HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-18, Page 13Winners
This sunswept Bermuda 'beach, is typical of'the pleasures that await the
*inner of the Seaforth "Win a Prizes" program which 46 merchants are sponsor-
ing. Top prize is a seven day 'all expense trip to Bermuda for two. In addi-
tion,-there are 9 other cash prizes. The program continues until January
10th, when winners will be determined.
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Bring The Family To Visit Santa
Santa Claus in Seaforth is sponsored by the
Seaforth Chamber of Commerce in co-opera-
tion with Seaforth Branch 156 of the Royal
Canadian LegiOn.
OPEN TILL 9 p.m.
Every Night Till Christmas
Except Saturday and Christmas Eve
• 1.
News of Cranially
Present Annual Christmas Concert
Charles Dougles. Auditors - Mrs.
Laverne Wallace and Mrs.
Charles Douglas,
An exchange of gifts was fol-
lowed by lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob dardiner,
Robbie and Brenda; Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Beares, St. Marys with -Mr.
Mrs. Ken Campbell was
hostess for the Christmas
meeting Jof Seaforth, W.L, with
Mrs. J. Keys 'as • co-hostess.
President, Mrs. 'Lorne Lawson,
chaired the regular opening ex-
ercises and business, and read
a poem "Autobiography of a
Christmas Tree". • A large
number answered the roll call
with a donation for Christmas
treats for Seaforth senior citizen
The program, convened by
Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Miss Elea-
nor Henderson and Mrs. -John
Henderson, was chaired bylVIrs.
Elliott; who opened with a pbem
"A Christmas Blessing." After
singing carols, Mrs. J.C:i3ritton
commented on the motto,"Let
us give again and again of all.,
that we possess, not from the
purse, but from the heart bright
smiles and kindness." In her
remarks, Mks. Britton xeminis-
ced on old-time Chrigtmases,
when an orange,ia a stocklag.wa$
a real treat, com,i'aring them to
present affluent occasions. She
stressed gifts of love - personal
thoughtfulness for the aged and
lonely, the reaching out of self
towards ones fellow man, the
sharing of skills and time.
Musical numbers followed.
The misses Donna, Debbie and
Darlene Henderson sang "Jim-
iny Christmas" and "Rudolph
Mrs.Ken McKellar
Cromarty Church Christmas
Concert was held in Hibbert
Township Hall on Friday evening.
Gerald Carey presided for an
excellent programme and Mrs.
Gordon Laing was pianist,
The tree and the hall were
attractively decorated by Mrs.
Eldon Allen and 'Mrs. Clifton
Miller. The programme included
a 'welcome' recitation by Robbie
Gardiner,Chorus by the kinder-
garten casses; Acoustics by
three primary classes 'Our
Christmas Servants, Christmas
Helpers and Christmas'; A dia-
logue "The Ten Minute Cure"
by Janet and Frank Allen; piano
solos by Kathy Douglas; Recit-
ations by Steven Q uance and David
Templeman; step Dancing by
Bonnie Norris, Valerie, Pam and
Teresa Wallace and Lorraine
Dramatization of the Christ-
mas Story was presented by a
junior class and ,the audience;
Monologue - Geraldine Temple-
man; Choruses by the junior
class;' Old time music by Nelsor(
Howe, Eldon Allen; Ivan Norris,
Mrs. Gordon Laing.
A play 'A Quiet Evening with
the Radio' followed with Mrs.
Caulder Kerslake, Mervin, Dow,
Ruth Templeman and Bernard
Lehman taking the main parts
and Radio parts taken by Brian
Dow,, Marilyn Laing, Mrs.Larry
Gardiner, Craig Kerslake and
Paul Miller.
The closing recitation was
by Valerie Wallace and Marie
Expositor I
Want - Ads
Phone '527-0240'
Kerslake. 'The Parade of the
Wooden Soldiers was tsung and
the Rhythm Band was presented
by the C.G.I.T. Santa Claus ar-
rived during the singing ofJingle
The concert was planned by
Mrs. Alex Miller, Mrs. Robert
Laing and Mrs.Larry Gardiner,
Cromarty Ladies Aid held
their annual meeting at the home
of Mrs. Charles Douglas. Mrs.
James Miller presided and wel-
corned several guests.
Mrs. Charles Douglas and
Mrs. John Templeman had scrip-
ture and prayer. Secretary's an-
nual report was given by Mrs.
Robert Laing. The Treasurer's
annual report was given by Mrs.
Mervin Dow. Work Committee
report by Mrs. James Miller.
Auditor's report by Mrs.Laverne
Wallace and,Carld Committee by
Mrs. Caulder McKaig.
Mrs. T. L. Scott gave a sum-
mary of letters from her son,
Davis, who is teaching in Sara-
wak. Kathleen Douglas played
a piano instrumental.
L.Scott presided
for 'the election of officers. Past
President Is Mrs. Gerald Carey
and the President is Mrs. Allen.
Other officers are; 1st. Vice
President - Mrs. James Mil-
ler; 2nd Vice President - Mrs.
John Miller. Secretary - Mrs.
Laverne Wallace; Assistant -
Mrs. John Templeman.Treas-
urer - Mrs. Mervin now; Assist-
ant - mrs. T.L.Scott; Planist,z
Mrs. R. Laing, Assistant - Mrs.
T.L.Scott; Church Flowei Com-
mittee - Mrs. John Templeman;
Mrs. Charles Douglas; Advisory
Filawer Committee-Mrs.c aulder
McKaig; Mrs. Ken McKellar;
Mrs. Ruth Laing.
Card Committee - Mrs.Caul-
der McKaig; Mrs. Russell Scott;
Shut-in Box Committee - Mrs.
Eldon Allan; Mrs. Caulder Mc-
Kaig; Mrs. Robert Dodds; Mrs.
Sadie Scott; Mrs. Russell Scott;
Miss Olive Speare. Report to
Board Hof Managers - Mrs.
and Mrs. Larry Gardiner and
Mr. and Mrs. KennethWalker
London, Mrs. Hugh Currie, and
Joanne, Dorchester With Mr.Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Normqn Jet-
fersOn, Debra, Ann and,Stevea;
Fullarton with Mrs. J. Jefferson.
the Red Nosed Reindeer". The
Misses Kim Campbell and Venda
Storey sang "Silent Night",
"Silver Bells" and "White
Mrs. E.W.Ryan, of C.F.B.,
Clinton, introduced by Miss
Eleanor Henderson, 'demon-
strated a large number of her
beautifully created Christmas
decorations, original in design.
A Christmas reading "Before
and After" ,was giveh by Mrs.
E. Whitmore. A biography of
Mrs. Mary Haugh," as written
for "Spotlight on Women",4 in
a recent issue of the "West-
ern Ontario Farmer", was
read by Mrs. W.Coleman,ral-
ing with her various ante ests
and hobbies. This will bellied
in the branch "current events
scrap book".
Courtesy remarks were made
by,. Mrs. Gordan Papple and a
Jolly "Santa", Mrs..,L. Carter,
distributed gifts' to all„pre-
setit. •
trffring the business period,
courtesy notes were read from
Mrs. Sarah Henderson, Mrs.Jean
Dale, Mrs. Ken Stewart, Miss
Christena McNaughton, Mrs.Geo.
Kerslake, Mrs. Orval Dale,Mrs.
Mabel Hudson and Mrs. J.Mc-
Gregor and Fairy.Christmas
greeting cards were read from
sister branches, Zurich, Huron-
dale, Hensall, Grand Bend and
'Crediton. A donation was made
to ,tho War Memorial ChildreP'41
Hospital, London. Mrs. G.
Papple reported on the f fall
district board of directors meet-
ing held at Hensall, at which one
of our members, Mrs. J. E.
McLean, was presented with a
district life membership.
Lunch was served by the host-
ess and committee convened by
Mrs. Ey'eritt Storey.
The Northside U.C. W. Gener-
al Meeting was held Wednesday
evening in the School Room.
The Christmas worship ser-
"vice in charge of Unit 3 was led
by Mrs. H. Brown assisted by
Mrs. A. Beuerman, Mrs. T. Wfi-
bee, Mrs. C. Putman, Mrs. E.
McDougal, Mrs. P. Dunlop. Se-
veral Christmas carols were in-
terspersed throughout and a solo
by Mrs. N. Bell accompanied by
Mrs. J. Stewart followed.
The president, Mrs. George
Ribey, was in charge of the busi-
ness when the Secretary's Re-
port was read by Mrs. P. Dun-
lop. It was decided to have the
annual Church dinner in the form
of a Valentine's dinner In Feb-
ruary. 'An 'In Memoriam' for
members who passed away during
the year was observed.
Annual reports of the five
units, as well as various other
reports, indicated a successful
Rev. C. Britton conducted the
installation of officers for 1970,
as follows: Honorary President,
Mrs. J. C. Britton; Past Presi-
dent, Mrs. William Campbell;
President, Mrs. George Ribey;
1st Vice-President, Mrs. P. Dun-
lop; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs.
Glen Staffen; Secretary, Mrs.
Don Bode; Treasurer, Mrs. Wil-
mer Cuthtll.
Huron Cow
Sets Marks
311340 - Very Good, owned by,
Alec L. Ostrom, Clinton and
bred by Thomas W. Rathwell,
Clinton, has Just been issued
a Lifetime Production certific-
, ate by the Canadian Jersey Cat-
tle Club. In 9 lactation, she
has produced 83,512 lbs. milk
and 4,251 lbs. fat.
Seaforth WI Has
Christmas Meeting
F 0
DECEMBER 19th and 20th
2-4 p.m. and in Seaforth Stores and along the Main Street
FRIDAY EVENING from 7-8:30 'p.m. and on SATUR-
DAY from 1-4 p.m.
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Phone 527-0240 Seaforth