HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-13, Page 3Twelve 4-H Clubs in the Seaforth area held their achieve- M,eit daiat S.D.H.S. Saturday. The Project for the '76 4-H•homemaking clubs in Huron has been needlecraft and club members have learned seven basic embroidery stitches. Mrs. L.G.R.Wheatley, horn? economist for Huron County was in charge of the program', In the afternoon, each of the clubs put on a skit, demonstration or exhibit. • The Seaforth. , Presented with county honor certificates for completing six projects are: (teft)(Front) Bonnie Bremner, R.R.3, Brussels; Mary Ann Klaver, R.R.3, Kippen and Sharon Steven- son, R.R. 2, Brussels, (Rear) Janice McClure, R.R.Se.a.forth; akrlene Nash, R.R. 5, Seaforth; Sharon Marks, Walton; Ruth Anne Dunlop, Seaforth and Marie McClure, R.R. Seaforth. clubs are from'•Cranbrook, Kippen, MaKillop and, 0 6 Mrs. Peg. Coombs was elected president at the annual -meeting of the ,Seaforth Legion Ladies Auxiliary on Wednesday night in the Legion I1a.i with 21 members present. President • Liz. Brown presided. The .13:30 draw was won by Mrs. C. Wood and the mystery , prize by Jacqueline Racho. The bus trip to London sponsored by' Legion members on Sunday will leave the Legion Hall at 12:30 o'clock. It was decided . to hold a turkey bingo in December. The Ladies Hospital Auxiliary will hold their turkey draw at the bingo. It was decided to have an exchange of gifts, a gift for our veteran and the Children's Aid at the Christmas meeting inDec- ember. The nominations and election of officers for 1970 was con- ducted by Olive Little. Officers are - Past President - Liz.- Brown; President - Peg. Coombs; First Vice President - Rachael Walters; Second Vice President- Margaret, McNairn; Secretary- Mary Chapple; Treasurer - Thel- ma Coombs; Sgt. at Arms - Barbara Scott; Executive: Car- oline Muir, Jacqueline Racho, .Edith Jessome and Charlotte Wood. • • • • et 4 ir I HEAR YEK.1 KNOW, THERE'RE TWO LACQUER WELL KNOWN AND LIQUOR! FINISHES FOR CARS 4 r . iirrit N,VA Ni`a Cubs of the 1st Cromarty Cub pack were invested. Tuesday evening at the CromartyPresby- terian Church. The Cubs were invesied by Akela, Rev. W. Jarvis of Exeter and Bageera, Rhea Cameron, Staffa, Baloo, Lloyd Cameron was absent. Akela invested the Cubs, hearing both 'the Cub 'Promise and the Cub Law from each boy. Bageera gave each boy his new red and white neckerchief and congrat- ulated them upon their success. This is the first time there have been Cubs or Scouts in the Crom- arty-Staffa vicinity. During the meeting Akela explained the many different codes that could be used to send and receive messages. He later gave the boys messages to decode. Registration for each boy for this. year will be $3.25. At the close of the meeting Scouter Jarvis invested the Scouts. All the boyS'were pres- ent except for one boy who is down with the mumps. AND LET ME TELL YOU, SIR - THE PRACTICALLY NEW USED CARE,YOU GET AT HAVE THAT SHOW ROOM LOOK' 'AND WORM PEFECTLY! Mrs. EmmerSon DtIrst, Eg- mondville, gave a demonstration of Christmas decorations she has made at the November meet- ing of the Women's Auxiliary to the Seaforth Community Hos- pital on Tuesday evening. Using articles around the harms such as lanterns, coat hangers,' oil lamp chimneys, stove pipe col- Mr. and Mrs. George Q1Ifillan and Gordon, Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner and family. tars, pine cones, candles, styro- foam and evergreens. Mrs. Durst expi.ained how easy it is to create decorations, Twenty-eight pieces made up her collection some humorous; some religious, some modern, but all delightful. , As a result of the membership drive under the direction of Mrs. Richard B:x and Mrs. Orville Oke there are now '70 active members and 176 associate members. The canvas, in Sea- forth is almost Com;,,leted. with Dublin to be done shortly. Reporting for the recent Rummage Sale, Nil's. Jolla Card- no and Miss Janet Cluff said the profit was $295.80. • The president, Mrs. Gordon Beuttenmiller reported a port- able television, a gift to the Auxiliary from D'amon Stannah, had been received and would be ready to rent out to patients In• the hospital as soon as a portable stand for it was made. A gift of over $50. from the staff of the former Scott Mem- orial Hospital was accepted to- ward payment on the purchase of a second television'Wnich the auxiliary is buying to rent to patients desiring this service. Pillow speakers are to be bought as well for the two televisions. Rosemary Blake, R.R.2, Brus- sels, was presented with Oe Auxiliary bursary for $150.00 at the recent Seaforth HighSchool Commencement exercises. She is a student nurse. Mrs. Beuttenmiller and Mrs. Kenneth Etue gave a resume of the 45th annual convention of Hos- pital kixiliaries in Toronto last month. Mrs. Donald B.-:de wen the mystery prize. Miss Alice Reid volunteered to look after tickets for the turkey draw on December 2 at the Legion Bingo. PHONE 527-0240 An exchange of gifts will take place at the December meet- ing on December 9, with the cost of the gift not to exceed $1.00. A gift for the Gift Shop would be appreciated as well at this meeting. Mrs. James MacDonald re- ported special favours and ser- viettes had been placed on pat- ients' trays at Hallowe'en and at 'Thanksgiving. NEWS OF KIPPEN Mr. and, Mrs. Eldin Kerr at- tended the 25th wedding anniver- sary party on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Hess Gordon of McKillop Township which was held in School #4. ,„•, Mr and Mrs. Eldin Kerr visited Bradley Littleton at - Woodstock, Sunday. The Klppen ,East W,I. health meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Harry Calwell, on Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. A. Hog- gaath is the co-hostess and roll call "What makes a good host- ess". Collection for Children's Aid. Moto - Bread is the symbol of `Home, Hope and Hospitality to be given by Mrs. Harry Cald- well. Program - Focus on Food- How to bake a cake by Mrs. Grant MacLean. Music Mrs.Cal- well and a display of 4H Needle- craft. Contest by Mrs. GlenBelit Lunch Mrs. G. McLean, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. D T:iebner and Mrs. M. liarburn. correspondents Mrs. B:b Cronin Miss Monica Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Butters, Toronto with Mr. and mrs. Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ButterS and Mr. and Mrs. Ylicent Murray. Mr. and Mrs. George Coville spent the week end With Mr. Dick Tate, Port Franks where Mr. Coville and Mt. Tate caught a 101b. Coho each. Mrs. Joe Jordon is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Joseph Eckert, Sr. is a patient in St. Mary's Hospital in Kitchener. Mr. apel Mrs. Frank Kistner, Hibbert Township Council, before their regular meeting, •spent a few minutes honoring those men from Hibbert Town- ship w!,.o gave up thelr lives in the two world wars. Jack Drake placed a wreath before the Mem- orial Plaque ° and Reeve R-3ss McPhail spoke briefly in remem- brance. Jack Drake and Henry Bar- burn w` ere' app'ointed as Council representatives to ,the Hibbert Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale DentOnstration of Christmas Decorations Mrs, Durst of Seaforth' de- monstrated Christmas decorat- ions at the meeting of the Cath- olic Women's League in the St. Columban parish hall. She show- ed samples of the finished prod- uct, and described the making,of each. The president, Mrs.. Frank Murray was in charge of the business meeting. The minutes were read by, thasecretary, Mrs. T.J.Marra.y. It was reported that in response to an invitation to a masquerade sponsored by the L.C.W.of Brodhagen, 14 C.W.L. members attended from St. Col- umban. Ladies to care for the altars for November are Mrs. Lou O'- Reilly and Mrs. Dennis Nolan. Mrs. Francis Hicknell was ap- pointed to visit the sick. A don- ation was voted to the Veteran's Christmas Fund. Used clothing is asked for, to' be left in the hall by November 30th, It was decided to have a card party and pot luck supper in the hall the end of November. The mystery prize, donated by Mrs., Clarence Ryan, was won by Mrs. Vhcent Murray. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. John Denomme, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoonder- woerd, Michell, and Mr. and mrs. Bob Cronin spent the week end in Toronto where they at- tended an evening of entertain- ment provided by the Carlton Showband at the Horseshoe Club. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall inan, Detroit, spent the week with Mr. Frank Cronin and other members of the Cronin family. Miss Linda Friend, Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cronin and family were in Stoney Creek Township Recreation and Com- munity Centre Board and George Ducharme, Herb Brown, Herman lin Bakel,„ Matt McCreight, James P. Krauskopf, Eldon Allen and Lloyd Cameron as local re- presentatives. The treasurer informed council that the balance of the per capita grant had 'been received in the aMPunt of $4,042.50. Road accounts for $11,199.18 and general accounts for $6,022.17 were ordered paid. on Saturday visiting with "Mr. Gus Denomme. Miss Trudy Brown, London with Mr. and Mrs. Mencer Brown on the week end. Nora Ann MacRae,Lon- don With Mr. and Mrs. Don Mac- Rae over the week end. Miss Marian Looby has ac- cepted a secretarial ,position at • Supertest Petrolluin in London. Mr. and Mrs.-Gordon Dant- zer, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer were Visiting with relatives in the area over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Joynt, Hensall with Mr and Mrs. Mar- tin Klinkhammer. MEET IN AUSTRIA ` Mr. and Mrs. Greg Roth- well (nee Betty Lou Pethick) Toronto are spending a year touring in Europe. By inere coin- cidence while inquiring about some information at the 'America Express Officethey met with miss Judy Friend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend who has been nursing in India for the past two years. The America'Express office, where the two girl friends tnet, was in Vienna, Austria. After spending a week together in Vien•-• na Miss Judy Friend went on to Germany and the Rothwells went on their way in Austria. Miss Friend will, return to Dublin in F January orFebruary of this year. * * * * * Mr. and Mt•s. Ken Whetham were in Simcoe over the week end where they attended the fun- eral of Mrs. Whetham's grand- mother, Mrs. Mary AnnSlocomb, who passed away on Thursday. Mrs. Siocomb was in her 90th year. RE:v. Peter Dill, London-- and Mr. Ralph Dill, Stratford with Mrs. Jean Dill on Sunday. POlari SUM MUSTANG Dream,a little. Then test drive a Mustang. It's the _pride of Polaris with wide 20-inch track, multi-foam seat cushion, undersea storage, wrap-around taillights, warning brake light, optional electric starting and reverse. If you want a deluxe snow- mobile ...you want a '70 Mustang. ' With features that gave Pol- aris the most sales In 1969 in the U.S.A., of any com- pany. POLARIS SNOWMOBILES From 675.00 Less Trade ALSO SEE THE '70 Sno-Commander A new snowmobile at a used machine price. E.G. 300 e.c Hirth Only 675.0o Less Trade Cubs, Scouts Active\ At Cromarty ^Hospital Auxiliary Demonstrate Decorations 1968 CHEVROLET AWADIO 1967 CHEVROLET, 6 AUTO 1966 C,HEV . COACH ,6- STANDARD 1966 CHEV.SEDAN,6 AUTO 1965 CHEV.SEDAN, 6 STANDARD 1965 CHEV.SEDAN, 6 AUTO SEE IT TODAY! 131u..406BILL H90753 H87255 1967, PONTIAC ,V-8 AUTO R,PS & pB- H35327 H87781 - H88197 H88607 H88587 H88588 H87-344 H88606 SALES c4frae, SERVICE Plu 527.1750 • SEAFORTH Lot Open Evenings to 9 pin. "Serving Seaforth and District for 28 Years" WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth by HAUGH'S and J. P. Forest Green 'Work Pants 4.95 and 6.50 Matching Shirts 3.95 Forest Green Koratron Perma-Press P,ants 7.95 Matching Shirts 5.95 overalls, Olive, Khaki and Green 7.95 to 10.95 Flannel Work Shirts • 3.95 and 4.95 Lined SmoCks, Zipper and Domes • • 7.50 to 8.95 Pile Lined Vests, extra tall models 9.95 Quilted Lined Work Coats 9.95 and 11.95 Parkas 15.95; Extra Heavy Duck • • 16.95 Work. Socks by Penman's and Stanfield's Heavy Nylon 1.19 ;Moot 3-lb. • • • • 1.19 Stanfield's 51)% wool,, 50% nylon 1.25 Red or Blue, 3%-lb., all wool 1.35. All Wool, 4%-lb. 1.50 Seaforth Ontario Hibbert Council Honor War Dead ST. COLUMBAIC Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinnsonault, Windsor, spent a few days with Mr. and.Mrs. Jack McIver. Miss Sliaryn Burke, Wes - University, London, visitedIvlrs. Joseph Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kennedy, Paul and Peter, Toronto, visited. . Mr. and Mrs. Angus KennedY." Northside Unit Meets Unit One of Northside U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Eva McCartney. Mrs. W. Broadfoot started the meeting with a . poen entitled "Autumn". Mrs. G. Elliott presided over the devotional part and gave .a reading entitled "Will You. "Mrs. - Elliott gave a reading on "Ar- mistice Day." Mrs. C. Waldon read the seripture lesson and prayer by Mrs. Elliott followed. Mrs. Cuthill gave a talk on"Lep- rosy Missions" and Mrs. Elliott read a poem "The way 1 see it". Courtesy remarks given by Mrs. Mrs. Broadfoot. Banquet Held at Brussels Huron County Ri%ad Super- intendents held their annual ban- quet in the Legion Hall, Brussels Wednesday evening when 200 guests sat down to a hot beef supper served by the Ladies- Legion Auxiliary. Harvey Culbert extended a welcome to the group and Karl Harberei introduced the head table and visiting guests. Reeve Roy Pattison brought greetings from the county in the absence of the Warden and also spoke on -behalf • ,of.--the Rt.utley of Usboroe spoke on be- half of Road Superintendents and Robert Gibson of Howick thanked the ladies. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Ken McMichael, Mrs, Ray Ptt- tison and Grant Si ',sling. An hour of entertainment by Ken Scotts group concluded the evening. Morris Council Morris Township Council met for the November meeting with all members present and Reeve William Elston presiding. Council approved a grant of FIAUGH $25;00 to Huron County Plow- • men's Association and concurred with a resolution from Seaforth urpment Town Connell concerning Sent- ences in Police Court cases. 1 Mile East of grucefiskt 'Accounts approved for pay- 527013$ ment included General $2,093.88 and Roads $1,049.92. THE HURON ,EXPOSITOR" Ei.AFP1014s NO1)4 Legion Auxiliary Elects