HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-27, Page 18°Ole dcm $1.00 size 180's The Very Finest Grade Chiquita Ittand NANAS NEW CROP OF NAVEL ORANGES F ding Bell Telephone CROiWykRTY Form Committee for Sports in Filibb4ri- C Correspondents Mrs. Bob Cronin Miss Monica Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Don Coyne and Pat, London, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bitters and Danny, Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dantzer Toronto, with relatives to the area on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Don Meugge, Woodstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke. Miss Kathleen Stepleton, Kit- chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cronin and family with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Masse and family in Zurich on Sunday. . STAFfA Correspondent Mrs.JoIrin Templemar. A reception in Russeldale Hall on November 8th celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur 'Miller's fifty-third wedding anniversary and the tweaty,fifthwedding an- niversary of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs: Ken Duncan of Kirkton. Over one hundred relatives and friends enjoyed an evening visiting and dancing to the music Supplied by Nelson Howe's Or- chestra. Guests were present from ' London, Exeter, Detroit; Warren Mil:higan, Stratford, Staffa, St. Marys and surround- ing area. Prior to the reception a turkey dinner was held in the Hick's House, Mitchell. Those present were Mi. and Mrs. Gilbert z Duncan and Miss MaryGardiner, Exeter and the immediate Duncan and Miller fanillies. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce oyle and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller 'of Warren, Mich. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller and family. St. C lurnban elected new offic rs at the Annual Meeting wh Father Oostveeif opened with prayer. president Joseph Nolan presided and Robert Duffy read minutes. The' treas- urer's report was given by Mrs. John Shea and thank you notes were read, by Mrs. Raymond Murray. ^ Mrs. Len O'Rourke, chairthan of the nominating committee assisted by -Mrs. Lou O'Reilly brought in the new slate of officers. President t• Joe Visser, First Vice President - William Albert, ler cording Sec- retary - Mrs. Jack Ryap; Cor- responding secretary - Mrs. Raymond Murray, Treasurer - A sports organization to serve the south part of Hibbert Township was forrhed at an en- thusiastic meeting in Staffa Hail Monday evening. The meeting elected a sports coin m ittee including President- Lloyd Cameron; First Fice - Eldon Allan, SecoreLyice - John Wallace; Secretary - James Miller; Treasurer - John Scott. The committee will aid in the establishment of sports and look after provision of facilities. ub committees will be in charge f wintersports and finances. The winter sports committe includes; Bill Taylor; Harold Every week more and more people discover, what,rnighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads, Dial 527-0240. St. Patrick's School, Dublin, were successful' in the contest held last year by The Education- al :ABC's of Industry. The following won prizes: Hand- writing - Sharon McLaughlin - $1.00; Rhonda Ferguson $1.00; Colleen Rowland $1.00; Mary Anne O'Rourke $1.00. Projects - Sharon McLaugh- Mrs. John Shea, Programme Committees Mrs. 'Jean Van Drunen and Len O'Rourke. Re- tiring president - Joe Nolan thanked everyone for their co- operation during his' term in office. A turkey bing6 was plan- ned for December. Guest speaker' for the meeting was James M. Scott of Seaforth who showed glides of a trip he had taken •bo Germany, Switzer- land and Rely and told details of his trip, Courtesy remarks were. made by Mrs. Richard Downey. Lunch was served by Mre. 'Tom Kale and the lunch committee. A mystery prize was won by Mary Ann Nolan of St. Columban. Parsons, Laverne Wallace, Johnnie Templeman and Jim Mil- ler. . On the finance subcommittee are: Bill Taylor, Harold Parsons, Jim Miller, Laurie McKellar, John Scott, Laverne Wallace, Gordon Laing, John Templeman, Carlyle Meikle, Hughie Mc- Caughtney, Lloyd Cameron and Eldon Allan. The possibility of holding a dance was discussed as was the building of a ball diamond in the central part of the township. Members of the Dublin and District Athletic Association were in attendance and told of the accomplishments in Dublin. They invited anyone interested to attend a family skating night in Seaforth Arena on Thursday, November 27 from 8 to 10 p.m. Another meeting will be held Monday, December 1st. lin $10.00; Geraldine Reynen $3.00. The purpose of the program, is to afford an opportunity for students .to gain an insight ,into the way in which different in- dustries operate. Some of the industry stories included are:. automobile, salt, paper, steel', credit, silverware, tea, etc. One representative only from anyone particular product classification, sponsors the story of their pro- duct or service. Careeeestories are also ,carried. The program fits principally into the social studies areas although handwrit- ing plays an important part. The best work is sent in as possible prize winners. The Eucattonal ABC's of Industry is designed completely for use in school and is available only to teachers. A teacher orders a free book for each pupil in the class . 'Those industries spOnsoring pages make the program possible. • A great deal of enjoyment and a real opportunity "to learn by doing" is possible for those students, who participate. 'Thou- sank of -entries are sent in from every province. • In many instances this program provides the only op- portunity for a great many young students to really become ac- mrainted with our leading in- dustries and their operations from raw materials on through to finished products and marketing. The Dublin Catholic Woirian's League were hosts to. a Bell Telephone night sponsored bythe comiray 'bri Wednesday:' This event was attended' by both young and old. A film 'en- titled, "Beyond All Barriers" was shown and Bill Moselem ;from Goderich gave a brief resume of the Company. if Dance A Success on Friday evening in the Brod- Association held another dance The• Dublin and area Athletic hagen Hall"with all proceeds to go towards the building of an outdoor rink in town. All those in attendance" enjoyed them- selves. The Athletic Association has arranged for skating the Seaforth day evening. skating one. Hockey activity will rink in Dublin is ready for use. Among the many inventions Bell has come up with vary from the transistor to the lazor. A private enterprise Bell is owned by shareholders of which 95% are Canadialf owned. The company employs approximately 37,50Q people. Other representatives were introduced ,and each reviewed his position with the Company. A question and answer period followed . Smiles . • * Phil; "Did my wife speak at the meeting yesterday?" Henry: "r don't know your Wife, but there was a lady who rose and said she couldn't find words to express her feeling." Phil: "That wasn't my wife," "He's the very image of met" exclaimed the proud, new father. "Well, Joe," gently replied his friend, "I wouldn't worry about it, so long as he's healthy." Classified Ads pay dividends. Corre'sporident ' IvIrt.Ken WONelier The Merlon Ritchie Auxiliary met in the basement of the church with Mrs. Bob Laing presiding. Mrs. Gordon Scott. read the scripture.' Mrs.. Larry Gard- iner led in meditation, Mrs. • Bob Laing followed with prayer. Mrs: Bev. ,Taylor had the topic, "How People, Get Along With Their Handicap". Mrs. John Templeman had the study book. The meeting• closed with the Lord's Prayer. A Talent Sale held after the meeting realiled ,35.00. * Mr. and Mrs. Murray Eg- gertt, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Worden, Suzan and Darrell, Kitchener wip Mr. and Mt s. Alex Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Gardiner visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marquardt, Janet and David, Exeter. Mr. Alex Walker, Yukon Territories, spent a day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Otto Walker. Mr. and Mxs. JaCk Cock- Dashwood, with Mr. arid Mrs. Otto Walker. STAFFORD ' ( 19-oz. tin 49 JAMS 24-oz. jar 49° •••••-•••••••". FACELLEVOYALLE ColorAgespph Kaleondent Mrs. On Saturday evening a number of friends and neighbours gather- ea at theliOrrie of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ilicknell to honour Mrs. Minnie Malone, prior to her moving into her new home at St. Coltrinban. Euchre was played with -prizes for high score going to Mrs.* Bob Murray and Peter V.an Drtnien. Low score prizes nwenent to Mrs.' Peter Van Drunen and John Shea. was .Followingi.aeal b a-y cardsrrse.seFnrtaaantnicoin sof ia ck address d _ platform rocker was made by Francis Bicknell and Lewis Coyne, and a wrist watch was presented by Mrs. Lewis Coyne: With these gifts to the guest of honour went the best wish of all present. The following is the address: Dear Minnie, We've ' come to a party right here on the line, Where there's laughter and fun most any old time. We've played some cards for as surprise. vreilsye . prize And now we come to our big 'Tis Minnie we honour before, she departs, To live in St. Colurnban '''not far from our parts. She'll have a pew house to her great delight, And we "hope to visit her there some night. Now, Minnie, we won't all come in a bunch, Arid we do expect you'll make us a lunch. please she* us around to all the corners, We knew you well, so do the honours. To add tq your pleasure in the. new home, we ask you to accept this gift of ours and we sincerely • wish you many years of health and happiness In the midst of family, friends and neighbOurs. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters and family, Guelph, visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Metal:1y. - Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith and children, Acton, with ,Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stapleton and Paul, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray. Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dalton, Stratford, visited Mrs. J. L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Du- charme spent , the week -end in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy and family, Elect Officers For St Coluinban PTA Name . Winners In School Contest the week The Arena week for There the open the next youngSters. continue until every will and facilities Thurs- be in TOWELS FILL YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST WITH CHERRY PIE' FILLING RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY 2 Roily,' T. Pack FACELLE ROYALE — 3-ply FACIAL ,TISSUES'. 3 p....88 GBuythecFoodGBargainqieat jniliation d 0 ooreoverin e Luxury- if-2.. -4) "rift of 1)i$1' . aim) TIMEX WATCHES 20% '.OFF . Eg. 12.95 Watch now costs $10.40 SAMSONITE LUGGAGE Reg. Value 24.95 SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER PIECES cost $183 }Tour only Here's a timely opportunity to buy the Most luxurious home gilt of di!' o Carpeting for then most important rooms in the house. completely in- stalled in time for Christmas! !Pool pile_ broadloom in '12 fashion colors. Resilient deep thick carpeting that springs back at -every step. Gilt luxury for many years to come! from 9.95 Sq. Yd. TOP QUALITY BOUND -FLOOR MATS A Regular 7.50 Value FLOOR MATS SAMSONITE- CARD TABLE & • CHAIRS Reg: 64.50 Value For Only Now Only $5.95 $49.95 is • MAPLE LEAF — 1 lb. pkg. 1'1 Bring your films to us .for devel- oping and receive one film free for each film brought In. RAP-RITE BRAND itifAXPER- 4 pkg s.' 1100 onfoff FILMS BACON lb. 8 MAPLE -LEAF WIENERS 2 lbs. $ DUBLIN 454420 -