HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-12-04, Page 3eFrri • DEL MONTE TOM DAD'S COOKIES, ALLEN'S —, 48-oz tins APPLE JUICE MI THE BARGAINS t WERE NEVER BETTER! t FOR HIM "Wear the skates the' Pros.' wear" Bauer Skates SKATE EXCHANGE Bobby Orr Autographed Skates BLACK. PANTHER vi% SKATES ALL SIZES New and Used Skates We accept Trade-ins U FOR HER SELECT SNOWBOOTS and other WINTER FOOTWEAR For the Whole Family A cornplete line of First Quality BAUER FIGURE SKATES AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES L 11111111111$11 /1111111111111111111111111H11111111111,111111/0 For Coupons '-4 •-• , 4 -,_ .: , Nu_ inianumairaiamoiffiiievoill4iii '• "Whir. Satiiraction is Guaranteed" SEAFORTH PHONE 527-0690 We now have the serv- ices of a qualified tech- nician to render you prompt h n d efficient service to all makes of television, radio, hi-fl and record players. CONTEMPORARY SOFA-BEDS Converts to double bed effortlessly. A beautiful chesterfield by day, a comfortable bed by night. Att.gilinabov ummi••••••••••w ' ELEGANCE and DUALITY by OLD CRAFT FURNITURE CO. LTD. _ 3 BEAUTIFUL 7-PCE. t DINETTE ,SETS I Walnut Veneers spd selected h.orchvocg Gots sliding door on hUtch. Plote on shelves Buffet 'size 70x18x30 hig Hutch 487,12},43'6" high, High bit choirs, Your choice of readem decorot colours Ai t!- Ailar. .75 Mr.,Slumber—Amizing 3 In Unit Beds ice This Space Saving Tnindle Bed On Display At This Store! 1 — A DIVAN 2 — A SINGLE BED 3 — A DOUBLE BED Without th, 930 Slipcovers "I Sli‘pVc:Ifters 1 3 930 CHTRISTNIVI - SSW $14'W•• QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON PO TATOES Q. How shou'd potatoes be sto-red?" A. Potatoes should be stOred in a cool, park, well-ventilated place: Q, what is the best way 'of boiling potatoes? A. To retain most of their nu- tritive value, potatoes should be boiled wl ,ole with their skins on in a small amodrit of water. They shouldn't be overcooked. Q, Are potatoes fattening? ' A. Itts a common fallaCy that t potatoe a:e fattening. Cin,1 .ne- diutn p tato supplies about 100 calories, about the-sa.me number of calories as a 'large apple. It's the ' batter or gravy you put on them that adds calories. Q. How often should potatoes be eaten? A. Canada's Food Guide recom- mends, at least one servinrof potatoes a "c163r, as they are im- portant sources of vitamMs and minerals, Q. Are potatoes graded? A. Potatoes are gradAlit a‘sor- ding to provincial regulations 4f they are sold within the pro- vince in wnich they are growl,. There are federal grades foi: potatoes that, are shipped inter- provincially or exported PAatoes are graded accor- ding to size, shape, maturity„.. and relative freedom from dirt,' blemishes, lase or injury. The federai g des are Canada No. 1, Canada No.I large and Canada No. 2. Q. Wharpotatoes are often re- ferred to as the Idaho type? A. The Netted Gem vai-lety, ol- ten called Russett Bt. rbank, is -referred to as the Idaho type of potato. It is an excellent baking _ pptato. . Questions on the buyirig and , using of Canadian foods may be directed to Food Advisory Ser- vices, Canada Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. BRIEFS Mr..and Mrs. 0,J.Smithy An- caster. spent the week- dnd with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling. Mr. and Mrs. R.A,Walters of Dundas spent a few days with' Mrs. „las. E. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stahl of Detroit were guests of her sister Mrs. Andrew Houston and Mr. HouSton of Egmondville, teeineaseeieweeteiss olietassweemeseetwwwill Dublin PTA TURKEY December 5th 12 Regular Gaines 3 Specials eireeee...errerriorierier,eleareessee GINGERICH h WES, L=ne Did :!itiRPN!'.tXtCPAOC!It.4' 5g4F9RTtit Otit: VOliiiii011.100.1011011W04,1;1101001101 " F.917 0.1.Ze oiiporiS poiticiOating merci.4/0„. WHAT'S THAT r YOU SAY? This Dorset horn ewe isn't really listening to its lamb. But one advantage it has „over other sheep is its ability to breed at any time. Quite often lambs are produced twice in the same year. These lambs were born early in November. and will probably be reared for the Easter market. The Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food reports that in 1966 thel-e •were 114,000 lambs under one,..3 year in Ontario. The over-all number of steep and. lambs totalled 262,000. . 64 James' ,Pari§K.W11.4Agt Tuesday, in the 6F11601 Rev. Fr. 1-.I.J.Laragli the IR eeting with the'Leag,ue prq- er.liepOrts were "given th0 various officerA. MrS,JOhn Flan- nery, president, thanked all the conveners, and all who helped, to ke the bazaar and tea, .a su ess, ' " Parish visitors for the month of December are.Mrs,Peter Jan- sen and Mrs. Tries Kelly and all the members are urged to visit during January. Mrs.M.c. Swartz proposed' no meettngfie held in January and Mrs. Harold Maloney and Mrs. James -Kelly that donatigns be sent to the Development nd ace Fund and -the Diocesan ca anal Fund, the December projects/ Mrs. Joseph Devereaux and Ni rs.J,McC onnell proposed that a treat for the school children be given at Christmas. Mrs. James • Kelly purchase of gifts for the 'shut-ins of the parish' at Christmastime. This also include's the League's adopted Grandfather at Westmin- ster Hospital in London. Rey. Fr. H.Laragh thanked all who had contributed ,to the success of the bazaar and ex,c tended his best wishes and . Christmas blessings. After the meeting Mrs.Alite Stiles acted as "Auctioneer" and a few remaining articles of cloth- ing from the "Sewing Booth" at the Bazaar wee auctioned. Mrs. Joseph McCbnnell played Christ- mas Carols, on the piano during an exchange of gifts. • Sixty teeeherq of the Huronr Perth unit of the Ontario Eng- lish Catholic TeacherS' ASSoC- iation met in St. Tatnea Separate School, Seaforth, for their first meeting ,this term. SisterShirley of Dublin presided for the busin- ess nieetling, Mrs. Celeste Mc- Creight. Dublin, is secretary fog the-unit which has a rnemberatap of 130 , teachens from acrosS Huron and perth Counties. paid Martin,..--Owen Sound. president Of District 2, 0.E.C.T. A., brought greetings rom his district and reminded the teach- ers their association is a pro- fessional organization. Com- plaints should be put in the form Of a resolution and submitted through the local unit to the Ontario Association for the an- nual meeting to be held in Tof- onto in March. A complaint was voiced at the meeting concerning the make- up 'Of the Economic Policy Com= m,ittee (salary negotiating com- mittee). Sistet Shirley elcplained that the committee' tiad to 'be set up to meet a deadline from head office and hence the mem- bers were appointed. She prom- ised in the spring the mernliers di the committee would be elect- ed at an open meeting for the next term. Anothe!vomplaint made was that a principal's relief had to- re,09.P4tiP,R a. ; 41Q• 4„4.1,045, ttte.'§atte as a .fellr,t/tne Fol- ./OW/11g 4 diScossion %ger rey suggestetl 4 resolution be prepared to eoyer the situation and. it.WOUld he submitted.. Following dinner at the i,egion Hall, reports were given of the lEith annual confere,..ce on Christ- ian Curriculum Devel .pm ent held earlier this fall in To. to. "We want to share with you .what we got out of the ,conference, re- ported the chairman of the panel ' giving the reports, Brian Mor- rissey, Stratford. Miss Beatrice Malone. Stratford, and Sister Mary Carmel of Kinkora were the other members of the panel. Mass was celebrated follow- ing the panel discussion. The members returned to the Legion for a cheese and wine party. . 0.4•11,11•••••••••••••4,111.••••••••••••••••••••••*.M. Llie Ekpositor Want - Ads. Phone 527-0240 • ORANGES, 163's EXCELLENT QUALITY CARROTS - - OATMEAL - SHORT ZAKE • cHoc BACON - CALIFORNIA NAVEL scHnigtomrs sIdE ENOS OF OF 001,1 LOW FOOD PRICES! . CHIP lbsi 39c 4 0 JUICE CHEESE 48-oz. tin 16-oz. 45c 3 for$1 lb. 79c S uggest New Ways With Potatoes STOKELT1S — 12-oz. tins Although not 'as glamorous looking as many of its color- ful cousins, the potato has -the highest commercial value of all our Canadian-grown vegetables, And -yet it is one of the least expensive foods and so often taken for granted. 'Potatoes in the bag' are the mid's,: economi- cal bulk They supply valuable vitamins add minerals wiiich are not found in rice and pastas. If yo' would like to treat your family to potatoes served in delicious new wdy8, why, not try the se recipes tested and •teee".11te Sea forth Jewellers for DIAMONDS and all your CH ISTMAS cwr- approyed ,.by • home economists of the Canada Department of Agriculture? They maybe served as a supper dish or to accom- pany meat:, potato Pepper Bake' is a new scalloped potato dish and 'O'Brien' potatoes are a variation of fried potatoes, 'Pota- toes and Sour Cream' are deli-, — cious with cold or hot meat. 'Potato Pork Bake' is a good supper dish for cold wather meals. Aslo included are tasty, variations for Stuffed Baked Po- tatoes. Patato Pepper Bake. Saute 3/4 cup diced green pepper 2 to 3. minutes. Add to 3 cups diced, cooked potatoes and place ,in greased baking dish. Season with salt 'and, pour . ,1/4 cup m' lk over .the, top. Bake uncovered at, 409 - 510.4,,,ruilt.* thogoughlr, kheat•et about tO l t5 ifi4;nutes.WrInkle with gpted 'cheddar cheese and continue baking , until cheese melts. 6-servings. Potatoes and Sour Cream. parboil 6 medium diced "pota- toes about 3 minutes, then dot . with butter, cov•or and ,•ook ,un- til tedder. Combine 1/2 pint sour '•creani with a little flour'and salt and acid to po atoes. S.rniner 5 minutes Sprinkle with paprika before serving. 6 servings. Potato pork ,Bake. Saute 1/2 cup- each ,of Chopped onion, diced celery and carrot with 1 crushed clove of garlic. A-Id 1 pound minced pork and brown. Season with salt, pepper, thyme and chopped parsley. Cover and simmer in 1/2 cup tomato juice for 10 minutes. Turn mixture into greased' casserole and top with mashed potatoes. Bake at 375 deg? F. until golden brown, about 20 minutes. 4 to 6 servings. 'O'Brien Pr.,tatoes: Mix cooked diced -potatoes wlth chopped onion';--salt, pepper and chopped ajCsl Prev. 11-C1.61ure ftrinly down 'Tfi' large. but eyed. 'frying pan. Cook, uncovered, until br ed on bottom, 10 to 15 minutes. Turn and continue coo- king until other side is•Prowned, abodt 10' minutes. 6 servings. Stuffed Baked potatoes. Cut a slice from top ,of, each potato and scoop out center, leaving intact. Mash potato Wl.tti butter. pepper, Salt and Milk until light and fluffy. Variations: Add fried and crumPled bacon and sliced, sadteed mushrooms, or Add grated cheddar cheese ald chopped green onion, or Add 1 cup diced cooked meat, 112 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce and 2 tablespoons each of mayon- naise, chopped onion add chopped parsley for 6 baked po'zatpes, Fill shells and reheat in ,a 400 deg.F. oven, about 15 minutes. gOt. these ties for my birthdoy. I think them 10 somebody for Christmas!" GmFFRENH's OFFERS STORE-WIBE zwich 0a OlittillitiNG NOME FURNISHINGS KERNEL ,CORN - 4 for 79c iirilisiiEiNNAi,D 14-oz., 5 'for t1 INNIGAN'S EGMONDVILLE