HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-23, Page 11••• SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPFN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON stretch your dollars in practical lest--the pressures for change and imaginative ways to services less severe. that the voters see as importaut. So you're off the hook--ten The county boundaries set in more years'-,-five more elections. the 1840's donThave much That's furthet' ahead than most meaning to most of us. They arc of us dare plan.' there--hut there is little reason • But I challenge you. believe. why they should remain'the that rho future forms of nitinicip- same. To suggest that Robert al government as well as the • Baldin's foresight is the hest quality that government can available in 197Q doesn't make he largely in your hands. You sense. We should feel free to have fen years--riot i° hideyout, review them. heads in the sands of tradition-- • Major adjustments in tax tradition-- but to think, to plan 'and to create. better responsible municipal bases will undoubtedly evolve in Canada and in Ontario in the government than any of us lave next decade. Property taxes, - known in Ontario, the foundation of 'municipal tax- That is what•faces you in the anion, will continue as.'the core coming decade. Many of you source of your revenue but.you will choose to retire with a job, ' will need to know a lot more well'done.. Some of'you will fight ' t4.1res, r,P.% vrto pednityrthe statUsequo at ,every You have seen the birth of' "turn.' if you 'do that, you will ' new regional governments in have change imposed on yon, Thai Ottawa-Carlton and in Niagara. would he sad when you have these You know of -studies in the horse-, ,precious years to think and plan. Shoe—from Bowmanville to Lake Many of your electors will wel- Simcoe to Kitchener to Brantford co ;;e new approaches to mimic- to Niagara. ipal government you brough If we look at the Ci6iden Horse-them forward. I know I would,' shoe in 1977--allowing for prov- And I believe that officials at incial`eieCti-Ons in 1971 and 1975 Queen's Park will truly he grate- government will have new forms. But. look close- ly4t the libel' structure. If you live there,' you will he part of the change. If you live in an- ful for practical ideas related to' first tier and second tier govern- ment in your area.” Here are some things to keep in mind in your new thinking Who wants to t about Christmas at a time like this? Some people (smart people) really do. They know the advantages in getting an early start. -'mart people are already finding -our collection of exciting gifts most complete. Come in now and make your selections. Use pur layaway if you wish or have your gifts beautifully wrapped at no extra charge. We're ready if you are!" - •.. LAY-A-WAY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW ANSTETT JEWELLERS • • - LTD. SEAFORTH — CLINTON — WALKERTON fr . - rimot 'talk TOP YALU (1.1.B. VAC PAC) BEANS with PORK • . a 0OMF!... 4.qt.0 .444 ....„nr • • qt...$• Wm; ' St.; "4: VP'471.ri'3T,:.‘""IPT • ••••:•,,VisPe••• COLEMAN'S EPICURE (1-LB. VAC PAC) BURNS (FARM OR LINK) PORE PON SAUSICE LAMB LOIN • : CHOPS or • c ROAST lb' .59. Y.a4•41%. tif',:fPfk"MeisMi.ssm- GIVES YOU MORE . YOUR FOOD DOLLAR! St ............................................................................ Mgr mow".wigotm20 ••,:f:Iff` CHICKEN QUARTERS LEG PORTION (BACKS ATTACHED) (BREAST PORTION' (WINGS ATTACHED) OR l•IIXED .PORTfONS COLEMAN'S OVEN READY (WITH DRESSING) ',I PORK 'SHOULDER AVAST 4 Prices Effective .° Oct. 22 - 25 Inclusive INSPECTD - GRADE E. D. $ TH si Btls. • A MIR (Twin Pock) LIQUID 2 24-oz. Plos. 69c Btls. PEANUTS .. 3 1P0k ; 99° • ......' TOMATO laTCHUP DETERGENT'-... MO ••••• SAVE 11c — MITCHELL'S 44PPIE • Tins6 Rit 40 et, 0 )4 6.oz. PEANUT BU TTER.,... 6 APPLE-RASP. or APPLE-STRAW. 48-oz. 79,0 sir COTTAGE JAM • 41" YORK FANCY SLICED ,FROZEN STRAWBERRIES or 55-oz. A30 RASPBERRIES pk g. I (PARCHMENT WRAP) TOP VALU 1-1b. Pkg ,17c . . ONE 6.2-OZ. BOTTLE OF LADY PATRICIA SHAMPOO WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF ONE 14.5-OZ. BOTTLE FOR ONLY 79c SAVE 20c — MAXWELL HOUSE FRESH ROASTED 143* BAG GROUND (spec. pack) COFFEE MARGARINE ..... s‘s. JELLY ROLL' Ft1:11'39-4 SHIRLEY GAY RASPBERRY ' 13NT. FANCY McINTOSH APPLES e.lb. 69g `Bag SOUTH AFRICAN VALENCIA ORANGE (Size 88s) ' Doz. 85e U.S. NO. 1 1 (RED at WHITE) (Site 480 10 "for .. 'Wilkinson ' 4 • 1 3 or members of your family tray- ility there will be ten regions, the trap' of accepting what i4 level. Don't fi.ght to maintain cony cooperation, el outside your own municipality' all with two tiers of government, and looking fOr inioor arljbst-, the status quo; optestion it , These are the U counties .' to shop, conduct business, for The regional government war be merits of the, traditional pat- (' instead and let some new ideas where imaginative and practical recreation or entertainnaent, for truly the senior level of goyern- tern, Think big. Think about flow. One of the-'best approach-leadership could have early and': schooling at all levels to work meet in terms of tannin fin- the world we are approaching; es is to se "If red develOrexciting results. Even if die re- 8. , NriC.? — 4.4114jRi fApOppivig #1)91it $0YrnmPt.., added ineeni4y 'e• to you co• an, r. e, err Man's feeling of community • '10 `Masts. for eh tr in , Beirienther that Am addressing cellSokidate,intO:StronAer 944`SitriPP one. Pr has grown larger and larger. This county government th ghntit these rerilark$ particularly to • icipalitie$ thrOti hent the CitteS•gt Sq440-0,P:iirrk:5, OA/ year we included the moon in Ontario during 'the 89's, those of you Irony outside the • -county, . , (its„nrhall pomillgori fi inti:Oli ,. our community. just contrast . The whole area will have one Oaldell HorSeslioe.-1' Be prepared to review and re': 40-1:,!1::414P4/Cel)T*4_,C",,n6r-, A your sense, of "community” with 'or more fauns of regional gbv- LOopen up yOUr thinking. it i arrange rtitinieipal flinctiOn$ PoPknatiOn., Therefore; unWnw: that of 1939, flow often do you ernment by 1977. In all probab- is too easy to be caught in ,- to attach them to the best be. able to set examples ill •clIr • .-„ to,nhurch, for conferences, to less of where we've been. Be • y: suits achieved don't represent ancing, information and. report-ing municipal administration visit or °a vacation? Add to that ing systems, and the proViding . imaginative, the way in which we'now th r move of services at boar the local and; Keep in mind the tentative for Ontario for the'first time, the final' form 'of municipal gov- how would I go about it?" Un- ernment for the next 120 years, from one place to another, regional level, Without question, criterion of 8-'10, 000 people less you do this, you are for- you will have taken a giant step Municipal government con- all communities including cities minimum for a-first-level 'ever napped on .the treadmill towards placing a good'. part Of terns are more complex and will be part of the regions The municipality: I' am not sure of past practiCe. your municipal futule in your cover a wider area. The current divorce of the city from the that such a level needs to be Filially., talli about -the ideas, own capable hands., adhered to outside the heavily , urban areas. The practical common sense that all 'of you •-on County Councils, possess td an impressive degree will suggest to you when a lesser • figure would be more realistic, But keep in close-5, 000, , not 500. You claim you Want strong 'municipal government in Ontario. You won't get it with weak municipalities. And' I refer to,small ones. Consolid- ate for your own strengthening. Recognize that the cities that • you now surround will event- ually be part of an area or regional government. Start your discussions with the cit- ies to determine how you can cooperate in more and Tore ways. Since "rep by pop" is still the basic' rule, the in- clusion of cities represents 'an The present county structure was developed, in the 1840's. Suit for your interest, my earliest ancestor in Canada settled Caledon Township of Peel County at about the same time after a few years in Elgin County. Later my grandfather, John McCallum, with his brothers, W'as an early settler in Derby Township of Grey County, later retiring to Port. Elgin in Bruce. Sly father's family farmed in ,East Zorra -Township of Oxford. My father farmed in Niagara Township of Lincoln County wher'e I was hom. However, I grew up in York County -- on the edge of New- market, Whit church Township arid East Gwillimbury Township (where I first met and respected Caroline Ion 4-- your gracious girl of all talent). 1 shared with many of you the optimistic feelings about the future of counties that seemed justified in 1965 to 1967. Re- member those days? Assessment was a new and major department. County.libraries and family ser- ' vice ,units were new in some counties. Now look; jails and the ad: ministration of justice are pro-, vincial functions: Assessment is going the same way and will, I believe, never return to a county. The old tie-in between Council and boards of education is gone-- and I believe the gap will wid- en as hoard members leirr, to grapple with county-wide pro- , ,blems, manage money and get re-elected. ,Boards of, Health now usually include cities or other cou'hties so it is no longer like another County Committee. ' Carleton, Lincoln and Welland.4 are portions of regional govern- ments. Two years ago now I wrote with some optimism about the future of counties in the "Munioipal' World": Now'I see the writing on the wall: What are some of our recent ,• observations about municipalit- ies, and the world in general? You have heard many of these points before so I'll he brief: Farming has become a completer ly modern business. .few farms prodUce most of our food. Many of us who grew up on farms in the twenties and, thirties now swell urban populations. Farm- ing has changed, the rural ern- - phasic has changed,• and all of, - • us want to live with urban s6r-t and growing concern over our county will he ended and I for terrible pollution of water, air, one will applaud this move. The soil and landscape can never he day of a separate council for a solved in one municipality. The village or township of a few hun- increased transportation of prod- dred people will be ended. Most ucts and people by water, rail, provincial grants to regions and road, air and pipeline virtually municipalities will be nonqcon- ignores municipal boundaries. ditional and you will have much, We oommunicate readily with more freedom on your expendi- people in other provinces and tore decisions than you do today. countries. fa a fast changing You can see that by 1977 I world, planning can't take place have disposed of 12 counties plus only at a local metre(, Thus the Metro Toronto with new approach- „province is taking on more re- ' es to.regional government. This • sponssibili ties. area accounts for nearly 4000000 Your electorate is becon.ing people of Southern Ontario's better'edUcated—less concerned 7, 000, 000. with tradition. You can, I be- Most of you come:from the lieve, expect increased public 25 other .counties of Southern support for strengthened and im- Ontario. I believe that there proved municipal organization will he few changes in your, and administration. You will county boundaries, municipal not get many marks in future structures or services until the . for finding ways to get more prov---end of the 70's. implementing 'incial money and use lcSs stun- the other changes will take much ic'ipal money, 'That money all time and effort of provincial comes out of my pockcti Your' officials. The rate of change in electorate will 1pok to you to' _your counties. will he more taro- . discuss them, be prepared to In the other 14 counties away experiment and to modify. Support your recommendations' f ornsiesO4t eaw, aopapnodutulineitiGeosldtben Horseshoe, • clearly. Bring your ideas here, change seem more complex, Take them to Queen's Park, For instance, London and Windsor The responle should hew- , ' ,s,-,obraging and you will standaby reiu county nt.;h 1paorgpeuriattlron n.thyee ntethare- . the best possible chance, of ' ' Ptah, nation in your county, you will getting closest to what you Middlesex Council has already nt for your area. the county—that is commend- Let developed ideas for costtucturing want. . . me he more specific. Of sit- the 2.5 counties with time to able, No matter what,the several seem to have am excellent end tip with the best forms of opportunity to develop tentative rounieipal government only if regional governments within pros- you start planning ahead. Other- cut county boundaries, Huron, Bruce, Northumberland and wise the changes will he impos- bruce, Durham, and Prescott and Russell.. ed on you, n, ha\ e substantial populations, no as wtito t. government ha v eiufo known irtit s din aryiOngnt6f io cities and not excessive distances natural causes. It will be dead Grunt place to place,., You have In 2.0 years, 1 believe that bet- theliip hest chance to give leader-. re r forms of municipal govern- . mem will take its place. And I. Grey, Kent,' Land*, Leeds •challenge you to give leader- Inquiries, are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON 402-0421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas Or Bill Pinder 527-1302 ,Bus. 527.1750, f. tb I Donald L. King, la Prineipal of Stevenson and Ke'log Ltd., Toronto, management constilt- ants This, e e t made to the. annual convention of the Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario in Belleville. By Donald King County government in Ont- ario as we have' known it is dy- ing of natural causes. It will be dead in 20 years. been .appt?lnted:lsSirt'AgiV COUnty. . isHe - a native ,of -Kent, Coup- ,prog.,:-iieef...and ;ash crop :Over,'" . anon.. Following. his education at the RidOtOwn Distfick IIigh SehoOl', he : ei.iTaged, at' the' giri:Agi94144a1 College, 01011, whkre he 0.10.fe$fiir ie.nce An4,grouaLea viloyhm, B. s;A:, "copY5#0`00.R. 1;9611 , • He was active in many stu- dent. functions at college, In hiS final year, he washarr- man"'•ofjlie ..pnion' un Finance Commrttee, Director Of the :Campus Co-Operative, Treas- urer of his year active in the University Soils• ship in providing us with the best kind of municipal govern mentthat is possible, A great deal of the future is in your hands. Please handle it carefully. and rrops..Cluti. .et14..,paTtiipgq4 in .College ; 11rAv.!_P,PleSq -.1"/1.11,- the, Ontario Dep eloYotekp Altp74,,40 Feqd, for three supix ifiers two ,--.at...41K-RiclOtqwn. College of Agri:041twO.I'voitiopii;,.Crgri$7 .4,00 .1.05t, keg. ancL,CropA" Bran 4,94 St aff 1.1eik 9U, lctealS19n ,office at 4141AmiliOt ponsibliitics will be tin- he of Field Crop F,rodoctioR and Marketing, ' • • • Tiouvry votrogg$:., maiikop-Thrif4, Tli„tqapys, met at the home- of Nit§.:4•Rni. Murray and were shown:how to make cord for tote bags:The girls discussed the exhibit' for ' Achievement Day and the cow ers for record books, . • Classified Ads pay dilvttletida..