion Branch began with the joint meeting between the Lions and Optimist Club. They enjoyed a roast beef dinner served by Comrades of the Branch. Helping with the meal were Judy Lee, Jo-Ann McDonald, Mabel Glanville, Mary Bradshaw and Daisy Wong Schmidt. Our sympathies to Glenn and Jean Bridge and family on the passing of their daughter Karen Bridge Smith. Our condolences to all. Our get-well wishes go to Brian Huether as he has spent some time in hospital. He is home and we hope he is improving. The Friday night supper of roast pork was enjoyed by just over 25 people. This Friday will be the last meal as the cooks are becoming very busy with the many activities at the Branch. The meals will finish up with the ever popular roast beef dinner. Busy, busy, busy was the weekend at the Branch. Saturday afternoon was the usual afternoon of euchre. Bush Whittard was helped by Deb Cann in Jean Davidson’s absence. There were eight-and-a-half tables of players in attendance. Winners were: first, Mary McIntosh and Louise Hammond, 81; second, Mae Ritchie and Lillian Appleby, 77; third, Joann MacDonald and Dorothy Carter, 73; lone hands, Shirley Hopper and Helen Dobson, six; low, Ed Stewart and Glen Sellers, 42. The Branch was the venue for the service of worship and the celebration for the life of Harold Davis. A service was held and was followed by a lunch and social time for the family. Helpers for the Branch included Jo-Ann McDonald, Mary Bradshaw, Judy Lee and Daisy Continued on page 24 Decor to enhance any room in your house NOW OPEN Hours: Tues. - Thurs. & Sat. 9 am - 2 pm; Fri. 9 am - 4 pm; Closed 12 noon - 1 pm dailySusan Murray During construction access available through back door. 435 Turnberry St., Brussels • 226-889-8333