HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-11-06, Page 4SEE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY 'Ihe regular meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held Ti esday,*c..vember 11th at 8;00 p.m. at the Hospital. Mrs. E. F. Durst will give a demonstration on Christmas de- . (-orations. Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 YOUR FREE copy Of The 1970 FARMERS ALMANAC is now available at VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST 100 KINGSTON ST. COMPANY • GODERICH, ONT. CANADIAN EDITION SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPFN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries. are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482.9421 SEAFORTH: Contact' Willis DOndas Or Bill Pinder 527.1382 Bus. 527-1750. SCREENED TOPSOIL (Stone, Grass and Root Free) CEMENT GRAVEL Also for Lanes or Yards, Fill Etc. LANDSCAPING Light Bulldozing, Back Otilling, Levelling Etc. BACKHOE WORK — LYLE MONTGOMERY — PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS OR CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE, CLINTON, 482-7661 41THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 6, 1969 NEWS OF WOODHAM Smiles . eimosisomemommise ROY HANNON Occidental Life Insurance Company RR 3, Mitchell Phone' 345-2274 25 year decreasing Torus Ufa insurance At These Low, Low Rates • Age 25 — $157-00 Age 30 — $20/.00 - Age 35 — $300.00 Age 40 — $463.00 Should husband and father whose chid "estate" is his job, pay, .a high premiunLfor a little. pro- tection — or a low premium for a lot of pro- tection? "Be Protection Rich — Not Insurance Poor" $100,000 • • c.o.% , INSURANCE ,. On your NOM, BUSINESS, FARM M CAA, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 : Soafortb Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors ..11•Ny•••••••••••00.4%...... .401." Mrs. Win. Rundle was hostess on Thursday evening when the relatives honoured Miss Barbara Switzer with a miscellaneous shower prior to her marriage on November 8th. Miss Jacqueline Beckett of Galt spent the week , end with tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence , Beckett and Geraldine.. ' Get well wishes are extended t) M:.. Gerald Lawson who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. having had surgery. Mr and Mr; Gerald Brint- nell, Terri and Scotc attended the anniversary service at Avonton on Sueday and were' guests fol- low'ng with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stacey and family. Congratulations to Rev. John King and Mr K on the ar- rival of their first grandchild, a wee boy, in Halifax on Saturday ev!a,ling. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ft , Mrs. John Buters, Mr. and 1‘.1.-s. George Wheeler, Mr and M' • Glenn Copeland and girls, Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler and Mass Jean COPeland were Sunday guests w!.1 Mr. and Mrs. J)lin R.dd, Panfela and Calvin. Mr s , and Mrs. Douglas W?bb, Miss Sandra M,-)sienko and Mr. Dennis Webb of L mdon and Mr. and Mrs. R:Jph Wareham Pad Distribute Colored Bibles After placing black-bound B.bles in hotels for about sixty- years, and for a lesser number of years in motels, ,Canadian Gideons are now makilig Bibles available in two additional col- ours, light blue and walnut. For psychological reasons it is ex- pected that the introduction of a colOur range would increase readership, as has proven to be the case in other countries. In the United 'States, black covered Bibles have been drop- ped completely in farm" of a modern range of -four col,purs, including, bittersweet, beige- . a floral tapestry, olive green, and brown. tribution of Scriptures exceeds six million copies. The seven-millionth scripture to be placed by the Gideons of Canaria w be presented inNov- emberto the Right Honourable ill Roland Michener, Governor Oen- eral Answering ie -those, who claim that few people read the Wide anymore, the Gideons point to a steady flow of unsolicited let- ters from persons who have been spiritually ,helped through their work. 382,000 Bibles were placed in North American hotels and mot- els last year, an increase of 100,000 copies over the preced- ing year. World-wide annual dis- family of Blyth were Saturday visitors with Mr. anti Ws. Nor- ris Webb and farMly. - M:s. DouglaA\ Tucker, the former Marlene Ti urns, whose marriage took place OnSatlirday, was hoaoured at a miscellaneous shdwer by the Community on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell . attended the Commencement Ex- ercises at Northwestern Secon- dary School., Stratford on Friday evening. Miss Linda Russell of Resseldale was • one of the graduates. Mrs. Lawrence Mills and Mr. R..ssell Mills of London visited Su.idsy afternoon with fiii:ases Blanche and Rhea Mats. M: Eimer McLa tehlin, Rtck, Gail and Bat of Waterloo were w::ek end guests with Mr. arid Mrs. U. Verne Rodd, Wayne, Karen and Eid.e. Mr. and Mrs. Wib Kirkby of Kirkton were Sat- u:day e:ening guess. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS Phone 527-0270_ _Seaforth DIAMONDS WATCHES " JEWELLERY CHINA - SILVERWARE CRYSTAL Gifts for every occassion Watch, Clock and Jevellery. repairs " When an American Indian fi'm was shown recently at a theater in New York, two Indians were employed for advertising purposes and stationed in front of the theater. An inquisitive, jewel- bedecked woman haughtily asked one " You're a real Indian, afen't you?" "Yes, 'madam, " was the courteous response.i "How do you like our city?"' she-inquired. "Very fine, madam," replied the Indian. "How do you like our country?" "Lucy Wants Your Eggs She will pay you Ze to 5c per dozen above_ top market prices. She also *ants your old hello. Lucyowill pay you 12e to 15e per pound. She gives a darn good egg grade. Won't you let little Lucy solve your poultry problems. She will also pick up your eggs and chickens. Call Her Today At 105 Brussels ................ r.l,..... r . ' • TOP' VALU , ... LIQUID 128-oz. Every week more and more 'people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low • cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. 'Announcement ... TOP VALU (By rha piece) Bologna 39a BEEF & PORK SAUSAGE 6-lb. Economy Pock .................................... .. . TOMATO OR 'VEGETABLg AYLMER SOUP - 10-oz. C 'Tin .. ........... ...... . ... . ................ ALLEN'S ASSORTED FRUIT DRINKS Tan • Cook..grosi,..MilliO4.Corn_pany announces a change in ownership effective November 3, 1969. The business will continue at before and we believe our new afation will be 'to your continuing benefit We remain with the company in executive capacities, and recommend the new owners-and their total representative Mr. Harry Adamson as completely worthy of your.. trust and patronage. Thank you all for the excellent cooperation and business relationship we have always enjoyed. Robert and Douglas Cook Vice-Presidents At this time, as "Cook's' enters anew phase in its unbroken progress, we assure everyone of our ambition to provide the highest quality service aailable anywhere. We intend to merit continuation - of the goodwill and suppiort accorded "Cook's" in the past and, with the help of Bob and Doug, are confident of success. We hope and expect to meet you personally during the coming months. Harry Adamson President Cook Bros. Milling* Co. Hensall, Ontario. u,SH.ENtl 4M 3L/ AZ; CANADA MAC ' Ft..jOuRieir APPLES ORANGES LETTUCE 2 1$,0LE .047,ritc. a tra whA nes 7.,..„ irs Detergent \ 3:. 494A 21 "I" 99° '''eacl 3 fo AN rjz____04 met( ' .. VVILKINSONV on. ,... Seat PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAf.,, NOV. 8 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 4 •