The Huron Expositor, 1969-10-30, Page 9•i•
Co-op Directors
Set Seaforth Visit Now Avairable
In 'Seaforth
Perth-Huron Nursing
School Opens Next Week
A six county tour of co-op-
erative facilities will be made
by the Board' of Directors of Un-
ited Co-operatives of Ontario
as part of the November meet- t
ing of the Board. The tour will
include UCO facilities and re-
tail co-operative facilities in
Perth, •Huron, Bruce, Grey,
Wellington and Dufferin ,Counties
The tour is scheduled for Nov-
ember 3, 4 and 5, with the board
meeting itself to be held on 'Nov-
ember 4 in Hanover, A full ag-
enda inclodes a review by the
Board of the operations for U CO'
fiscal year which ended on Sept-
ember 30, plus decisions on the
distribution of net earnings to
local member co-operatives and
individual members.
"The UM Directors have
followed this policy of visiting
with directors and staff at retail
co-operatives in Ontario during
regular board meeting dates for
several years, "- noted R. S. Mc-
Kercher, UCO President, from
Dublin, Ontario. "The purpose
'of the visits are to keep them in t
touch with the growing program
of services by co-operatives in •
Ontario and to review with elec-
ted people the challenges facing
co-operators in serving members'
needs," he said.
U CO's volume for the past
year will be well over one hun-
dred million in a wide range of
products and services, to both '
farm and home consumers, he
said. The organization has been
an established service for 55 year
essentially in feeds, crop prod-
ucts and farm supplies, and pe-
troleum, and more recently in a
widening line of consumer goods,
Mr. McKercher said.
ommodation. ,.`Clarke and Mrs. Connie Aranton.
The school is specifically de- Dr. Margaret Allan is School
signed to facilitate maximum Physician, the Rev. Father R,,
development of the professional Tremblay is School Chaplain, and
abilities and skills of the learner' Mr.' Albert Furtney School Choir
and the NUrse Educatot. Within Dix actor, •
the curriculum, the student.spends The School includes a mod-
The official opening of the
Perth-Huron Regional School o(
Nursing at Stratford will take
place Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 p. m.
In June of 1965, Dr. Matthew
Dymond; then Minister of Health
for Ontario, announced that a
target had been set of 5, KO grad-
uating nurses each year, and to
this end provision for nurse edu-
cation in SchoOls of Nursing would
be increased. This new Olio)/ re-
fleCted the growing concern at
the continuing shortage of grad-
uate nursing staff,, and was the,
Department's attempt to deal
with the basic problem. ,
From this emanated the origin-
al planning for., and the gradual
growth of, the Perth-Huron Reg-
ional School of Nursing - a com-
posite representation of the hos- •
pitals in the Counties of Perth
and Huron, to be situated adjacent
to the Stratford General Hospital.
The School is administered •
y,`„,a, Board of twenty Trustees, '- •
representing the seven hbspitals
involved, with a yearly enroll=
ment of 90 students. It offers a
two-year-plus one programme, \
encompassing the seven hospitals,
and community health agencies
throughout the two Counties, and
its purpose is to prepare nurses
for beginning practice in-Nursing.
The thitd year is an internship
year, during which, the students
will rotate through 'a selection of
the participating hospitals. That
year, the students receive pay
from the hospital and are expect-
ed to find 'their own living acc-
two days per week at the Cones-
toga 'College of Applied'Arts and
Technology for the study of Eng-
lish Literature, Biology,. Psychol-
ogy and 'Sociology.
In its beginning year, the Fa-
culty of the School consists of the
Principal, Miss M. F. Philpott, and
five Nursing Instructors, Mrs.Joyce
Pope, Miss Nelda Yantzie, Mr.
Joseph Taylor,
ern air-conditioned library, lab-
oratory classrooms, seminar
rooms, single accommorlation
for 180 students, and an auditor-
ium, gymnasium and heated
swimming pool,
Robert Wilson and Gordon M&
Kenzie represent Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital on the Board
of Trustees. "
What Is the Law?
Dear Constable:
In your column I noticed a
person asked about snowmobiles.
This was during the summer,
Well, summer is fast coming to.
a close. Would you please ad-
'vise when I may legallyiput my
studded snow tires on?
The Highway Traffic Act
states, "No person shall operate
a motor vehicle or trailer equip-
ped with studded tires on a high-
way between the 30th of April
and theist day 'of October in
any year.'"
Dear Constable:
Is it the responsibility of the
Transport Department to notify
a driver when his licence is
about to expire?
1\lo. It is the responsibility of
the individual to,make sure he
renews.bis driver's licence before
expiry- date, The Department of
Transport does send notices of
renewal applications but this is
a service only . . the onus to
renew is still on the driser him-
Dear Co-nstable:
If my doctor reports, me under ,'
Section 145a of the Highway
Traffic Act will I lose my licen-
ce? •
Not necessarily - you will he
requested to. file a medical
certificate with respect to the
condition reported - such evid-
ence is then reviewed by our
.medical consultants who are
specialists in their fields: We
have two Psychiatrists, a Neurol-
ogist and a specialist in Internal
If in their opinion you should
be suspended until your condition
improves they will make this re-
commendation to the Registrar
of Motor Vehicles. However, be-
fore any action with respect to
suspension is taken you will he
given the opportunity of a heat-
ing before the_Regisn-ar or his
represehrative to discuss the
matter • following which the re-
commendation of the consultants •
may be upheld or you may he .•
allowed to continue driving. A
suspension of this type may be
appealed thtough the Licence
Suspension Appeal. Board for a
fee of $25. 00. However,
deliberations and deciiion is
based ,on the Medical evidence
available to the Registrar at the
time the decision to suspend was
If suspended, your case will
he reviewed at any time you
wish to supply further medical
evidence evidence,of your fitness to drive..
is not protected by gates or
railway crossing ignal lights or
unless otherwise directed by a
flagman, shall stop such vehic-
le not less than 15 feet from the
nearest rail of the railway and
having stopped, shall look in
both directions along the track
and open a d9of of the vehicle
and listen for an approaching
train and, when it is safe to do
so, pall cross the'railwaynaA
in a gear that he will not need
to change while crossing the
track and he shall 'change
gears while crossing. It appears
that accidents at railway cross-
ings are increasing so I urge not
only you but everyone to be
extra careful at railway crossings.
• .1 d.
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Dear dinstable':
I transport school children
to school in a station wagon. It
is not painted black and yellow
and I carry only six children,
Do I need to stop at railway
The Highway Traffic Act
states, "The driver of - (a) a
motor• vehicle having a seating
capacity for ten or more persont,
when transporting Children to and
from school; or (b) a public ve-
hicle, upon approaching on a
highway a railway crossing that
Canada Savings Bonds can make good things
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of Canadians know this. Last .year they bought
more than three billion dollars worth. Their
r asons for buying? Simple.
!Car da Savings Bonds are easy to buy f6r cash or
on instalments whehe you work, bank or invest.
Canada Savings ponds are cold hard cash—
instantly. They can be redeemed anytime •at
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They are safe—backed by all the resources of
Canada. A very special security.
And this year Canada Savings Bonds give you,
the best return ever!
NeW Canada Savings Bono.„novv yield an
average of 8.00% a year when held to maturity.
Each $100 Bond begins with $7.00 interest for
the first year, pay $8.00 interest for each of
the next two years, and then pays $8.25 interest
for each of the last six years. On top of this you
can earn interest on your interest.
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