HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-25, Page 12• M1 tf: r AMBULANCE CALLS ON 'TH Eb ieh R ,. Area ambulances nOiv are being dispatched from a ne munications centre which has been installed at Seaforth Community Hospital. The centre§ one of a number set up by the Ontario Hospital Services Commission across Ontario. When callg are received for ambulances the dispatcher, on duty relays the requirement to an ambulance Operator and then keeps in touch by radio telephone with the driver until 'the calf is completed and the patient brought to the Hospital. Here Mrs. Hulley, one of the five operators who man the centre 24 hours a day, is shown at the control board" which also ,acts as a communications centre for the hospital Poor me, I kept hoping thsit may- be, just for fun There'd be a boy, but not one. You like ,to be busy, the two of you And it's seldom you're ever at ' rest, But no matter the activity Or work you do We always know that home's best. Besides keeping house, being a good wife and mother, A dressmaker, ga.rdener,and friend, Mum enjoys 4-H, Bridge Club, Hospital Auxiliary and others, Forgetting only the occasional pocket to mend. A hectic life has been Dad's lot Being always on the go, But despite the number of me- etings you've got, You enjoy it come rain or snow. We hope that you )3oth have been happy tonight And that it continues throughout the years; With our love and good wishes, we hope all goes right For many more wonderful years. Sincerely, ' your I'amily and Friends Pupils of grade six Seaforth Public Sehool raised $23. for the Junior Red Cross when they, sold ticketa on this sugar house which a number of. them are !admiring. From the left are, Tina Maidens, Ruth Govier and Kevin Bennett. ticket. Govier, •Barba a Chesney, Ross Mrs. E.H.Close held the winning (Staff Photo) McKillop December 25, 1879 McKillop December 25, 1879 the son of the late ,John Carter and Margaret Dodds. shortly after the family moved to Hul- lett and he grew up on the farm, now occupied by his son James. He was married to the former Mary Jarman in 1916 and since his retirement from active farm- ing he and Mrs. Carter have lived with their son, Lorne, in Tuckersmith. Following recent illnesses, the couple has been at the home di their other son James in Hullett. A turkey dinner arranged by the family was held in his honor. In addition to his two sons, Mr. Carter has eight grand- children and eight great grand- children. There are' also three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Dale, Lily, Mrs. M. McKellar and Mrs. , Gladys Flynn and a brother John W. Carter, all of Seaforth. GRADE 6 CHILDREN AID JR, RED CROSS . ONTAIIIO;TTTRDAY, DECMI3Eli, 2, 1.969 • ,An ambulance dispatch centre Recently installed facilities at serving Seaforth and district began the hospital include a switchboard operations on Saturday at Seaforth staffed around the clock, direct Community Hospital,. phone connection with ambulance The dispatch centre is one of operators in the district and radio a number being established across telephone-communication with am- the province by the Ontario bulance drivers. Hospital Services. Commission as Under the neW sygtem calls for part of its, arnbufake, Service ambUlances will be directed to the program and operating itirconintic- hospital communication centre and, tiott with local hospitals„, , immediately referred to ,the am- staff knows in advance the naturel, of the casualty, and thug is better, ' prepared tp ser,ve the patient en arrival.. At the same time.adocter can be alerted and be standing by if required. The new arrangement it is expected will eliminate many of the delays which inevitably oc- curred under the previous system. • When an ambulance is required ° 'the call should be directed to 527-1751 or 527-1754. These two numbers are connected directly to the dispatch centre and by usifig them the public can be assured of the fastest service Mr. Mc- ' Kenzie said. The dispatch centre, which also serves as a hospital comnuoici- , ation centre and outpatients ad- mitting office is manned by, a staff who have now completed a training session conducted by the ambulance division of the OHSC: They are Mrs. Mary Little,Mrs: Karep Chesney, Mrs. Violet Hul- leV, Mrs. Faye Upshall and Mrs. Margaret. McClure, balance operator.. in announcing the new arrangement, , hospital ad- ministrator Gordon McKenzie said during the time the ambulance is responding to• a call and until it arrives at the hospital with a patient the driver will be in Con- tinuous .communication with the dispatch centre. He explained that this means that the hospital ' Area friends and associates in the boys and girls activities to which he has contributed so gen- erously of his time in recent years have announced the opening of a fund to assist Dave Schenck, Mr., Schenck lost the car body repair shop he operated here when fire last week completely de- stroyed the building. In addition to the building Mr. Schenck lost all his equipment as well as an extensive stock of supplies. There was no insurance. Long active in the scout move- ment, Mr. Schenck has served as scoutmaster here for a number of years. Accounts have been opened at each of the Seaforth banks and those wishing to participate are asked to, lee their gift at one of the banks. Lions Visit Huronview Seaforth Lions were in Huron- view Sunday afternoon continu- ing a series of Christmas con- certs which has been an annual feature since the beginning of the club 45 years ago. In charge ,of the program, R.J.Spittal included a series of Christmas Carols, •numbprs by a quartette- including Marlon Vincent, Ken Campbell, Wm. Campbell and 'George Ribey,anc bag pipe selections by Doug Ho- mier and D.C.G.McLean. Gordon Beuttenmiller, pre- sident of the Seaforth Club, brought greetings and George Hays acted on behalf of Santa Claus in distributing fruit tc the Huronview guests: • It was a great day for area children when Santa spent several hour's in Seaforth on Friday. After holding court in the Town Hall Santa and his entourage of elfs visited along Main Street and in a number of stores encouraging the children he met to be good bPys and girls, at least until Christmas. The visit was arrangek by•theMerchantsComnpttee of the Chamber of Commerce in co-operation with Seaforth Branch 156 of the Royal Canadian Legipn 'and with the assistance of Don Wood. . Here Judy Swan receives a candy cane from' Santa while Rosemary Newnham, one of Santa's assistants, watches. „ An enthusiastic gathering of 175 Teen Twenty members attending the association's an- nual banquet in the Gommunity Centre, Saturday evening,netnin- ated a total of 21 members for Four offices. Activities during the past year were reviewed, byPresident, Wayne Scott and Treasurer,Cindy Eisler told the meeting • that a total -of $1,164.00 had been con- tributed to area projects during the year. Included among those to whom gifts were made were the Seaforth Lions Park, the Optimist Club for minor base-. ball, the Seaforth Fire Brigade and the March of Dimes. During the dinner the organiz- ation reme'reibered the founder, former Chief of police Elmer Hutchison now of Markdale,Mr. Teen-Twenty Contributes Hullett $1,164 in Area Assistance Resident Is Ninety and Mrs. Roy McGonigle and - Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson. Gifts on behalf of Teen Twenty were presented them by Gwen McLean and Robert Smale of the present executive. Voting for the various of- fices will take place at a forth- coming Teen dance. Nominated were for presid- ent and vice president. -Jevette Watterworth, Bob Smale (w), Brian Leonhardt, Danny C or- ' fish, David Brady, Dave LOng- staff, Allan Coleman, Gwen Mc- tean (w). For secretary - Denise Kerslake, Barbara Mc- Clure, Judy Hulley, Joanne Mur- ray, Nellie Swinkles (w), Mary Leeming (w), John Rau. For treasurer - Gary Bennett. Karen Henderson The boy waked unhe§itatingly -up to his father: 'Dad, here is my report card', he said. 'and here also is an (Ad one of yours I fotind in the attic.' (w), Terry, IKunz„) Mary Anne n MacLean, Nancyirrest, Angela Devereaux (W) * - withdrawn) • 'Now , children,' the harried mother announced to, the noisy small fry at the son's birth- day party, 'rernember there will be a special prize for the boy who goes home first.' A long time resident of Tuckersmith and Mullett 'will he 90 on Christmas bay...t James Carter was horn in Mayor Frank Sills and Mrs. Sills marked the 25th anniversary of their wedding Wheh relatives and friends arranged a surprise party in their .honOur at the Legion Hall. Mr. Sills and the former Dittah Wood were married in St. George's Church, York, England, on December 20th, 1944, while both were on active service, Mr. Sills .recalled aS he expressed appreciation to those whO parti- cipated in the anniversary occa- sion. They returned to. Canada in April the following, Aar. Mr. and Mrs sine hot) a, family of six; Ain is'aatriated with his father and tinoik busi- ness, Anne is 'at; the Iini4reity of Windsor; moi .af)yotoo, tint.; versify and Jane, ','Marga'ret,, and , Joan are at kale • . '" b'orlean mite *0.'oliox*an for a short interlude *ctipdaY evening when their SOtiraikk.read an address and, on behatt:01.the family, presented them., ilkith4 'a hi.fi set. r:ialid•Megi.61)4'04,0h expressed .tr .400:0 14.45*4: It'S twenty-live ,yeirs,,,';$.1Sic'eltiiti both said 'I de! • In St. George's phurehIntat.kr Since then maitithitiWhaYehiP- „nenettio And of these I'm now going to talk, Mum ventured to Canada ,pre- paring to contend With snowstorms, Indians *it'd buffalo; But, never fear, Dad knew they'd end • In good old Seaforth, Ontario. Dad got a job with Central Hou- sing Corporation And a move •to St. Marys this would mean; But befOre doing this there was a„celebration For I 'arrived on the scene. St. Marys, yOuf found, was a nice Place to "visit, • BO Seaforth Was nicer to live in; You carried on, but a few years Was the limit, ' Then' you 'moved, after Anne be- , Marne kin. 'storil gained a member In Affe.Verson of Dad • AlidIlfere to this day you remain. only one More move . haVe. you had :1'70 gall Street to Watercress Ad the years have passed your fahiily 1111g grown ,'1!0' ins lude •Maxyr ;lane, Margaret