The Huron Expositor, 1969-11-06, Page 3Fair Groups Meet UC ers Correspondent '• Mrs. Jlhn Templeman Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mauer and Brian, Thames Read visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.John Templeman andfamily. Visitors over the week end with Mrs.° Sam Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and fam'ly were Mr. and Mrs. John Burleigh and family, Goderich and Mr. Jim Norris and Doubles, Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Eugeneatillard and family, Exeter, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family. Home with their families for the week end were Miss Eleanor Kemp, Western, Bill Worden, Waterloo and Boo Ternpleman, .Guelph,,,. Staffa Worneresedstitute enter- ' •tained 4-H leade,rs, husbands or friends, Hurondale Women's In- "If we stop all advertising, will prices go down?" It's no secret that advertising comes in for a good deal of criticism. Is it justified? To find out, Laird Q'Brien interviewed Professor W. H. Poole from the School of Business, Queen's University. Professor Poole answered ,questions about advertising and how it affects prices, competition, "economic waste," and 'buying habits. His objective comments are worth reading. Professor Pthile AnOWS the busbies orld from both the acatlentic and practical For a it amber of years he was on stall at the 'University of Alberta, the I iniversier of Manitoba and Queen's University. lie joined a Canadian marl‘eting organization as research manager and later was President and Manager of a /uruh' adver- tising agency. Ile is now Profi ,ssor Busbvs at Queen's Univer.O.ty, Kingston. Question: What do the critics say about, advertising? PROF. POOLE: From an economic point of view there are several eriticiSms. Ad- vertising is wasteful, for one. That it raises prices, That it creates excessive prolitsfor some companies and makes it difficult for new companies to enter the market. Question: Your first point was eco- nomic waste. Is advertising wasteful? PROF, POOLE: If we accept that we are living in a basically free enterprise economy:, thereis inevitably some dupli- cation and waste of resources. It.happens in advertising. It also happens when you find.fOur,gas stations at one intersection. Or three department stores in the same shopping plaza. Any form of free economy does have its waste. But there is another side to it: 'the competition between companies en- coUrages new produit development, im- proved quality, better service. Question: Some,people say that if we stop all advertising, prices will go down. What about it? PROF. POOLE: The editors of the Harvard Business Review asked the same question. They found that 85°„ of busi- nessmen did oar think that eliminating advertising would change the cost of products. Here's the crux of the problem: adver- tising is one facto-- and frequently a rather small factor-'-that determines how a product is sold. It's a selling tool. Like salesmen, store displays. packages, the type of store it's sold in. and so forth. It' you eliminated advertising--the other selling factors would play a larger 'role. isn't it logical that a manufacturer would have to add more salesmen or build bigger Store displays or find some other ways to compete? Probably the new methods wouldn't be as effecti‘e and they could he more costly, Adver- tising is really a very inexpensive way to sell products. Question: What about the .argument that advertising makes people buy things they don't need? PROF. POOL: You can say that all people really need is a basic diet, clothing and shelter. Advertising doesn't make people buy, It informs, persuades, and broadens the area of choice. It encourages people to spend. And it encourages people to save. A good example is the campaign for Canada Savings Bonds. And remembersomething called the Edsel, Millions were spent on advertising but people still chose not to buy it. The Mustang, on the other hand, was a great success because it filled the need of the day. Advertising can't reach into some- body's pocket and take the money, It can only open a V ider area, of choice. And isn't that \\ hat of free, market-oriented economy is all ut? Question: What do 'you expect 'from advertising in the years ahead? PROF. POOLE: I hope that the indtptry bey itself can weed out any advertising that is deceptive or misleading, And I hope that advertising can he used to sell ideas as well' -as products, There is no doubt that athertising is a powerful method-of communication, And an efficient one in terms of cost. 'hy can't We use adrertisittg -its 4%1101- twee and people-to prOmote concepts that are imptviant from a social viewpoint ? I'm thinking of things like safe dri \ ing. Or recruitment of policemen, nurses and social workers. Even understanding bet \\ een nations, q NOTE: You, the. consumer, can •• do something about "bad" advertising. Write for your copy of the industry's Code of ethics. The address is Advertis- ing Standards Council, 159 Bay Street, Toronto 116, Ontario. Read the booklet. Keep it handy, if you see an advertisement that you think breaks or seriously bends the rules, fill in and mail the complaint notice enclosed with the Code booklet. Canadian Advertising Advisory Board: we work for better advertising. 31 JBEANS 2 for NM MARGARINE ME OATS FACELLE ROYALLE TOWELS - 2-roll pkg. 53c First Grade Creamery UTTER lb. 64c Van Camp — 14-oz. tins lb. 5. Margarine Gem - r SOUPS 1 80's I 10-oz. tins doz. 1.00 , 10C ea. FANCY QUALITY — 48-oz. tin BONUS! BONUS! RED & WHITE Peanut Butter, 3-lb. jar $1.35 —PLUS— FREE LOAF RED & WHITE BREAD AYLMER or HEINZ Tomato and Vegetable SUNKIST ORANGES TOMATO JUICE - = 29c BLUE BONNETT FACELLE ROYALLE' 3-PLY FACIAL TISSUES • - 3 boxes 89c 3 lbs. 89c 5 lbs. 79c 49c - - 77c ROBIN' HOOD E. D. SMITH — 19-oz -- CHERRY_ PIE FILLING DA 60's TEA BAGS - FEATURE! SCHNEIDER'S LUNCHEONM(AEs.A 1-16 pkg. 69c SIZZLER SAUSAGE 1-16 pkg. 69c We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal, family needs. GQIETTLER'S — MARKET --- DUBLIN — • - Phone 345-2420 THE HURON EXP9sIT010:SEAFOR:rit, 911jru NOV* k 1 party from St. Columban, Kennicott, Evangelical United Brethern, Ellice Lutheran and Logan Township Lutheran Clutches, Mr. and Mrs, George Mueller had as their guests recently' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Grope and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Schade of Mil- vet ton. ' Emard H. McCormick of Mitchell, died suddenly Monday near Bancroft, Or.tailo while on a hunting trip. He was 59. Mr. McCormick was ge5ieral manager of Pet . h Concrete Pr ,ducts Ltd. : -and Huron Concrete Supply Ltd. and 'was widely known in the two counties. He was a member of Mitchell Golf Cluf, Mitchell Hunt Club and a past president of Mitchell Lions Club, a mem- ber of St: John's Masonic Lodge #20 London. H is survived by his wife', the former Kathleen Maclntyre and one son Rebert of Toronto, one brother, James of Landon, three Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe attended graduation ceremonies at the2University of Western Ontario on Friday when their son Donald received-his Bache19_r_of Arts Degree. Following Cdnvo- cation, refreshments were served• in the dining area -6f Somerville House., andivIrs. Wilfred Ahrens 'Iftpent the weekend ,ateBurlington visiting with Mrs. Rachael • Ahrens who is still a patient at CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Bob. Cronin Miss Monica Byrne The Dublin Women's Institute held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Herb Britton. The roll call, "A sample of misleading advertising" 17/..:s an- swered by 11 members and one visitor. ,Mrs. Butters had com- piled a history of the Butters Hardware store and home in Dublin which was read by Mrs. Charles Friend. A report of the Perth county Rally was given by Mrs. Herb Britton. The date April 10 was confirmed for a short course, "Furniture Facts". Resolutions were read to be voted on at ,London Ar 'a Con- vention In November, Tae topic, "Canadian Industries;; was given by Mrs. H, Pethick dealing with Canada's development in the North West Territories. Mrs. H, Britton conducted a contest, won by Mrs. Charles Friend. I' was' announced by Mrs. Friend that the 4-H Achievement Day is Dee.enber 6, 1969 In M1,chell. Plans were made for the November meeting to be held at Mrs. J. Burchills on November 25, when the Institute will -en- tertain husliands at a card party and pot luck lunch.. Mrs., J. Barchill acted as auctioneer for a variety sate and hinch was servedi by mrs. e J.Nagle and Mrs. N. MacKay. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. C.Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bennirer and family spent the week end in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ouelette and son. Miss Monica By ne is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr., and Mrs. Don Coyne and Patrick, London and ME and Mrs. ,Bill Butters and Dan- ny, Stratford with Ms. and Mrs. Tom Butters, i Mrs. Lorne Feeney has re-' trned home after being apattent 3 1 the Seafortfe Community Hos- p tal. , i e , , Mr. andiverS: Gerald Ryan and son,London with Mr and Miss Barbara Rolland,Strat- ford wth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flynn. Mrs. Oliver Gaffney, Strat- ford was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland. ' Mr. Rebert Cronin was a patient in Seaforth Commtreiy Hospital for a few days last week. Mrs. Muriel. Trott, Clinton with Mrs. A. M. Looby. Miss Helene Looby with Ms and Mrs. Joe .Looby and family. Sister' Ann, Londoa spent the week end at the Ute•aline Con- vent .1n Dublin while visiting with friends. Tile Dublin Colleens met Monday when a report on geoom - ing plans was answered by the girls. Mrs. Friend discussed 'teeth' and Glenna Brewe dis- cussed the record books and what should be done to complete them before handing them in, Achievement day was discussed along with covers for the 4-H books. stitute, their husbands or friends to a fun night in Staffa Township Hall on Wednesday evening. Over eighty members and guests were greeted at the door by the President, Mrs. Ed.Chap- pel and Sec,Treas., Mrs. Ross McPhail. Mrs. Cameron Vivian, Mrs. Roy McDonald and Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth were in charge of registration. Chairman for the evening, was Riess McPhail who opened with the Institute Ode. The StaffaHal- lowe'en Band enthrtained with several numbers. Readings were given by Mrs. Gerald Carey and Miss Olive Speare and enjoyed by all. Mrs. Robert McCoughey favoured with a piano instrumen- tal "Little Arrows" and a sing- song led by Mrs. RessSmale,liact everyone' 'participating. 'Several games of Bingo were-erijOyed with Mrs. Carter Kerslake cal- ling. Netija4i St. COMIIIMbari\ Mrs. Joseph Kale Edward Meiady and Arthur Devereaux left on Saturday on a hunting trip to Lake Nipissing. Jack Doyle, Toronto, was groomsman at the McCra.e-Mc- Grath wedding on Saturday and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Dcn Coyne and Pat, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne. Mx, and Mrs. Lou Murray, London, with Mrs. Michael Mur- ray. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy and children, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. K D rcharm e, Wingham with Mr. and Mrs. Augasle Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. T.P.Morris are visiting in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. David Reg; Kitchener; Mr and Mrs. Leo Smith and 'children, Acton, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. john William- son and children,London; Miss Rose Doyle, Cedar Springs with' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle. Miss Karen Kale, University of Waterloo, spent the week 'end at her home and attended the McCrae - McGrath wedding on Saturday. Mr. anti Mrs. James Sloan,Sr. are visiting in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sloan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan; Jim Melady, London at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Edward Melady; John O'Leary is on a punting trip at Stoke Bay in Northern Ontario. Opening at 10:00 A.M. pres- idqnt Albert Carson, Listowel presided pver the Mens Section and fourteen societies gave re- ports of their work during the past year. The reports were encouraging, showing that the small Fairs were still benefic- ial tb the communities they were serving. Fairs were held at Hayfield, Blyth, Dungannon,, sisters, Mrs. ' Ar..hur Buchanan of Toronto, Mrs. Win. Stirman of Islington and Mrs. Sidney Bibby of Bt:rlington. Funeral services will be4ield from the Heath-Leslie Funeral Home, Mitchell on Thursday at 2:30 'P.M. Interment will follow in Knox Presbyterian CernetarY, Mitchell. Brussels, Enter, Howicit, „Pea, forth, Zurich, Kirkton,Listnwel, Mitchell, Milverton, St. Marys and Stratford. Dinner was served in the Royal Canadian Legion Home by the Ladies Auxiliary. During the dinner hour A.J.PepPin,Toronto, Assistant Director !of the Ont- ario Associatiori brought greet- ings. Mrs. W.O.Struthers,Mit- chell addressed -the group on "Words” "Words once spoken cannot be recalled" she said and urged her listeners to think bpfrsre they spoke. Returning to the Town lien the election of officers for the men's section resulted as fol- lows, Past President, Albert Carson, Listowel, President, Elgin Thompson, Hensall; Assis- tant Director, K.J.Reaney, Mit- chell and sec.Treas.,Donald M. Young, Auburn. •The ladies div- ision officers with Mrs. Earl Watson, St. Marys in charge are ert Gibson, Gc'rrie, R.R.1; Assistant, Mrs. Lorraine,Seely, St. Marys; Sec.Treas.,Mrs.Wil- Ham Wilson, R.11,1, Fordwich; Assistant Sec.T'reas. Mrs. Ken Reane, Mitchell. The ladies were treated to a Demonstration of Christmas decorations made by Mrs.Em- merson Durst, Seaforth. Using articles aroend the home, coat hangers, la iadrns, stove pipe stopper, nags, pine cones, ever- greens with candles and balls. Mrs. Durst explained how easy it was to create decorations. Correspondent Mrs. Ethel Thiel Tuckersmith Reeve Elgin Thompson was named president of The Ontario Association of Agriculture Societies, District N8, when organizations from Huron and Perth met in the Town Hall, Mitchell on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Joseph F.,, Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Cullen ussell. Mr. anirMrs. Gary Van Loon, Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Van Bakel,. Mr. Michael Denom e, Ki - chener , wth mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cronin and family. Mr and Mrs. Larry Cook, Toronto ?v,jtheyIrs. Louis Beuxer and Jerry. QUIET IN DUBLIN - Hallowe'en was celebrated in Dubi.in as in most. sma'l tours and villages with lots of spooks and goblins. Upon one door where a Count was made 98 little trick and, treaters In their bewl'.ching costumes knocked during the ev- ening. By 9;30 most of the bags dr pumpkins which they carried were' flowing over with goodies .and most of the youngsters were on their way home. The town was peaceful and the spooks were laid away until next year. News of t he hospital there. They also visited With M , and Mrs, Robert Ahrens, and Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family. Mr, and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe, Mircel Wolfe and Dennis Benne- ties visited with Mt, and Mrs, Marcus Gruhl or,Fullarton on Sunday: Flowers were placed on the altar of St, Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday in loving, memory of the late Edwin Mogk. They were placed there by his Wife and family, Service next - Sunday will he at 9a, m. folio- wed ,by Sunday School, 4H' News Brodhagen Beauty Bbilders met at Mrs. Edward Scherbarth's and answered the roll call. "Problems I had applying the facings on my duster." and discussed achievement 'day i.., Milverton The topi c was "Sleeves and Sleeve Facings", and leaders showed examples, At a meeting held at Mrs, Ken Smith's home a date to do hook covers and the exhibit "A Grooming Guide for Personal Cleanliness" was discussed NEWS OF BRODHAGEN STAFFA Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen The LCW of St. Peter's Lutheran Church entertained at a Hallowe'en party Wednes- day evening, Approximately one hundred • attended, most of the ladies in costume. After a masquerade, parade, the jiidge,s, selected the ; best costumes. Prizes went to; best Hallowe'en costume- MrS. John Shea, best dressed couple- Mrs. Manuel Beuerman and Mrs. Reuben Buuc,k, Mrs. J Haggarty and Mrs. W.,, Maloney, Saddest lady - Mrs. Bob Murray e,and.Most ,comical e Mrs. Tom • KAI • , '''''''-'-ilie'LW'entertained with a few selections followed by lunch. Guests came to the Huron Concrete Manager Passes Logan Council Meets Logan Township Council opened their meeting Monday with a period of reverence, honouring those from Logan TownShip who had laid down their lives for Soverign and County Reeve Wm. Hill spoke briefly and the c'erk read the names from the Logan-Township 'Honor Roll as Gordon Mogk placed a wreath. Ontario Hydro advised council the cost of energy and main ten ance of Mmkton street lights would he more in the future. A request for severance of Lot 9, Cion. 12 was approved', The Mitche 1 Royal Canad- ian Legion extended an invit- ation to Council to attend the Meffiorial Service November llth. Council was informed that the final Unconditional Grant pay- ment of $5, 788. 50 had been received. Road accounts amohering to $10, 835, 56 and genera accounts- totaling $3, 706. 70 were app- roved. , Council then adjourned to meet again Friday, November 14 at 1 p. m with the 1969 nomin- ations Meeting being held Fri- day, November 2t at 1 p. m. At a special meeting in Oct- ober Mr. Lindsay from Pye Elec- tronics addressed Council on the installation of radios in the ftrwnship graders and it was agreed by Council that these should he insta 'led on a 3 year . 'rental basis at $47 96 per month. A. (Iilds P. Eng. Waste Management Engineer from the Ontario Department of Health and Mr, Lloyd 1XxIgsoll from .. Perth Health 1..jnit discussed with Council the sanitary land fi I situation in Logan and tegtrested that something he done in the Hear Metre as the present clump is tiedesirab c Tenders were opened for 19(10-70 snow plowing and 'en tracts awarded as follows, I. Marital) Coestrie tion '2- :1,-) HP Graders with V p ow and wine at I. rAl per hour each ; Partridge and Martin 1)se Ira( tors and snow blowers a t ;.0„00 per hole' each "Instead of a pass . . . w4--rrot—an_end around on delayed call with an option/ for a long bomb when th, linebackers blitz?" . .Men's • Wtr110911, ' was.; spent Par401) reCO01 01elltied:thit fgIttO take a /1.401; at the :thae rot ySar, that their' lairs are h941. suggested that . those that are near the lakes with. their' sum- mer Pormiatton,ot tourists should consider, holding their fair 'at the time those from clues are vacationing, These people are not familiar with farm products and would appreciate seeing live- stock, farm machinery, ladles work, children's and farm par- ades. Give thm somewhere to go and see ands join in the dance, he 'said. After a long discussion children in the school term attending the fairs the meeting adopted a proposal by John Doig, Exeter and Robert Taylor,BaY- field, that the Department of Education be asked to establish legislation permitting school pu- pils to attend the fair of their choice without being counted ab- sent. The resolution will follow channels through the Ontario ex-, ertuvie and to the association annual meeting. 'Adiscussion followed regarding the best way to collect gate receipts as many are)not paying entrance fee. If-a boy is show- ing a calf his father drives in the truck' with other members of the family riding in free or many other ways. The members were asked to bring in suggest- ions for the next meeting.