HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-04-16, Page 15THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015. PAGE 15. Network ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information contact your local newspaper. VACATION/TRAVEL WORLD CLASS CRUISING CLOSE TO HOME! The hassle free way to travel 3,4,5 or 6 Nights in Private Staterooms INCLUDES: QPONMLKPKJIHLOGMFO QPELKDCPBKDAO QPFGENCA@PKFCKLCDGFBKFC PPDF?PBHINPBMLK> StLawrenceCruiseLines.com TOLL-FREE 1-800-267-7868 =<;PM:98765PO974493P26:1095:3PM:98765 /CGIMP.P=-,+*)(' FOR SALE #1 HIGH SPEED INTERNET &;=%$<#B5:9" D!05 94 P:5P5790P874P! 54 Unlimited Downloading HP95P--B!0P?5: 58P +((2!0PH 58 ML?KLPCM?D@PDC www.acanac.ca or IDAAPCMAALKK 1-866-281-3538 ODBGAAOP75P5: P&)3;$*PPBD2KP BMFK@P P ODKP BMFK@P 69"P 57P 5:P !8:6 P P I9P !47P 8:P 64:065:%P G:P 095P 748P 95P 0"6%P LKKP G:5P P ??P %F5755O86 0%5#)((MCP -+((<,,,+$$PK9)((MC% CAREER OPPS. 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Mississauga terminal also looking for licensed LCV Drivers. ADG?ADPIDLLGKLOPDFP?GGOGMFP 746740P44764:4PD P 64:04P 76470P95P7:P9"4PH%O%P 746P6 4 814P7894%PN54P44 %PF4P46 4:9%PD 05P"676:1PM:47PM4789570%P -+((=,;+=,* BUSINESS OPPS. NG P MLP 2FKKP LK ADIKBKFCP IM ?P 57P D79"7696P I5:6965:0P CNKP ?GOD GAGC@P CDJP ILK?GC%P &-3<((P @487 P C8P I7469%P &-<3(((P AP OP L4:P /5:P 81'P D P D9P D:P C64P 5P 9"4P @487 P57PD006098:4PI8 P-+)))<; <;*=% Connect with Ontarians – extend your business reach! www.networkclassifi ed.org McIntosh, Thompson claim high pink titles at card party There were four-and-a-half tables of shoot in play on Friday, April 10 at the community centre. The winners were: high pink card, Mary McIntosh; second high pink card, Betty Thompson; most shoots pink card, no winner; high white card, Ken Spears; second high white card, Bill Logue and most shoots white card, Ross Taylor. The next card party is Friday, April 24 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. John and Sheila Nixon greeted worshippers and handed out the service of worship at Knox United Church on Sunday, April 12. Children’s Chimes directed by Ann Clark played a selection followed by the introit, “Lead Me Lord” by the choir. Allen Walker introduced the lay worship leader, Gloria Wilbee, who went over the announcements. After the Christ candle was lit, the call to worship was read responsively and the prayer of approach in unison and the hymn, “I am the Light of the World” was sung. “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” was sung by the senior choir. The congregation sang, “Jesus Bids Us Shine” accompanied by MacKenzie Wightman at the piano and Ann Clark at the organ. The children gathered in the front pew for storytime with Gloria. She showed the children a picture of a parrot and she asked “what do parrots do?” They fly, talk and repeat things over and over. At school maybe instead of repeating the same thing over and over, we could be a friend to others who need our friendship. Gloria sang, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” which she accompanied with her guitar. The children adjourned to Sunday school. The congregation listened to the Word of God as Kendra Robinson read scripture from Matthew14: 22- 33. Special music was supplied by Gloria Wilbee singing, “The Light House” and which she accompanied with her guitar. The reflection was entitled, “Room For All”. Jesus said there is room for all in Heaven. We are all called to be part of the ministry. The work of rescuing people is the greatest gift God could do. We need to work together and welcome all. We need to sail and not drift. It makes a church family when we come together to worship. God wants us to help others. Worshipping in church is a chance to meet other people. It’s not about the building, it’s the people that work within it. Jesus wants us to reach out and respond to a friend in need. After the singing of “Will Your Anchor Hold”, Ken Procter and Larry Harper took up the offering which was dedicated. The closing hymn, “Eternal Father, Strong To Save” and the blessing and dedication, “Go Now in Peace” concluded the morning worship service. By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE NEWS FROM BELGRAVE Rockin’ for the youth Dave Cavan Fraser performed alongside Special K Saturday night at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre for a special Youth Unlimited fundraiser aimed at raising money for the Brussels Youth Centre. Music, however, was only one aspect of the event, as a very special dinner was served and there were also a number of auctions that resulted in the event raising over $7,000 for the centre. (Vicky Bremner photo)