HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-18, Page 11BLUE WATER REST HOME L TENDERS Sealed Tenders for an extra well, 8" diameter, 8" casing," approximately 308' deep, will be re- ceived by the undersigned, until Friday, January 9, 1970, at 5 p.m. .,...LoWeskozolpy tea der not necessarily accepted. For further information, contact Gerald Gingerich, Secretary, Zurich, Ontario. 11 Articles For Sale' . 11 Articles iFOri'Sale WAXED tunilps, Apply, Percy Adams, 528-4452 Blyth, after 14404 FARROWING Crates 'arithPi" without mounted feeding or water, All steel construction, George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, 262-5282, 11.08-26 1. Coming Events mon the Cold &lib* Christ- mas vacation, "15 day bus tour ' to riorlda. For itinerary phone 5274222 or write Hablthic Tran- sit Seriice, Bog 700, Seaforth. 1.084f 16, For Sale: pr. REAL .ESTATE. TO, smy OR Sal. CALL "AL" the CoMity-of Huron, Deceased. liegat NOtiCea All persons, having claims against the.Estate of the above- named, who died olt the Oth • day of November, 10690_ are re-quired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 3rd day 'of Jan- Luray, 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, hair- leg regard only to the claims hotaywehnicetchietehe undersigned then Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 8th day of December, A.D. 1969. 22 iroegal Notices ember, " zpoklire' 'tor* Ooti, d to send to portico tars tiKtr claims to ;t116 ontlirsag-oOd'Op or before the 10th slaY of January, 1070, after which date the assets will be distriblit." ed, halting regard only to Claim then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 10th day of December; I.989. NeCON141.44 & , STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22-10-3 22.,IegallVotkes,. yap diemiiaglier, neW. Apply to Gingerich's Sales 41; Service, phone 523-0290, Sea- forth. 11404 SNOWNOBB* heote, size " 5, worn one season, $5,00. Joe McLean, 527-01.71, evenings. 11-104 USED. icitehen chrome suite. Apply to Gingerich's Sales & Service, phone 527-0290, Sea- forth. 11.104 ZENITH Stereo — The reason Zenith owners are worse brag- garts than fishermen. But Zen- ith owners have something to brag about. They even brag about the price. (It costs a little more to buy a Zenith). See and hear why at Stamen's, Sperl- ing at John. 11.10-2 TRISPLE baby carriage, beige, like new. 345-2675. 11-10-1 THREE used living room suites, complete. Phone 527-0290, Gin- gerich's Sales •& Service, Sea- forth. 1140-1 ELECTRIC stove, apartment size, good condition 527-1654. 4,• 11-10-1 Soafortfr'cwfil he held. in 'council. hers it 'the hour. of ten o'clock in the forenoon ,oa , 12th day of December, unless the taxa and: costs sooner Notice is 'hereby gives that the nit of, lands, for pie of arrears Of lakes was.: published in the Ontario Gazette on the OW day of Seige.mber; 1960rand that copies of 'the ,aald list may be heti at naSC4011.004 Treasurer's office- this 10th day of September, 1969. ERNEST Pd, WILLIAMS Treasurer - - 22-060 uu, u.vx. V w.u. now)", VS W. 11.': Patterson, -P-; J,.prx - Phone '527-1760 • December 21st, a "Nativity Play" — Joseph and Mary, pre- sented by First Seaforth , Brownie Pack at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, 3 p.m.-4 .p.m. 1-09-2 Al Morgan, our man of exper-ience in business and agrichl- ture. H. Keith Limited, 672-3333, Home, 451-3.':'!, 924 Dundas St, E., London, Ontario. 1640-1 - Considering a MOBILE HOME Charters 55-57fiMith: Goderich, SHOWER for Ted and Lois Wil- bee, formerly Lois Beuerman, at the Boa-Igen Community Centre on Dec. 20th. Refresh- ments available. Ladies please bring lunch 1-104 RECEPTION and dance for Muriel Ferguson, and Tom Dal- rymple; bridal couple, Saturday, December 20, at 9 p.m. Hensall Memorial Arena. Music by • Country Five. Everyone wel- wine. 1-10-1 A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, 7 January, 1969 at 2:00 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, Seaforth Community Hospital, Seaforth and at 8:00 pm. at the Health Unit Office, Medical and Dental Centre, Brus- sels. These will be held at week- " ly intervals for nine weeks. Those Interested are invited to attend, or phone the Public Health Nurse, Seaforth 527-1243, between, 9:00 am. and 9:30 a.m. or 4:30 .m. and 5:00 p.m. 1-10-2 or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or call:, RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LIMITED 547 Plains Rd., East- Phone 416-632-8400, Burlington, Ontario• Many models and makes to choose from. 19. Notices P , TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH County of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation, bearing date the 7th day of January, 1969, sale of lands in arrears of taxes In the Town of ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 1534 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 194841 NOTICE - St. Columban store is now handling Singer parts and notions, also accepting service calls. Special on service calls, $1.95. Phone 346-2750. 19-0941 REPAIRS on all makes and mod- els of Sewing Machines. New models available. Repairs guar- anteed with genuine Singer , parts. Singer Co. of Canada, 40 West, Goderich. Phone 524-843L , 19-084f E. B. MENMS, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. 22-10-3 Mutual Life Aisatance Company Canada Representative Office 17.1tattenbutY Su, ,..;AllgtoieN-;; 48g-79444; AA • • ."BOX FUNERAL, HOMO: Prompt and careful attends n Ambulance Serviee Phones: Day 527-0880 — Night 527-0085 23. Business Directory G. A. WHITNEY' FUNERAL BOWIE Goderlch St. W., Seaforth AAdirstaUtANIe hospitalcem bedsVICEfor rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY Phone 527-1390 OCCASION Seaforth ' JOHN. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST ' Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri., 0 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings by appoint- ., „ment • Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482.7010 W. J. CLEARY . Seaforth. Ontario LICENSED mamma and FUNERAL DIRECTOR . -Night and Day Calls — 527-0510 Auctioneer FARM...and_ FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton NOTICE TO • CREDITORS In the Estate of MALACHI FEENEY All persons having claims against the Estate of Malachi Feeney, late of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 18th day of Nov- 11-08-tf FLOWERS For all occasions. Cut flowers, Potted plants, etc. McLean's Greenhouse Phone 527-0800. 11-084f Choose your CHRISTMAS • GIFTS POODLE, diminutive miniature platitum silver puppy. Immun- ized, very effectionate and play- ful; also 2 Dachshund puppies, reg. Gleaned Kennels, Kippen, 262-5052. 11-10-1 USED 11 cubic foot deep freeze. Apply to Gingerich's Sales & Service, phone 527-0290, Sea- forth. 11-10-1 CHROMACOLOR TV. If there was no other reason for buying Zenith, Chromacolor would be enough. But add to this a hand wired chassis, paralell filaments and the Gold Video Guard tun- er, automatic fine tuning and a price less than $900.00 and then remember you can look at it for free at Stannah's. Open evenings. 527-0703. 11-10-2 21. Tenders Wanted 21. Tenders Wanted NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE phone Clinton, 482-9892 or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin, call col- 'f 19-084f 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to- thank aliniyfriendi for their. kindness while 'I was izs the hospital; also De. MoYe and .the nurses. — Herb Trap- nell. 24-10-1 I wish to thank everyone for their visits, -cards -and treats while I was in the hospital. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Moyo, Dr. Malkus and Dr. Whitman, also to the nurses on the staff. It' was deeply appreciated. Bry- an Somerville. 24400 BLUE WATER REST HOME TENDERS 2. Lost, Strayed LOST or strays one Hereford steer, 600 - 700 bs. Phone 482- 0947, 209-2 now from our wide selection of unusual, as well as traditional quality gifts. at Sealed Tenders, for the supply of FUEL OIL, will be received by the undersigned, until 5 P.M., ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1970. • 4. Help Wanted DEAD STOCK SEAFORTH JEWELLERS MAN for general farm work on a part-time basis. Mac Stew- art, phone 527-0897. 4-10-1 I require a housekeeper. This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking for a good home. Write to Box 1881, The Huron 'Expositor. 4-10-2 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. !Phone 133 — Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service — 7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65. 19-0841 For Other Classified, SEE PAGE-1 12 For further information, contact MacLEAN'S CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Place orders early Poinsettias, Azalias Mums. and Mixed Tots 527-0800 11-084f TV and Radio repairs, certified technician, all rates posted in shop. Also home service any- where in Seaforth and surround- ing district. Stannah the Radio Man. 527-0703, 17 Sparling..St, Seaforth. 11-08-tf COPIES • Copies, of your iMportant pa pers orodi‘cstwin is while •yolf wait. Lette • ,'35e each. The Huron Expositor 1111)94f • $1.00 holds until December 24th. 11-084f NEARLY new, used 4' monthi, oil space heater with fan, cost $150, half price; One new hY. draulic door closer still in box, cost $30, sell $20.00; Will cut one nice slim evergreen about 25 ft. high for $5.00, ideal for lawn Christmas tree. G. Hol- land, Dublin, 345-2512. 11-09-1 MASSEY-HARRIS 22 tractor; Quebec 'cook stove; Quebec heater; oil space heater, excel- lent for cottage or garage; Gramaphone, in good working order; quantity of cylinder rec- ords; 1 pr. 600 x 16 tires, like new; 1 670 x 15 tire; heavy duty boat trailer; 10 h.p. Johnston boat motor and tank; 17" TV. Phone 527-0449. 11-09x2 Gerald Gingerich, - Secretary, Zurich, Ontario... Registered Nurse BACKHOE work. Lyle Montgom- ery, phone 482-7644 evenings or Clayt's Gulf Service, Clinton, 482-7661. 19-084 • required for approximately four months, at "' Huronview Clinton. Excellent salary. Apply in person or telephone 482.3461. C. A. ARCHIBALD, Administrator 4-09- HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL ON CLASSIFIED ADS by PAYING CASH before 6 p.m. SATURDAY the 'week of publication Clinton, Ontario We pay $5 to, $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and hors-, Mature Woman es. We , pick up calves and Bluetit pigs as a service to you. • Call collect 482-9811 License No. 190-C-69 19-084f vquired for training as labors-, tbry assistant 4 Applicants should indicate any related training or background. Preference will be given to those With experience in lab work or nursing. Apply to The Administrator Seaforth Community' Hospital 12. Wanted to Buy ONE good used typewriter. 527- 0049. 12-09-2 PTO hammer mill. 345:2746.- 12-10x1 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all, work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone. Clinton 482-3320, 19-08-tf H. Keith Limited Realtor, is pleased to announce the recent appointment of JOSEPH L. O'REILLY of Dublin. Ontario, to their staff. H. KEITH LTD. 924 Dundas Street E., London, ' Ontario, 672-3333. - • 1109-1 ALVIN SMALE'S customers are asked to remember that for Christmas and New Years weeks Thursday's route will be picked up on Wednesdays._ WE have kitten to give-away in return for a good home. House trained, phone 527-1567. 19-10-1 Tri Town Bookkeeping Service Income Tax, T 4's, complete record preparation and' main- tenance. TIMEX WATCHES HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- er house. Phone 482-7358. • 12-084f SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-08-tf SNOWBLOWERS with sealed bearings and roller shield, trouble free feature for damp snow has been added. You will like it. Getirge Troyer, 262- 5282. 11-08-13 TWO-wheel 11a .ton trailer. !nee $20.00.527-1764, after six. 11.10-1 A Canadian made consol color TV with a real walnut veneer cabinet, automatic fine tuning, 5 year picture tube warranty at $643.00. This is Philco by Ford and you'll find it at Stannah's, Sparling at John. Terms avail- able. 11-10-2 FIVE month old Beagle pups. 527-1342. - 11-10-1 USED furniture from attic to basement. Call collect, 236-4243. 12-08-tf THE RIMPLES 4-09-2 7:LL 8E ELIGIBLE • FOR SOCIM. SECURITY rIRG-Tr ' _d1 8. Farm Stock for Sale TWENTY-seven pigs from 6 to 7 weeks old. Well started. Zack Ryan, RR, 5, Seaforth, 345-2636. 8-10x1 WILL buy household effects of older home. Call for appraisal, 527.1920 anytime. 12-08-tf 00 1:M YOUR BIG SisTER AN' YOU RE JUST MY LITT LE ISROTVIER I. WERE TWINS, 50 WERE THE SAME AGE! ARE MOM ...4M5 IBORN WAS FIRST 410 SO \WATS IT aE.T You 13. Wanted OLDER furniture crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 13-08-tf SECOND irtgage money need- ed, $10,500. Will pay 16% to 18%. Phone 887-6835, Brussels. 13-10.3 TRANSPORTATION to and ft6m Stratford Monday through Fri- day..to Teachers' College. Apply Box 1883, Huron Expositor. 13.10-2 1.) TEN weaners for sale. 482-9822 before '; 482-7103 after 5. 8-10x1 FIFTEEN pigs, 8 weeks old. Robert Regele, RR 1, Dublin, 527-0715. 8-10-1 TWO young brown Swiss cows, one purebred and one grade. 523-9388. 8-10x1 " OOP (,) ) . • c., - ,..') Kie . ,. ...- i4,4"..t-11)1 41(.547. 'At A number of gifts. Mothers are York x Lacombe, the father Hampshire probing .66. All three ways pure blood lines. Market price live weight. 345- 2306. .. 8-09-3 GIFT suggestions, house slip-. pers, felt shoes, oxfords, safety and insulated, shoes, rubber foptwear, waterproof leather safety insulated boots, insulat- ed rubber boots with steel ar- ches, merchandise coupons, sili- cone waterproofing spray, pol- ishing kits, shoe findings, at Jack Thompson's Footwear Ser- vice, shoes and repair, 8 Main St. 41-10-1 A 40 watt Philco stereo with a professional type record chang- er and air suspension speakers for less than $300.00. Bookshelf price and big cabinet tone. Hear this one at Stannah's, Sparling at John. 11.10-2 14.. Property for Sale BUILDING lot in Seaforth, 66 by 114. Close to High School. 527-0880. 14-09-3 C.)/ FORTUNA WA101-1Y A ..9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and. Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-080 41,1••••. HA- HA 1' HO-HOP $0, Phone 482-9260. Lawrence Beane 19-10-20 414 Box 169 9-08-tf 1970 CALENDARS • 10. Used Cars for Sale 1965 V-8 auto, four door hardtop Pontiac Parisienne with power steering. Has had safety check. * In good condition. Mrs. Thomas 527-0822. • 1040.1 Are yours for the asking at JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Seaforth 1940-1 FARM 100 ACRES THE WHEELS 111111101111111C,111'11111111111111. 111101i/ Wt SROOLDNT THE OLD BOY MECHANIZE FITS opertaTtoN'' Eqsa.yoNs st.sa NAS DONE tl" Black loam soil, excellent loca- tion No. 8' Highway, schools, churches and stores near by, 90 acres workable, steel hog Jarn 72 x 32, with water, 2 creeks on property. Asking $22,000.00. Contact Joe L. O'Reilly, 345- 2465, Dublin. KEITH LTD. 924 Dundas St., London, Ont , 4. Help Wanted '4. Help Wanted MORTGAGES CUSTODIAN First and second mortgages available qn residential,O farm or business , propertia. 24 HOUR SERVICE P. F., Cunningham 576-2332, Kitchener 19-08-ff 4 Huron County Board' of Education requires a custodian for Seaforth District High SchooL Duties to commence January 1st, 1970. Competitive salary schedule, Fringe benefit plan in effect. Written applications should be addressed to R. McVain, Plant Superintendent, P.O. Box 370, Clinton, Ontario. Appli- cants will be notified if required• for interview. John B. Laois D. J. Coohrane Chairman Director of Education 4404 t. 14-10.1 15. Property for Rent NEWLY decorated apartment, heated. Phone 527.0722. 15-08-tf TWO bedroom house with all conveniences in Egmondville. 527-0032. 15-08-tf TWO bedroom apartment, --gai heated, on North Main St., available December 1st. 527- ,0043. _ 15-09-2 TWO bedroom partially furnish- ed heated apartment on East William St. 527-0428. 15-10-1 FARM hduse, modern conven- iences, oil furnace, cupboards and bathroom. Apply Gordon Workman, Brussels, Ont. 15404 HOUSE in Seaforth, 3 bedromi, living 'room, modern , kitchen with dining area. Gas furnace. Gera:-:. Call 348-8641. 1640.2 WATCH REPAIRS FA ST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527.1720 Seaforth. 19-08-ff CYNTHIA - Huron County Health Unit PREVENTIVE DENTAL PROGRAMME An assistant is required for the registered nurse carry- ing out the self-applied fluoride paste programme in the ele- mentary schools of Huron County. The assistant need not have had previous nursing or dental experience. Duties will com- mence in January, 1970. . Applications giving curriculum vitae, and names of two persona to whom reference May be made, as soon as possible G. P. A. Evans, Court House, Goderich.' 440-1 So TELL ME ALL ABOUT CLYDE'S CHRISTMAS PRESENT ..'Nr .. 114E ONLY THING HE WANTS I CAN'T AF-oczo ....... AN ELECTRIC PIANO , AN ELECTRIC , PIANO? ,„,----- ' SO I AS t HIM ORGAN GROOVY! CAME AS CLOSE CoLii:o , ,,1 GoT A MoLt114. VI gdi -',4 EITHER. illYff,F iiiiipi l IL o . THAT'S 'ME Pooa. PEOPLE'S MOStcAL. iNSTOUMENT ..... A PER t. FOR, REJECTING THE MATERtALtsitc 6TAnft>A4DS OF Okict --, - PtcF1.40,11" PACter,rst ' ITS I -P ELECTRIC THAT CANT UKE AN ORGAN. AFFORD 4- , tke 4, !pi cii-z,*-11 ,, lir — ki!11 1111) gill I.,, 11 11, Irk LA' A, MAMA _.,„„.. -('''' ir k —7.....,...000" ills poisio, 4; , I : .„ , • VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna. Phone Henson 262-5748. 19-08-tf 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES ANDREW PETRIE late of the Town of Seaforth, hi