HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-06, Page 11The. 'HURON; aaPosivs7a..awaFoRTM Wry:NOV6# l96S1 X1 Hit a Real Jack ver \ a USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE .. 1, Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities si .ir 6.Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted ' - 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 1.1". • Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21 Tenders Wanted t. Legal Notices Business Directory Cards OF Thanks 25. In Memoriam 27. 26. PBirths menals ' 28. Deaths 29. Marriages ) * Classified ads are Inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 13 min- imum 65c. Classifications 24, 25 4 • • and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. All other ciao- sifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wapted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- quest. 4. Help Wanted 11 Articles For Sale 14. Property for Sale 19. Notices 19. lioticeS -P 24; Auction 1. ,'enders.'Wan DRIVER for milk truck in Dub- lin area. Box 1878, Huron Expos- itor. 4-04-1 OAK diningroom table, four chairs and an arm chair with leather seats, all in good condi- tion; also large buffet with mir- ror top. -Mrs. Roy McGonigle, 122 North Main St., phone 527- 0643. 1-04x1 BUCKSKIN pinto, gelding, Hack- ney and quarter, 15 hands, neck reining high stepper, a joy to ride; also bay gelding, ride or drive, strong, gentle, good with children; 2 western saddles, bridles, etc; doeble horse trail- er, new. Prefer to sell as unit Phone 527-1607, Seaforth. 11.4-1 WE have accommodation for a male boarder. North Main St.. 5274119. 10.04-1 SEPTIC TANKS -CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work: „Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-044f VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna. Phone Hensall 262.5748. 19-04-tt ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin 'Riley, 103 1,Ight, house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19.044f ed' porch, entrance hall, 4 piece bath and large living room. One car garage and nicely landseap- ed lot. This home is being offer- ed for much less than today's market value. One storey frame home on a well shdded lot having 2 bed- rooms, kitchen, living room, util- ity room and sun porch. This is an older home requiring mod ernizing but has possibilities for a cozy •home with low invest- ment. Any offer considered. Mervyn Eyre. 169 Goderich St. West, Seaforth, Ph. 527-0523 WATCH REan. FAST SERVICE AU work guaranteed ArrerETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720'- Seaforth. 19-044 ph*. Plat& and ptifiles may be seen .0 certi- fied oektoe_, Ali, '5%. of bid . tir' accompsny each. tender; Pleiosi cteerorle011eot gepOos:01)..,P9tilwiestac oevr„:tard... gate API:ubxilltili:te900.841 1. and' ,MRS .AAVDP414, .Clerk. On. Saturday, Noveruive•O at 2 p,M. at North Half lot con; 5,, Maillop Township„ 5 miles North East of eaforth, CLEARING AUCTION SALE 7. Situations Wanted wax, do baby sitting in my own home. 527-0611, 7-04x1 BABY sitting, available any night except Thursday and Sun- day. Phone Susan Hildebrand, 527-1214. 7-444 440. NOTICE 8. Farm'Stock for Sale TWENTY-eight pigs, 8 weeks old. George Love, Walton. 844-1 NINE chunks of pigs, averaging 100 lbs. each. 345-2570. 8-04x1 NINETEEN` pigs, 8 weeks old: Theo Melady, 345-2148. 8-04-1 LANDRACE boars for sale, ready for service. John Jansen, RR 2, Seaforth, 527-1677. 8.04-1 ONE grade Holstein heifer, due early December. 262-5065, Edi- son McLean, Kippen. 8-04x1 22. Legal Notices We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario, To arrange for pick= up at yatif farm, phone by Sat-- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE phone Clinton, 482-8892 or • MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2349 Dublin, call col- lect. 19-044f • . Registered and grade Holstein cattle. feed and dairy equip- ment. Full list in next week's paper. MICHAEL B. MURRAY Estate Proprietora. R. G. Gethke,' Auctioneer. 204344 NOTICE -742Y,' CREDITORS In the Estate• of CHRISTENA LEONHARDT All persons having clatMs again: st the Estate of ChriSralla lacon hardt, late of the Township of MeKillop, in the County of Hur- on, Widow, deceased, who died on the 19th day of October, 1969, are hereby notified to send in full -particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th ..darOf Novem- ber, 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims then received, COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size,, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11-994 DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR "Rural Ontario Specialists" For Best Results Photo-list Your Property With Don Hoist" Stepweld's Registered Kennels 21. Tenders Wanted COLOR TV. Choose between 2 leading makes at Stannah's. See the new Philco's with solid state signal system and life like color realism and ask about. the Philco Ford portable service warranty. From $549 with trade. Sperling at John, Seaforth, 527- 0703. 11-04411 DEAD STOCK Please Call Promptly MARLAIT BROS. TWENTY-five calves averaging 300 to 400 lbs. Contact W. C. 'Willson, 527-1167 or R. McKay, 482-7775. 844x1 TENDERS Dachshund Pups and Silver Miniature Poodles Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the Hensel/ Recreation Park and Community Centre Board for a new roof for the Hensall Arena. Specifications may be obtained from Mrs. Ro- bert Reaburn, 90 King St., Hen- sail. Tenders to be submitted to .the undersigned by 5 p.m, Fri- day, November 14th, 1969. Low- est or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. MRS. ROBERT REABURN 90 -King St., Hensall, Sec.-Treas., Hensall Recreation Parks and -Community Centre 21-03-2 60 ACRES . OF PASTURE 9. Poultry for Sale !Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service - 7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65. 19-04-tf 482-7231 KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY . FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-084'r Box 169 19-03-5 TIMEX WATCHES DATED, at Seaforth, this 30th day of October, 1969. ' McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 22-043 CONCRETE WORK SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-04-ti HURON DEAD . STOCK REMOVAL All types of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Reasonable Rates-Free Estimates MALONEY- BROS. Dublin Phone 345-2964. 19-04-ti 9-04-tf TREASURER'S SALE OF 'LAND FOR 'TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH County of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town. of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said Corporation, bearing date the 7th day of January, 1969, sale of • lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held in Council Chambers at the hoer, of tea o'clock in the feretiriOn on the 11th day of December, 1969, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale of arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 6th day of September, 1969, and that copies of the said list may be, had at my office. Ready-To-Lay PULLETS Considering a, Iri 'Tuekersmith Township. Rich riverbottom land. Good value at the price asked. WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN - SEAFORTH 1. Coming Events MOBILE HOME Clinton, Ontario We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and hors- EGMONDVLLLE United Church° fowl supper to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, from 5 p.m, to 8 p.m. -1-04-1 NOTICE or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or call: EUSTON. MOBILE • HOMES LIMITED 547 Plains Rd., East. Phone 416-032-8400, Burlington, Ontario Many models and makes to choose from. Available. Vaccinated, •debeaked and delivered .at $2.10 McKinley Farms and Hatchery Ltd. • Zurich, Ontario 262-2837 9-04-2 es. Anyone" who, has left second- ' GEO. R. JOHNSTON 'hand skates for sale at Irvin's REAL. ESTATE LTD. ' Hardware please call for same BROKER before Nov. 12th. We will not 1444-1 be responsible for them after the above date. 1944-1 • DRAIN "TENDERS Township of Hibbert Tenders will be received by the undersigned until ' noon Thursday, November 13, 1969, for the construction• of the fol- lowing: A chartered bus leaving Clin- ton for Royal Winter Fair, Wed- nesday, Nov. 19th. Further in- formation, phone 482-7627. 1-04x1 We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 License No:- 190-C-69 19-044 -sr CABARET Dance, Brodhagen Hall, Nov.' 21, 1969. Music by the "Royal Aires", Dublin and District Athletic Association. 1-99-7 FOR SALE WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED, REM ESTATE BROKER is pleased to announce the appointment of PATRICK FRANCIS..WILLIAMS 11-04-ti 4-bedroom home, on Chalk 'St., •hot water heating, ideal for large family. Low down pay- 'ment, owner willing to take long-term mortgage. Price $7,500, 3-bedroom on East William. Owner' now employed in Wat- ford. New gas furnace. Will hold mortgage. Brick apartment building, low taxes, near down town area. For Rent - 3 bedroom hobse, all conveniences. $65 monthly. JOSEPH McCONNELL Realtor 30 Victoria Street 527-1560 16-04-1 Aluminum Awnings and Siding 10 years in the area, workman- ship guaranteed. Call Mlathers Home Improvement Clinton 482-7372: 11-04-tf CHOOSE your new stereo from six models on display from $239 at Stannah's. Time payments, free record packs, nice people to serve you (me and my wife). Co o 17 Sperling St. and see us. Brig money if you like. • 11.0441 10. Used Cars for Sale THE Happy Citizens will hold their November Euchre in the Legion Hall on Thursday, Nov. 13, at 2 o'clock. Everyone wel- come. Ladies please bring lunch. 1-04x1 Dow, Drainage Works • 1965 GMC 1/2 -ton truck, 37,000 miles, A-1 condition. 482-7118. 10-04x1 1965 Dodge, auto, 6, $295, as is. Phone 262-5272. 10-04x1 3,158 lineal feet of closed drain- 2 catch basins. HERBERT (Staffa) United Church Men's ham and egg sup- per, 19th of November, 5:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. Adults $1.50: children 12 and under 75c. Pre-schoolers free. $6.00 per family. 1,04-2 11. " les for Sale as a Real Estate Representative for Dub- lin and District. Mr. Williams has suc- cessfully passed all the necessary examin- ations set out by the Real Estate and Bus- inesS Brokers Act and is now bonded and licensed to trade in all types of Real Esr:" tate. oP CR SHED gra 1 delivered or at the r it John Thompson, 527- 023: 11-04-tf. GOOD cob corn, .K. Boven, 527- 1138. 1134-1 McDonald Drainage Works Treasurer's office this 10th day of September, 1969. ERNEST M WILLIAMS Treasurer 22-96-13 A dance in Brussel's Legion Hall, Friday, Nov. 14th, Desjar- dine's Orchestra. Sponsored by Walton Recreation Committeep-- Admittance limited to those 21 years of age and over. 1-03-2 TWELVE Taco water bowies for cattle. 527-1738.. 1144-1 ONE Gourley piano, in good condition. 482-7548. 11-04-1 3,685 lineal feet of open drain •-• : (2,750 cu. yds). 11,896 lineal feet of closed drain. 11 catch basins. Town line road culvert under separate contract. Township to supply tile and - FLOWERS TRUCK camper, plywood,. 8-ft., aluminum windows, $90. Phone 482-7398. - 11-04x1 ESCAPE the cold during Christ- mas vacation, 15 day bus tour to Florida. For itinerary phone 527-1222 or write Habkirk Tran- sit Service, Box 700, Seaforth. 1-04-tf For-all occasions. Cut flowers, Potted plants, etc. McLean's Greenhouse Phone 527-0800. 15. Property for Rent Telephone 345-2308, Dublin 19042 For Other Classified SEE PAGE 12 TWO short, formal dresses, size 9.11, $6.00 each. 527-0720. 11.04-1 NEWLY decorated apartment, heated, Phone 527-0722. 15-034f 11-04-tf NEW 2-bedroom house, broad- loom throughout. In Egmont!, vine, $100.00 per month. 345- 2314. 15-0441 THE RIMPLES COMING EVENT - Special bus to the Grand Ole Opry, Nash- ville, Tenn., leaves Friday eve- ning, November 14th, 8 p.m., returning Sunday evening, Nov- ember 16th. Reserveyour seat4 now. Habkirk Transit Seri/yes Ltd., Box 700, Seaforth, ,• or phone 527-1222. 1-99-7 THREE feet by 12 feet galvan- ized culvert. Frank Nolan, RR 1; Dublin. 11-044 ZENITH, the color TV with the brightest picture and outstand- ing cabinetry, plus hand crafted chassis is at Stazioalfs. And Zen- ith repair costs are among the lowest. When you buy from Stannah you get service from Stannah. 527-0703, 11-04-tf AND Torozes BREAWAST WAS 'THE MOST DEUCIOu.S IVE.EVER' EATEN. AND YOU'RE A MARVELOUS COOK! 6.5%/E.. HONEY: THAT was A LOVELY COMPLI- MENT, ONLY RE HADN'T EVEN HAD 14I5 BREAKFAST 'YET! ILL SWEAR 1:0u NEVER EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU EAT VOR ; .4 AST! YES I DO, Al-lb I SAVOR. EVERY TASTY_ MORSEL! G YO R U XC GET S JA N D N Y O E-sw MO APER G MO NEVER SAY A' Win). TO ME! SEVEN and, a half inch table saw with motor.. 345-2879, - 11-04-1 TWO bedroom duplex apart- ment in Egmondville, gas, heat- ed, private entrance and drive, available immediately. 527-1529. 15-0441' ELECTRIC stove, good working condition. Phone '527-0579. 1134-1 12. Wanted to Buy FOUR bedroom country home, oil heated, bathroom, built-in cupboards. 21/2 miles west of Seaforth on Highway 0. Avail- able Nov 1. 482-7439. 15-03x1 Watch for Stedman's Shopping Party Soon! FOUR-burner electric range, apartment size, in good condi- tion, 345-2567, after '7. • 11.04-1 HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- er house. Phone 482-7358. 12-044f GERRARD-Heintzman .piano, in good "working order; also 16-ft. carrot with 2 paddles. Phone 527- 1607, Seaforth. 11-04-1 WILL buy household effects of older home. Call for appraisal, 527-1920 anytime. • 12-04-tf USED furniture from attib to basement. Call collect, 236-4243. 12-04-tf ONE Spanish acoustic (non el- ectric) guitar 527-1078, 12-04x1 "FOR RENT GAS furnace, 140,000 BTU, forc- ed air, converted unit with_all controls, plenums, etc., 190,00, "as is", "where is". Wilkinson's IGA. 11-04-1 C Modern- 2-bedroom apartment, heated, close to uptown. 1-04-1 e-4•74.41. c 2. Lost, Strayed 482-7548 1541-1 LOST on Sunday, a green alum- , inum wheelbarrow, between Jerry Heyinks and the Brussels county road. Reward. 527-0246. 2-04-1 A stainless steel fender skirt, be- tween Seaforth and Brussels, on the night of October 28. Marked S.C.Z. Finder leave at Box 1877, Huron Expositor. • 2-04x1 TWO snow tires on wheels, 585 x 15 and two car radios, one 12 volt and one 6 volt. Can 345- 2576. 11-04-1 WANTED to buy or rent a type- writer. 527-1587. 1244-1 APPROXIMATELY 8 ton of dry- ed shelled corn. 527-0715. 12-04-1 FOR RENT With Option To Buy Immaculate 4-bedroom 11/2 - storey home, completely mod- ern throughout, Lovely bright kitchen, spacious living room and dining room, gas heated, at- tached garage'. This home must be seen. GIRL'S blue coat with black fur collar, size 9; also boy's blue suit size 15; both in good condi- tion, Phone 345-2928, Dublin. 1134-1 COMICS 13. Wanted HORSES for boarding. Phone 52'7-1618. • ' 1343-1 REGISTERED miniature poodle puppies, two dark brown males and one black female, eight weeks old. Mrs. Ken Thompson, 527-1915. 11-04-2 TWO boarders, private bath, own entrance, good food. 527, 1529. • 13-04-1 4, Help Wanted EX3PERIENCED man for gener- al farm work, Apply Ken R. Campbell„ RR 1, Dublin. 527.- 0137. 4-04-2 Mere ,..40)*(1114 OLDER furnit creeks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 13.04-tf THE WHEELS • JUST $1.00 WANTED - Pictures, papers or articles referring ' to Egmond- William M. Hart,, 13-04-tf IKE CULLIGAN YOU OVER4HE-ROAD TRUCKERS REALLY Got IT I, LOOK AT vou,...HANC,•SjilcHED LOAFERS , GABARDINE SLACKS, itiv; CIGAR ALL YOU'RE MISSING IS A fADILLAC! 4 MEN and women pensioners who would like good home of their own not living with the owner, doing light work in a small fact- ory. Also men who would like to work on a farm. F. D. Kyte, Till- sonburg, Ontario. Phone 842- . 2710. 4-044f 4 MEN or women who would like to travel, delivering goods from one town. to another. Car Sup- plied and expenses paid. If you are married and would like to take wife we also supply a house trailer. F. D. Kyte, Tillsonburg. Phone 842-2718. 4-04-tf will lay it away for' Christmas day at Pottery. SkUCKS...,.LoW. AS SHE'S LOADED, THIS BABsi Q1DES Just AS.GOoD AS AN,/ CAtoiLLAc! i s 4 Phone (519) 348-8355 AGENT FOR --Sea orth. SEAFORTH 14. Property for Sale • MANN MARTEL JEWELLERS '•' PROPERTY FOR SALE 15-04-2 1144-ti 19. Notices TV and Radio repairs, certified technician,' all rates posted in shop, Also home service any- where in Seaforth, and surround- ing district. Stannah the Radio • Man. 527-0703, 17 Sperling• St. Seaforth. 11-04-ti LEATHER weather silicone waterproofing spray can, $1.10; never slips vulcanized on rub- bers, at Jack Thompson's Foot- wear Service, Shoes and Repair, 8' Main St. 11442 BACKHOING - Contact Don or Bob Wallace, 527-1396. 19-04-ti 777 For present home comfort and future value, this 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home on a double corner lot marks the end to your search, Modern kitchen, 4 piece bath; utility room, living room and dining room. Brick garage and 2 extra lots. This 'home can be purchased with a low down payment and -easy mortgage payments. Modern 2 bedroom Bungalow on spacious shady lot. 6 rooms,. all recently redecorated and hardwood flooring throughout. This smaller compact home is the ideal home in sire and price for the retiring couple or small- er family. • One iterey 2 bedroom home in the country. Just-7 years old, this home has 6 sun flooded rooms, electric heating, screen- NOTICE - St. Coluinban store is now ,handling Singer' parts and notions, also accepting service calls. Special on• service calls, $1.95. Phone 345-2750. 19.04-tf or CYNTHIA MALE HELP WANTED REPAIRS on all makes and mod- els of Sewing Machines. New models available; Repairs guar- anteed with genuine Singer parts. Singer Co. of Canada, 40 West, Goderich. Phone 524-8431, 19,044 LET CLYDE 600K Al' IT, DAD HE'S A HI.P1 AND STEREO No" HENt! THAT'S, PERFeceri CLYDE, •loO HAV.E A GREAT FUTURE IN ELECTRowcS1 4'. I/ ‘k. r 7. 117 THE SERVICE MAN WAS HERE. HE COULDN'T Fo( .1T.... NE's SZINGIR& A NEW FART Tat. ktm WHAT No0 evar IN 5LEC.TIZIGITY AND A,t&NET(SM „LELVDE ..5 OUTOF 16! SAVINGS ON YARN CLEARANCES and OVER-RUNS Spinrite Yarns & Dyers Ltd. FACTORY AND SALES STORE Main St. Listowel, Ont. " i01-3951 NA5 ScME6CD%,1 MESSItO V.1111-111-itS? 'AT SHQULDN'T BE IN 1-kaczE Bedroom• furniture manufae- turer requires bench assembler', drawer fitters and machine op- craters for case goods assem- bling and drawer fitting. Im- mediately. Fabian Furniture Co. Ltd. Clinton, Ontario 482-7961 4-044 4 NOTICE 1-1444 ONE Woman's. winter boat with fur Mar, size 40; 1 girl's win- ter coat, size 12; 1 set of His and Hers coats, man's size 40, woman's size 20, like new. 527- 10/2, 11-04x2 Anyone who has left second- hand skates for' sale at Inria's Hardware please call for same before Nov. 12th. We will not be responsible for them After the above date. 10444