HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-06, Page 122— '. HURON axPostros,, suiugosTn, ONT., NOV. 4,1969 *frames Drain Continued from page l Huron Member Reports From Ottawa Radar Antenna • Recalls .War Base '1 • if "'• FOR Ttg, 110-IT -YOUEISELF HOME OWNER. cl*Almnesimer helper Mien SPECIAL WEEK FOR 00-IT-YOURSELF HOMEOWNERS OCTOBER 7th -16th Aslant the DesITIOURSELF BOOKLET BALL - MACAULAY LTD. Building Supplies ' SEAFORTH — CLINTON — HENSALL rz TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY -.COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE is hereby given that I, have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Brucefield on. the 30th day of October, 1969, the list of all MAS. entitled to vote in 'the cipality at Municipal Elec: tions and that such list remains for their inspection. And I hereby call upon ail voters to ;take immediate pre- ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeals be- ing the 14th day of November, 1969. DAT.e.1) this 30th day of Oct- ober, 1969. .. MEL GRAHAM Clerk-Treasurer Brucefield, Ontario 22-03-2 23. ,Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Mon., Wed. -- Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 PETER J. KELLY Your Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Representative Office 17 Rattenbury St B. Clinton — 482-7914. 11.95-tf A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 Auctioneer WHY IS THE,,‘ RINTED WORD 0 IMPORTANT - IN ADVERTISING? WIN i> les Permapent It's Believable It's Clear The Newspaper is the GREATEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM for many , rea- sons, One of, them is that it' carries the power of the printed word. People believe in a message that is permanent — one that is written. They under- stand , it better. Also the newspaper, because of its permanence, lets the read- er choose his or; her own time for absorbing the message. And once put down it can always - be picked up again. The mes- sage that lives is the one that is written in the newspaper. - Buy Your Winter Footwear Now While Prices Are Rock Bottom But iou'd Better flurry . (. 7".' I SALE ENDS SATURDAY - Don't Miss This Outstanding Event! FAMILY FOOTWEAR MAtN STREET• SEAFORTH ,L not be so severe that it will no longer leave favourable con- ditions for continued growth in the national economy, and there must be special provisions for those who have spent a life time in building • up pi-operties 'or :. businesses intended to provide those individuals with a satisfact- ory income upon retirement. Any capital gains tax should not make it too difficult for the transfer °of farms or businesses to other members -of the family or for that matter, to anyone else wish- ing to carry on those ferias or businesses. In any case, we will have to waitfor the Government's • . recommendations , and 'as accordingly. The throne speech also men- - tioned the richness and variety of Canada's material resources and that grain is one of the com- modities of 'which reserves have built up causing financial hard- ship to a good many farmers. No specific legislation to be helpful in this situation was, -mentioned, other than it was of the utmost concern of the Government and they would continue the search Wind1 felt a meeting of the members of both councils should be held. Councillors Harold Knight and Hein Rooseboom were appointed by Mensal as re:- presentatives on the three mem- ber Fire Protection Committee while Councillor Ross Forrest retires= Tuckersmith on the tomon .Tuckersmith is to pay Heiman $7,000.00 toward cost pf a new fire engine and each year is to pay 32 1/2% of main- tenance and new equipment. A resolution from the Town of Mississauga regarding the power to license and have some control over where lines may be laid in the municipality was endorsed. Also endorsed was a resolution from the Town of Seaforth urging standarization of punishments meted out in Ontario Courts. NOTICE TO, CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES LEONARD LEMING All persons having claims against the Estate tof James Leonard Leeming, late of the Village of Walton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the I.2th day of October, 1969, -are here- by notified to send in full parti- culars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 27th day of November, 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth,- this 3rd day of November, 1969. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth„ Ontario - Solicitors for the Executors 22-04-3 The Seaforth Council resolution pointed out that the "efficiency and morale of municipal police forces- are adversely affected by the inconsistencies existing in the unequal punishments given in different courts for conviction for the same offence." The resolution will go to Premier John Roberts and Justice minister Arthur Wishart. Seaforth's resolution stemmed from a special meeting of council on October 22 when various as- pects of problems faced by the Seaforth police force were dis- cussed. The annual meeting of clerks and treasurers in Huron County will be held at 10:30 a.m. on November 18 in Clinton. E.F. Hall, assessment officer will be the guest speaker. I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for their visits, cards and treats while a patient at Victoria Hos- pital and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. McMil- lan and Rev. Stuart. — Edison McLean. 24-04x1 I would like to thank all my friends who visited me and re- membered me with cards and treats when I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Moyo, Dr. Quao and Dr. Malkus, also the nursing staff for all their kind- ness — SincerelY Mrs. Anne Wallace. 24-04x1 Mr. .and Mrs. Russel Knight wish to sincerely thank their immediate family, relatives, friends and neighbors; also those who sent gifts, cards, flowers and for helping to make our 50th anniversary a memorable occasion. Special thanks* to the Cranbrook Wo- men's Institute. Thank you all. 24-04x1 • I wish to thank my relatives and friends who sent cards and visited me while a patient in the hospital;' also those who sent baking into the home. The UCW- and Dr. 1Vloye and Dr. Quao, the nurses and staff of the hospital for all their kind- neia. It was very much apprec- -f isted. — Mrs. Wm. McSpadden. 24-04x1 MY sincere appreciation is ex- tended to all who remembered . me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospi- tals A •very special thank you to Drs. Moyo and Quao and to all the nurses and staff for their wonderful care and kindness. — Mrs. Robert Scott, Harpurhey. 24-04x1 THE family of the late Michael Miirrays.,wish to express their sincerest appreciation to their • relatives,' friends and neighbors fur 'the many acts ofkindness during their recent sad bereave- ment. Special thanks for flow- ers, letters, cards; for Masses, enrollments and donations to the Heart -Fund; also to Msgr. White and Fr. Durand, to the choir, the altar boys and the honour guard; to the pallbear- ers, Doctors Moyo and Brady, the CWL of St. Columban,• to those who brought food contri- butions to the home; and to the Cleary Funeral Home. 24-04x1 THE family of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Price wish to express their deepest and sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness and sympathy during the sickness and death of their mother. A very special thanks to the nurses of Clinton Public Hospital, Dr, Harrett, Dr, New- land, Rev, Mowatt, the UCW of Wesley Willis Church, cards arid letters. The beautiful floral tri- butes, donations to the Heart Fund, to all who- brought bak- ing to their homes, your thought- fulness will always be remem- bered. 24-04x1 26. Perso allg• Mr. and Mrs. Harry—Johnston wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sharon Ann, to Mr, Robert 'Bruce Wil- bee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Wilbee, Seaforth, wedding to take place Fr,iday, Nov. 21st, in Cavan Church,'Winthrop. 04x1 27. Births BEAN — To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bean,' Mitchell, on Oct. 80, a son, in Seaforth Community Hospital. COStItE110 — To Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Costello, Seaforth, on Nov. 1, a daughter, in Sea- forth Community Hospital, • MYERS — To Mr. and Mrs. John Myers, Mitchell, on Oct. 2111t, a son, in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. POPPE — To Mr. and Mrs. William Poppe, 1, Dublin, on Nov. 1, a son, in Seaforth Community Hospital, ' STOREY — To Mr. ands Mrs. Robert Storey (nee Linda Riley) nal 2, Seaforth, on Nei% 2, a son, in Seaforth Community EasPital• Report from Parliament H0.1 - R. E. McKinley ,M. P. "Huron" The Parliament of Canada met on October 22nd to Alose off the first session of the 28th Parliament which began in Sept- ember 1968L After a lively quest- ion period because of many prob- lems built up over the summer recess, Parliament ' prorogned that session. The official opening of the second session took place the following day, October 23rd and the Members of the House of Commons were summoned to the Senate 'to listen to, the Speech from the Throne, opening the second session of the 28th Par- liament. The speech from the throne was surprisingly short and as usual did not spell out in very much detail as to any particular legislation that the , Government expects to be presenting but ra- ther mentioned some of the problems facing Canada and pro- posed directions that the Gov- ernment feels are necessary to overcome some of these problems. It was mentioned specifically that the Government intends to lower the voting age to eighteen and would recommend to the Standing Committee on Privil- eges and Elections that they con- sider this measures* This meas- ure was considered by this Coxn- mittee during the last session and these recommendations were presented to the Government. Also it was proposed that legislation for the , Government of the northern territories would be brought forward, which would improve the authority of their Councils. The North West Ter- ritories and the Yukon are still administrated solely by the Fed Aral Government. It - was me oned that the Official Langua es Bill passed last session would provide bi- lingual services in Government institutions where the population justified it and the spirit of bilingualism will be advanced wherever possible. Reports of recent activities in Quebec seem to indicate that the province may not be willing to participate in this endeavour. At least they appear to show an unwillingness to accept English education in their schools to the extent that Ontario has shown a willingness to provide french education. It seems to me that in order far this progratn to be successful, it must be a two way street including all parts of Canada. Many times Issues such as this that involve personal feelings are. often better achieved on their own accord by willing ness and co-operation, than by forceful legislation. However, it remains to be seen whatihe Gov- ernment's legislation in this regard will do for the advance- ment of national unity or other- wise. The Government has continued to urge that both the public and private sectors of the economy adopt special measures to combat the dangers of inflation. All „sec- tors of the economy are asked to do this voluntarily so that further fiscal measures by theGovern- medt will not be necessary to conta inflation. e House of Commons will be ailed upon to study proposals for tax reform that will endeavour to distribute the tax burden M a fair :manner. Although the speech from the throne did not mention it, I expect this means the init- iation of some form of capital gains 'tax. In my (Tinian capital gains taX Mitt ate d C anada must antenna, the centennial gift from the Canadian Forces Base, OW ton, marks the establishment in 1941 of the first radar training school on the North American Continent. The base is to be phased out by September-1971. Over the years thousand,' of military men from across Canada, the United•States and England, mostly_ air, force, re- ceived their training at C.F.B. Invitations have been extended for Tuesday dedication to former Base Commanders who have ser- ved at the.Clinton base over the past 28 years, and to mun- icipal officials from across Huron County. Col. E".W.Byan, Base Commander, and Mayor Donald Symons, Clinton, will cone duct the ceremonies which will be followed by a luncheen for the guests at. the Clinton Legion Hall. The antenna was presented to the town in 1967 through arrange- ments made by Air Commodore Keith Greenaway, a former Base Commander now serving in In- donesia. Its erection had been postponed until a major traffic reconstruction program in the centre of downtown Clinton was completed this Fall. ' Correspondent Mrs. C. A.TroZ15 Tuesday, Novem ( r 11 will see a special ceremony in the town of Clinton when a radar antenna will be dedicated. The for new outlets for Canadian grain and endeavour to improve inter- national co-operation and re-es- tablish orderly marketing. Criminal code amendments will also be submitted to the House of Commons that. would regul- ate wire tapping and other in- vasions of an individual's privacy and woul reforin the present law governing detention before trial. Bills will also be submitted to make Federal Tribunals more __responsive and to ensure!' fair treatment in expropriation cases. It is expected that the Depart- ment of Consumer and Corporate Affairs -will present legislation dealing with consumer credit, packaging and labelling, id- entification of fibre content of textile products and motor ve- hicle safety. FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton SEAFORTH— VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., VS. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.M,, V.S. P. 3. Dwyer, M.V.B.„ • MIL.C.V.S. e7 Phone 5274780 - Seaforth G. A. WHITNEY 7 FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth, W. J. CLEARY Seafaith, Ontario LICENSED swam= And FUNERAL, DIRECTOR Night and Days Calls 521-0510 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 CLASSIFIED ADS 22. Legal Notices 24.-Cards of Thanks }:autunly 9:cdtti Rarh'' AYR- GALT -SIAFORTH 527-0120 The Power Edge ss'ht 4.;;: • •.°14 ".‘9141e Taylor's Family ,Footwear Stc M SO I 1 1) ain Street Seaforth. NIF 7;171- OW/1/E ieS ,Co.ri: t Wm. E. Loeber. • 62