HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-04, Page 15STANNAH the Stereo man of- fers- a deluxe Philco stereo in pecan spanish styling, down' to the floor cabinet for less than $350. (You guessed it $349.00). Come and see it, it looks and sounds like $500. Sperling at John. - 11-08-1 USED Frigidaire washer and dryer in, excellent condition. Top of the line models. Dryer DCIFC, washer WOIC. Apply to Gingerich's, phone 527-0290. 11-08-1 12. Wanted to Buy HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- er house. Phone 482-7358. 12-084f USED furniture from attic to basement. Call collect,' 2364243. 12-0841 WILL buy household effects of older home. Call for. appraisal, 527-1920 anytime.. 12-084f now. from our wide selection of unusual, as well as traditional quality gifts. • at SEAFORTH JEWELLERS $1.00 holds untiil December 24th. 11-08-tf SIX wooden bagging-off-bins, 15 bushel capacity with valves de- signed for ceiling mounting; chicken debeakee 2'000 lb. Cap- acity platform scale; one Chromalox 220 volt , mol- lasses barrel heater; plus various other feed mill • items. Will sell to highest bidder. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. P \ ' A • , ZENITH Chromacolor atStan- nah's. Immediate delivery on some models. Lovely real hard- wood cabinets with genuine veneers (not printed). Sperling at John. 1148-1 ONE heat houser for a Ford 4000 tractor. 346-2518, Herman Van. Bakel. 11-08x1 PHILCO 19" color TV pottable, made in Ontario with a 5 year picture tube warranty.,„„Com- pare price, performanceand warranty with imports and you'll choose Philco. Stannah sells Phireo, Stannah services Philco. 527-0703, Sperling at John. • 11-08-1 CHRISTMAS trees, cut your own. They are not so hot, but are only one dollar. Sun., Dec. 7, 14, 21st. Turn east off Hwy. 4, 3rd con. north of Clinton, (eon. 6-7). Trees on right 11/2 ' Cons . 11-08-2 SHALLOW well water pressure system with tank, 2 years old, good condition. Blyth 5234220. 11-08-1 Clinton, Ontario We pay. $5 to $15 for fresh Idead or disabled cows and here, es. We pick up calves and small • pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-981ir License No. 190-C-69' • 10-08-if CHAIN SAW SALES & SERVICE See the new Remington SL6 Chain Saw. Light, economical, efficient. • Oregon saw chain; Carol saw and chain oil; bar and chain service; Sharpening; repairs to • all metres of saws. ' 1970 'Boa Ski snavvmtibiles new on display. . SHARP'S MAINTEN-: WATCH -ft-itS ,I)Ao STANDSTILL To SI%-csi FtVE SEcONDS • 11. Articles,for Sale CHOICE young beef, by the half Or quarter. Government inspect- ed. 482-7578. 11-06-3 NOW — A Philco 22" colour TV consol with -5 year picture tube warranty, solid state sig- nal system, trouble free tuner, only $599.95 (with trade), at Stannah's, Sperling at John, 527- 0703. 11-08-1 ANTIQUE rifle, Martini Henry 45 cal., long lever, good shape. • Will accept trade. 527-1764, af- ter 6 p.m. 11-08-1 ONE shallow Well pressure sys- tem, in good condition. Morris Ryan, RR 2, Dublin, 345-2383. , 11-08-1 " MacLEAN'S CHRISTMAS "4 _FLOWERS Place orders early Poinsettias, Azalias Mums and. Mixed Pots 527-0800 11-084 .111 Miniature FARM TOYS TV and Radio repairs, certified technician all rates posted in shop. Also home service any- where in Seaforth and surround- ing district. ,Stannah the Radio Man. 52747°3, -17 Sperling St., Seaforth. 11-084i COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Leiter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 1149-ff TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND smaincED • THROUGH ANSTETT j'EWELLERS LTD. fl-OS-ti SINGLE drawer steel filing cab- inet, metal pedal car. Phone 527- 0407, Seaforth, 1147-1 AN ideal gift for the beginners, a full set -of drums, „like new. Phone 5274367. 11-08-1 TEN per cent off every dollar you want to save coupons, Never slips vulcanized on rubber foot- wear at Jack Thompson's Foot- ' wear Service, shoes and repair, 8 Main St. Ask for while you wait service. 11-08-2 HOCKEY --equipment large pants, gloves and size 91/2 skates. Phone 527-1367. 11-08-1 MARCONI portable record Play- er, twin speakers, like new. 262- 5486. 11-08x1 SNOWBLOWERS with sealed bearings and roller shield, trouble free feature for damp Snow has been added. You will like it. George Troyer, 262- 5282. 11-08-13 Articlesc foi Salo STOVE : aiuteX; *e,477-0 :Ceitt Phone 447,1404, //.07ii2 VADIK/WkNO ereteS: with or without *wonted: feeding • or -water. AD steel construction. George Troyer, RR 2, liensall, 262-5202. 114840 19. Notices ELECTROLUX..cannoiny, :x44,14 Sales ,00 *Mee,: Who** dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Ught- house St, GOderiehi phone 524-.' 5514. - '.• ;WOW.. NOTICE:- St, ColOmban atera Is now handling Singer parts and and notions, also accepting' -801100 Spoo01 on service $144. Phone 1454700, .- I0,0841 REPAIRS On all makes and of sowing Maohinea.. New models available. Repairs guar- anteed • with genuine Singer parts. Singer co. of Canada, 40 West, Goderieb. Phone 12445441; 19-084 PETER J. KELLY. • SEAFORTH — VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Tumble', D.V.M., W.R. Bryans, D.V.31., VS. W. IL Patterson,& D.V.M., V.& P.3. Dwyer, M.V.B., . Phone 5274760-. Seaforth G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich Ste W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. , • FLOWERS. FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 5274390 Seaforth JOHN E. LONGSTAFF wromEraisr . Seaforth Office Tues„ Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evenings- by 'appoint- ment ' \Ifon.,-, Wed. —Clinton Office por Appointment. Phone 527-1240 --- or 482-7010 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER- and FPNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls — 527-0510 Seaforth will be 'held In nnog Chambers. at *0:0* Of ten 0'404 in the .10#1.490.0, OP the 12th ° day • of 'POPP.MOPA. -1069# unless the tap* and costs are sooner Pahl; sntiOn. is hereby given Oron that the list of lands- for Sale of amarg was published -in- 'the Ontario Gazette On the .0th day of September, 1000, and that copies of the list may he had: at . my office. Treasurer's office this' 10th. day of September, IDOL ERNEST M. MUMS Treasurer 2246-13 • 2 NOticeo 22 Legal Notices A. M. BABPER Chartered Accountant *047 South Street IfelePlAmr. Gafkricit .0 417402. 24't Cards of 'Mani% WE lb 10 Ott*, sincere ,t alike to trionfl$ and family who Se IchiflAY visited me *dtel• treats, flowers and whJle ' was a patient 41,-StratOrdi, and-Sestorth Hospitals. Special thanks to pr.- Wititatell and nurses and all who helped at home during our lengthy Illness. — George and Lawrie Kerslake 24.011a1 I wish to 'thank MY friend0,7"iel- atives and neighbors and Ladies Auxiliary Canadian Legion for their cards, flowers, gifts and . visits while I was, lit patient in Seaforth Hospital.- *eclat thanks to Dr. 3failms, Dr. Brady and Dr. Whitman, the nurses 'aid staff of the hospital. It was all appreciated very much. — -Mrs. Jackie Ratite. 24.084 I wish to thank my many friends and neighbors for cards, treats, gapers and visits while- I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital; also Drs. Brady, Mallcus and Whitman and purses. Every thing was very much appreciated. — Andy Dunlop. 24484 MY sincere thanks to relatives and -friends for their thought- fulness while a patient in Sea- .forth Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Mayo, his assistants a the nursing staff. — De Clark. ...V. • ; .” CLASSIFIED RAM: • EvFgortyg -NOvEggER, 20, 1969' • For All Classifications Except Articles For Sale . . } FIRST imseaTiori— 2$ Words $1.25, 46 per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT iNsaterioNs -- No Copy Changes. 3c per word, minimum 75c 1...-*AR—T7CILIES FOR- SALE , SEMI-DISPLAY CLASSIFIED — First Insertion, .$1.40 per column inch; subsequent insertions $1.25 per column inch. Minimum size 2".- Accepted in multiples of' 1/2". LEGAL ADVERTISING — Rates on Request BOX NUMBERS — To This Office, 25c per insertion No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon Mondays. FOR CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 p.m, SATURDAY, the week of . publication, DEADLINE: 5i00 p.m. - TUESDAYS . Phone 527-0240 or 527-0241 1. Coming Events 'ESCAPE the cold during Christ- mas vacation, 15 day bus tour to Florida. For itinerary phone 5274222 or write Ha.bkhit Tran- sit Service, Box 700, Seaforth. 1-08- =KESS for Near Year's Eire , at Brodhagen Chamber of Com- merce Dance are all Sold. 1-08-1 THE Happy Citizens will hold their meeting and euchre on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 11, in the Legion Hall at 2 p.m. Ev- eryone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 1-08x1 ANNUAL St: Columban PTA Turkey Bingo in Parish Hall; Thursday, Dec. nth, at .9 p.m. Ito reguaar games and three Veda- 148-2 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (Buck) Dolmage. Dec- ember 13th, Seaforth Legion. Ladies please bring sandwiches. 1-084 4. Help Wanted 111917fE1Efirit rkitittig for, ?On eitor. '*,14-71132"'"' LOCAL MAN REQUIRED. I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time, Age 21 to 70. Can you make short auto 'trips? We hope you will start . soon and stay with us a long' time. Con- tact .now! J. L. O'Reilly, RR 2, Dublin, phone 345-2465. _ 4-07-3 SALESMEN. $125.00 PER WEEK GUARANTEED All businesimen including farmers MUST file an Income Tax return yearly! This means that EVERYONE is a prospect for . our book-keeping and In- come Tax preparation service, which we sell, on an ANNUAL FEE, money back guarantee basis. Neither formal education, age, or previous experience is a de- termining factor In being suc- cessful. We provide full sales training. If you are aggressive, neat, bondable and own your own car, 'olf,-,_should investigate our offer NOVitdore this protect- ed territory is filled. We will send you in complete - confidence a resume of our op- eration, the earnings and ad- vancements open to you. READ" rr THROUGH and then deter- mine if this re the job for YOU. All replies willbe treated in strictest confidence. THE ALLIED - TAX • SERVICES OF , CANADA 373 'Queens Avenue, London 14 4.06-3 7. Situations Wanted I Will babysit in ely own home, by hour, day or week. Phone 345-2969. 7-084 I will habysit for mothers who would like to go Christmas shopping. 5274235. 7-082 ' S. Farm Stock for Sale TWO serviceable boifrOm registered stock. Earl G. Reek, 345-274 , 8484 .FIFTEEN chunks. Merle llyati, Mt 2, Dublin, 345-2383. 8-084 9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day 014)(and Started Pullet, soorl POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Senior* Phone Wee* Bon 109 soott In good supply at' VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 527-0120 - Seaforth 11-07-3 13, Wanted OLDER furniture crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-787,5 evenings. 134841 WANf-fied -for-8 -or 10 steers for the winter. Paid oh gain on market price at Toronto. Alvin Beuerman, 345-2306. 13-06-2 15. Property for Rent NEWLY decorated apattment heated. phone 5274722. 15-0841 liOUSE for rent. Apply to Mr. Harry. Arts, 527-1795. 15-06-3 TWO bedroom apartment, gas ,Main St heated, on North „, available December1st. 527- 0043. 15-07-2 TWO bedroom house with ail conveniences in Egmondville. 5274032. 16. For Sale or Rent THREE bedroom house with all conveniences, situated in Dublin. George Coyne, DeWitt 16404 or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line Or call: - RUSTON MOBILE - HOMES LIMITED • iiirr Plains Rd., East. Phone 416-632-8400, Burlington, Ontario Many models and makes to choose from. • 11-08-ff For all occasions. Cut flowers,. Potted plants, etc. - McLean's Greenhouse Phone 5274800. 11-084 VENTILATING FANS We carry a complete line of fans and controls for all your agricultural ventilation needs. Layout and installation. SHARP'S MAINTEN- ANCE SERVICE Seaforth ----• '-tTirsidertlig a MOBIL! NOME CHRISTMAS GIFTS FLOWERS 'Choose your 11-os4 DATED at Seaforth, this 18th day of November, 1969. McConnell & Stewart Seaforth, Ontario . Solicitors for the Executor 22-06-3 ----TREASURER'S - SALE OF LAND FOR TAXBS SEAFORTH OF SEAFORT County of Huron,. TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth tiiidet his hand and the seal of the said Corporation, -bearing date the 7th day of aannarY, 1000, pale of lands lit arrears of taxes in the Town of . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MICHAEL B. MURRAY All persons having claims against the Estate of Michael B. Murray, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Hur- on, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 21st day of October, 1969, are hereby certified to send in full particulars of their claims to .the undersigned on or be- fore the 11th day of December, 1969, after which date the aa, sets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. VACUUM cleaner sales and, ser- vice for all makes. R. K Peck, Yams Phone Hen-sail 262-5748. 194)8-if First end second mortgages available on residential, farm or business properties. 24 HOUR SERVICE P. F. Cunningham. 576-2332, Kitchener 19-084 22. Legal Notices NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-OPeratketi of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. BACKHOE work. Lyle Montgom- ery, phone 482-7644 evenings or Clayes Gulf Service, Clinton, 482-7661. 19-08-0 ANCE SERVICE Seaforth SEPTIC TAN 14;4 K 6-4 CLEANED Modern equipment. We aim: antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-084f WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT • JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 5274720 Seaforth. • 19-084 WILLIAM J. DALE phone Clinton, 4024892 or MItHAZI. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin, call col- lect. 194184 ---DEAD STOCK Please Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. !Phone 133 — Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service —7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C435. 19-084f HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL MORTGAGES — \ 23. Business Directory R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careful attention Ainbulance Service • Phones; Day 527-0880— Night 527-0805 Your Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Representative Office 17 Rattenbury St. E. Clinton — 482-7914. 11-954f FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monidon HAVE VOu N1ET ) THAT soses „.....,.....* ,,,,, 4. fe if A , \ . l't1 L, . I ' 4E Jus„r STANDS THEtZE A A 4, , . , VII, ilk 411 5, • i 11\41,5u._ 4! , ' if , .,1 ti 1 el.1l, y 'WW1 /41 I met4 OoEs tia Do roa a LIVING'? t II 110rt, seAttem mi.„(44,,itivt a NORta Al- 0,11414. tAe Does0. Do, ta.altatt16 tieetar;srlt,i6 ' „'31 FATHER'? ' I IL, , , \f's ----) --A WHAT DOES 4, HE to? 4 III • 1 11 * A $11MI or it.x it. nut . , '1 lit' IAL Auctioneer I would like to thank my rela- tives, neighbors and friends for the flowers, cards, letters, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital; also for the help at home. Special thanks to Rev. E. D.- Stuart, Dr. • Goddard, Dr- Deadman and his assistants and the nursing staff on fourth floor .N.W. — Jean Ivison. 24-08-1 WE wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to -our relatives, neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, floral tributes, donations to Cancer and Heart funds received dur- ing the sad bereavement of a loving 'mother and grandmoth- er, Filealieth Douglas. Special thanks to Kilharchan • Ntusing Rome, Drs. Moyo and Quao, Bonthron Funeral Home, Rev. Stuart, pallbearers and flower- bearers. — Mrs. Lindsay Eyre and family. . • 34484 WE would like to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for the evening of fellowship •and gifts -on the occasion of our twenty-fifth an- niversary. — Gordon and Helen MacKenzie. 24484 For Other Classified SEE PAGE 11. 434,To*.mPOIPfal.stil3ilt4.4'..bfoYrT:Parral,rn4f7A.ntvYtti:;1'W":7 •159.11CRbIc n (.22. 1 40.*Og001*.lanctOSe.pnOoestpor0040,'.10,: ' AP of the:. • ' " • vAIrtt :14.67log: that the COuncIl of the....,Optisioot94,,.0 • TOO of ,SonfOOli intends to' apply to .11m.:1100,rio,..mnalcip11 0:904.(t pursuant to the provisions ofAn'Ation • 317, Tho• Plan- 'ng Act Or nT,TOW of LAY71.4w .!Tii,.$44 Po*. eett'.• on the 25th Ont OliOvon!!?Or,""1909.• • • • ' • A copy at the AvOn* is furnished herewith and an ''evtonnt04 of the purpse and effect of.0n)PY44,*.fin StatiOg the 14440, affected thOXOPY Is alsq fOt4,0100. Aet.0.114 Any vEssoN 1117$13.0,T41)..M4**; 'vet.** lont:00•InX1.4):.:04y deliver to date Col‘411 o4f-7thtteP TiOvoi7j,°O;::1;i0yO' 0-f‘°0g4silfiCrf&:11.0(..4.?PPi.t: objection to approval' .01 the' said .A1Y)40..v, together '.114 statement of the gratinds of onchnkje'ettn*' The Municipal Council of the, Corporation of the iTown of Seaforth enacts as follows: . DATED at the Town of Seaforth this 28th day of November, 1969. TfiE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL EiOARP .02or, *Trove:- .0r40.; said by-lay, but before doing SQIt may 'appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law Will be deriaidared.• Notice of any hearing that may be bold willteliVell:b10, • to persons Who have filed in objection 'and WbOhaIeleit with 'or delivered to the Cleric undersigned, the address. which notice of hearing is to be sent. THE LAST DATE FOR FILLNG OBJECTIONS will be.DOCef*, her 12, 1969.. • •••• 1.. This By-law may be cited as a By-law-to amend zoning By-Jaw '794 of the Town of Seaforth. 2. Section 4.5.4 of By-law 794 is hereby ameffled So that this Section 'shall now read as follows: “4.5.4 SIGNS: a sign of an area of not,more than fifty (50) square feet incidental to construct- ion on the lot, any sign of not more than two(2) square feet other than an advertisement, an authorized traffic sign -or signal, a public elect- ion list or other proclamation by governmental authority, an election sign of not more than six (6) square -feet, one non-illuminated sign not exceeding four (4) square feet in area adver- • tising the sale, lease, or rent of a property.Not more than one sign of a maximum area of fdrty (40). square feet related -to a specific business • shall, be permitted for each commercial or in- Austritil'-' establishment on the lot on which that establishment is located provided that the lot , is located in a commercial or industrial zone. Projecting signs shall be prohibited.," 3. section 0.1 (f) of By-lavi '794 is hereby deleted. 4. Notwithstanding any other provision of By-law • '794, the Zoning Map forming part of By-law 794 is hereby changed for those lands described in s THE • CORPORATION • OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH . BY-LAW NO.814 A by,-law to anriend by-law No. '794 ; ••••• • LOREN-RD.' DON'T you KNOW IT BAD MANNERS TO TALK WITH YOUR folbyTH FULL? 5.M,Wllllams, Clerk, Town of'Seaforth, Box 610, SeatortkOnta.110,-. 10.- Used Cars for Sale 1962 Chev. hardtop. 345-2707. . 10-Nal 1965 International 3/4 4,0o, speed, V-8, big back bumper. Price $700. Blyth 5234220. 10-08-1 • LUMBER GALORE! 2 x 8, 2 X 6's, etc. Laminated grain elevator, size' 30' wide, 40 long, 30' high. Building to he removed from premises by highest bidder, Write or phone Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. Bengali, 202,2605 1148-2