HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2015-03-26, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015. PAGE 3.
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Montreal massacre remembered
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on the fifth Sunday
of Lent on March 22 was Terry
Richmond. Ushering were Elaine
Chamney and Lissa Kolkman. Floyd
Herman was music director and Fred
Hakkers ran the power point.
Lori Brooks welcomed everyone
to church and drew everyone’s
attention to the announcements
printed in the bulletin with special
mention that the Holy Rollers have
only three more days to make meat
pies. April 29 will be the last time
until fall. She also reminded the
UCW members that for roll call for
March and April they are to bring an
item to help with the summer
caterings, such as pickles, Jell-O
powders, cornstarch, fruit cocktail,
Floyd Herman explained the
anthem the choir was singing was in
honour of women massacred in
Montreal. Lori invited everyone to
greet one another. She invited
Arletta, Grace and Sarah Hallahan to
come to the front and take part in the
Lent experience, which was the
colour red. Sarah painted the rooster
on the painting while Grace and
Arletta read the reading. The
centring music, “My Love Colours
Outside the Lines” was sung while
Sarah did the painting. Rev. Gary
Clark led the prayer of approach
with the sign language in the
response. The song, “Me Alone”
was sung with Ollie Craig singing
the solo part joined by the rest of the
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April 7, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Queen's Bakery 430 Queen's St. Blyth, ON
We hope you will join us.
Refreshments and light snacks will be served.
By Marilyn
From Marilyn’s Desk
Continued on page 20
Frisbee and golf
A March Break tradition, the Courtney family again hosted
its annual youth retreat at their Scott Line property, playing
host to 25 elementary school participants and 15 secondary
school helpers. Here, Brinna Bremner, left, and Ian Driscoll
play the hybrid sport known to some as frolf, where golf is
played with a frisbee, rather than a ball and a set of clubs.
(Vicky Bremner photo)
Happy birthday to Paul Popp who
celebrates March 28 and Matt and
Aaron Popp, March 30.
Sympathy is extended to Mark
and Wanita Bibok and family in the
death of Wanita’s brother.
Spring must be coming, as I saw
my first robin this morning sitting in
a tree in the sunshine trying to keep
warm in this -12°C weather.
Soup, bun and movie night is
Thursday, March 26 at Blyth United
Church. The supper begins at 6 p.m.
with homemade soup, buns and
dessert. The movie begins at 6:45
p.m. This is an invitation to the
whole community to come for all or
just part of the evening for a free-
will offering.
We’ve just seen the first official
day of spring come and go, which
means Easter is right around the
The Citizen’s Blyth and Brussels
offices will be closed for Good
Friday, April 3, but deadlines for the
April 9 issue will remain the same.
Deadlines for the April 9 issue will
be Monday, April 6 at 4 p.m. in
Blyth and 2 p.m. in Brussels.
The offices are open on Easter
The staff at The Citizen wishes its
readers, supporters and community
members a safe and happy Easter.
March 26
marks dinner
and movie night
The outpouring of the everlasting wrath of God
(J.C. Philpot,“Daily Words for Zion’s Wayfarers”)
“The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
What heart can conceive, what tongue express, what the holy soul of Christ
endured -- when the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all?
In the garden of Gethsemane...what a load of guilt, what a weight of sin, what an
intolerable burden of the wrath of God, did that sacred humanity endure, until the
pressure of sorrow and woe forced the drops of blood to fall as sweat from His
When the blessed Lord was made a sin offering for us, He endured in His holy
soul, all the pangs of...distress, misery, guilt, anguish, darkness, condemnation,
shame, guilt, and unutterable horror, that all the elect would have felt in hell
forever; as they would have experienced under the outpouring of the everlasting
wrath of God!
What heart can conceive, what tongue express -- the bitter anguish which must
have wrung the soul of our suffering Substitute under this agonizing experience?
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
‘Citizen’ closes for Easter
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