HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-11, Page 4TAYLOR MoNICHGT0 a Joyce Elaine McNichol, daughter of Mr. and Mrsc 'Glen McNichol of Walton and Bedford Wayne Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Seaforth were united in marriage at--,Duff's Church, Walton on November 15th at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Docken performed the ceremony. The Church was decorated with yellow and bronze mums. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white floor-length peau de soie and satin brocade panelled dress with long sleeves andi high col- lar. The train fell from the back of the dress with. a set-in pleat trimmed with lace. She carried bronze and white baby mums. Frances Beuerman of Walton was the maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Nancy McNic- hol, Walton, sister of the bride and Maureen Hays, Port Credit, cousin of the bride. Beth mc-, Nichol was the flower girl. They were dressed alike in Royal pur- ple velvet dresses with puffed sleeves and empire waists with gold trim. They wore matching headpieces. Their flowers were baskets of bronze and gold mums. Allan Stacey was the ring bearer. Sotnebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Thiough Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads The fellow who boasts that he's a "self-made" man is quite apt to be a poor archi- tect. Dutch Mill Hot CHOCOLATE Wonder Brand Cottage Sliced FRUIT LOAF, reg. 59c Lyons - (bonus pack, 115's) TEA BAGS 2-lb. pkg. 590 Special 490 680 88 'York PEANUT BUTTER, 36-oz. Allen's Pineapple-Grapefruit, Orange or Grano DRINKS, 48-oz. 3 for $1 Rose Brand - 16-ox. Sweet-Mixed, 24-Oz. Fresh-Pas Dills PICKLES 3 jars $1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Zoning By-law No. 794 re- stricts the use of land in the Town,of Seaforth to . certain permitted uses in defined areas and regulates the Use'of land in those areas. Changes in the use of-land, construction or alteration of buildings or any addition to buildings may only be carried outas provided in the by-1 0*. Where work is'done which, does not conform to the requirements of the by-law the necessary changes may be order- ed made or may be carried out by the Town at the expense of. 'Ithe owner. When planning anysconstruct- ion, addition to or alteration 'of buildings, or a change of use of their property, owners are advised to contact the Zon- ing Administrator before any work is commenced. In this way conflict with the by-law ..can be avoided along with the pos- sibility of additional expense, and inconvenience-Preparation of a simple sketch shoying the , work proposed,,its situation_on the lot and its propo'ed use will enable its conformity .to be checked quickly and will avoid misunderstandingg. of what is intended.' M. WILLIAMS onin A inistrator, T fotth 64' a pi t IT'S THE ANNUAL FREE SKATING - Saturday Afternoons Throughout December and January in HENSAILL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13th Z:00 p.m, 0 . AT THE HENSA110. ARENA' c°° Movies and Treats for the Children SANTA'S CHRISTMAS PARTY IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING: T. C. Joynt $10.00 Raye B. Paterson 2.00 Lorne E. Hay 5.00 W. H. Fuss Electric Ltd 10.00 Cook Bros. Milling Co. 15.00 Dr. J. C. Goddard 10.00 Hyde .Bros. 3.00 Hensall Sales Barn 5.00 Lloyd Mousseau 5.00 Huron Auto Body 5.00 W. G. Thompson & Sons. Ltd 10.00 Drysdale Crest Hard- ware 10.00 J. Bonthron & Son 10.00 P. L. MeNaughton 5.00 Bert Horton 5.00 Thuss Shell Garage 5.00 Walpet's Supertest 10.00 Kyle's Shell Service 5.00 Byron Kyle „ ......... 5.00 Henan Motors Ltd 10.00 Bank of Montreal 10.00 Imperial Bank of Com- , metre 10.00 Richardson'S Garage :. 10.00 *gig (Wick Lonely .10.00 tot McCurdy 5.00 Ball & Macaulay Ltd. 10.00 Royal Canadian Legion , Branch 468 10.00 Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary „ 10.00 Mary Anne Flynn • 2.00 Lavender's Garage 1.00 Jim:s Machine Shop 5.00 Mrs. Turvey 2.00 W. J. Cameron 5.00 Beaton's Bakery . , 10.00 Fink Plumbing & Heat- ing 10.00 Murray Baker 5.00 Irwin's Ladies Wear 10.0 Wallace's Variety 10.00 Regal Grill • 5.00 Taylor's Ready-To-Wear 5.00 JoeFlynn 5.00 'Scholl's Foods1X-rerket Ltd. 25.00 Kosi Korner 5.00 Ron's Health Centre 15.00 Hotel Hensall 11100 General Coach Works of Canada LW. 50.00 Big-f!-Drain Tile Co. Ltd 25.00 .taward Little • 5.00 docolate Milk donated coin- plimenta of Hurondale Dairy Clock Goes to Clinton The Friendship Circle of the Presbyterian Church, Sea- forth, held their Christmas mee- ting at, tre home of Mrs. Douglas Rowcliffe on Monday. Mrs. Donald Morton, Presi- dent of the group, welcomed the members and home helpers. The Christmas theme was carried throughout the evening. Following the devotional time, a social hour of games was en- joyed by the twenty ladies. The highligrit of the evening was the draw for a battery-run clock. Marion Coutts drew the lucky ticket and the winner was • Ron Jewitt of Clinton. Lunch -was served by- Mrs. William McLaughlin, rs. Wii Liam Smith and Mrs. Alan Mc- Nab. KI POEN - Correspondent Mrs. Netrman Long Mrs. A. Binnendk of R.R.3., Kippen is a patient in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, having undergone surgery last week. Mrs. Clarence Priespap of Mitchell visited her father, Ro- bert ThoMson on Tuesday after- noon. manftworwromaramo.N...rory.sonyoftwaii • FOR SALE Ebersol Electric Hain. ENTER OUR FREE DRAW You May Win a Hind Quarter of Beef fully processed Side of Pork fully piocesied or a Smoked Ham Simply put your name and dress on the back of a sales slip from Al's Market and de- posit it in the hex in our store. Draw to take place December 24th PURE . PORK SAUSAGE WIENERS KE PICL ROLLS BONELESS POT ROAST BY-THE-PIECE BURN'S BOLOoNA 3 lbs' $ ,PORK LIVER lb. 55c lb. 55c '69c lb. lb. 65c SLICED - lb. 39c lb. 33c PEAMEAL BACK BACON lb. c lb. c. California (size 24's) No. 1 Head LETTUCE • • • • each 270 Canada Fancy Mac - APPLES • • • • 5 lbs. 590 Can PARSNIPS ilbs. 330 FROZEN FOOD McCain PEAS, 4 lbs. 88* WEEKEND SPECIALS, prices effectiite Dec. 10, 11, 12,13, 1969 UPER AVE MARKET._ Marisa% • Onfirlo A HOLI ug BY-THE-PIECE SLICED AN*. HURQfN, gXe9SITC)111SE4F°RTI4 "1".4 DEC fl 19 61 =OBITUARIES- D uff'sCisurch Wedding Scene Blyth Team Acts- In Legion Installpiion ' Correspondent • Mrs.Maude Redden Mrs. Ken McLean of Hensall has received her 5 year Leader- ship Award recently Club work. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm attend- ed the Synod Christian Educat- • ion meeting in St. George Pres- byterian Church, London, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec- ember 2nd and 3rd. Mr. Glen Love of Sudbury, attended the funeral of his sister k- the late Mrs. Albert Keys on Friday and also visited with his sister, Mrs. J.E.McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. White,. 31,-,Bruce Street, London, observ- ed their 50th wedding anniver- sary, Wednesday, December 3rd with a family dinner at Glen . Allen Restaurant, followed by an Open House in their home. They were married in Hensall and have resided in London for many years. • Mr.White is a retired em- ployee of the Dqminion Rubber Company where he served 38 years. They have two sons,one daughter, eleven grandchildren • and six foster grandchildren. Hensall organizations are co- operating in a Winter Carnival January 30th and 31st and Feb- ruary 1st.' Proceeds from the carnival will be turned over to the Arena for repair's. - Hensall Kinsmen plan s to en- tertain Senior . Citizens on Dec- ember 19th. Y. -4, An installation- team from Blyth Legion was in Hensall Saturday to inst-il officers of the He Les., in and Auxil, iary a a join installation cer- emo Offic SS of Hensall Branch Legion 468 who were Cana. Legion were; Past President- Ted Roberts; President - Paul Neilands; First Vice - Vic Stan; 2nd. Vice President - Murray Traquair; Secretary- Treasu rer - Sam Rennie; Sgt. At Arms - Ralph Fitzpatrick; Service Bur-, eau - Fred Beer; Padre -Rev. Harold F. Currie; Executive - Garnet Allan, Stan Kochan, Harry Horton, W. H. Bell, Jack Simmons, Jim Smale, Rein Rooseboom,Jim Chalmers. Legion Ladies Auxiliary of-• ficers installed were; Past Pres- ideht - Mrs. Garnet'Allan; Pres- ident - Mrs. Vic Stan; First- Vice President - M rs.Howard, Smale; Second Vice President- Mrs. Jim Chalmers; Secretary- Mrs. W.H.Bell; Treasurer - Mrs.Grant Bisback; Sgt. At Arms - Mrs: Harry Horton;Pian- -ist - Mrs. Ed. Munn; Executive- Mrs: R. Vanstone; Mrs. Grant McClinchey; Mrs., Harold Camp- bell; Mrs. Wm. Smale; Mrs. Ted Roberts; Sports Mrs.Clar- ANAND4Nai ence Reid and Mrs.Alice Koeh- ler. LADIES AUXILIARY Mrs. Vic Stan was eledted president at the Christmas meet- ing of. the Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tuesday evening of last week. Other officers named were:- Past President - Mrs.Garnet Al- len; First Vice President - Mrs. Howard Smale; Second Vice- President - Mrs. Jim Chalmers; Secretary - Mrs. W.H.Bell; Treasurer - Mrs. Grant Bis- back; Sgt. At Arms - Mrs.Harry Horton; Pianist - Mrs. Ed. Munn; Executiye - Mrs. R. Van- stone; Mrs. Grant McClinchey; Mrs. Harold Campbell; Mrs. WM. Smale; Mrs. Ted Roberts;Sports- Mrs.Clarence Reid, Mrs.Alice Koehler. President Mrs. Garnet Allan presided for the business, ses- sion when three new members, Mrs. Alice .Koqhler, Mrs.Hein Rooseboom and Mrs. J. R.Ran- dall were initiated into the or- ganization. It was announced that the Christmas party for the child- ren of the members will be held Dece'mber 21st and a don- r ation was • given to the Local Association of Guides and Brownies. Prizes won were, mystery- Mrs.Wm.Smale;guessing -Mrg. Grant ,McClinchey, Attendance- Mrs.Vic Stan; Special Chrisimas draw - Mrs. Wm. Smale, Mrs. Harold Thiel. CHRISTMAS MEETING The Christmas meeting of Unit 4 of Hensall U.C.W.,Hensall was held Thursday afternoon in Fellowship Hall- decorated by the hostess, Mrs. R. J. Pat- erson. Mrs. J. McAllister pre- sided and opened with InvoCation. A highlight of• the program was a piano dUet by Mrs. T. Sher- rill ,and, Mrs.c'GTace Elarpola, playing 'a, msdley-,of. Christmas hymns. Mrs. Harold Currie con- • ducted a carol and candle light- ing service-with Mrs.Stanley Mit- chell as' candle lighter and Mrs. Mickle as pianist. The study, on keeping Christmas, takenfrom Miss Ethel Chapmans book en- titled ',From a Roadside Win- dow", was giVen by Mrs. R.M. Peck. The treasurer's report showed a very good financial year. Visitatiqn reports totalled 7 9 calls. There were 24 members and two visitors present. • Mrs. McAllister reported a large box of nylons, and used cards had been delivered and accepted at the Blue Water Rest Home and more to come in. Gifts were wrapped and marked for the collection for Goderich Psychiatrie Hospital. The bale of seven large boxes contained a lot of good clothing and was despatched to Toronto after pack- ing. REBEKAH LODGE Noble Grand Mrs. Elgin Thompson chaired the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednesday evening when plans were completed for the annual Christmas party, The social and entertainment committee will be in charge of arrangements. Vice Grand Mrs. Jack Taylor reported a number of cards having been sent out to shut ins. A number of members and their husbands attended the Grand Master's banquet held at Egmondvllle United Church Wed- nesday evening. Mr. Wm. Brock of London, England and Mr. Don Brock of Stayner, spent the week end with their parents, Mrs and Mrs.Rus- sell Brock. Miss Ann Mickle who is at- tending Althouse-. College in London,/, will be teaching two weeks of this month in Waterloo and while there will be staying With her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Millan and family. ..4e4P*N' Mr. Oliver Bedard of Sarnia, and his daughter, Mrs. Bill Mal- lett, of London, England, spent ' the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch. Mrs. R. Taylor Jr., of CChisel- hurst, is a patient ,In South Huron Hospital, Eketer. DIES IN DETROIT 4 Mrs. Sam 'Desch re4014ted word of. the sudden death of her youngest brother, Frank Bedard of Detroit, Mich., a forqier na- tive of ..Hay Township who died suddenly at his home November 30th. He was 66, v , Surviving_ are his wife And four sons. the brother, Oliver, Sarnia, two sisters, Mrs.Oesch, Hensall and Mrs. Annie Grigg, London. Five grandchildren also survive. Funeral- services were held in Detroit, Mich., Wednesday, December 3rd. Attending the fun= eral were Mrs. Oeschof Hensalli,„ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gescht' and Mrs. Earl Flaxbard of - Zurich. Unit One. UCW Has Meeting Unit One of Northside United Church met in the Church school room, President, Mrs.' IC Broadi- fpot, statteck therneetting wh reaclingon'--Ch stmas Mi.Ws `Fennell read' tile appointment . officers for the 'New Year. Mr ▪ Robetton read a poem entitled ld'Friends'. 'Holy Night' was s and Mrs. H. Connell read th scripture lesson, followed prayer by Mrs. E. Allen. rs. Connell gave a reading on 'Origin of the Christmas 'Tree'. Dawn Wood favoured with a, solo and Miss Fennell gave ..tke Christmas story on the '01dCore- bler'. Mrs. Roberton read the 'Legend of the Christmas Candle' and Mrs. Connell closedthe mee- ting with a oraver.. 'niter NB% nearly new with3H.P.electricniot- or. Apply to MAC STEWART . • 527-0897 Dm IN t.oNDoN ' Mrs, Albert Keys, the former Anna Love of Exeter, passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, December 2nd. in her 74th year. Surviving are three sons, Robert, Burling- ton; Ross of Watford and Murray , of Hay Township, eight grand- children, one sister (Grace)Mrs. J. E. McEwen, Hensall, three bro- thers, Grant, Caro,Mich; Ross, Clinton and Glen of Sudbury. Mr. Keys predeceased her a few years ago. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Glen Wright, were held froth Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home°, Exeter, Friday, Dec- eniber 5th. Burial was in Hay- field Cemetery. Mrs. Walters gave the call to worship, led• in the opening Prayer and read the Christmas story from the Scriptures. Mrs. Jack Taylor gave the Meditation Mrs. Allan read a Christmas story and Edna Eldorado closed the devotions with Prayer. Mrs. Henderson opened the bbsiness period with a C h rist m as poem. Mrs. Allan presented a slate of officers for 1970 and-Mrs. Hen- derson reported from the Presbyterial meeting held in Se- bringville changes likely to take place in 1970. It was agreed $50. be given to the M.M. Installation of of- ficers will be held at the Jan- uary meeting when Stanley Unit will-have charge of Worship and progratn. Officers elected are:- Past 'president - Mrs. J. Hen- derson; President - Mrs. John Broadfoot; First Vice President - Mrs. Stuart Wilson; Second Vice President - Mrs. V. Hargraeves; Treasurer - Mrs. A. Paterson; Recording Secretary Mrs. Stoll; 'Press Secretary - Mrs. L.:Wil- son;._Corr.Secretary - Mrs. C. Henderson; Pianist - Margaret McQueen; Church Corn.- Mrs.J. Henderson; Mrs. W. Burdge;Mrs. Adams; Manse -••Mrs. Alex Mc- Beath; Kitchen - Mrs. Al Hill, - Mrs. D. Brodie; Mrs. S. Broad- foot; Social - Mrs. I. Sillery; Mrs. R. Walters. Cards and flowers - Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Swan;. Foster Child ,- Mrs. G. McGregor; Supply - Mrs. L. Eyre, Mrs. W. Pepper, Mrs. Jack Mustard; Program - Mrs. Mary Haugh; Mrs. Arnold Tay- ler ; Mrs. D. Treibner; Flowers far Chtirch - Mrs. Berry;, Mrs Mel. Graham; Mrs. Bob Dalrym- ple; Mrs. M. Wilson. binenfiell *an in the SOrlilg- ville Hqil. poa wedding trip to the United States the, bride chose a deep purple dress with matching purple checked coat, black acces- sories and corsage of white mums. 1. The couple will reside in Sste.4fG;ual'tetlistlisrinweser, were present from London, Port Credit, Woodstock, itiChell, Exeter, Hensall and Seaforth. •••Shirriff's - (regular 69e) FOIL WRAP, 18-inch Roynold's (deal pack) so POTATO CHIPS 630 2 for •690 bags si 2 for 690 .SANTA'S CHRISTMAS PART Mr. and Mrs. Murney Twit- chell, Kimbeglerand Jamie of London, visited over the week• end with Mrs. Verna Bradley Mousseau has returned home from a two month tour s of the Solfthern United v1 State Correspondent Mrs.Hugh Berry The Sacrament of The Lords Supper and Baptismal Service will be held in Brucefield United Church on Sunday morning. Mrs. B. Sholdice, Exeter spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. A. Paterson. There was a good attendance at the official meeting at The Manse, Brucefield on Sunday night. ,„„Mrs. V. Hargreaves visited Rev, and Mrs. Plant, Strat- ford on Tuesday. Mr. Gordon Elliott, London, Spent a few days visiting rel- atives in the village, Clinton and Hayfield last week. „o• Mrs. Geo. Clifton is improv- ing slowly in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. • U.C. W The December meeting of Brucefield .U.C. W. was held in the schoolroom Tuesday of last week with 30 ladies present. Mrs. R. Walters, Mrs. R. Allan and Mrs. Jack Taylor had charge of the devotions. News of BRUCEFIELD- Mrs. Wilbee was the organist. , The bride's mother wore a yellow fortiel button-4011th dress with buttir-down ctiffs,,and beige and green accessories with a. bronze and yellow 4torsage.The groom's mother chose a jade blue dress of fortrel, three quarter sleeves, multi-colour metallic hat and black accessories with a white mum corsage. The reception, and buffet (Black Diamond) &oz. pkgs CHEESE SLICES McCormick's - 131/2-oz. pkg. GRAHAM 'WAFERS Stafford -..24-oz. Raspberry or Strawberry JAMS (added pectin) each 57* Stafford - 19-oz. tins CHERRY PIE FILLING 2 for 890 •