HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-04, Page 13Ladies Aid
Mrs. Ed. Andrews presided
for the Christmas meeting of the
Friday afternoon when the Kling-
Mackay group were in charge.
Mrs. R. K. McFarlane read a story
from the Friend&ip book by
,.; Francis Gay.Mrs.J.A.McGregor
played when the group sang
Christmas carols.
The scripture lesson was the
Christmas story and read by
Miss Belle Campbell. Mrs. Reg.
Kerslake led in prayer. Mrs.H,al
Whyte read minutes and Mrs.Mc-
Farlane a letter of appreciation.
. Thirty-one calls were made.
Rev. Thos. C. Mulhbliand in-
stalled tr fficers as follows:
Presiden - Mrs. Ed. Andrews;
Secretar - Mrs. Hal. Whyte;
Treasurer -. Mrs. James F.Scott;
Pianist - Mrs. J,A.McGregor;
Card•Convener - Mrs. R. K. Mc-
Farlane; Social Committee..
Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. J.
A. McDonald, Mrs: James Keys;
Supply Committee - Mrs. Chas.
Mackay, Mrs. R.C. Habkirk, Mrs.
-Mae Hillebrecht; Group Lead-
ers - East Group - Mrs.R.S.Hab-
kirk, Mrs. J. W. Thompson;
Country - Mrs. Wilfre0Coleman,,
Mrs. Harold Agar; West Group -
Mrs. Edith McMillan, Mrs.Pran-'
cis Coleman,
Mrs. Frank Kling sang the
solo !'Star of the East", accom,
panted by Mrs. J. A. McQregor..
Miss Jennie Hogg was the gueSt
speaker and 'she took for her
theme "When They Saw the Star,
They Rejoiced With Great Joy".
Mrs. Chas. Mackay expressed the
thank;S' of all those who contribut,
ed to the meeting. ' ,
(Storage Facilities Available. At The Present Time
Please Enquire) •
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A really great idea
need is new glasses!
R. S. BOX, ChaiKman
'D'ORLEAN SILLS, Commissioner
F. C. J. SILLS, Mayor
your hydro
1JUhose turn to wash the dishes?
Nobody's—when you've qot an electric dishwasher,
Just load IL And relax after every meat,
"I know certain people hove offered you fancy wageebut
• all the kids in,the.world are depending on us," ,
by Shirley Keller
Antoinne 'Red' Quon and
Hard1c1 1,,Obb, Clinton, appeared
before HuronCourity
day, afternoon to solicit co-
operation in Clinton's efforts.to
secure some ktnd ofreplacement
Industry for CFB Clinton when'
it is abandoned late in 1970.
They informed council repre-
sentatives from Development'As-
sociates Ltd., Ottawa, will be in
Clinton December 16 for a mee-
ting with Clinton officials as well
as anyone else who is interested
in the fate of CFB.
In his brief addresS to Conn- .
cif, Red Garon maintained that
everyone in Huron County should
DEAR DORIS - Just want to
share a no-expense trip my grade
three class took with me last
week. We were-off to India with-
out budging from, our seats. My
airline sales clerk gaveme costs,
01 plane time, hour of arrival; what
to wear and pack,...the weather
and heat we would enjoy there.
What we would be eating, too;
and the kind of money there'd
We had some good:' pictures
of villages there, and people.
The boys and girls used plenty -
of imagination.. Some of them
said afterwards they got the fee- .
ling they had really been some
We Get Around
4 DEAR WE - Nothing like plant-
ing the travel bug -early. It won't
be many years before these same
youngsters will actually behead-
Put your money into our
guaranteed investment
certificates now paying o the .never-before interest
of eight and three quarter
. percent.'
be•Niltally interested in what l/aP, pens at Cpa Clinton, He urged
the county deielopment commit-
tee,- ..all county councillors and
as many representatilies as pos-
ago from each municipality to
be in attendance at the December
16 meeting in the Clinton Town
'We cannot go it alone',Garon
stated. :No community is going
to be able to progress by itself'.
He stressed the importance •
of working together for the com-
mon good of the county. !We
should start ourselves before
we are forced into it', commen-
ted Claron.
Warden James Hayter com-
plimented him on his progres- .
'rig for points east, west, and
where-have-you. Going places
and seeing things adds heaps
to 'book l'arnin' when it comes
to finding out about the world
we live in.
DEAR DORIS - Already I
consider you as a dear friend,
This 17-year-old boy is very
nice, and he's not a passing
'thing', -as yod might suspect.
He's never asked ' me out but
all I have to do is tell him
I'm baby sitting and he'll come
over and sit with me for hours:
The thing is, that we never get
sexually involved.
„ 'You see, we'll sit and hold
hands until it's time for him to
go, and then just before he leaves,
he'll kiss me shortly on ,the
forehead. He's told me that when
two young people get sexually
involved, that's when the trouble
starts, and he knows for a fact
yelopment of ulcers. The grind
may 'be ,related to the fibrous
part of the feed. Oat hulls and
sawdust .have been used expert-
:Mentally in the feed, as ,a pro-
tective device-WItliginsesuccess.
"The question is," asks Dr.Roe,
"can it be economically useful?"
Some feeding experiments in-
volve 20-30 pigs fed diets cal-
culated to produce gastric ulcers.
Individual pigs have had plastic
tubes placed in the abdominal
wall and stomach wall so that the
area of . the stomach where the
ulcer occurs may be seen and
studied. A gastro-camera is In-
troduced into the stomach so
that pictures of the stomach wall
can. be taken-and examined.
Other research workers have
found that heat-treated corn con-
tributes to ulcers in pigs whereas
those fed raw corn showed no
incidence of gastric ulcers.
• .4- slve.- thtnicing and told the dele-
katieh those were the very ideas
held by some members ofCeiln$Y
Celincil who are working toward
certain change.
Exeter Deputy-Reeve, Mery
Cudmore asked Mr. Garon what
these Development Associates
knew that was different. He was
told they are professionals from
Ottawa who have' easy access
"to every government department.
Reeve Elgin Thompson,
Tuckersmith, said his munici-
pality was in harmony with all
efforts made by Clinton to re-
activate the base just as soon
as 4t ceases to be in use 14Y
the services. -
that he,, himself, once a"-girl
got him aroused, yipouldn't just
stand up and say, 'Let's stop',
or something like that.'
Bat,' the real problem is,
my girl friends (two of them)
will come to school and tell me
how involved they got'-with 'this
same boy on Friday or Satur-
day night. Doris, what am. I
going to 'do? What if he turns
away from me if he finds out
he can get free sex from my
Would Hate To Lose Him
your cool. Treasure the fact that
he treasures you enough to keep
his distance. A boy who knows
hislimits and stays within them,
and cares enough about you to
explain himself,' deserves your
• You won't keep him by join-
ing the free-Sexers (whose story
I doubt anyway). But I don't
go for the lonely possibilities
of baby-sitting evenings. If he
slips just once he may begin
to hate himself - and you.
DEAR DORIS - Is it true
that everybody's eyes deteriorate
as-they get older? I have never
needed glasses, but now small
print is beginning to look blur-
red. I am 44:
My grandmother doesn't wear--
glasses, and she still reads the
newspaper, at 87.
Not What I Used To Be
pens with just about everybody.
There are rare cases of 'second
sight', in which a person's eye-
ball retains its youthful curve.
In most people, the eyeball tends
to flatten out, so that the point
of focus gets further and further
from the eye.
Glasses, or contact lenses,
correct this.
But you aren't the only one
who doesn't realize this. There
are others who complain they
are going blind, when all they
Here's a lightweight saw with
new design, more power, faster
cutting ... fells trees up to 5'
in diameter. Includes all the
famous Homelite professional
features. And the cost is so
low. Try it today — then cut
your way to better pr.ofits.
eople are beginni
to think Dotson
is a Canadian car
We don'I mind irpeople forget that •
I ),11,,un impnrIed ar. We've got
lok 111 dealer., to remind Them.
;rluc d I La Ihe..2(10 (ledier,
ui ( ,sodrio
4. •
the more-foryour-rnoney cars from
na.ar Deluxe Sedan arm: Wagon. /6110 and ?OM SpoylA 4.-Iy17erg Prif..,r,!(01
1,4 nnd p. iris dopot4 pl Vail, tu To1.0,110 Mortit s,11 ILtlil 11
Box 249. Corner Main Street and Hwy. a StAPORTH, ONTARIO, Tiataphona 5271010
Confidential to , Groom's
Mother - My leaflet !Ha „y the
Bride', goes into res sibility
of bride, groom, brid s family,
groom's family; and 'it is on
its way to you. .
Get your son to clue MS.
pals in on the fact that he doesn't
want a stag party, and why.
You yourself cansolve part of
the problem, by having a tea or
evening , do or your friends and
your son's .friends to meet his
bride. Not a shower, though;
no member of . either family
should give a shower.
Gastric ulcers are becoming
more widespread in swine.
Thirty -percent of swine
passing:through some. slaughter-
Rouses haveulcereOlilkDit„.C.X..4
oe, Department of ClinicafStud-.
les, Ontario Veterinary colrete.
"Most of the time the pigs
don't show any obvious signs",
explains Dr. Roe. "When ttl'e
r- trouble develops, the ulcer may
' bleed and the pig becomes anemic
and evidence of blood show,s up in
the fecal material.','
Gastric'ulcers affect both '‘e
appetite and growth of a pig. The
location of the ulcer is different
from that usually seen in humans.
It is situated in the esophageal
area of the stomach, the mus-
c,ular area just inside the
Why swine velop ulcers
is not exactly k own. Dr. Roe
suggests that it may be related
to stress. The problem is more
prevalent when pigs are 'housed
in close quarters with poor
Some researchers feel that
Vitamin E and/or selenium de-
ficiency is part 'pf the cause. Too
finely ground feed may also be a
contributing factor. Dr. Roe
points out that if pigs are fed.
coarse feed they chew-more, re-
sulting in the production of more
saliva, possibly a prOtective
Researchers at the college
are trying to study how the fine-
ness of grind affects the de-
Swine' and Humans
Share Ulcer Problem
So light
you can balance
it on one hand!
Gel a free demonstration today!
1 Mlle East of Brueefield
;Phone 527.0131
There's a legend that caw, foreign
cars aren't a `marl huv he( ause it's
hard lo get them serer( ,d and finding
parts can drive son out of our mind.
Rut Datstin is a fo*t'eign at. And
' it's a runaway hest-seller.
I I(ISS cm'? •
l'orl mild he he( anti'
!hero orie i11,11)5 I MISLIP1(10.11et',"
,110(111(1. I Ike 7t1>0 in "sihrli,i Amen< a.
2,110 ( ana(la. ked
tin Ks al)otii Isla nuhinrn (1(4,11,irc'
\\ orth r,t panic.
\VIM 111,11 kind of cuppor,t, f)atcurl
Iwo dunsri l seem like a lorrigri ear
COOMS like a naturalized--
( anadtan
14r ,r a .1a ,q,,n yct, 10e , D- inn 4 I)
n, r , /11, Nr•rth Arnr, N,,r1,1 Ator,r,