HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-04, Page 4I I i the Reil Row FRIDAY ThP.4ildw0(4s SATURDAY.— ELGIN FISCHE!t 'El'Iffertainmeni every .Thursday, F iday and Saturday in the Ladies' and EE0oorts'Beverage. Room. • Ample FT;eiz\t, Customer Parking Beverage Room Snacks Wand TV NEW YEARS EVE PARTY with Elgin Fischer and his Trio, playing for your enjoyment 9 pin. to ?? `Noisemakers Hats Balloons . • SMORGASBORD ALL, TABLES IRESERVED $10.00 Per COUPLE — Tickets Limited COMMERCIAL -HOTEL . Seaford', Ontario PLAYING THIS FRIDAY THE BLUE TONES SATURDAY ' DANNY COUGHLAN and"The, Young Canadians N v 'Year's Eve Tickets Are Available 'Pizza Patio TaVern on the Bayfield Road, Goderich Amminamniaimiimmommamosamimmw .111111111111•1111111111e Saturday Night "THE HARBURNS" CHICKSiti & CHIPS HURON HOTEL Dublin .4 0 THE HURON " EXPOSITOR Seaforth, Ontario Please enter a Subscription in the name of: Name Address From: Address El Indicate here if Gift Card ,to be sent. 0 $8.00 Enclosed. El Please bill me. 1') CHRISTMAS (.216)' _111 Ec? Th'c'it'll Last AD Year. Long! A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION lit atm Tp usitorb What would be more appreciated than all .theµ news from ,the hot s - area? The Expositor is.cis good as a letter from home • . r' • ' More News of Local and Distrist Happening's .. - • Interesting Editorials C. .,. ... _ • Money-Saving AdVertisements • Church and School News from*Surrounding -.• • Townships - •• Local and District Pictures WHEN -YOU COMPLETE YOUR GI.NIT LIST BUY YOURSELF A SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIBE NO 00 • ONLY, A YEAR - IN CANADA THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth,, Ontario Please enter a Subscription in the,fiame of: - Name Address From: • 4 Address El • Indicate here if Gift Card to be sent. q $13.00 Enclosed. 0 Nettie bill me: xpositor 1 a Shift 1860, Serving the community ript . • 40 SEAFORTH, ONT, 1, Or SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th , 9:00 --- 12:00 AT THE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE DRESS: CASUAL ADMISSION $1.00 PLEASE NOTE: SIGN UP' THIS WEEK TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL TEEN TWENTY BANQUET & DANCE Date: Saturday, December 20, 1969 • Place: Seafoilh ComMunity Centre '17,rne: 7:00 p.m. §harp, Dress: Semi - Formal • Admission: No Charge -to 'regular patrons SIGN UP AT MN DOOR TI4S SATURDAY .4• 4 J. • • • Receives Degree ' Stuart Bryans, a former resident of the Walton area, re- ceived the degree of A.R.A. (ac- credited Rural Appraiser) from the American Society of Farm • ManageFs and-Rural Appraisers. The degree was presented to Mr. EirYan's at a meeting of theSociety in Chicago on Monday. Mr. Bryans is a Credit Advisor with the Farm Credit Corporation In Sti.atford and re- sides in Mitchell. He attended an 'examination seminar of the Anferican Society in Des Moines, ,Iowa in September of this year , where he ,qualified for the degree. ' He is one of only three in 'Canada who hold the A. R. A. degree. the 'person who suffers Meat from a cold the fel- , low,workipg next to the vie- 116 • si4= WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS:. Dial .527-0210 ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY and SATURDAY - EVENING DAVE_ 'WEST tM. and The Ciltuttry Strings . Colored TV in sildehli Roots • Special All Day Frldly — STEAK - "OPEN FOR • BREAKFASTS” AT THE UEEN'S H SEAFORTH • Panel'n Of -Biafra 'ProbleM Students at ,.iGentral Huron Secondary School in Clinton are copcerned about the human suf- fering created by the Nigerian Civil War, Last week students sent a petition bearing 400 signatures, to Interpax, an Ottawa based group which declared last Thurs- day, (Biafra Peace: Day'` andpre- sented Prime Minister Trudeau petitions for peace from across •the nation. As a follow-up to that pe- tition, students at C.H.S.S., spearheaded by Dale'Gi-ay,head of the school's English depart- ment, have.set plans for a.(( For- urn on Biafra" to be held in the C.H.S.S.auditorium Monday night at 8 p.m. The forum will feature two guest speakers, Peter Worthing- , ton' and Ben Wicks, both on the staff of Toronto daily papers. and M~ teln Love Dec. 5th - In . ItlaGN cOMMVNITY HALL IIM WIlltee's Orchestra Oodles please bring lunch • An Expositor Classified will tay .y.00 dividends. Have you iled one? Dial 527-0240. roniaily . , Correspondent Mrs. Kenneth McKellar Mrs, George Wallace, Mrs. Verna Brook's accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace Car- lingfor and visited il.Iri.an.Pci Mrs, , 4:4 Gus le yl; fr o , M . Sadie Scott is a patient in SeaforkhihCdriununity Hospital. Messrs. Russell and Bruce McKellar of Buffalo, N.Y., visi- ted with relatives during the weekend. . Mrs. Kenneth McKellar re- turned home Saturday from Sea- forth Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marin- elli of Sault $te. Marie are guests of Mrs. S. Garnhant. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marin- elli, ,Sault Ste. Marie, the former Isabelle Case, were bon,. oared at the home of her sister, Miss Margaret Case at Blyth Wednesday evening on the oc- casion of their 25ttrwedding an- niversary. Mrs. Marinelli was the daughter of Mrs. 'Case and the late E.C.Case of Seaforth. They. were married by Rev. Gilbert of St. Thomas Anglican Church and since then have lived in Sault Ste. Marie. 'A family dinner was held to mark the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Marinelli have a family of four children and at present are visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. White (Susan McLean) have arrived in Spain after crossing the Atlantic on a Yugoslav freighter. They plan to spend the winter hiking around southern Europe and will stay at Youth Hostels. EUaIES Kinburn Hall' DEC. 5th & DEC. 19th at 8:30 p.m. • Ladies please bring lunch Mr, and Mrs. Harold Barry of (schadeview', Lake Huron, left this week for Madeira where they will spend the win.** ter months. Mr. and Mrs. FrankCtidInore of Waliaceburg. spent a few dayS with Miss Hazer Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith. left Sunday by plane for Key West, Florida to spend a hold- day with their daughter, Mrs. William Stevenson and Mr. Ste-- venson. Mrs. Jean Zurback of Strat-1 ford was a guest of Mrs. J. D. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Harold jacksop i left Monday to spend the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs*, David Hoover have returned from Indianapolis. J. J. Coyne and Mrs. Coyne of Port Dover are visiting in the Seaforth, Dublin area. Vincent Fariii Equipment en- tertained over 90 employees and their wives at their annual Christmas Party Tuesday at the Victorian Inn in Stratford. Several employees were pre- sented with ten year awards. The evening program included games and dancing. Every week more and more ' people discover what mighty. jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads.' Dial 527-0240. . . Worthington lq a senior political reporterler the Toronto Telegra..., and .bas spent con-_ itderable time in Biafra, cover- ing the events of the civil war from both Sides. Mr: Wicks is a cartoonist with a Toronto paper. In addit- ion to the guest peakers, a panel consisting of four area men and a moderator Will pose questions on Biafra: Panel members include Dr. Charles Moyo, of Seaforth, Robert McKinley, Huron M.P.,.Dr. Mo.r- gap Smith of Bayfield and John Cochrane, 'Director of Education of the Huron Board of Education. Panel moderator is Rev.Don- aid 'MacDonald of Northstreet United Church, Goderich. The audience is invited to participate in the discusSion and questions directed at the panel and speakers ~will be welcomedf in .1470. Following much discussion, Council ,gave approval to hire another public health inspector because it was felt that this person could carry out plumbing inspections in addition to. other regular work. When . asked what the public health insfiectors actually do to keep themselves so busy, Reeve Cuthill and Roy B. C ou-sins of Brussels told Council the inspec- tors carry out reviler .inspec'- lions on dairy farms, in eating establithments and in food pro- cessing• plants among other res- ponsibilities. Red Cross Annual The annual meeting of the Seaforth branch of the Canadian Red Cross Association ,will be held in the Carnegie Library, Friday, December 5th, at 3 p.m.-' ' Officers will be elected for the corning year. CASH. 'BINGO 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.06 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c ,or 7 fel. $1.00 • (Children under 16 not) permitted) ttlett'Vt00Mtli by Shirley J. Keller The salaries of Huron County Health Unit employees came tin- der County Council's scrutiny Friday afternoon and there was some discussion concerning the raises proposed by the Board of Health. _Medical officer '' onieatfh, Dr. G. P. -A. Evans will receive a $3.000 per annum hike bringihg his salary to $23,000..Some coun- cillors took exception to *this and asked why Dr. Evans- rated such a large increase all at lance while some of the lolitler salaried staff were taking a much Smaller raise. • cit seems to me that's making the rich richer and the poor poorer', stated Reeve Allan Campbell, McKillop. Chairman of the Board, Reeve Wilmer -Cuthill, Seaforth, told Council the Board had reached this agreement with Dr. Evans after serious diScussions. The .doctor maintained that his col- leagues in this area are snaking between $30,000 and $50,000 an- nually in private practices the Reeve said. It was also pointed out that certain employees,,of the Huron Discuss Health Board Salaries 'Couirty Board of Education with -no more qualifications than Dr. Evans are earning considerably ,more than $23,000 per year. 'Public-Health doctors are not „„Legion Hall, Seaforth .foaind .eitheri it :was terested in keeping Dr. Evans r ah d, And he' COtinty was la- Friday, -Dec• 5th on staff for some time to come. 'I'm. not in favor of releasing a man ,experienced , in Huron County andd then hiring some- body new for the same salary or more', said the Warden. ' Supervisor of Public Health Nurses, Mrs. C. M. Elias, will receive $8,560 up from $8,000 'this year. Salaries for the rest of the nursing staff range from $6,700 to $7,7.00 for public health nurse, aursei $ , $64,4 ,22050forag for "registeredreist Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 tered nurse's assistant and Royal Canadian Legion. $24.50 to, $26.50 per day• for Proceeds for Welfare Work part-time staff. William 'Empey, Chief Pub- lic Health Inspector was raised ., from $6,,000' per annum to $8,560. James Pinder and John Kerwin will each receive $7,500 per annum with Richard Dodds earn-. ing $6,500. )• 1: The Board of Health sought approval to engage a non-public health inspector to carry out plumbing inspections- plus nee es- Sary inspections of septic tank and tile bed installations Pro- vided the latter two items were under the supervision of a pub- lic health inspector. or to hire ,another public health „inspector • SEAFOIITH TEEN TWENTY esents The Movement fl * a lb a , c • 4' 4. 1 * • •