HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-25, Page 4THE HOME TEAM A.**, ••••••• bii217*. AP • owls 01141110, bt-4.114.T7w 26;10,60 boo; pake..5 STUDENT NURSES TRAIN HERE • t, This group of student nurses are receiving practical training at Seaforth Community Hospital as part of the new program of the Perth-Huron Regional School of Nursing in Stratford. The program operates in conjunction with the Stratford General Hospital and smaller area hospitals in Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Exeter, Listowel and St. Marys and provides the students with more practical training in a variety of hospitals. This group is at Seaforth Community Hospital for ten days. Later in the program groups of students will attend at Seaforth on a daily schedule. 4 The Christmas Messages GO, TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN Christmas is a good time for listening and silent reflection., Your thinking may range from God to the moon, from,. Vietnarh' to Bethlehem, from Alabama to Siberia, from the lonely and the sick to happiness and joy in children, from poverty to overweight (the latter not resulting from what you eat and drink between Christmas and New Year, but from, what you eat and drink between 'New Year and Christmas). Please, do, not travel in your own small blue capsule of indignation and isolation this blessed Season. Christmas is the feast of unity, it is the great family-feast, it is a celebration for all the human race. .". God's entry into our world occurred, in such a touching way, that the mystery is still almost lost in—its Idyllic setting:, the-delicate child, the heavenly song in the night, the virgin 'miraculously made mother - all this has captured men's heart and imagination. God so loved the world. This was Emmanuel; God With Us. The -unity of the human race has never been felt more deeply than this past July 20, 1969, when A CHRISTMAS MEDITATION • "...for He shall save His people from their sins." (Matt. 1: 21). These words to Joseph have brought healing and peace to all those who have stopped to hear and tided them, itj the generations of men' which have come and gone since they were spoken. The great Apostle Paul expresses this same truth in. another way; "Christ Jews came into the world to save sinners." This was the supreme purpose for the, manifestation of the F,ternal Son of God in human flesh - " to save sinners." What, exactly, is the nature of that salvation which 0.o brings? An improved condition of society is certainly not the substance of it. All that is worthy of mention or permanence in society it owes to His influence and power; but great social improvement and appalling spiritual deadness are Patients and personnel alike took part recently in a painting and decorating contest at the Seaforth Community Hospital. The results reveal that most of the windows in the hospital contain the amateur artists conceptions of Christmas in the form of hand painted murals. In the upper picture Judges Mrs. Joseph McConnell, Ned Boswell,- Mrs. Gladys savauge and Mrs. Mae Dorrance admire the •winning painting on the nursery window which was contributed by Mrs. Dorothy Engel. The winner received $15.00 and second prize of $10. was awarded to Miss Boey and Miss Poon for their painting on the Medical and Surgical nursing station window and Miss Carol Anne MacDonald won $5.00 for her painting on a Cor- ridor window. In the lower picture, Gordon McKenzie, Hospital Ad- ministrator and J. A, Herbert,NOVay Technologist, are admiring the painting on the X Ray room window. The paint- ing, which was judged fourth, was painted by Gordon Wright and Mr. Herbert. (Staff Photos) the first man landed on the moon, It seemed also, that the testimony of science and scientists was almost totally parallel with that, which all mankind as by instinct had believed all along; God exists and creates: "Blessed be you, universal matter,im- measurable time, boundless ether, triple abyss of stars and atoms and generations: you, who by over- flowing and dissolving our narrow standards reveal to us the dimensions of God" (Teillard de Chardin). Thirty thousand baseball fans at Yankee-stadium broke into cheers, when the scoreboard shelved "They're on the moon", then fell silent for a moment of prayer. Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin had testified before "that he had eat seen God up there", but- quipped that Baptist Evangelist - "at least he was looking out for Him." Christmas is here. It means: Christ is born. He is born to us. He is born to-day. Christmas is not merely a day like any other day in the weary round of time but It proclaims: God, eternity, enters into time; and time, the universe, you and all, sanctified, are caught up into eternity. Christ enters into the world to reclaim you and me, mankind, that had forgotten its identity and had fallen into sub- human condition. Christmas implies first of all: the unity of all mankind. The Saviour came for all without exception. He became really man, one of us. How good to see the barriers of division falling apart in our time. Secondly; Christmas does not make sense at all, unless man lives it. One's prayer, one's belief, one's action must bp all one piece. Christmas -adka'unart tabs real to himself, then he will the more readily have the correct and honest belief who and what God is. Men must reach out for the ideal; not external actions but inner motives count; the heart of man, his attitude. Rebellion and disbelief, all our follies and trans scions Will still be with us. Said• Bonhoeffer:" must be found in the Centre of life, nit at the of our tether." Christmas finally must be understood in terms of contemporary man. Particularly the young are impatient with old-hat stuff in worship and doctrine and the cold umbrella of past rigoristic days, hand- ups of heartless legalism. What a (good) turmoil there 'is in all the christian churches to-day to get structures updated to the dynamics of the 20th century. However, "think before you act - hold on 3y itev.Tnomas C. MUlholland First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth not incompatible . Neither is salvation another word for the Inertial development of man. History holds 4tod many terrible illustrations that the highest mental culture may consist with the most entire abandonment of morals. The reformation of outward conduct need not necessarily indicate the work of God's saving grace. Disgust and shame may 'ead a man to 'mend his ways', while the centre of his being remains "dead in trespa sales and sins." Christ did not come to make sinners respectable - - but to save them; and, that is what the Angel Gabriel declared would' be the sole pbrpose and the ultimate achieve- ment of Mary's Child (Luke 1: 26-33). We do well to trust that word, If we do so, by God's grace, it may well bring to us that wondrods salvation. We stand between Christ's two Comings:His First, in mercy; His Second, in judgment. Only those who have made the most of His First Advent - have personally experienced His unspeakable love to save them from their sins - shall be able to abide the Day His Second Coming - "to take vengeance on all those who obey not the Gospel (11 Thess 1: 7-8). • "Amen, Lord, we bless Thee, Born for our salvation; Jesus, forever be Thy name • adored, Word of the Father, NOW in flesh appearihg - 0 Come, let us adore Him - Christ The Lord! to what is good (I. TheSs.5.)," Good christian behaviour reSul what you do and believe between nristmas an New Year's, but from what you io and believe between New Year's and Christmas (That above overweight joke is haunting me all the t i el). Some brief brain-storming words for a happy Christmas: Greatest handicap: Fear Best day: To-day Greatest mistake: Giving up Top comfort: work well injustice; Greatest virtue: Love Final goal: joy Best gift: Forgiveness Greatest knowledge: God- Christmas is the feast of intimacy; members of the family come from, far away to be home (if not caught in an air-strike). Have a good time and all the blessings and Joy of theSeason. Merry Christmas. Go, 'Tell It On The Mountain, That Jesus Christ is Born. -I By Rev, Peter Oostveen, St.Columban Roman Catholic Church Aids Communication Home and School Seeks Support T. Mrs. Moira E. Cowper of Hensall. who is president of the. Perth-Huron Council of Home and School Associations, in a letter to the Expositor refers to steps being taken to provide through the association a vehicle for communication between par- ents and school staff. In her letter Mrs. Coupes says: Through a directive from the administrative staff of the Huron County Hoard of Education, the people of Huron County are being given an opportunity to meet with 'the teaching staff of their local school to discuss the alms and objects of education and a list of some twenty different topics has been prepared by the princi- pals as possible subjects for discussion. Having been cl.isely involved with schools and the ecttication of children for the past fifteen years, I realize that this is an occasion tor wruch those per- sons vitally concerned with the development of the full potential of all ehiidren, ,have long been For years children have been attending smaller schools, taught by teachers and run by local school boards with whom the parents were in close contact. The advent of the County Board has made the intliVidual Contact with parents a thing of the past - it would seem that no-one now knows what is taking place in these seats of learning. But the day has long since gone when parents can cease to be con- cerned. The Home & School Associa- tion is the one existing organiza- tion which can bridge the- gips arid the Department of Education readily recognizes this and has encouraged the establishment of communication with Boards of Education by the Home and School Council and is' elsp anxibuS for the closer relationship between the parent and the teacher which takes place when there is a Home & School Association connected - with a school. Gone are the days when the majority of parents are out to have a go at the teacher or to criticize the running of a school. It is of mutual benefit for tea- otters and parents to get to- gether to discuss the way in which the teachers' ''' iiart" :be" made easier and to iniorm the parent of all the new advances which are presently coming our way 1n the field of education. More than half our population is unier 21 years -of age and therefore in some formal school of learning. One-third of our tar dollar goes to education. Let us, therefore, come to- gether in January, to study the 'Aims and Objects of Education' as so ably put forward in the pub- lication of that name by Mr. Lloyd Dennis. If we take a serious and intelligent attitude to pro- duce constructive ideas which will benefit not only the indivi- dual child but' all children in ''the County, the Board of Educa- tion may have some 'idea of the policy it should form for the next few years. When you receive your,notice from the school to come and attend a meeting to discuss the needs of your particular school, I urge every parent, and not only the mothers' to take an interest in these meetings. The children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow and it will depend upon the job that we can do of educating them, what they Gan make of the world when It is their turn to lead. In an accompanying article Mrs. Couper sets out the pur- poses and advantages of the Home and School Association. A 'Vigorous Home & School As- sociation performs 'the folloiting functions: -Develops • intelligent co- operation betteeen parents and teachers in meeting children's needs deeriens parents' in- sight into their children's needs for guidance, discipline, affec- tion and good example.... gains understanding of the aspirations, values and problems of parents in the community wins com- munity support for school im- provements and expansion interprets the school in all its 'iSnects to the public. The local asso,lat ion, as part of a provincial federation and the Chadian Home 6 School and parent Teacher Federation ex- tends its influence beyond its neighbourhodd and helps to se- cure provincial and national ac- tion for children's benefits. The Canadian Federation and its provincial components. have: Promoted school libraries ,requested imoroved guidance and counselling services Helped establish school tele- vision and radio programmes "i told VOW to turn 11ef t bativ *tete: 11 , 'Promoted the extension of family allOwanc-e.s Advocated equal opportunity for Indian children Requested federal aid for edifi- cation Encouraged researA into the effects of TV on children " Advocated less violence and less crime in television pro- grammes during children's viewing hours. • • Advocated standardized uni- versity entrance requirements ,Encouraged the use of Cana- dian textbooks - The Home ic School Associa- tion has made serveys and stu- dies, provided volunteer services ni schools, carried out extensive work in connection with healti and safety and provides scholar- shins for students and teachers. Home and School Association is the best public relations' agent a school ean have, 50 •