HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-20, Page 8:41/4 • • GIRL'S Party Tyme DRESSES Arrived Just in Time for Christmas Giving! „ GIRL'S Co-ordinated Sets Siiesi 7-14 Pink or Green Check • ! Reg. value from 5.98 NOW 'r1 • ,7•••.1 M '1 "•• tIse,Our Layaway Plan FREE DELIVERY ON REGVLAR ITEMS AMI•Olit • ' ' -47jp '" . — • - hiou' 0051 '40100 a. V• / • !!..74 '1111001' :4` HAW)!, 1111144 •111114:'t •r' *kr • '1111310111 IMO" V'69 M.P. 26 kof tanta' * • me t 1 •••tr--- 5-122 N Party Dresses ra X<"• ir d The 0\1 ight cene - Stealers Pretty as a picture . . . you in our gala holiday dresses! A great selection of assorted styles in pinks, blues and silver. Sizes 7-15 ••• • .• 1 4.00 to 17.00 GIRLS DRESSES Fall Styles & Colors Size§ 4-12 4. • Sizes: • S, M - XL C,oppertone and Spice CASH YOUR BABY BONUS AT. STEDMAN'S and become eligible it a $10.00 or $15.00 MERCHAMIIS VOUCHER 4 • 1' 0 • DI for the younger ser- in a beauiiful array of velvets, velvets• and lace and bonded glit ers! sides 4 tto 1.4 Priced from .98 ,1 1•":!,01,-,25A0111!"1.04 1,a• -•!! 41,4!".41,07/ 471 -.. • 3;77 - • STEDMAN'S LER Phone 527-0070 444 4 4,(C! 7:1.77 .71 ChM • SO "'IMP MI IMP MN JUMPER SKIRT SLIMS - VESKET BLOUSE - 7.98 5.98 7.98 6.98 4.98 MN III NM OBITUARY • MRS, J, 11, V ARDY • Funeral services for the late Mrs. J.H.Vardy were held" in Port Dover United Church On Senday. Mrs. Vardy, the wife of a former minister of Egmondville United church, died in Simone Hospital following a long illness. She, is-survived by her husband and two sons, George, of Toronto and Robert, at home. - • Mr. and Mrs. Vardy left Seaforth for Port Dover five Years ago where Mr. Vardy has served as minister of the Port Meter United Church. AN ACRE . . . No e aren't showing a whe a of bulls, but we e showi the bulls at keep our are of build- ings busy . . . at ,UNITED BREEDERS inc. OPEN HOUSE November 17 - 22, 24 - 29. HURON COUNTY DAY IS NOVEMBER 24th Come,in and see the lat- . est hi housing, process- ing, storage etc. You'll find us three miles north of Guelph oh 144 No. 6. reederd iljci .t• someone (years younger than you) has been dropping Christmas ,hints that have you - cotifused, take heart. You'll find":arbie's Friend, Fa. " and "Ti Busy Builder Set, with lizgl Man and "Matt Mason'and the XRG-1 Re-Eniry Glider" at these Mattel Christmas Rol Centre dealers: STED MAN'S MAIN STREET, SEAF:ORTII! Just look for this sign on their toy-display windows. GFun ntre • vaistail, .; • • '0 7 Gordon L. li ill, 43, 'of Varna in Huron County, is the now President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.The election took place during the OFA's annual convention in Toronto rist week. Thp theme of the three- day affair was 'Road to the ‘70's,.. ..Drive or Be Driven'. • The two new vice-presi- dents of the OFA are Frank Wall of Poi Burwell in Elgin County and gth Matthie of Algonquin in Gr•enville County. TI:: remaining new mem- bers of the executive include Bruce Taylor from Enniskillen in Durham County, Malcolm Davidson from arucefleld and Delder Bennett from Forres- ter's Falls in Renfrew County. Mr. Hill succeeds Charles G, Munro 'of Embre as OFA President. Mr. Mbnro con- tinues as President .of the, Canadian Federation of Agri- culture afid as a Vice-Presi- dent of the International Feder, ailon of Agricultural Produc- ers. He is the second-man in the history of theFederation to gain three consecutive one- year .terms as OFA leader. The new OFA President a hog' and cash-crop producer, farms in partnership with his married son: Together they manage about-700 acres of white beans and barley, although the bulk of their operation in- volves hogs. . Mr. Hill has been active in farm organizations for about, 15 years, starting with the-Huron of a pe grams. Resolutions for the annual convention concerned such to- pics as pesticide Control, es- tate taxes, sale of farms for taxes, sales tax, definition of a Producer,. and the humane treatment of animals. The main banqueOspeaker at the annual dinner 'was the retiring OFA President. Mr. Munro told his audience that 'the idea of bringing farmers together in Ontario is a worthy goal to be pursued '• • He went on to stress that 'the breaking off into small, ineffective groups must be dis- couraged'. Hon. William A. Stewart, Ontario's Mle titer of Agricul- ture and Food, introduced Mr. Munro to a receptive audience. Mr.' Munro received a rousing standing ovation prior to his detailed and emotional speech. In introducing the speaker, Mr, Stewart commented that 'farmers, looking for their own goals and wcrking towards their own destiny, surely put demc"racy in action'. Ontario New Dernocrati4 Party. In closing his last address as Federation leader,M.r.Man- TO warned that 'agriculture, as The guest speaker on the day of the executive elections„ Sister Thomas Iv1-.,re 'of Holy Family College in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, left her audience laughing and thinking. During her -address she challerigedOn- tario farmers to re-open the 'Challenge of Abundance', au- thored by the Special Commit- . tee on Farm Income, and re- condider some of its ,ideas. She alsotated that far- mers will get together some day; either by their own of- forts or efforts of the govern- ment, or because they all be- come employees of corpora, tions. 'People are the problem In agriculture, not the pro- duct', she emphasized. Sister Thomas More re- peatedly- asked her audience to consider whether 'peaceful co-existence is possiWe in ag- riculture'. She closed her speech with a list of further challenges for her audience and farmers as a whole. 'Make an honest yl • C • M 4041,4,40: - Mrs. it,k110 speolActot week visiting wit '' 6,44" Mann' of Goderich. ; Sunday visitors with Mrs, Ella Jewitt• and boys were Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol • Anne, Judy, Danny and Billy—. and-Mr. and VD's, Dennis Jewitt, Kathy and David of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sanders and Jennifer of Brussels -were Sunday visitors with Mr. and, .,Mrs. John Wammes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Webb, Sally, Darlene and Joy of Lon.. don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator Linda, Dianne and Nancy. Mr. and WS. Harvey Snell and Shane of Blyth,, were Sun. day visitors.with Mr: and4Mit:' Bill Dale and Cheryl, Mr. and 'firs, Archer Bald- win of Omernee spent the week- end with Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Tom and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchan- an add family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Vivi. Aylmer Hart and girls of Brussels, Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Riley visited on •Sunday evening with ` Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ellwood of Clinton. . ' Mrs. Don Buchanan is at- tending a school in Toronto • this week fer -4-H Clubleaders.° Mr, Joe Van Bommel of Delaware, Miss Josephine Bos of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bose and Steven. 4HE NURQN exeosITOR, ImeNfoRrie otoi, Om (14.9 ;Gordon NW it aroect to Rpm" ..0.01:000 FederOtioti 'of Agritulture More Police Patrols BY Richmond Atkey 1, A situation said to ears in the vicinity of Central Hut n was dealt with at a meeting Huron County Board of Educ- ation in the school last week. The Board decided to petition the Council Of the Towp of Clinton: Huron Secondary School and Clinton Public School by means of continuous police patrols be- tween the hours of .11.30 a.m, and L30 p.m. on all school days; and (b) to take immediate action to, provide a sidewalk on the north side of Princess Street between Raglan and William Stre- ets, D.J.Cochrane, director- of education„-Pointed out that at a meeting With Clinton -officials on October 16, it was generally acknowledged that drivers of cars on the streets adjacent to the school at noon were, in the main, not school students but "gener- ally, youths who ,had ceased at- tendance at school andavere using their noon hour to 'show Off' in an attempt to impress their friends." ! Short "banquet addresses confrontation; listen with an were also delivered by Rubert • opep mind; study alternatives; Nixon, Liberal Leader ,of. the , make the best choice available; Ontario Opposition, and Donald and then challenge those who C. MacDonald, Leader, of the lead you', she said. Tne last day of the-con- vention saw further discussion on resolutions brought forth by OFA executive and various a whole must be saved from counties. There were nine further ravages brought- on by 'resolutidns in all to' be dealt numerous setbacks from gov- with. ernment, corporations anC1 County. Local of the Ontario power-hungry individuals', Farmers' Union. lietyas Presi- ' dent 'of the OFU. fr*-1 1957 to 196Q, and then PrDvincial Se- cretary for one year. 'In 1962 the father of. three joined the Farm Products Mar- keting Boand for a three-year term, He has a`so served on the- Ontario Bean Producers' Marketing Board for two years. Interest in agriculture as a whole has taken Mr. Hill to workwith the Advistory Com- mittee to the Price Stabiliza- tion Beard and the Agricultur- al Inquiry Committee into in- termarketifig Products. Most recently, he helped author the report of the Special Commit- tee on Farm Incoina. • Following his election, Mt. -Hill stated that definite pro- gress in the future will 're- quire a group effort on behalf of aiWogether'. 44),x.49,40,0511,401,9" 1491.101,..9n Pz ven on ciiiVjd Ontario Go-v- fOr.pedestrian students am other eminent Ministers, Ontariopo— persons in the vicinity of Central, litical party leaders, a nun from, the United States who Warned that she intended" -to -'sock it to yeti' in her ad. dress, and individual farmers 'from across the province. Al- Most .500 people crowded the convention room s for the pro- Noinination papers must be filed with the Clerk before 2:00 o'clock on the same day -after which a pUblic meeting will be held to discuss questions of interest to the Municipali- ty. • TAKE NOTICE •that a meeting of the• ratepayers of the. Township• of Hullett will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboto, on FRIDAY, NOV. 21st at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p.m., for the pur- Jose of nominating fit and proper persons to be elected as Reeve, Four Councillors for the Year 1970.- - _ • If there are. more Nominees-than are required to fill the above mentioned offices, an Election will be held on Monday, Deeem- ber 1,- 1969. ' NOMINATION NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT CLARE VINCENT, '• Clerk-Treasurer \A - Box 293, Londesboro, Ontari$