HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-27, Page 144 CIGARETTES COMPACT REGULAR KING ,LUXURY $4.29 • $4.39 • $4.49ctn. $4,79 ctn. ctn. . ctn. EVERY DAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES - CONSUMERS ONLY . -WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 -0,!.../.•.1....1••••••.00,0•10.•••••••••••..-•!i •fflon• CURITY BABY POWDER ONE-A-DAY, 1005 Multiple Vitamins CHILDREN'S, 100s 'Chewable Vitamins 77' 69' SAVE 40c SPEC. 59' 80c SPEC. $2•99 SAVE $1 .99 SPEC, 99 ° SAVE , BRYLCREEM SAVE King Size Tube 42c SPEC. PALMOLIVE 24-oz., liquid, giant SAVE 20c SPEC. Yardley. F aberge' \'7 O han n Th ei e Wind ri C .Evening in 5 Paris Prince illatchabelli ox Him • s OTHE:somfjARBAuAi tEEB:esATESKLutc:Aerep:Etayi ter:: Lyv AT RDLE BLACK BELT TEAK CITATION BEL by • Christmas Confectionery • RANGES 30" Range, Model 35175, with self- cleaning oven. Reg. value $474.00, Buy this Demonstrator for only CHRISTMAS-L-i TREES or Blue ' are fire- Your choice of Scotch Pine Spruce, these attractive , trees proof and long lived. • • • • P, ••••• ••• 19" & 20" Portabk TV's Choice of quality GE portables in a variety - of models from $ 791100 SEE OUR COLORED OR • BLACK AND WHITE FLOOR MODELS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING AO% DISCOUNT on all Christmas Cards, Wrappings, Ribbons etc. During. November Only 0 P AR Acy M 1 Seaforth • Phone 5274990 M. E. HOOVER, Phm.B. 0 -,•,-.•••-•• -a• BUY. THIS DELUXE GE' PAIR FOR $ ONLY Check the features on this CGE dryer. It has permanent press and time set- tings, air fluff settings, safety start button, But the most amazing feature is the price on, this budget - mind- ed dryer. •I • •14%•''' .0• 1•'•00r. Reg'$1•d9 Value • LADY PATRICIA SAVE 70c SPEC. 79; 2 Main Street, Seaforth HAIR SPRAY REG. OR FIRM Health & Beauty Aids Spirit of Christmas Spreads Its Joy GIFTS' for EVERYONE .e- 1 \ M !NC 'Merry Christians. one 'and all." With this simple and sin- cere greeting, all the warmth and excitement of Christmas reaches its' peak. In this community. as 'in cities and tovins throughout the nation and around the world, days and weeks of list - making , gift-shopping, home- decorating, party-planning and Christmas-program-re- hearsing are re:lolling a hap- col!motttion, Families gather. Sai': en- ters, church bells ring Christmas arrives! Every year, Christmas seems to generale more eager anticipation, here and every- Where, with earlier and more enthusiastic planning -- ap- propriately, fur part of the, spirit and the joy of Christ- mas Is in the planning. The spirit' of Christmas • starts with thoughtfulness, It begins in the hearts of each of u.s. It grows with a hope. a wish' a prayer. It :shows itself, outwardly. in such manifestations as merry songs and bountiful gifts, and to the festive dec- orations and gliwing lights now adorning local streets and stores, houses and churches. It expregses itself, most deeply. in _private devotions and in special services such as those scheduled by local churches. It is a spirit abJunding in legend and lore, in customs and traditions honored through the years. And most of all, it is the spirit of rev- erence and joy tha,p0shep- herds And wise men kneW. To capture that spirit is-ttr- keep Christmas truly and well, for it enriches all the things this wonderful season stands for. For Children • o Christmas is for children. Candies and cookies and all those holiday goodies, trees gaily adorned and brightly lighted, Santa'S 'lick _stuffed with surprises - all these I tongs are platun d and pre- pared just for the children. Or at 1;2ast, so the grov, n- ups say. and who's to doubt them? In a still more special way, Christmas is for children. The manger scene in homes and churcheS ever reminds us that the Child born in Bethlehem was He who later said, --Sufferdittle children to 4:ome un',0 nie." Tor Rejoicin'g Christmas is for rejoicing. Since first the herald angels sang, this rejoicing hag most often found expression iti music and song. "Glory to Cod in the high- est, and on earth peace, good will toward men," the awij2,els sang. Now as in earliest bales. the spirit of joy and wonder echoes anew in the hymns and yawls of Christ mas. • For Giving Christmas is for giving, The eagerness of children waiting for Santa,, lie? ex- cited plotting and tanning that goes into the • choosing and wrapping of gifts, the packages heaped beneath the tree Nippily symbolize the spirit of Christi-11as. Even as the _Wise Men gave of their most precious treas- ures, to honor Him, so people give generously at Christ-. mss, and true generosity stern's from thoughtfulness giving with open., heart as well as Open hand. For :Sharing Christmas is fur sharing. Thus giving to the less for- tunate is a traditional part of the Christmas spirit. Joy grows through shar- ing, says the holiday mes- 'sage, and sharing is most blessed when it extends not only to those near and dear but to those known only through their need. For Greetings ,•••• Christmas continues as it begins, with "Merry Christ- - mas, 'one and all." And as long as the spirit of this cheerful greeting prevails, Christmas never really ends. Yes, Christmas is for greet- ings, to family, friends and neighbors. -Me.rry• Christ- mas, one and all," we say, and the _spirit of Christmas litres forever in the words. In just this spirit, today's edition of this newspaper is one-big Christmas card, filled,. with greeting's from the bush- ' ness firms of the community, who take the opportunity to say, "Meri'y ChristMas, one and all," with special thanks to their pati'Ons and friends. President Urges Unity 4' .,THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV, , 1969 niillariZ'i-AN-21-211-24414i-kblikaart-Dataltall-li-DblatagNAN-2 on the HRISTMAS TREE 2 by - NEILSEN'S BLAC K MAGIC SMILES 'N CHUCKLES English Toffee, Nuts and Cocktail Mixes • 0 , e .'••• In, his first announcement ( as president of The Ontario F :Aeration of Agriculture, Gordon L. Hill of Varna says that "for tat tners there is no power without unity" Mr. Hill stressed that the CFA "must assume the offen- sive,, decide what policies farmers want, then stand firm for them and work .diligently to have them implemented," He want on to point out that "meeting's will be set up with county groups and repre- sentatives of service memoers." "We must ensure that we are working 'to help them in the way they feel they need help"; he emphasizes. 2 The new' Federation leader calls for (1) the service member program to be "improved, changed and _expanded to fit the varied needs of farmers"rand (2) for the existing relationships "between , threct mmaers, county or township organizations and the OFA"-to, be improved Mr. Hill said that if the Federation is to provide the ser- vices that the .Jommoditygroups, 4 0 counties and IndiVidual mem- bers need they must offer ideas and po • and proposals." "They must explain what service they require and how we can bast provide them," he adds. The. Pleatire Pair WASHER - DRYER by Canadian General Electric The name is your guarantee'' on this de- luxe washer-dryer combination. Check the many features and compare. This is a gen- uine value. MOBILE MAID DISHWASHER Multi-level washing action includes: Model 13572 * Power Shower — effectively sprays wash water downward. Power Arm — aggresive, swirl-around action gives sparkling, Spotless dishes, silverware and glassware. * --Flushaway Drain liquefies soft food particles and pumps them away. * Self-clean- ing; 600 watt Calrod Heater; Full width chrome handle * Dimensions: 34" high, 212/1" wide, 273/4 " deep. Regular $339,00 Buy This • $ Lli)emonstrator Now At SMALL APPLIANCES Wide variety of small appliances, in eluding heaters, toasters, fry pans, lamps, mixers, hair-dryers, etc. Christmas Lights — Decorations Wide selection of lights for inside and,out- - side decorating, Replacement bulbs in many$ '1 colors! See the new mini-lights in strings of * SO twenty, as low, as - - LIIVIIMMINSINIIIII/A1111111111,1111111111,1111/1/ Ink WE'RE. Win,A-Prize 169 FRANK KLIN Ask US ( •L -tai LIMITED Kati CoiiPertg • *-11 Phone 6274320 Seaforth, OYER 8/6! • 4.39 Carton Reg. 4.49 Carton Kings Soinethilig to Please Everyone on your List! • ElectriC Razors - Watches Wallets --. Cameras Bulbs --•-• Playing' Cards His and Her Bru h and Mirror Set • W.M.S. Meets In McKillop Firs`: Church w,m s. met at_the home of Mrs. Francis Coleman. The President Mrs. James Keys, welcomed guests and m..nti3ers and opened the meeting with a poem. Mrs. Belle Campbell offered prayer. Min- utes were read by Mrs. Robert McMillan in the absence of the secretary , • Mrs., John Thcimpsath A donation w?.s preSented to the W.M.S. from the family of the late Mrs. 'AitcheSon Who wa's a faithful inember.Themee- ting agreed to send rased cic4 hing' to Huronyiew al Clinton. The Holiday Wheels are to beibrought in. at the December )Meeting. Areading by Mrs, Francis Coleman on 'Communion' Was given. Mrs. Jack VibMpsion, the group leader took charge of the devoliona.1 when Mrs. John Mc- 9regor contributed a plane solo I Englem an's Awakening Song'. 'What a Friend we have in.Tesust was sung and the Scripture Des- son was taken from Acts 20: ver es L4-36. Mrs. Jack Thomp- son) gave the ,Meclitation of the Cha ter anCseverkl of the ladies read reference verses from the otbte pertaining to thet' topio. , Mrs, Kos ov 0 e .courtesy r4triarkS and led in prit.r.ir ,,