HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-13, Page 7For. Quick Results . 11 Articles For Sale Ulf MISR CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAOR 1. Coming Events 2. last, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Bu two Opportunities 6: Teachers Wanted - 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale ' 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For • Sale 12. ,Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent W. For Sale Or 'Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18._ Property Wanted 1% Netices Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards OF Thanks 2S. In Memoriam 26i Personals 27. Births 28. ' Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are Inserted at a rate of S cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follOW- Ing minimums:, Classifications 2, 8, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 19 min- bourn 65e. Classifications 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. AU other claw sifications minimum 41.15 per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- quest. 4. Help Wanted 14. Property for Sale 60 ACRES OF PASTURE •19. Notices 19. Notices 22. Legal Notices, 2. Legal Notices CUBS urgentl,y require Male or female leaders, Please help 'get Cuba started again. Phone 5=- 1800, • 405-1 EXPERIENCED man for genes- at farm work. Apply Ken R. Campbell„ RR 1, Dublin.. 527- 0137. , 4-04-2 y • GIVE away, 1 male Collie pup, six months old, good farm dog. Kea Ryan, 046-2357. 11-05-1 TWO-piece chesterfield suite, like new condition, also a sofa ' • bed, newly re-upholstered. Phone 527-0503. ‘11-05x1 PORTABLE tyPewriter and case, 2% years old, in good condi- tion. 527-1919. 11-05-1 ONE Blue Tick and Walker Hound, 12 weeks old. Call Neil Ryan, 527-0668. 11-05-1 ONE Jewel wood or coal heat- er, in good condition and Cole. man space oil heater; and tank, like new. 482-3368. 11-05-2 WE have accommodation for a -0 male 1 19, bo 1 arder. North Main _ fit., 527 9-K .SEPTIC TANKS WATCH REPAIRS - FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANS7'ETT. JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 Seaforth. 19-04-tf NOTICE TO . CREDITORS In the Estate of llihtlibMted; laYing 'POPO to claims then receive' DATED at Seaforth, t day Of NOVI:Mber, 4.069;, MoCONN' do Firilr410 4Seaf04 On.tart9„ Solicitors for the,AteCtItertIP 02•0441 • -CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone, Clinton 482-3320'. 19-04tf NOTICE • We are shipping cattle every Moirday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. CHRISTENA LEONIfARDT All persons having claims again- st the Estate of Christena Leon- hardt, late of the Township of Me.Killop, in the County of Hur- on, Widow, deceased, who died on the 19th day of . October, 1969, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of Novem- ber, 1969, after which date .the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seatorth, this 80th day of 'October, 1969. MeCONNEIL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-042 MALE - HELP WANTED VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all makes. R. K. Peek, Varna. Phone Henson 262-5748. 19-044 In Tuckeramith Township. Rich riverbottom land. Good value at the price asked. - WILLIAM M.. HART SALESMAN - SEAFORTH- GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 14-05-1 PROPERTY FOR SALE 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF onoltErrsIST Seaforth Office Tues., Thum, Fri., 9 to 5:80 p.m. Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 5274240 - or 482.7010 PETER KELLY • Your Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Representative Office 17 Rattenbin7 Clinton - 482-7914. 11-05•tf Bedroom furniture manufac- turer requires bench assemblers, drawer fitters and machine op- erators for case goods assem- bling and drawer fitting. Im- mediately. Fabian Furniture Co. Ltd. Clinton, Ontario 482-7981 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light. house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-01-tf ONE New Idea 4-wheel rubber tired manure spreader, good working condition, $85.00. Nor- man Beuerman, 34512037. 11-05-1 ' WILLIAM J. DALE phone Clinton, 482-9892 or MICHAEL J. DOM, Phone 845-2549 Dublin, call col- lect 1944-ff DEAD STOCK Please Call Promptly MARLATT BROS: !Phone 133- Beusiels, Ont. 24 hour service - 7 days a week LICENSE NO. 3904-65. 19-044 22 Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH County of Huron TO WTI': cows; &can milk cooler; milking machine; indus- trial milk quota. Ken McLellan 1145- , 262-5182. 1 .29; 4-04-2 JUST $1.00 8. Farm Stock for Sale TWENTY good quality Holstein heifers, due soon. 482-3384. 8-054 (TWENTY-eight steers, .700 to 800 lbs., 26 are Hereford, two are Angus. 345-2317. 8-05-1 THIRTY-six pigs, 8 weeks old. Leon Maloney, RR 5, Sf'atft5rtl 345-2778. THIRTY started pigs. Bob Mc- Michael, Walton, 527.0857. &05-1 Modern 2 bedroom Bungalow on spacious shady lot. 6 rooms, all recently redecorated, and hardwood flooring throughout. This smaller compact home is the ideal home in size and price for the retiring couple or small family. For present home comfort and future value, see this 1% storey 3 bedroom home on a double corner lot. Modern kit- chen, 4-piece bath, utility room, living room, and dining room. Brick garage and 2 extra lots.' This home can be purchased with a low down payment. HULLEIT TWP. - 100 acre farm with 90 acres workable and 10 acres bush. Large barn is ideal for hogs or cattle, drive shed, drilled well. The house is a good .1% storey fralne, 2 bed- rooms. FOR RENT -1% storey home in a secluded location on the outskirts of town. All modern confeniences. Mervyn Eyre 169 Goderich St. West, Seaforth, - Ph. 527-0523 DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES LEONARD LEEMING All persons having .claims against the Estate of James Leonard Leeming, late of the Village of Walton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired- Farmer, deceased,-who •died on the 12th, day of October, 1969, are here- by notified to send in full Parti- culars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before` the 27th - day of November, 1969, after which date the assets will be K HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderlch 5247562 will lay it away for Christmas day at BY virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the 'Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation, bearing date the 7th day of January, 1969, sale of lands in ,arrears of taxes in the Town of Sea fortb will be held in Council Chambers at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 11th day of December, 1969, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for e of arrears of taxes was pu lished in the Ontario Gazette on 'the 6th day of September, 1969, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's office this 10th day of September, 1969. ERNEST M. WILLIAMS Treasurer 22-96-13 SEAFORTH JEWELLERS • SEAFORTH VETERINARY 1. CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.11., VS. W.R. Bryana, D.V.M., VS, W. H. Patterson, D.V.M..; V.S. P. J. Dwyer, M.V.B., M.R.C.V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 11.441 LEAINIER weather silicone waterproofing spray can, $1.10; never slips vulcanized on rub- bers, at Jack Thompson's Foot- wear Service, Shoes and Repair, 8 Main St. - 11-04-2 THORtrY weaners and nine chunks. Phone 482-9969. 9.05x1 SEVENTEEN chunks. Ken Ryan RR 1, Dublin, 345-2357. 8-05-1 1.. Coming Events CABARET Dance, Brodhagen Community Centre, Saturday, Nov. 15. Music by Wilbee's chestra. 1-05-1 SIEBERT (Staffs) United Church Men's ham and egg pup- per, 19th of November, 5:•1 an. to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50, • children 12 and under 75c. Pre-schoolers free. $6.00 per family. 1.04-2 Clinton, Ontario We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and hors- es. We pick up calves and 'small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 License No. 190-C-69 19-044 • ONE woman's winter coat with' fur collar,' size 40; 1 girl's win- ter coat, size 12; 1 set of His . and Hers coats, man's size 40, woman's size 20, like new:. 527- 1072: 1140E2 For Other Classified SEE PAGE .16 9. Poultry for Sale 20. Auction Sales KIMBER LEGHORN Day' Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 169 8.04-ti CLEARING AUCTION ' COPIES , Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait Letter size, 2.5c each. The Huron Expositor 11-994 OF REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE, FEED AND DAIRY EQUIPMENT AT NORTH HALF OF LOT 18,, CON. 5, McIOLLOP, FIVE MILES NORTHEAST OF SEAPORTS ON ESCAPE the cold during Christ- mas vacation, 15 day bus tour to Florida. For itinerary phone 527-1222 or write Ilabkirk Tran- sit Service, Box 700, Seaforth. 1-04-tf - WILFRED McINTEE CO. LIMITED, REAL ESTATE BROKER - is pleased to announce the appointment of PATRICK FRANCIS WILLIAMS as a Real Estate Representative for Dub- lin and District. Mr. Williams has sue- cessfullSr passed all the necessary examin- ations' set out by the Real Estate and Bus- iness Brokers Act and is now bonded and licensed to 'trade in all types of Real Es- tate. A Ready-To-LaY PULLETS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 AT 2 P.M. CATTLE - One registered cow, clue November; four reg- istered cows, due in February; one registered cow, due in 'March; one registered cow, due in April; three grade cows, due in November; two registered heifers, bred in September; one grade heifer, bred in May; four registered heifers, eleven months old; three grade heifers, eight to eleven months old; one bull calf, 300 lbs. • 'FEED •-•,- Approximately 600 bales hay; 20 tons Conquest barley; one mow loose straw. • DAIRY EQUIPMENT - Surge heavy duty 'mini) and mo- tor; two Ritewtay units, also one International Co, siderake. NOTE - This is a good herd of young cows all unit bred and will be checked for pregnancy prior to sale. Timms - Cash. NO RESERVE as everything must be sold to wind up the estate. MICHAEL B. MURRAY Esthte - Proprietor ADAM BELL on'Pedigrees R. G: GETHKE - Auctioneer. TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS "LTD. 11.044 COMING EVENT - Special bus to the Grand Ole Opry, Nash- ville, Tenn., leaves Friday eve- ning, November 14th, 8 p.m., returning Sunday evening, Nov- ember 16th. Reserve your seat now. Habkirk Transit Services Ltd., Box 700, Seaforth, or phone 527-1222. 1-99-7 Available. Vaccinated, debeaked and delivered at $2.10 McKinley Tanis and Hatchery -Ltd. Zurich, Ontario 262-2837 9-04-2 10. Used Cars for Sale 1960 Vollawagen, in good condi- tion. 527-1919. • . 10-05-1 11. Articles for Sale CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit- John Thomsen, 527- 0238. 11-04-tf REGISTERED miniature poodle puppies, two dark brown males and one black female, eight weeks old. Mrs. Ken tl'hompson, 527-1918. .. 11-04-2' BOY'S black figure skates, size 7, like new condition, $8.00. Phone 527-0171, evenings. 11-03x1 RIDING horse, 2'old, sor- rell stallion. Heynshergen, RR 2, Seeforth, phone 482-9103. 11-08x1 INTERNATIONAL power take-, off manure spreader. Herman Van Bakel, 346-2518. '11-05x1 TV and Radio repairs, certified technician, all rates posted in shop. Also home service any- where in Seaforth and surround- ing district. Stannah the Radio Man. 527-0703, 17 Sperling St., Seaforth. 11.044 "Rural Ontario Specialists" "For Best Results Photo-list Your Property With Don Hoist" 14-05-1 Considering a OPEN HOUSE MOBILE HOME Thursday; Nov. 13, 1969 HIIRON-PERTH,„ Tuberculosis and Resp- iratory Disease Associa- tion Office 121 Wellington Street, STRAIITORD, ONTARIO Bring your children and friends! 1-05-1 15. Property for Rent NEWLY decorated apartmeet heated. Phone 527-0722. 15-03-V or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or pall: RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LIMITED '5 FOR RENT With Option To Buy Immaculate 4-bedroom 11/2 - storey hOme, completely mod- ern throughout. Lovely bright kitchen, spacious living room and dining room, gas heated, at.. tached 'garage. This home must be seen. Telephone 345-2308, Dublin 547 Plains Rd., East. Phone 416-632-8400, Burlington, ' Ontario Many models . and makes to choose from. M-05-1 19-04-2 THE RIMPLES St. James' CWL Christmas Bazaar and Tea, 'Saturday, Nov- ember 29th, 3-5 pm, Christmas cake draw, homemade baking and candy, sewing, mystery prizes and white elephant, 1-05-i ' TgE Brussels Legion are spon- soiang an amateur contest to be' held in the Legion- Hall, Friday evening; Nov. 21. Singers, •danc- ers, musicians, etc., wanted. Good.. cash prizes' for all with professional engagements for winners. Write: Canadian Leg- ion, Brussels Butcher 'Shop, or phone 273W. Admission, adults $1.00, children '45e. Total pro, ceeds for minor sports. 1-05-1 11-044 , YOU'D BETTER BE'AND 11415 WILL 1AUR-1- YOU MORE 'TAM rr WILL ME ! OUCH. sr, I AM TOO, 50N WILL HURT ME MORE T4PH IT-WILL YOU Aluminum Awnings and Siding. 10 years in the area, workman- ship , guaranteed. Call Mathers Home Improvement Clinton 482-7372. 11-04-ff IKE CULLIGAN Phone (519) 348-8355 AGENT FOR MANN MARTEL FLOWERS 15-04-2 A A. house Seaforth, 4 bed- rooms, living room, modern kit- chen, dining area and garage. Available Dec. 1st. Ca11140.8641. • 15-05-1 For all occasions. Cut flowers, Potted plants, etc. McLean's Greenhouse Phone 527-0800. 11-044f 4. Help Wanted REGISTERED nurse wanted for afternoons. Seaforth Manor Ltd, 527-0030. 4-05-1 SMALL apartment, gas heated, furnished• if desired, on North Main Street. Apply Carl Dal- ton, phone 527-0702. ' 15-05x2 APAIVIIMENT for rent, East William St. Phone 527-0428. 15-05-1 MARKET" SEE the new Zenith Chromacol- or TV at Stannah's, the little store with the big values at the west end of John St., 527-0703. If quality means more to you than -price, this is the color TV for you. 11-05-1 ,•••• ogiti?S WA.."65' CLERK TYPIST Huron County Board of Education at 19. Notices Written applications will be received by theunderstgned up to November 28, 1969, for a clerk-typist for dttiet in the Board Office at Clinton, Ontario. Applicants to state age, •education, work background, and salary expected. A knowledge of payroll, or accounting pro- ledures would be an asset. R. B. DUNLOP Business Administrator Huron County Board :)f}, Education crox no; Clinton, Ontario. WHEN you get a new Philco 25" color TV at Stannah's, you also get: 1. The most natural color available; 2. Automatic color tuning; 3. 5 year portable warranty on picture tube, tuner circuit beard components; 4. Power transformer and horizon- tal chassis for cool, long-life op- eration; 5. 1 year portable ser- vice policy, good anywhere in Cana'da; 6. Service available from Stannah's if required. And you can get all this for less than $700 if you have a good 23" trade. Sperling at John. 11-05-1 BACKHOING - Contact Don or Bob Wallace, 527-1396. 19-04ff NOTICE - St. Cohunban store is now handling Singer parts and-- notions, also accepting service calls. Special on service calls, $1.95: Phone 345-2750. 19-04-ti REPAIRS on all makes and mod- els of Sewing Machines. New models available. Repairs guar- anteed with genuine Singer parts. Singer Co. of Canada, 40 West, Goderich. Phone 524.8431. 19-044 THE WHEELS '11R .01L” • rr 4-05-2 6. Teachers Wanted 6. Watchers Wanted THE HURON-COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MORTGAGES 12. Wanted to Buy First and second mortgages available on residential, farm or business properties. 24 HOUR SERVICE. P. L. Cunningham 576-2332, Kitchener 19-05-5 HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- er house. Phone 482-7358. 12-04-tf -•••_ „ ' • • • -" • • • - • • I,r 1161 n,Ml ' ' .„ , I ''''''''''''''' I ill/ if • • • • .41A• eat.ry, \II kl I~I 110111i)1 ,c„. • • WILL buy household effects of older home. Call .for appraisal, 527-1920 anytime, ' 12-04-U USED furniture from attic to basement, Call collect, 2364243. 12-04-ti requires ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS CYNTHIA Duties to commence January 1, 1970. Schools in.-the Clinton, Exeter, Goderich and Wingham areas. Personal Interviews will be conducted• at Clinton Public School at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday„,. November 22, Written applications, including telephone number, most recent supeeinten•dent, and experience should be mailed to: J. W. COULTER, Superintendent of Sch ols Bok 870, Clinton, Ontario: D. J. Cochrane, J. Lavis, Director-of Education Board Chairman 8415-1 rev4.9..roq • SINGLE play portable record player in good condition, 527- 1945. 12-05-1 ND?! 11-1Ats WHERE I'LL GO W ITH HONEY... ON (h)f2 HoNEYmook! SOMEHOW I CAN'T ,4ISOALIIE IT..... I MEAN, I I -1)-10sE HAIRDO'S IN GP,SP(--E HELMETS .,,„!,9 I READ THAT ONE Of THE AtRONES IS ALREADY TAKING RESERVATIONS FoR TRIPS j THE MOON Stepweid's Registered Kennels Dachshund Pups and Silver Miniature Poodles 482-7231 4 13; Wanted OLDER furniture crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 'evenings: 13-04:11 WANTED - Pictures, papers•or articles referring to Egniond- vitt* Pottery. William K Hart Seaforth. 134441 TWENTY to 80 head of cattle to winter, by month. L. Taylor, Londesboro, 627-0549? 13-052 geik. ) ApiorVilo t utak Rom '4531113131 ,, 19-03-6