HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-13, Page 11• Huron Board\of Education Constance Awards School Contracts Calvin Reps Seek de-Financial Equality" NEWS OF BOXED CARDS ASSORTED BOXES $1.25 — $1.35 — $1.49 — $1.79 — $1.98 SOLID PACKS OF 25 $1.00 — $1.50 — $1.75 — $2 00 — $2.50 .o nice to give.- and to get EARLY SHOWING OF Christmas Cards FOR OVERSEAS MAILING Greatest Variety of Quality cards to be found anywhere, includ- ing Rustcraft, Coutts and Norcross, Religious; Personal, Comic and Conventional DesiglA Greeting Cards. for 'Every Occasion,) Best Selectliin-of Personal Cards LARONE'S Seaforth's Sc to $1.00 Store Stationery — Gifts OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 1 r • \\\\\‘ o• 04 Lay- Away Your CHRISTMA$ GIFTS NO DEPOSIT — 620A1614. •o Christmas Cards Reg. 91c — Box of 51 4111," 411111111 -- ER* • 1*°7- NIktA LARGEST SELECTION OF ' FT I TErs MS G • • RI ir yt J 00 0 0 J. 0 J J r J 4 J ,*••••••••••••••11A 4 0.......144.0.10.%**11,1110.41.1 • .0 By Richmond Atkey Seeking what they called "financlal equality", two repre- sentatives of Calvin Christian School Society, which operates an elementary school in Clinton, appeared as a delegation before Huron County Board of Educat- ion at its meeting in Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, last week. Harry Bakker; Londesboro, and Gys Vanderhaar, R.R.2, Brucefield, made a strong pre- sentation of their case for co- operation with the Huron County Board, pointing out the great difficulties • under which the school operates. It has 203 pupils for whom their parents pay $12 per week, and receives no government support. After hearing the two delegat- es, who answered various per- tinent questions, the Board re- Nierred the requests to the Exec- utive Council for study and re- commendation. Mr.. Bakker, a prominent young chicken farmer of the Lon- desboro area; stated that the Calvin Christian School Society of Clinton owns and operates a six-roomed school on Princess Street, Clinton. It is non-paroch- ial, non-denominational, and its doors are open to the children of all parenjr,s2,Vho want their child 7„. ren to receive aistinctly,Christ- Ian education. "Why did we establish our scnool?...Our school exists , to educate young people to make a distinctive Christian contrib- ution to the growth and develop- ment of the community and the nation. BURNS CLEANER No Smoke, No Odour • HEATING Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth omilliftwoolnommioNlinftwoommail 'Mr. Bakker stressed the fin- ancial burden carried by support- ers of the school and in partic- ular, the tuition-paying parents. "en the basis of our right of existence as a school in this depocratic society and the size- able financial contribution that the supporters of our school make to Huron County, we would appeal to your Board to extend to our school many of the services provided for other schools under your jurisdiction," Mr. Bskker said. "(a) Txansporiation. Many of our children live on existing public, or separate school bus lines. Our request would be that your Board provide as a- ser- vice to our students, transport- ation to and from our school.., based on grants from the On- tario Department of Education. "(3), Opening, the library facilities of your schools to stud- qnts of our school." "I think there is a great misconception of our school here," Mr. Bakker Said. It is called a private school, but we believe it to be a public school, Christian in character. Governing body is the On- tario Christian School Alliance • which operates 46 schools with more than 8,000 students in the Province, with a fully qualified inspector. Gys Vanderhaar dealt with some .of the financial facts in - connection with operation of the school. He pointed out that the parents of the pupils attending the Calvin Christian SchOols in Ontario paid more than $900,000 in property taxes per year.' He felt the bill for transportation, should be met by the Depart- ment of Education as in the case of the other schools in th is field. "Why not send your child- ren to our schools?" James Tay- lor, Board member from Hen- sail, asked the delegate. "Why not yours to ours?" replied Mr. Vanderhaar. think the grant should go where the kids go." It was, costing the Calvin school $13,000 per year for pupil transportation. John B,Lavis, Clinton, Board chairman asked if all their Child- ien were- attending the Calvin Christian school. Mr. Van- derhaar said that not "many" were attending the regular. pub- lic schools. M. Levis' agreed that a Christian education was import- ant in today's world. Cotrespondent ' Miss gary McIlwain Mrs. Irene Grimoldby is visit- ing for a 'few days with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fleming of Sea- forth. Mr. and Mrs. Fag. Lawson, John and Elizabeth visited on saturday with mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, Helen and Lynda of London. Miss Margie Whyte of Guelph spent the week 'kid with her moth- er'', Mrs. W.L.Whyte, Tom and pill. Mrs. Storey and baby AlvIh returned home on. Satur- day from Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Thelma Bromley of Kit- chener visited over the week end with Mrs. Margaret Taylor of Seaforth and with Mr. and Mrs.' Bill, Dale and Cheryl and attended the funeral on Monday of the late. T.J.Flynn of Seaforth. Mrs. Paul Dedrick of Sim- coe, Miss Betty Hoggart of Lon- don visited over the week end with Mr. arid Mrs. George Hog- gart and Harvey. Jeffery and ,Lrn Dedrick returned home to Simcoe after spending the past few days with their grandparents. Mrs. Dedrick also visited with her husband Paul in London Hos- pital where he' underwent sur— gery. Mrs. EllIk-Jewitt and boys• spent Sunda) wfhh mr. and Me Bill Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie and John of Varna. ' Mr. and Mrs. Terre' e Hunt- er of Colborne TownshiX Mrs. Hatel Bennett of Detroit' were Sunday visitors with Mr.and Mrs. John Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bich- - anan and family visited on sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pres- zcatorL and Steven of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Jirri Pr-eszcator, Billy and Debbie. Miss Doreen Riley of Strat- ford spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and f4mily. Mr. Ken Thompson attended a Swine Husbandry School held at Toronto the past week. Mr. and Mrs.,' 'Jerry Riehl and family of Huron Park visit- ed on Sunday with mr, and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. By Richmond Atkey W.H.Hodgson Limited, Exeter, ' was awarded contract for sup- plying insurance coverage on B:ard property by Huron-Board of Education, at its meeting in Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, last week, at a total figure of $22,631. This compar- ed with $40,099 in 1988. The tender was made in be- half of the Perth Huron Inde- pendent Insurance Agents' Association. Dale and Company will act as a broker for the H9dgson firm and pay a com- mission to it. The group in- cludes. 29 out of '195 insurance agents in Heron County. The Board took the advice of its consulting firm, H.E.Hartley Consultants Limited, Scarbor- ough. "The tender introduced a much broader insurance program and reduced the premium 44 per cent from the existing pre- mium," H.E.Hartley informed the Board. "This extremely 19w cost will only be held if the Huron Board's otvn losses are controlled. We prefer to see the fire and all risk insurance spread among a number of in- surance companies." Details of the five tenders submitted were: Fire ($100 de- ductible): Dale and Hodson, ductible): Dale and Hodgson, $10,150 as compared ve.th .414,463 last year. Other tenders Wire : Red, $11,907; , Shore, $1V;781; Cowan, •,$13,778; Dale $10,150; Hodgson $10,952. All risk ($100 deductible): $1050, as against $3,231 in 1968; Reed, $1,645; Shore$560; CoWart, $1,409; Dale,$1,050; Hodgson , $2,157. Extra expense: Dale and Hodgson, $800 (new ,insurance this year; Rted, $713; Shore, $1,129; Cowan, $307; Dale,$800; Hodgson, $1,06. B:ilel-s: $1,636; last year, $2,908; Reed, $1,636; Shore , $1636; Cowan, $2,320; Dale , $1,636; Hodgson, $1,845. Crime: $1,075; last Year, $962; Reed, $944; Shore,$649; Cowan‘, $719, Dale, $1.075; Hodg- son, $1,501. Automobile: $1,335; as Com- pared with $4,727 in 1968; Reed, $3,497; Shore, $3,684; Cowan, $3,266; Dale, $4,290; Hddgson, $1,335. In auto- mobile connectionleinsurance wpirtehrntnuem, Mr. Hartley noted t the Hodgson premium of $ sreprese s a premium of o s, which He believed was .uoted in error, possibly the colliSion premium only. The agent had advised, however, that this • 1.p2„e.:,,„- mium would stand. Liability:$1,417, as against $3,966 last year; Reed $1,430; Shore, $325; Cowan,$2,164; Dale $1,400; Hodgson $1,417. Accident: $168; last year $842-; Reed, $234; Shore, $350; Cowan, $140; Hodgson, $168. Workmen's Compensation: $5,000, as against $9,00Q; Reed, no tender; Shore, $7,500; Cowan $5,000; Dale, $6,000; Hodgson, $5,000. Total tenders under the above headings werked oit as follow.): Dale and Hodgson, lowest tender $22,631; Reed (without quotation on workmen's compensation) , $22,006; Shore, $31,614; Sowan $29,174; Dale, $26,541;Hedgson, $25,461. The Board also accepted the recommendation of the Hartley consulting firm that ridue.to the $250 deductible and the fact that only 53,000 of 1,152,000 square feet of floor area is over 20 years old, we feel that Dale's $3,800 premium for optional ex- tensions for glass, falling objec- ts, water escape, collapse from weight of snow, is '.excessive -and do not recommend that the Board purchase these extensions at this time." Clarence McDonald, Exeter, chairman of the Insurance Com- mittee, pointed out that 29 out of the 35 insurance offices in the County of Huron. had joinad .with - the HodgSon firm In its tender; the other six had re- fused to join the Perth Huron Independent Insurance Agents' Association, An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. HEATING COAL & OIL Willis Dundas PHONE Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 THE HURON :oxposookly09R%:cRo. Nov, 1 ammiipmminprimiptimmor• - - m.. arokeid.. ellAuto, Virg, Use nhri . INSVRANQ - 0s, ,powiimiweimmoisammirpoin.,!nip p,010 hoh°e f :7740,14a:1** ;1:14 4:110 insurmice Aglney 1,11•144 SEE ANSTETT JEWELLERS FOR 'DIAMOND RINGS Bulova — Caravelle — Timex Watches — Fine , Jewellery — Silverware — Clocks -- China Birthstone Rings — Jewel Boxes Dresser Sets FREE GIFT WRAPPING • ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. PHONE 527-1720 SEAFORTH *r bwrax • • • # Join Us! (f WEDNESDAY • November 19th 7 to 10 p.m. Shop Early . For4• Best Selealion Bring a friend for • an evening of surprlies ,4( • 4\•.‘kikkk. voirov Find the Missing Half Of Our $5.00 Bill and WIN $10.00 Children's Slippers AA Reg. 2.98 •1101-1"11. PLUS MANY, MANY, OTHER SURPRISES! 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