HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-25, Page 9.444,,4-44 4 In the, happy spirit of the holiday, when peace settles as geRtly as , fresllen snow, we paae and- count our many blessings. Nunibered high among them is your cherished patronage and good will. .5; YP 3 .4 TOWELS MORTON'S FROZEN (Beefs, Chic. or Turkey) 0 4 0 •^r 9. OR AF0RTH, Dgc,,40:9„ -. With the hope that ,.. ,.., ,., Mankind be blessed with Peace and good will, and that your own Christmas is especially happy. We appreciate your patronage. READ'S SHOES & LUGGAGE Phone 527-0640 Seaforth 24-A-kaa4iDaai-a4blablz, C ommunity ;greets Joyful Christmas Throughout thiS community, the Christmas spiriVinds expression, as once again, people are proving that this happiest of holidays is a time of tradition. A modern Christmas, just like a good old-fashioned Christmas, calls for gatherings 9f family and friends, With much merriment, fun ad feasting. Gifts and Santa clans exnress the mood of the season, es- pecially for the yofingsters. Trees and other decorations, music and song, light and laughter set the scene, As a Christian holy day, celebrated in church services and private devotions, Christmas glows with the spirit of good will, arid "peace and good will" issthe wish and prayer, for all mankind. All of these traditions of Christmas are wrapped up in one. The true spirit of Christ- mas is most happily expressed in the exchange of greetings. "Have a Merry Christmas." That says it all — the heartfelt hope for good things for others, the good feeling that prevails, the happiness of the season rising abbve problems and crises, the wish to give and to share all the holiday joys and blessings. As a special custom that symbolizes the spirit of Christmas, the exchange of greetings. takes _many forms. "Merry Christmas" is said person-to-person, with smiles of gladness, wherever friends and family meet, "Merry Christmas".,Iskthe message of millions Of greet- ing cards which travel across the' miles. And "Merry Christmas" is the theme of today's edition of this newspaper, in which busipessmen of the community offer their special greet- ings and good wishes, their words of appreciation to patrons and friends, • How Many Wise Men? An ers Are Many! Although St. Mathew did not use the name "Magi," he implied it when he wrote of "wise men," for "magi" was commonly used in Palestine to mean -great, illustrious." Today, Nativity scenes show three wise men or Magi present, at the manger along ith the shepherds, who hastened^ to Bethlehem on the night. Christ was born. Some historians, however,„ believe lhat the visit of the Magi didna take place until much later perhaps a year or even two years alter the birth of Christ: Three wise men? In New Testament stories of the Nativity, only St. Mat- thew tells of "wise men from the east" and how many wise men followed the star to the manger is not stated. The tradition that there were three probably comes from St. Matthew's descrip- tion of three gifts — gold, frankincense, and myrrh, Another explan,ation. for the number three is the•leg- end that the wise men sym- bolized all humanity, in turn represented by the races of Sheen, Ham and Japhet, ac- cording to the editors of The New Hook of Knowledge. Early traditions mention varying numbers of wise men. Twelve was the number traditional in the Eastern church, while in the West, mosaics and paintings show- ed sometimes two, sometimes three, four or more wise men. During the sixth century, -the idea that, there were three,:came to be generally accepted, In legend's, the wise men„,were given names: Mel, hior, Gasper, -Ball astir; WINSTON C. POWELL Bountiful thanks and sincere greetings to all. CLINTON SE AFORTH Custom Built Homes__ • Time for us to say , thank you to our many friends, wishing them all "Merry Christmas"! KEATING'S PHARMACY M. E. HOOVER, Phm.B. ztaikaaaaaaatkrA How Many Holidays? Traditionally, Belgians cel- ebrate three holidays at the Christmas season,. — • begin- ning with St. Nicholas Day, December 6th, when the good saint brings gifts for chil- dren. • Then comes St. Thomas Day, December 21st. It's a sort of "trick or treat" day for school children, who try to play tricks on their teach- ers. The third holiday, Of course, is Christmas. • Wrapping Gifts When German tradition is followed, unwrapping a Christmas gift can be an amusing but complicated process. One gift may have many consecutive wrappings, each with a differeny,natne ion it, and the final ,Wittinifig may , reveal not a gift, but a card' telling where the gift is hid- den. Other cards in other hiding places lead to a treasure hunt, ending in the discov- ery of the, gift........ Baking Cakes If the weather on St. Nich- olas Day, December 6th, misty, a Dutch legend can explain it. St. Nicholas is baking his cakes. - Traditional cakes— Zelten or Klosse — are adorned with different figures. These, chil- dren are told, are the marks made by St. Nicholas' donkey as he steps over the cakes on his way through the mist. fiRtOS EFFECTIVE DEC' 22-27 INCLUSIVE MAXWELL HOUSE (Spec. Pack) INSTANT *sofpromemoomwir." • • 6-oz. Jar (The only 7hiYarttlIe)eY eTroorns (Z021 lb , el ilers (BOO lb, dizzael -TUKEYS Tender, -vasty Beef Of Veal - Cube Steaks lb. 1.39 Steakette s . .. lb. Boneless Rump Sirloin 'rig or .1 &Noe Leaf SI/ankleas Top Round Roast .lb. .05. Smoked Picnics I PERSONALLY SELECTED' TABLE TRIMMED, RED BRAND UNA STEAK ROAST (.8,,nr,r ROUND STEAK EEF ROAST.-'' READY TO EAT (PARTLY SKINNED AND DEFATTED) SMOKED HAM sHA,, POR noN a kg. 0 4 GRANULATED FINE WHITE COFFEE . • TO OUR MANY FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS FROM THE STAFF & MANAGEMENT! 4 On our brar Irtrubs. •., neigilhoro anb Loge patrons, tue tuioh all tip spirit anb thr rigs of a goal olb-tashi T oneb hristinao anti extrub- our liettrtfrit ttpuths anb apprertatton for won frirnbohip. \Top Valu EVAP. MILK York Fancy Asst.(' VEGETABLES FOIL WRAP 18" Ro lll Satada Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS Top Vaitreanadian CHEESE SLICES . Shirley Gay APPLE. PIE .oz. Pio Oral Scope Antiseptic 171;t7' 1.00 WAX BEANS York Fancy Green or Top Valu EVERYDAY LOW PRICE LIQUID Top Valu' (Aeat'd Cora) 0 ,, BLEACH 1 ,r,:, au- JAM BATH : 4'R II Afit PET 64::::., 9:: TOP VALU ..Top Yalu Cat or Dog Rasp. or Straw FOOD ', 16.0z. te 2 4T" Jar01 n1 . 4,8: Tissuk Ton Yalu Frozen ORANGE Tin JUICE TOO Valu..,(Halifea Pi, Baia') ,'' , Top Valu (in Tomato SauCe) , , FANCY,T AI WIT fi, N. ' .... • p. pro. rA....' .,Ii.4:17. !1& PEACHES • " JUICES Tin 35° Top Valu Choice GREEN 19-oz. PEAS Tin top vaiv,Pancy veg.or Tomato FRUIT 144z, alio TT! SOU P moz. -COCKTAIL__ :Ph AO b‘P LI Top Vain Pure Choice APPLE JUICE Tin Top Vaiu Asst'd FRUIT 48.0z. CHECK :AND COMPARE THESE ITEMS, THIS WEEK; NEXT WEEK, AND EVERY WEEK — YOU'LL FIND THE SAME LOW PRICES ON 'PALMY TOP VALU PRODUCTS . AND THEYARE AVAILABLE ONLY AT YOUR LOCAL !GM Ott Ton Valu POWD. 5'1?' 6-oz' Top yalu Blue _ 990 84° 211' DETERGENT • 7,4 COFFEE Jar Top Valu 4 •